"Wear It Proudly"
Sixty-Ninth Year
The Labor Question:
se. m.
Opnilons Are free
itb Will Prevail'
itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or g the editors This must be noted in all reprints.
AY, FEBRUARY 20, 1959
Students Hold Bag
As GOP PSeeks Political Edge
EVERY STUDENT in every state-supported is pay their money within five years or two
college or university in the state pays an
extra $45 per semester-they can defer pay-
ment for awhile, as l ong as they pledge the
money now-they can help the Republicans out
of a terrible political jam.
The Republicans feel that they desperately
need an issue with which to attack the Gov-
ernor. They think that they have found a pretty-
good one: the state's financial troubles.
Their problem is to maintain, or, if possible,
to expand this bit of trouble into a major
catastrophe so they can get the governor out
of office "before he ruins the state."
Since they control both houses of the Legisla-
ture, this is a fairly easy thing to do. They can
just do as they have been doing, refuse to allow
a reasonable new taxing structure to.be built.
But' there is a rub; if the state goes com-
pletely to hell in the meanwhile, -people are not.
likely to accept "it's the damn fiscally irre-
sponsible governor" theory unquestioningly.
They, the people of the state, are likely to
wonder what the Republican-dominated Legis-
lature has been doing all these years.
And a lot of people are going to begin think-
ing that the state is well on its way to hell
when their children cannot be taken into col-
lege. They might find out that not since 1957
has the legislature-the Republican-dominated
Legislature-given the colleges and universities
of this state the money for capital outlay.
jF THE LEGISLATURE says "there was no
money," the people might then ask, "Why
were then no new taxes?" Then it would cause
a problem. The Legislature cannot very well
tell' them that new taxes would solve the whole"
financial crisis and that that would let the
governor off the hook, can they?
That is where the students come in. They
are only asking for $45 dbllars,a semester (and
if the students want to mortgage their future
instead of the present, that is okay, too) so they
can use your money-or your pledge-so they
can'float a $100,000,000. loan. They can use this
money to build a few buildings, and, at the
same time, they won't have to worry about
solving the basic problem.
Representative Bowerman, from Lansing, who
proposed the bill is allowing the students such
generous terms, he cannot understand why the
college and university administrators are not
willing to get there new buildings at the cheap
cost of only causing a little financial hardship.
These students who cannot afford the $90 a
year in the increased "hidden tuition" do not
have to worry, they can mortgage their future
on very reasonable terms. All they have to do
years after they are through with their educa-
THIS IS VERY GENEROUS, if a couple wants,
to get married right after college they can
do this-they still have a little period of grace.
Of course, it might be better to defer having,
kids for a while. But this isn't so bad-the debt
will be paid off in four years.
Of course, it might be better-at least for
awhile-to stay away from low-paying profes-
sions like teaching.
Once the student gets rich, then he can take
risks. And there is no question that the stu-
dent will get rich. Representative Bowerman
says he's heard. that college graduates earn
during their life-times, $100,000 more than non-
college graduates. This is why no students will
mind paying the extra money.
OF COURSE this is not exactly why some of
the Republicans, like Representative James
Warner think students, go to college.
Representative Warner told an Ann Arbor
audience that the state's educational system
was designed to give the state people with spe-
cial skills, like doctors, lawyers and engineers.
Since this is the purpose of education, it is easy
to.understand why the Legislature continually
scoffs at the University's attempt to get an
appropriation to build a new building for the
music school,
But perhaps the Republicans are missing a.-
better scheme. Since all students who do not
get some type of technical training, are ob-
viously useless-they probably go to college
just for the extra $100,000, why not exempt all
those who are in technical training from the
$45 increase and apportion that amount among
the rest of the students.
There is one problem involved with this, of
course: would those going into teaching fall
under technical or non-technical classification?
If it were decided that they were in a techni-
cal curriculum, how would their fees be made
up? About the only possible solution would be
to add still another $45 to the people of Legis-
lative scorn: the students in music school.
It would be somewhat ironic if the Re-
publicans then had to back a tax reform to
raise the money to administer the system.
But the students may be so grateful to the
Republicans for the opportunity to contribute
to the welfare of the state, they may be happy
to pay the $45 and then no new taxes would
be necessary.
And then maybe the Republicans could really
fix the governor.
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Work Week
By The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - AFL-
CIO President George Meany
forecast yesterday a permanent
American army of five to six mil-
lion unemployed unless the work
week is shortened, wages are
boosted substantially and govern-
ment spending is increased.
- "We've got to directly turn our
attention to a shorter work week,"
Meany said. "Now is the time."
Speaking at a news conference,
the top U.S. Union leader said the
nation's economy, under what he
called President Eisenhower's
closed-fist spending policies, is
growing far too slowly. Meany said
the economy is not creating enough
jobs for a fast growing population
which constantly is learning to
produce more by machine with
fewer workers.
As an example', Meany said the
output of the steel industry now
is higher than it was 20 months
ago but 100,000 fewer workers are
"That doesn't seem to bother
the government economists,"
Meany said.
*# * *
HE STATED U.S. production-
had recovered about three-fourths
of what it lost in the depths of
the recession but that only one-
fourthof the recession-idled work-
ers had got their jobs back.
The latest official jobless figure
was 4,724,000 in January, up sev-
eral hundred thousand over the
figure for January a year ago.
"These are some of the things
that really scare us," Meany said.
"Unless this trend is reversed we
may face a permanent army of
unemployed of five to six million.
"We are sowing the seeds of our
own destruction. With this loss of
purchasing power it will only be a
question of time before we go into
a deep depression that will give
Communist Russia victory over
Capitalism without even firing a
* * *
MEANY SAID the economy must
step up the pace of its growth
considerably or "we are definitely
headed for an econom collapse."
He asserted high labor officials
had explained this to President
Eisenhower at a White House con-
ference last March.
"While the President listened
very atte'ntively, I don't think he
got the message," Meany said.
,Additional work must be pro-
vided for a growing American work
force or "we'll have to shoot about
10 per cent of our population,"
Meany said.
Unions will seek to reduce the
present standard 40-hour work
week, he added, both through col-
lective bargaining and congres-
sional legislation.,
Meany spoke with reprters after
the AFL-CIO Executive Council,
holding a winter session on this
Caribbean island, put out a state-
ment urging Congress to provide
about three billion dollars over
the Eisenhower administration's
budget for housing, schools, de-
pressed area and slum clearance.
"These urgent public issues can-
not be solved by blind insistence on
budget balancing at the expense
of jobs and human needs," the
Council said.
By The Associated Press
NEW HAVEN, Conn. ()-Henry
Ford II last night accused "Big
Labor" of standing in the way of
a "new productive explosion in the
American economy."
The Ford Motor Company Presi-
dent said that labor has become an
overly powerful bulwark of an "ex-
treme left-wing economic view-
point" that is inhibiting national
"In terms of unfettered power,
big labor is the strongest single
center in the American economy,"~
Ford said. "It isusing that poweA
not to increase the growth of the
American pie, but to ut out a
largerishare for its constituents.
"In the process, it is unques-
tionably thwarting the very im-
provement in productivity and the
increased economic growth that it
says it wants."
In a speech prepared for a Yale.
University lecture series-the same
rostrum from which United Auto
Workers President Walter Reuther
spoke last fall - Ford called for
steps to limit "the monopoly power
of unions."
* * *
HE SAID the AFL-CIO has be-
come "the most aggressive, ascend-
ant force in American politics,"
and that a few of its leaders have
become "careless about means" to
accomplish "their own brand of
social ends."
"They are masters of the righ-
teous slogan, the thinly veiled ap-
peal to selfish interest, the glib
response to the serious and com-
plex problems," Ford said.
Because they are politically
adroit and measure highly' per-
suasive publicists, economic under.
standing is being done a measur-
able harm, misinformation is mul'
tiplied, and the Democratic pro-
cess itself is impaired."
In material terms, Ford said,
America's "future prospect is
breath-taking .. . we have had a
scientific explosion that has yet
to be translated into an economic
explosion of like magnitude."
*. * *
AS STEPS to foster this poten-
tial growth, he urged:
1) A halt to trade union policies
that resist new methods and tools
for increased production, and
which retard efficiency by insisting
on "extreme seniority rules" and
de-emphasis on incentives for per-
2) Revised tax policies, allow-
ing businessprofits to gain along
with other economic growth. He
said that in the last 10 years,
returns on manufacturing capital
dropped from 16 to 11 per cent,
while employee wages rose 50 per
3) Stimulation of greater con.
sumption of goods and services by
developing new and improved pro-
4) More effective use of the re-
sources of industry and govern-
ment to maintain "high and stable
levels of employment and income."
He said the best hope for stop-
ping a drift toward "government
controlled economy and for open-
ing the door to exuberant econom-
ic growth" is for mderate, middle-
income citizens to get into politics.
:, r',
Revolutionaries Face Money Troubles
CASTRO'S Cuba came under fire
again this week. The /two and
me-half month old provisional
cabinet suddenly resigned en mass
as Prime Minister Jose Miro Car-
dona stepped down from the na-
tional post. Provisional president
Manuel Urrutia immediately
moved to fill the governmental
vacuum with the still-bearded
revolutionary hero Fidel Castro.
Following the usual pattern,
American observers resumed their
criticism which began shortly aft-
er the revolution when Castro or-
dered war criminal trials for Ba-
tista's henchmen. This time the
criticism centered on the assump-
tion that the young Castro would
seize dictatorial control of the
fledgling Cuban government. They
are probably right.
* * *
PLAGUED by a rapidly falling
foreign exchange, an almost non-
existent tourist trade and jobless
workers, Cuba faces an even great-
er dilemma than during the early
days following the crumbling of
the Batista regime.
Workers are restless, demanding
higher pay and more jobs. Thous-
ands of Havana citizens, almost
dependent on the once-flourishing
tourist trade, are demanding the
reopening of the plush casinos to
stimulate the flow of American
dollars into the country. The
peddler on the street has no cus-
tomers for his hand-carved trink-
ets and the sugar plantation own-
er has no one to harvest his sugar
Ex-dictator Batista squandered
$423 million, leaving Cuba with
some $60 less than the legal re-
serve minimum. Most of it is
stashed away in the United States.
Only a small amount has been re-
covered for the sadly depleted
government reserves.
* * *
CUBA NOW faces a crisis that
could determine whether it will
wallow in, financial troubles for
the years to come. The country
stands on the threshold between
prosperity and poverty. The only
other strong faction that has
promised economic security for
the Cuban people is the Commu-
Calling All
ALL qualified students inter-
ested in reviewing music,
drama, movies, or art for The
Michigan Daily are invited to
attend a meeting at the Stu-
dent Publications Building on
Wednesday, February 25, 7:30
nist Party, called the Partido So-
cialista Popular.
The chaos of the past few weeks
has given the Communists ample
opportunity to consolidate their
forces. Their strategy is simple.
By hanging on the glory that sur-
rounds Castro, the Reds have
broadened their support through-
out the tiny island. Their next
move would have been taken if the
revolutionary hero had not ac-
cepted the cabinet post. While the
economic problems mount for the
premier and his supporters, the
efficiently-operating Communists
could have stepped in to offer
security to the aroused workers
and farmers.
But this chance faded when the
popular Castro moved into the
governmental post.
* * * -
FIDEL CASTRO will probably
take more, control of the govern-
ment than was exercised by his
predecessor. This is to be expected.
He will probably have to shed his
drab brown khakies for a white
tie and suit thus losing some of
the glory that surrounds the mili-
tary hero. His inexperience will
probably have to be offset by the
men lie chooses for his cabinet.
Cuba's crisis will have to be
solved. The problem -early this
week was who would take the re-
sponsibility. The q u e s t i o n is
whether it would be Castro's Cuba
or the Communists' Cuba.
t Allies Show Flexibility
AT LEAST in its method the Allied note to
the Soviet Union, which was published this
week, is new and different. It is an invitation
to hold a conference about Germany which
does not lay down in advance what can be and
what cannot be discussed, what must be agreed
to. This does not mean that the Allies no longer
have positions from which they will not retreat,
as for example that they will not withdraw
their troops in West Berlin until the whole of
Berlin becomes once again the capital of a
reunited Germany. The novelty and the differ-
ence in the present approach is that the note
is not a broadside in a propaganda game but a
simple and unconditional invitation to confer
and to negotiate.
This would not have been possible if the
Western powers had not reached the conclusion
that there are in fact subjects to negotiate
about. Behind the simple words of the note
there lies the fact that we have now agreed
among ourselves that we can protect our vital
interests in Europe while we negotiate on a
number of subjects which have, until recently,
been regarded as untouchable.
This is the so-called new flexibility. It covers,
for 'example, the idea that reunification need
not begin with free elections although some
day the reunited Germany must have free
elections. It covers the idea that it is possible
to negotiate de facto with the East German
state. It covers the idea that it is possible to
discuss a regional agreement for the reduc-
tion and limitation of armaments in Central
WE MUST now wait to see how the Kremlin
reacts. It can accept the invitation to
confer and negotiate, reserving its own position
for the conference which must, if it is to be at
all successful, be carried on confidentially in the
preliminary and exploratory stages. Or the
Kremlin can issue a new public broadside of its
gh1t £irhmnan &tilu
demands and its terms, in which case it will be
painfully clear that the Kremlin does not now
want to negotiate. Or the Russians can negoti-
ate confidentially, say through Mr. Macmillan
or through diplomatic channels, about the cir-
cumstances of the conference to which the
West has invited them.
Let us hope that in making up their minds
how to react the Russians will not draw the
wrong the wrong conclusion from the fact of
Secretary Dulles's illness. The wrong conclu-
sion would be that the less Mr. Dulles is able to
participate, the more flexible and the more
disunited will be Western policy. The exact
opposite is the truth. The less able Mr. Dulles
is to over-see American and Allied policy and
to cover it with his special authority, the more
rigid will be the American position, the more
intransigent will be Mr. Adenauer. It is Mr.
Dulles who has made possible the new flexi-
bility in Western policy, and much may depend
upon whether Mr. Mikoyan realized that when
he was here and has made it plain to Mr.
THE RUSSIANS could easily misunderstand
this crucial fact. They have their own long
standing stereotype that Mr. Dulles is unyield-
ing and implacable. They have highly simplified
views of human character and of human be-
havior, and they have a rather dangerously
simplified view of Mr. Dulles, who is in fact a
complicated man. The Russians may not be able
to appreciate quickly enough that their view
of Mr. Dulles as a monolithic character is a
mistaken one.
They may be confirmed in their prejudice by
much that is being printed in this country. In
many quarters Mr. Dulles is being pictured as
a kind of granite monument which never
changes and never bends no matter what the
winds that blow. This is mythology, and al-
though it is intended as adulation, it does less
than Justice to this worldly and experienced
man. The myth has little relation to the fact
that John Foster Dulles is and always has been
a very practical man who measures the strength
of the forces about him and sets his course
,anrds ~
Reader Defends Fraternity System
To the Editor:
THE RECENT Daily articles on
fraternities seemed to bring up
several old charges based on a
conception of the fraternity sys-
tem as the last adolescent, sick
remnant of the world of F. Scott
Fitzgerald. Whether or not this
is seemingly true of some ele-
ments, closer consideration would
show that, some of the main
charges brought by the system's
critics were largely fallacious.
1) "Fraternities are a conspiracy
against education." - A survey of
the various literary college honors
programs would probably show
them to be made up of at least
one-third fraternity and sorority
members. These people are not,
further, in those programs due to
the use of menacing exam files.
Exam files in most cases can only
point the direction a professor
thinks the course is taking; they,
cannot teach the course overnight
by a short-cut method. Further,
the best exam file on campus is
being put together in the base-
ment of the undergraduate li-
brary; no fraternity I have seen
has one to compete with the file I
maintained as a freshman for a
residence hall.
2) "Fraternities are based on
ritualistic rot." - Nonsense! Fra-
ternities change by-laws regularly,
ritual seldom (and then usually
by dropping some) which seems
to indicate their relative import-
cratic, stifle the individual and re-
strict his choice of friends." Fra-
ternity pledging policies are realis-
tically designed to maintain a
group that can stand to live -
gether for three years and to be
identified one with the other. Per-
haps that is undemocratic. But in
the system as a whole, almost any
man can pledge some house. If he,
cannot pledge the "elegant" Tri-
Kaps it is probably because he is
not elegant. To pledge it, if he
could, would lead only to pressures
to an unnatural conformity. Fra-
ternities, on this campus, have no
ability to deprive anyone of any-
thing but membership in a minor-
ity group. And unless a man is be-
ing deprived of membership in all
such groups he cannot claim to be
denied anything but the gratifica-
tion of his own snobbery.-
The chief advantage of a frater-
nity is that it offers an opening
for continuing close friendships
and a chance for men to organize
strongly within the university
community. Any social advantages
and any influences to conformity,
as well as, in the end, the organi-
zation itself, arise from those
friendships, just as they do among
the independents. Any outside
friendships are, in most cases, re-
stricted only by the amount of
time one has for them. While this
is probably truer of the small
houses than of the larger, frater-
nities are essentially democratic, a
or- n if indijidiian fvan7i n
suits. Some still wear them. Oth-
ers carry green book bags. All
these phenomena are matters of
taste, individual or group, and
any true individualist, if he had
the poor sense to come to Ann Ar-
bor at all, could probably survive
in a fraternity as well as anywhere
else. In fact, it would offer him
some small support against the
considerably more oppressive in-
fluence of the University. At any
rate, it would give him a strud-
ture to use in fulfilling his social
needs, from the need for action
to the need for ice cubes, in what
is probably one of the most indi-
vidualistic of organized groups.
-Robert Tanner
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The Printing Office will close its
campus office at 412 Maynard St. (U.
Press Bldg.) on Feb. 20. All activities
will be concentrated at the Printing
Building on North Campus.
The Office of Service Enterprises at
1060 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2622,
will serve as a receiving center for
printing on main campus, and thi
special messenger service formerly car-
ried on will be continued at this new
contact point.
Please use campus mail if time al-
lows, otherwise bring orders and proofs
to 1060 Administration Bldg., or direct
to the North Campus. Dial 86-472 for
consultation or for appointments with
the manager or staff when questions
arise which concern your printing
Prints from the A k Print Loan Col-
lection may be obtained in Rm. 52$ Stu-
dent Activities Bldg on Sat., Feb. 21,
from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the. Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 noon
on Tuesday prior to the event.
Feb. 20: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Beta, Theta
Pi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau
Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma,
Little Hse., Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, P1 Lambda Phi,
Psi Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,-Sigma
Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma
Nu, Phi Epsilon Pi.
Feb. 21: Chinese Students Club, Evans
Scholars, Frederick He., Kelsey Hse.,
Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Reeves
Hse., Scott Hse., Strauss Hse.
Summary action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting Feb.
18, 1959.
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Approved appointments to the SGC
committee which is to gather informa-
tion and make recommendations con-
cerning the Committee on Student Con-
duct, Joint Judiciary, Student Govern-
ment Council in the area of student
conduct: David Kessel, chairman, Da-
vid Carpenter, Jo Hardee, Pat Mar-
Received Treasurer's report; progress
report on Exchange programs.
Adopted a motion to appoint a com-
Senimore Says ..