0l4r £irliigzatt Bilgl Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIOtNS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 nilons Are Free Wul Prea" orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. -DAY,"FEBRUARY' 18, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN HOLTZER U.. Needs Planned Economy To ,Serve 'Public Interest' "Great Scott, M.an -That's Inflationary" r _ -- - u- . -. AT RACKHAM AUDITORIUM: Stanley Quartet Concert Unifoml Excellent N ALL PROBABILITY, there is no small complement of instruments that is as musically expressive as the string quartet. Here, we are confronted with all of the lushness and beauty of tone that is inher- ent in the string orchestra. Yet with this lushness and tonal beauty is an economy of means worth marveling at. It is precisely this econ- omy which makes the combination of two violins, viola, and violincello a striking musical combination. However, the achievement of good ensemble is a task of massive proportions. All four performers must, of necessity, function as one. 'HE BATTLE of the budget involves "a con- test between the public interest and a wide triety of special interests," President Dwight Eisenhower said in a recent letter to Rep. harles Halleck of Indiana, House Republican ader. Yet in the 'overall view, the public interest is entical with these special interests. Certainly stitutiois of higher education seeking support om government funds-are "a special-interest," it the satisfaction of this need is, in the long n, in the public interest. To satisfy the "pub- interest," the government must ultimately tis v, insofar as is humanly possible, the in- restA of each particular group of each indi- dual in the state., The government has an obligation to all the ople. That government is no longer best which verns least. The democratic ideal of equal. portunity for all, which grew up with the. e of the capitalist economy, is still only an eal. To say it is a reality is to ignore the rsh facts of unemployment, poverty and ig- rance. If the United States is to have govern- ent of the people, by the people and for the gress ACKHANDEDLY, progress has come to. the state of Michigan. vost state political observers, including Re- blican leaders, believe that the Republicans l have & difficult time winning in the spring te elections. Most observers feel that the posts the Repub- ans are least likely to win in the contests r the Board of Governors of Wayne State iversity. As one reporter expressed it, "these nomina- ns come pretty cheap (ly)." Nevertheless the Republicans have nominated bert B. Chennault, Sr., for a four-year term the WSU board. Chennaultis the first Negro to be nominated; a state-wide office by either party. Progress, although backhanded, has come to e state of Michigan. -JAMES SEDER people it must be government of, by and for all the people. THERE ARE at present over 4 million unem- ployed in the United States. The continual high percentage of unemployment makes it obvious that some kind of planning is necessary for the American economy. Unfortunately, the phrase "planned economy" conjures up in many minds a regimented police state similar to George Orwell's 1984. Yet practically every other aspect of our lives is carefully planned and laid out. No one would suggest "un-planning" the University and hav- ing professors wander around giving lectures whenever they felt like it, wherever they could find a room, to anyone who happened to wander in. No one would suggest "un-planning" our government. The result would obviously be anarchy. Planning is not tantamount to regi- mentation. It is only the idea of a planned economy that raises such phantasms of horror. E. H. Carr described the "social service" or "welfare' state as "the state of which we de- mand that it shall bring about a larger measure of equality than ever before between its citizens. -'fair shares for all'; that 'it should as far as possible ensure both freedom and equality of opportunity for all; that it should so plan and direct the national economy that the periodic crises inherent in laissez-faire systems should be avoided; that full employment may be se- cured for all who are able to work, and that the natural resources and national man-power may be applied to the production of those things which are most needed, rather than of these things which cant be sold at the highept profit; and that it should so plan and direct our, international trade that our scarce resources may be used to bring in those overseas supplies of which we are most in need, and on the most favorable terms."'- This was written about England, but, holds equally true for the United States.. There is at present a considerable amount of government regulation in the economic system of this coun- try, and very few deny its necessity. But an overall plan rather than a hit-or-miss, maybe- this-will-work type of regulations is necessary before government for all the people is possible. -JANE McCARTHY '.' S-', ., F ' . ~~~~~t+ ' 'is w £el ~ rh ''s >.. CAPITAL COMMENTARY: .:...... Spending Ong By WILLI W ASHINGTON - President creases and increases s Dwight D. Eisenhower's in- Congress is simply n creasingly urgent demands for cut down on water-pow budget economy are dangerously at home, for example,' likely to produce what to him will rising American assista be the wrong kind of savings in abroad. the wrong place at the wrong time. By necessity.Y the F The are equally " likely, more- hitting again and again over, to result in the reverse of, ing" in his effort to k savings in those very areas where of his own I;udget. But he and the more conservative he does so he -weaken members of his Cabinet are most position o' foreign ai determined to cut down, wishes to treat, for per The confidential estimates of reasons; with a liberal powerful Congressional Democrats wholly rejects for oth and of some of the' rebellious Re- the budget. publicans, too, foreshadow these" ' " ultimate results ,in the budget BUT THE DI$TINC fight: too fine and complica 1) Deep Congressional reduc- effective politically.I tions in the Administration's mu- that the more he dent tual security, or foreign aid, extravagant motives he program. This, above all, the Presi- in general to mthe Den dent wants to keep intact. Of all more impossible he m his enterprises this is closest to protect the very large his heart. To continue foreign aid item for which he dema he has asked $3,900,000,000, or favors. about $800,000,000 more than Con- Thelarge,lumpy gress allowed for the current "spending" becomes the years. The expert consensus at the t cannot practically be Capitol is that he will be very into "good"r and "bad' fortunate not to lose a billion dol- It all comes dow to lars, at least, from his request are you a "spender," or here. And this is the one place, the President has said, where the Foreign aid, neverti knife ought not to be applied. not-be "gutted." WhatC ly Buet Issue [AM S. WHIT TOD4Y AND TOMORROW: The Ship of State 'HE DECISION taken by the Pres Sattrday morning, when he re. cept Secretary of State John Foster signationf, was most surely the right anted that Dulles cannot expect U nd of Secretary of State that hel fore, accepting the fact that he i me time to come be under treatm thdrawn from activity, there is -nev ason toy hope that he can still play cessary role. This is to assure the world that the ritinue on the course in which he hi e past few months has set it. No one re this assurance, and without it the 11 be confusion, miscalculation, and road and at home.. rhere are, of course, obvious disadvar situation where the Secretary of St d inactive while the actual conduct o the responsiblity of his subordinates. rd to imagine any good alternative,1 e circumstances of his. unique relat President, his record and his ref d the fact that we are approaching many climaxes of the cold war. NE THING IS, I believe, quite pla is not the time to. think of appo cessor drawn from outside the existi :hy of the Department of State. Du sident's second term the Departi Ite has improved very greatly 'and n top men as highly qualified, so it asit has been in its best days. Her , Henderson, Murphy, Merchant, Re i Cumming, to name only the key a strong team. In them there h ired not only the ravages of McCa also the political bumbles of the Rei ty after twenty years in the wildern t is no mere accident, nor is it a sig By WALTER LIPPMANN I ident on flckleness of public opinion, that even before fused to his present illness there had begun a marked, Dulles's change in world sentiment about Secretary one. For Dulles. This change of public opinion is not due o be the only to his indomitable personal behavior. It has been reflects a change in the temper and tone of his nust for diplomacy. It is a response to the sign of "flexi- nent and bility" which Dulles has judged to be prudent 'ertheless and desirable both in the Far East and in Ger- a most many. In these changes the- rejuvenated De- partment of State has -played its necessary ship will part. imself in else can THIS IS THE first reason why it would be a, re might mistake to bring in from the outside a new suspicion and eminent personage. There is nobody on the. outside who now possesses the kind of experi- ntages in ence needed for negotiation in the current phase ate is ill of our encounter with the Soviet Union. Who- affairs r he was, he would be a novice, and long But it is before he could hope to master the situation in given all his own mind, the climax we are now approach- ion with ing would have come and gone. putation, There is now a well-qualified professional g one of team in charge of the central issues in Europe, and what this team needs is the confidence and the advice of the President and of the Congress. in. This There is no one available from the'outside who inting a ca ndo this better than, or indeed half so well ng hier- as, the President himself-especially if Dulles iring the %is able from his sickbed to watch over the gen- ment of eral line of policy for which he has set, the ow is in direction. seems to If this were a new administration at the be- 'ter, Dil- ginning of its term, and if there were no climax, inhardt, ahead in -Germany, the President might, look figures, around for a Secretary of State who in the old as been tradition of the office was a political power in irthyism the land. He might think, let us say, of Gov. publican Thomas Dewey. But not today when knowledge aess. and experience are so necessary, and when n of the there is so good a team already in the field., IN ALL OF THIS, it is necessary to remember that Dulles's extremely personal way of con- ducting his office has been unique, and it can- Ican- not be duplicated even if it were desirable to attempt it. It will be'necessary, therefore, to put more trust in the Ambassadors we sent abroad, or to send abroad Ambassadors that we can VEICHER trust. It may be desirable to have one or two Editor roving Ambassadors where the problems at issue cover a whole region rather than a single Director country. It will be desirable to talk things out Director more at length than it now being done with tS Editor the' foreign Ambassadors In Washington. Director In the special case of the Soviet Union ex- ta Editor ographer ceptional procedures are probably necessary. For with rare exceptions, with only one excep- tion that I know of, the Soviet Union will not rely on the normal dinliamtio. channels. wr hould come. nt going to wer projects while giving nce to them 'resident is at "spend-. keep control every time ins his own Id. This he fectly sound ity that he er parts of. TION is far ated to be 'he irony is ounces the e attributes mocrats the nakes it to foreign aid ands special concept of only issue. subdivided spending. this: well, aren't yt\u? heless, will Congressat Mainly carry as a stoutly will be an only in the etical sense. rience sug- ons sure to pas though repudiated ration has e problem. ent cannot ic and gen- eral campaign against "spending." On the other hand, he cannot wisely be too loud, in proclaiming dire results if Congress does not follow his lead completely on for- eign aid. The wise approach would, seem to begin now frankly to prepare Allied opinion by discounting the inevitable coming foreign aid re- duction simply by putting it, into proper perspective.' * * . AN EVEN more basic problem, however, has no visible solutidn" whatever. Federal expenditures are becoming so vast and so diffuse in purpose as to raise a serious ques- tion whether any President or Congress will be able within a few years actually to control any budget. May not internal events, as for illustration sudden business recessions, or external events in- stantly requiring vast outlays in the cold war, become the real fu- ture masters of the budget? This is the creeping nightmare of some fiscal conservatives. It is not so much the level of present spending that they fear. It is the possibility that men may lose to the robot of circumstance the very power effectively to, control spend- ing at all.- Recently the satellite Commu- nist press and officials of the sat ellite countries openly have been praisingStalin as a fountain of Marxist dogma. Partly respon- sible for this- has been the Soviet party's quarrel with Tito of Yugo- slavia,'whose deviation is regard- ed as dangerous to the monolithic structure of the Communist world movement. Tito is accused of re- visionism in refusing to recognize Moscow's ascendancy in all things respecting the development of the. Communist movement. Each must forsake his own musi- cal individuality to a point, in or- der to produce a unified body of sound; a task which necessarily demands the services of four such competent musicians as those' in the Stanley Quartet. For their concert last evening, the Stanley Quartet played three compositions and one excerpt. The opening selection was Mozart's "Quartet in C Major," K. 465. This work, coming as it does in the latter part of the composer's short creative career, offers full testa- ment to the artistic maturity that Mozart had attained so early in his life. In the slow sections of the work (notably the "Adagio" of the first 'movement and the second movement, the "Andante Cantabile"), are the chromaticism that was to become so integral a part of Mozart's later style. In the faster portions of the work, we also discover another facet of Mozart's mature style: the in- creased use of complicated coun- terpoint for the sake( of melodic interests. The performance was excellent. The second composition was the "Quartet (1958)" by R o d o l f o Halffter. This piece is 'one in a series of works that have been commissioned by the University for performance by the Stanlet. It is divided into four. movements. Ofthese, the Sonata and the Cav- atina (the first two movements) were probably the most successful from the 'standpoint of melodic invention, textural interest, and craftsmanship. The C a v a t i n a, with the recurrent plaintive chant in the cello and, later, the first violin, was particularly excellent. However, the last two movements, the Scherzo and the Fanfare were, for the most part, rather-super- ficial. s * * FOLLOWING the intermission, the "Andante con Moto" (second movement) from the "Quartet in D minor, opus posthumous by Franz Schubert was played in memory of Helen Melissa Titus, of the faculty of the School of Music who died in Ann Arbor on December 19, 1958. Miss Titus was a frequent soloist and performer in chamber music ensembles, and the selection was chosen because this composer had been one of her favorites. The final selection was Robert Schumann's "Quartet in A minor, opus 41, No. 1." The Whole quar- tet was played well, the third movement (the Adagio) being es- pecially beautiful.. The quartet, on the whole, per- formed with uniform excellence and considerable command of the literature at hand. The attacks were clean and the phrasing was soundly executed. The group produced, during the evening, a consistently beautiful tone.- One can now look forward to the premiere of the Quartet of El- liott Carter which has been com- missioned by the Unive'sity for the Stanley Quartet in honor of the organization's tenth anniver- sary which occurs this year. r -David M. Schwartz LETTERS to the EDITOR DALY OFFICIAL BULLETN The Daily Official Bulletin is sa official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 96 General Notices International Student and Family Ex- change: Rms. 103 and 528 (basement) Wed. night: 7:30-9:00, Thurs. morning: 10-11:30. Haye men's, overcoats and sweaters, women's warm clothing, ma- ternity outfits and infants equipment and clothing and children's clothIng, Any, foreign students needing any of these items should come down at these times. International Center Tea: Thurs., Feb., 19, 1959, 4:30-6:00 p.m., at International Center. Lectures Travelogue "Germany" Thursday night. The opening number on the 'Burton Holmes Travelogue series spon- sored by the University Platform At- tractions will be the motion picture "Germany" in natural color tomorrow, 8:30' p.mn.In Hill Auditorium. Other pic- tures in the series include "The West," March 5; "Holland," March 12; "BerN muda-Nassau," March 19; "Spain, " March 26. Robert Mallett will narrati Ite Germany film. Tickets, for the corn- lete course As well as for individual pictures are now on sale at the Audi- torium box office 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, Lt. Gen. Sir John Gubb wil speak Fri., 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. as 'the sixth number on the Lecture series. For fif- teen years head of the famed Arab, Le- 4 gion, Gen. Glubb is'recognized as one of the most outstanding authorities on the Middle East. "A Soldier With the Arabs" is the title of his address. Tickets are now on sale at the audi- torium \box office with a specia' ,rate being offered to students. Box office hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, The' Department of English and .the Department of'Classical Studies are sponsoring two lectures by William Ar- rowsmith, Prof. of Classics at the Uni-, versity of Texas, on Modern Criticism and the Criticism of "Greek Tragedy. These lectures will be held on Thurs., afternoon, Feb. 19, and on Fri. after- noon, Feb. 20 at 4:15. The Thurs. lee- ture will be held in Aud. A; the' Fri. lecture will be in Aud. B. Mr. John Abernathy, Administrative Assistant to Governor' Williams will speak on "The Legislative Influence in Administration" Wed., Feb. 18, 1959, at 8:00 on the second floor oi the 'Michigan League, .the Kalamazoo room. The meeting is being sponsored by the Michigan Chapter, American Society for Public Administration. Refresh 'ments will be served.' The'- public is, invited. Academic Notices Communication Sciences Seminar on Thurs., Feb. 19 in 1412 Mason Hal at 3:30 p.m. Dr. Bradford Dunham will speak on "An Experiment in Learning Machines." 4' Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Thurs., Feb. 19 at 4:00 in 3201 A. H. Prof. Craig will speak on a simple sequential test on the mean of a distribution. Applied Mathematics' Seminar: Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on "C. Wilcox's deduction of the radiation conditions from a pulse solution," Thurs., Feb. 19, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 246 W. Engineering. Refreshments at 3:30 p.m. in 274 W. Engineering. The Research Club will meet Wed., at :00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. Profs. A. W. Burks (Philosophy) and M. M. Flood (Industrial Engineering) will discuss "Electronic; Computers. and. Other. Automata." Wed., Feb. 18: Speech. Ass'embly, 4 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall: Ward'.L. Quaal, Vice-President and General Man- ager of Radio Station WGN, Chicago, will speak on "The Communications Industry." Open to the public. Analysis Seminar:, Mr. Rogers ,New- man will speak on "The'Potential Theoretic Formulation of the Capacity of Planar Sets." The meeting will be held in 3201 Angell Hall Thurs., Feb. * * * 2) CONGRESSIONAL' increases in domestic spending, for housing, for welfare projects, for various public works running to many " hundredsof millions more than the Presiderit wants in those' cate- gories. Thus it is that the President's real argument with Congress is not so much over what should be the grand total of expenditures. It is far more over where the de-. length provides will cer the program forward a going concern. And it ungenerous allocationc most relative and theore Nevertheless, past expe gests that the reductio be made will be cried up Congress had halfway foreign aid. Thus, the Administi now a peculiarly acut Obviously; the Preside simply abandon:his basi .c and gen- DE-STALINIZATION IN REVERSE: Red' Party Line Switched Again By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst THE SOVIET Communist party's 20th congress two years ago heard Joseph Stalin blasted as tyrant and murdered. The current 21st congress has heard him praised as the man who paved the way for enormous economic growth in the Soviet Union. The same man. Nikita S. Khrushchev, made the two state- ments. Why? The answer apparently is closely connected with Khrushchev's bat tle with his opposition inside the Communist party Central Com- mittee. His backtracking indicates he is confident has has won that battle. and can safely restore Stalin to a respectable niche in the gal- lery of Bolshevik heroes. Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin in the same forum two years ago was so emotional and so violent that one felt there must have been some element of gen- uineness in it. Stalin, indeed, might have wiped out his whole Politburo family had he retained his health. ** * BUT THE dethroning of Stalin' at the same time linked with Stalin those who had been c osest to the old dictator - Georgi M. Malenrnry mfoan 1 iy" mce, led enough strength to drive his rivals out of the party leadership. But de-Stalinization always had in it an element of political danger to a dictatorship. It seemed clear in the two years since the denun- ciation that it had led to what the hierarchy considered harmful re- sults, relaxations and arguments. It seemed clear, also,' that Khrush- chev wanted the partyranks grad- ually to forget about his denunci- ation, and to place Stalin in a historical niche several cuts below that of Bolshevik demigod, a role Stalin assumed in his. later years. KHRUSHCHEV now can afford to begin that process. The angry denunciations of the so-called anti-party group of Malenkov, Molotov and former Premier'N. A. Bulganin which preceded this con- gress hinted that Khrushchev was about ready to put the finishing touches on his political victory. Apparently he can, if he chooses to do so at this moment, use the congress to have the whole anti- party group denounced, disgraced and finally read out of the Com. munist party itself. This power is a potent threat over any opposition in the Central Committee or the ruling party Presidium to Thrushchev'. a n.. gest that Khrushchev was singing a hymn to his own leadership.. Praise for Stalin at this point shows not only that Khrushchev is confident of his own position and prospects, but demonstrates a contempt for the mental processes of Community' party faithful' throughout the world. They may be required once again to do one of their humiliating intellectual: flip-flops. Irrationality . . To the Editor: IRRATIONALITY": was a most appropriate title for the article which appeared in Sunday's Daily; quoting Prof. Bordua's anti-fra- ternity. sentiments. Dr. Bordua's uneducated generalizations made. his argument far too irrational to be taken seriously.w --Roger Pascal,, '62 M441-oan 4:1 Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor Faces To Meet Faces-, .' M1 n , .f. tlE~L~ - .. . .k'i i:: . :":: : .:.. . ::::::. :: .:.:: :"i 4 :: . . r .. :::.:.:: .. ..:..: :....... .,..: . .......... ... :: .. :... .. ...,:::: :::: T::. : :: .:: n . ._: i}k:l:::i-k"i-i:'i<-:-i-: :; College of Literature, Science and the Arts. College Teaching as, a Profession., 'Panel discussion We'd., Feb. 18 at 4:00 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. All inter- ested 'students are' invited. Panelists: Profs. Richard" C. Boys, Frank. X. Braun,' Marvin Felheim, Wilbert J. MbKeachie Frederick E. Smith and Robert C. An- gel, moderator. The Women of the University Faculty will hold a dinner meeting at the Mich- igan League, Wed., Feb. 18, at 5:45 p.m. Miss Elizabeth Green will speak on "26 Days' in the Soviet Union" and will illustrate her talk .with slides. Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, Natural Resources, Nursing, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, X ors'no re- port' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of "E" in the course unless, this work is; made up., In~ the Schools.of Music and Nursing this date is by March 9. In the Schools of Busi. ness Administration, Education,, Natur- al Resources, and Public Health this date is by March 11. In the School. of' Nursing this refers to their non-Inurs- IR'g courses only. Students wishing an extension of time beyond these dates exsho file a petition with the appro- JOHN w City -tor DAVID TARR' Associate Editor OR ................Personnel OUGHBY......Associate Editorial. 3S".... ..Sport IGE1SON..........Associate tit SERS N.,.. Associate Personnel N............... ..Associate Spor TOLD.................. Chief Phot Business Staff 'PIHEN TOPOL, Business Mann.