Str t :43 tii Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom CLOUDY, COLD ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1959 FIVE CENTS Additional $45 Semester. Fee Proposed by Rep. Bowerman means that the bill needs to pass University vice-president and both the House and the Senate by director of the Dearborn Center two-thirds majorities and then be William Stirton said the Univer- approved by the voters in the Ap- sity could not comment on Bower- ril 6 elections. man's bill until they studied it Support Needed further - but that the Univer- Bowerman said that he was sity had opposed last year's bill. "not too confident" that it would "We feel," Stirton said, "that be passed, but it might if it re- students should not be made to ceived some Democratic support pay for the buildings involved in The bill, he said, will be acted their education - thatnis a state upon on Tuesday." obligation. House Turns Down Boost in Sales Tax LANSING (AP)A four cent sales tax plan to add 100 million dollars a year to state revenues was turned down yesterday in the House-as expected. However, Republican backers kept it alive for a second passage try on Tuesday or later next week. The vote was 52 in favor and 50 against, with 74 affirmative votes required. Republicans supported the proposal, with one excep- tion. Democrats were solid against it.' Asked Referendum The resolution would submit to a statewide referendum the ques- tion of increasing the existing three cent sales tax to four cents. M The proposition would go on the April 6 general election ballot. Rep. James F. Warner (R-Ypsi- lanti), chief sponsor of the plan, I said state finances are in "dire" shape And that something has to be done to boost revenues. Warner said, "we are only try- a ing to live up to the constitution and letting the people express themselves" on what course should be taken. Tax Too Burdensome Democrats opposed a fourth cent on the sales levy as unduly bur- densome on low income groups, discriminatory in favor of corpora- WOODROW GINSBERG tions and as hard on aged pen- ... discusses small cars sioners. , The only Republican present " * who failed to stick with his party was Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tip- ton); taxation committee chair- " a .man and mainstring of a recent r Zt ctz s 18-months study of the state's tax structure. He said he was willing to sup- Cy - w port a referendum on raising the constitutional ceiling on the sales tax but not one on actually em- By KENNETH MELDOWNEY bedding a fourth cent tax in the constitution. Woodrow Ginsberg, director of research for the UAW-CIO, saida last night that the automobile New mnfeuesar o osdr m anufacturers arenot consider Satellite ing the impact on the nationalC economy in car price increases. Cou d D tec This is a factor that is causing the European small car to cap-N ture the proportion of the nation- al market, he added. In 1959, at ]east 450,000 foreign cars will be WASHINGTON (P) - The high- sold in the United States while flying Vanguard II satellite sent domestic production is down, he out batch after batch of weather said, information yesterday and one of One of the reasons for the small its proud parents said it may car popularity is the fact that its prove capable of spotting a nu- price is up to $600 less than the clear explosion. low priced cars of the so-called Another scientist said the elec- big three, he said. tronic pictures it has transmitted Beginning to Expand to ground stations have already To help offset this, Ginsberg proved good enough to distin- said, the caoffmanfacturers are guish between clouds and hor- beginning to expand into the s zons. small car field. John P. Hagen, Director of the Emil Mazey, secretary-treasurer Vanguard division of the National of the UAW-CIO, originallye r Aeronautics and Space Adminis- schedu AWCIO , o r n a to tration said he thought the satel- schedueoftllned speak, was unable lite could spot a nuclear explosion beaeproflethassloand immediately send back infor- One problem that is slowing the mation on it. He then added he comeback from the recent reces- m dtownit. tn adedhe sion, Ginsberg claimed, is that the wanted to wait on more data from production- now is the same as in the satellite before saying just am w~+--,._.. v;,,--------.. how small a cloud it could detect. Ike Claims Force Out In Germany West Will Not Fire, He Tells Newsmen WASHINGTON () - President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes- terday it will be the Russians who start it, rather than the western powers, if there is to be any shoot- ing or use of force over Berlin. In different form and with defi- nite emphasis, President Eisen- hower twice told a news confer- ence that the United States and her allies intend to fulfill their duties, to safeguard West Berlin and hold open the communica- tion channels to it. May Block U. S. But he also said and repeated in varied words that if there is to be any resort to force, it will be "the other side" using it to "block our carrying out our responsibili- ties." In effect' the President was dueling at long range with the Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrush- chev, in a cold war battle of "ifs." Khrushchev Threatens Khrushchev said in a speech Monday thatit "will mean the be- ginning of war" if the Western al- lies try to shoot their way through after the Russians turn over the Soviet occupation authority in Berlin to the East German Com- munists. In any foreign ministers con- ference, on the Berlin situation, President Eisenhower let it be known he intends to rely heavily on the ideas and experience of ail- ing John Foster Dulles, even if the Secretary of State is unable to be present. President isenhower said the doctors hav assured him that "there is nothing in his disease that is going to touch his heart and his head, and that is what we want." R, eds' Berlin Policy Ready Fo0rBritish MOSCOW (R) - Diplomats said yesterday they believe Premier Nikita Khrushchev's latest pro- nouncement on German issues fixes the Soviet line for the visit of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Macmillan arrives Saturday, to stay a week or 10 days. German unification and the future of West Berlin are certain to be top problems for discussion and exploration during Macmil- lan's contacts with Kremlin lead- ers._ "Khrushchev has left little to explore by his recent statements," an ambassador said. "But I'm sure Khrushchev will be willing to re- peat all this to Macmillan if the prime minister asks him." Envoys here who have ,een keeping in close touch with Soviet developments on the German problem see little chance that Macmillan can change Khrush- chev's mind. One remarked: "It looks more like MacMillan will serve as a messenger, taking back (to west ern capitals) his personalized ver- iors of what Khrushchev has said recently. like Macmillan will serve as a visit to develop an exchange of ideas rather than policy negotia- tions. SGC oPass Motion To Consider Asks.. De1e 1Council's tions Movie Time Bias Ruling Committee To Bring Proposals To Council By JEAN HARTWIG Student Government Council took a motion for reconsideration of organizations with bias clauses' off the table at its meeting last night. The bias clause rule was made originally in 1949. The motion for reconsideration was brought up by Richard Taub, '59, Daily Editor. The amendment also provided the committee with the authority to make recommendations con- cerning the results of their study of the regulation. Recommend Account The Council also passed a rec- ommendation that a special ac- count be set up by the Auditor of Student Organizations for the proceeds of a mail solicitation for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. "The Student Organizations in Support of the NAACP Legal De- fense and Educational Fund, Inc., a group sponsored by various local religious organizations, re- c e n t l y published a letter to students indicating their denomin- ational preferences on the regis- tration card. Recommehd Account 'The Council recommended the special account, rejecting a pro- posal to notify the sponsoring or- ganizations of the soliciting group of the violation against University regulations involved in the action, pending consideration of the spe- cific regulations involved. A letter from Dean of Men Walter Rea concerning Alpha Kappa Lambda was also present- ed to the Council. The communi- cation listed the men's group, which is seeking recognition by' SGC as a colony, as having "a re- strictive clause with reference to the religion of candidates for membership." After consideration by the SGC executive committee, a recommen- dation will be presented to the Council concerning further action. Riots Kill 50 In Brazzaville PARIS () - The death toll in rioting among the African popula-7 tion of Brazzaviller has amounted to at least 50, the French news agency said yesterday. Despite reinforcements of French troops, roving bands from rival' African political parties attacked each other for the second straight; night. The battling continued throughout yesterday. No Euro- peans are reported among the1 casualties.1 -Daily-David Arnold RUSHEES GATHER-Nearly 401 prospective rushees showed up for last night's mass rush meeting in the Union. After hearing speeches by William Cross, assistant dean of men for fraternities, and John Gerber, '59, Interfraternity Council president, they watched a film describing fraternity life. SALARIES UP: YoungSees Good Year For Engfineering Grads By BARTON HUTHWAXTE A bright future was forecast yesterday for the engineer graduat- ing this year. Starting salaries for the June graduate will average about five per cent more than those of last year, Prof. John G. Young, assistant to the dean of the engineering school, said yesterday. "Our aver- age this year is about $505 monthly as compared to $480 monthly for the year 1958," Prof. Young' Plan Seeks Limit In Powers Of Board Requests Removal Of 'Administrative Practice or Policy' tudent Government Council' recommended early this morning that the words "administrative policy or practice," be deleted from the Council plan wherever they appear. SGC's actions are subject to re- view if they deviate from Regental policy, and administrative policy or practice. The Council made this proposal largely because members believed that the term "administrative practice or policy" is virtually im- possible to define, while Regental policy is clearly stated in the Uni- versity By-Laws. As part of a series of 15 pro- posals to the student-faculty-ad- ministration committee established by the Regents to reconsider the council plan, the Council also sug- gested that the composition of the SGC Board in Review be revised. New membership would include the vice-president for student affairs, three faculty members and three students, including the SGC Presi dent. Composition of Board At present the Board is com- posed of the Dean of Men and Women, the president of SGC and one other student, and three fac- ulty members. The vice-president for student affairs would replace the Deans, : The request for membership change also includes the 'stipula- tion that the majority of faculty members should not hold adminis- trative positions. The faculty members at present are: Dean Earl Moore of the School of Mu- sic, Assistant Dean Robert Lovell of the Medical College, and Assist- ant Dean James H. Robertson of the Literary college. SGC's recommendations were based on the report of an evalua- tion committee which had studied the role of the Board in Review. The report was presented by Leonard Wilcox, '58L, a former president of the old Student Legis- lature, Eugene Hartwig, '58L, Daily Editor in 1955, Carol Hol- land, '60, and Bill Adams, '58 Grad., a former SGC president. Adams served as an advisor to the committee. Done in Fall Wilcox told SGC that the six- teen page report of the committee had been worked out early in the fail and was not based on any- thing that happened to the Council since that time. The other recommendations made by SGC were adopted from the committee report without change. These include recommen- dations that the jurisdiction of the Board in Review be interpreted as narrowly as possible; and a provision that the SGC President may be permitted to send a substi- tute if he is unable to attend the Board in Review meetings. Only Deans Allowed At present only the Deans of Men and Women may send other representatives of their respective offices to the meetings. The remaining suggestions are concerned with procedural mat- ters. A majority of them require written particulars on why the Board in Review is called and why the Board takes the action it does in line with jurisdiction. Such requirements to date have been either hazy or non-existent. Other Requirements Other requests are that parlia- mentary procedure be more closely observed by the Board, that the Board continue to hold open meet- ings, and that at the beginning of each meeting the chairman "read from the SGC plan those portions dealing with the purpose, compo- sition, and jurisdiction of the Board without comment." The last is des~ignd to present continued. Opportunities "Very Good" As to the number of jobs avail- able, he termed the opportunities "very good." "We still have more jobs available than the number of graduating students on hand to fill them," he said. New defense projects and a rise in commercial business were cited as the case for the upswing from last year. The need for more complex communication systems boosted the electrical engineer to the po- sition of industry's most wanted student. The electrical student surpassed the aeronautical engi- neer who has been in demand the most during the past few years, Prof. Young said. Future Engineers Prof. Young, head of the engi- neering school's placement serv- ice, had some observations on the engineer of the future. The trend is for the broad and deeply based student engineer with less emphasis on specializa- tion during his undergraduate studies, he continued. "The specialization will come with graduate work or further training with the hiring firm," Prof. Young commented. Methodology Emphasized. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the eighth in a series of articles concern- ing the departmental honors pro- gram of the litreary college.) By RUTHANN RECHT The junior year of both the his- tory and political science depart- mental honors programs is con- cerned with an introduction to methodology. The political science depart- ment conceived its offering as a full two-year program," Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political science department said. As he advises all honors students, Prof. Laing is able to work their pro- grams out for both years. For this reason the students do not meet with a'concentration advisor. In the junior year, the students attend a three-hour seminar in which they become acquainted with the literature as well as the methodology of' the field. This semester the group in the seminar is studying the character of federalism. Each student chooses a country which has a federal structure, writes a paper and applies theory to it," Prof. Laing said. In the discussiopIs, they incorporate the knowledge they have gained from their study. In addition, the students do projects which include different experiences in the practical side of political science. Last year both See METHODOLOGY, Page 2 OK Kennedy .labor Measure WASHINGTON ) - A Senate labor subcommittee spurned major labor law changes urged by Pres- GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANT: Abernathy Says Executive Makes Use of Lobbying By ADELE BECKER One of the executive's most effective instruments against the opposition is the use of lobbying techniques, John Abernathy, adminis- trative assistant to Governor G. Mennen Williams, said last night. Using the term "political persuasion," Abernathy said, "the Governor's office has no lobbying organ of its own. It depends upon the members of the Legislature who support the Democratic ideal of Williams to influence the passage of bills. Holds Conferences In the meantime the Governor supplements the legislators' with his own devices, i.e. holding conferences with members of both parties, and maintaining close personal contact with legislators. In general he follows an "open-door" policy allowing for free discussion on all legis- lation. The leadership which the Governor favors is one of persuasion rather than dictatorial methods, Abernathy said. Ah rnafli ante n cthe rnnrriny.f.4n'r of all l1ffiklaon hbefore it prc ;r 55 yf