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September 17, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-17

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To day - NO 2-3241

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom









-Daily-David Arnold
NEW MEDICAL SCIENCE BUILDING-The aluminum and brick structure, under construction for
two years, houses the nursing school, the pathology department and departments of the medical
school in its three connected buildings. A tunnel provides a quick way to reach the University hospital
from the new medical unit.
Medical Science Unit Opened

Three University units have
moved into the new; $8.5 million
Medical Science Building in the
Medical Center complex surround-
ing University hospital.
The 279,871 square foot struc-
ture includes three connected
buildings, housing the nursing
school, the pathology department
and departments of the medical
To Register
Today incoming freshmen will
go through the experience of col-
lege registration for the first time.
Pre - registration meetings are
scheduled for all groups. The
freshmen will be instructed by
their orientation leaders in the
wheres, whens, howl and whys of
The leaders will accompany their
groups to Waterman Gymnasium,
where they will offer assistance
both before and after the freshmen
enter the maze of booths within
the registration center.
Groups to Separate
In the afternoon the groups will
separate, the women going to the
Michigan League, the men, to the
Michigan Union. The League and
Union are sponsoring forums from
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. to acquaint the
new student with activities on the
Speakers will address the groups
and question-and-answer periods
will provide opportunities for the
freshmen to learn a variety of in-
formation about campus organiza-
tions, activities and traditions, and
to answer any general questions
the students may have.
Coke Dates Scheduled
All afternoon the Union Ball-
room will be the site of annual
Orientation Week "coke dates."
New students will gather there to'
dance, sip eokes, chat with friends,
and meet other freshmen.
This evening each residence hall
has scheduled a house meeting
from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Hill Auditorium will be the focal
point of the Orientation Program
from 7:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. as
freshmen gather to hear the an-
nual President's Address. Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher will
greet the students and welcome
them to university life.
Today's program will end with
an all-campus sing to take place
on the diagonal at 9 p.m. This
year marks the first time that
lights have been used at the sing,
enabling students to see as well as
hear their neighbors. The sing is
planned to acquaint new students
with the University's various tra-
ditional songs.
SBX Begins.
Sales T oda

Included in the medical school's
unit are the administrative offices
of the school, the bio-chemistry.
department and the pharmacology
department. The medical school
has vacated the West Medical
building and the pharmacology
building, which is being razed.
The aluminum and brick struc-
ture has been under construction
for two years with funds appro-
priated by the state legislature. It
was designed by Geffels and Ros-
setti, a Detroit architectural firm.
The building is connected to Uni-
versity hospital by a tunnel.
Dean Rhoda 'F. Reddig of the
nursing school described as "won-
derful" the new facilities for her
group. These include the admAnis-
trative offices of the school, class-
rooms, a nursing arts demonstra-
tion laboratory and a nutrition
and food preparation laboratory.
The school formerly occupied
the basements of West Couzens
Hall and Beale dormitory. With
an enrollment increase of more
Daily Staffs
Seek Tryouts;
All Welcome,
Tryout meetings for the Michi-
gan Daily will be held next week
for those interested in joining the
editorial, sports, business, or pho-
tography staffs, according to Dale
Cantor, '59, personnel director.
There will be four meetings so
that all students may attend. They
will be held Sept. 24, 25, and 26
at 4:15 p.m. and on Sept. 25 at
7:15 p.m. in the evening.
"We welcome all interested stu-
dents," Miss Cantor remarked.
"Opportunities for advancement
are unlimited."
sThe meetings will be held at
the Student Publications Building,
420 Maynard.
Union Re

than 100 per cent since 1952 to
624 students last spring, the old
quarters were quite cramped, Dean
Reddig explained. The school now
has facilities to expand enrollment
further if necessary, she said.
A second medical science unit
has been planned, but no money
has been appropriated from the
state legislature for construction.
Jobs Open
. em
To Stuens
Although many Ann Arbor bisi-
nesspeople indicate they have no
vacant positions, a wide variety of
jobs on and off campus remain
open to students.
A number of- fraternities and
sororities have "meal jobs" open.
Men'who wait tables are paid with
meals in such jobs.
Likewise, many students may
find employment in the dormitory
cafeterias, libraries and offices. In-
formation on other jobs may- be
obtained from the University Per-
sonnel Office, or from the Union
and League.
Managers of restaurants near
the campus varied in their re-
sponses, a few saying they had
openings for busboys or would
have in the future but many say-
ing students employed last year
would be back to fill the vacancies.
Book-store managers also replied
that student help from last year
would be ample for their needs.
Gift and clothing stores managers
indicated little need for students,
although a few sales positions for
women are available.
Gas stations near the campus
have few vacancies, according to
managers, with experienced men
required for the openings which
do exist or will later in the se-

'U' Offers
Many New
Fall Courses
LS&A Adds Classes
To Honors Program
A number of -new courses will
be offered at the University this
The literary college -honors pro-
gram has added two courses, one
in humanities and one in science.
College Honors 31, The Renais-
sance, to be taught by Prof. John
Atrhos, is designed to examine the
principal ideas and attitudes in
philosophy and the arts and to
"relate the achievements of the
Renaissance to modern mentali-
ty." Petrarch, Machiavelli, Leo-
nardo and Descartes will be
Science Survey Offered
College Honors 33, Revolution-
ary Ideas in Science, will be
taught by Professors Lawrence
Aller, William Kelly, William
Lands, Noah Sherman and Law-
rence Slobodkin.
It will include a lecture, discus-
sions and lab demonstrations to
survey evolution through a study
of the "origin and development of
the inanimate universe from the
viewpoint of astronomy, physics,
chemistry and geology ."
Biological evolution will be
demonstrated by analysis of liv-
ing and fossil organisms; theories
of the origin of life will be sur-
The economics department has
inaugurated two new courses this
semester. Economics 130, Indus-
trial Organization, for 3 hours
credit, will be under the direction
of a new faculty member, Harold
Survey USSR Economics
Economics 195, Survey of the
Soviet Union, will be an upper-
class course for two hours credit.
No prerequisites are needed. Prof.
William Ballis of the polftical
science department will be the in-
The history department is of-
fering History -189, History of
History, for the first time this fall.
Prof. Stephen Tonsor will teach
the three credit hours course. Dis-
cussion will be on the develop-
ment of historical thought and
historical writings.
Astronomy 21 and 23, General
Astronomy: The Solar System, is
a four credit hours course in-
cluding a lecture and laboratory
period. The lecturer will be Prof.
William Liller.
The English department has
added a survey course which in-
cludes lecture and recitation per-
See UNIVERSITY, page 5


Political Sc
Political science should take its
rightful place in contributing to
world peace in the nuclear age,
Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman
of the University's political science
department, said recently.
Addressing the International
Political Science Association meet-
ing in Rome, he said, "Natural and1
physical scientists are now the
darlings of governments. Billions
of dollars worth of fantastic
equipment are lavished upon them
and they are assisted by thou-
sands of helpers.
"But political scientists, on
whom rests the responsibility of
understanding and of making pub-
lic knowledge of power relation-
ships, are impoverished and ne-
glected." l
Prof. Pollock's keynote address
completed his three-year term as
IPSA president.
If political scientists are not to
be swallowed up in these new cos-
mic developments, we must devel-
op a broader research strategy and
have a greater exchange of in-
sights and skills," he said.
According to Prof. Pollock, the
greatest problem of our age is to
assimilate the pace of scientific
discovery into our social and gov-
ernmental processes. "Political
scientists must not be pushed
aside or overwhelmed by the de-
velopment of science and tech-
nology," he said.
"We must speed up the process
of self-improvement and devel-
opment. We must broaden our
UN Assembly
Elects Malik
As, President
The United Nations opened a
crisis-ridden General Assembly
yesterday with election of a pro-
Western Arab leader as president.
The election of Lebanese Foreign
Minister Charles Malik was an
initial victory for the United
States and its allies, but they faced
bitter debate in the weeks ahead
on fundamental issues dividing
East and West.
Malik won on the first ballot by
a vote of 45-31 over Mohammed
Ahmed Mahgoub, the Sudanese
Foreign Minister whose candidacy
in the 81-nation assembly was sup-
ported by all the Arab League
states except Lebanon.
Malik received 6 votes more
than the required majority of 39.
Four nations abstained and Israel
was absent because of the Rosh
Hashana holiday.
Ma-ik withdrew last year to per-
mit unanimous election of Sir
Leslie Munro of New Zealand.
At the last moment the Czech
delegation announced it was with-
drawing the candidacy of its vet-
eran delegate, Jiri Nosek, and sup-
porting Mahgoub. But even with
the backing of the nine-nation
Soviet bloc, Mahgoub failed to
Both candidates were from
states belonging to the Arab
League, but Malik's avowed pro-
Western stand cost him the sup-
port of many Arab states.
Faubus Calls
Force Illegal
LITTLE ROCK (P)-Gov. Orval
E. Faubus said last night the
Eisenhower administration wanted
to avoid use of troops to enforce
school integration because "they
know it is illegal."

Faubus' comment was in refer-

concerns and not forget that we
have a special responsibility for
policy decisions. Above all we need
a great increase in the financial
resources available for our type of
"Notwithstanding the develop-
ment of digital computers," Prof.
Pollock continued, "electronic
brains and automatons, the need
remains for governments to make
right decisions that reflect sound
judgments as well as scientific
' There are many situations
where political or administrative
decisions are made by specialists
without adequate political or pub-
lic review, according to Prof. Pol-
"Despite the present preoccupa-
tion with rockets and missiles, in-
ner space is still more important
to us than outer space, and man
is still his own greatest danger.
We must somehow learn to con-
trol and assimilate our scientific
developments and see that they
are utilized for our welfare and
not for our destruction."

cience Must Aid Peace

NEWPORT, R.I. (A)-The Eisenhower administration announced
yesterday it is holding up federal action "at this time" in the hope
public pressure will force reopening of Southern schools- shut down
to halt integration.
Attorney General WilliamP Rogers made it plain, however, after
a summer White House conference with President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, that the federal government will take whatever legal action
it can to get the schools open if "
local authorities fail to do so.
Rogers did not rule out the possi- li na 'c"e
bility of federal, troops being called
out again.
Flies to WashingtonAo n n
Rogers flew here from Washing--
ton to report on the integration TO Com m ittee
problem in Little Rock, and Vir-
ginia in particular. Dean Emeritus Samuel T. Dana
After meeting with the President of the natural resources school was
he issued a statement saying the
justice department is -withholding appointed yesterday by President
a decision "as to any appropriate Eisenhower to the newly estab-
legal moves at this time." lished Outdoor Recreation Re-
The attorney general said his sourcesReview Commission,
statement was approved by the
president. Dean Dana is one of seven non-
Not Inviting Faubu Congressional members on the 15-
White House Press Secretary member Commission. The other
James C. Hagerty, who was with members consist of four Senators
Rogers, was asked how the Presi- and four Congressmen.
dent reacted to a statement by The purpose of the Commission
Gov. Orval E. Faubus that he is to report to the President and
would be receptive to- another Congress by Sept. 1, 1961, on trends
meeting with the chief executive. in leisure, population, transporta-
"He hasn't any reaction," tion and other areas concerning
Hagerty replied. outdoor recreation.

decorates Dining Room.

LOS ANGELES--Man's initial journey into space has been indefi-
nitely postponed because of radiation discovered by Explorer satellites,
a scientist said yesterday.
Albert R. Hibbs, back from the International Astronautical Fed-
eration Convention in Amsterdam, said a band of radiation surround-
ing the earth is much more intense than was believed.
The intensity was disclosed by Explorers I and II, and reported
in detail by Explorer IV,
** * *
CAPE CANAVERAL-The Navy's tempermental Vanguard satellite
rocket failed another big launching test today.
Although the first stage engine ignited, the slender missile and its
21 -pound satellite payload never got off the ground and the shoot
was postponed. /
* * *
LANSING-A plea to unprotected Michigan residents to get
vaccinated against polio without delay came today from Dr. Albert E.
Heustis, state health commissioner.
WARSAW, Poland--United States Ambassador Jacob Beam re-

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