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February 18, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-18

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Journalism Improved
By Single Local Owner.

editor of the Toledo Blade.
was unable to, be here as a
of a slight illness.'




There are various advantages to
lack of competition, the speech
said. There is "no need to sensa-
tionalize" news or "to over- or
under-emphasize it in order to get
more readers." Many newspapers
in competitive cities "may try to
give the impression that a rival's
scoop isn't worth much."
In addition, there is "more free-
dom from financial pressure," and
as a result the newspaper can af-
ford to take an unpopular stand,
Block's speech said.
Many people raise objections to
single ownership in a city, he con-
tinued. One major objection is a
"reaction to the word 'monopoly'."
"Clearly," he said, "newspapers are
not monopolies in the sense of
electric companies." They have
"competition from TV and radio.
Another objection is that "there
is' only one voice in local affairs,"
the speech continued. The exis-
tence of competing newspapers
does not guarantee, it reads, that
opposite sides of controversial
questions will be aired, nor does
only one newspaper prevent it.
Atom Energy
T o Be Aired
New methods of harnessing
atomic energy for plant and ani-
mal research will be described at
an Associated Midwest Universities
conference schedule for April 2-3
at the Oklahoma State University.
Thirty-five experts from the
United States and abroad will pre-
sent scientific reports on a wide.
variety of agricultural research
problems at the meeting.
"The conference will constitute
a progress report on a vital area
of atoms-for-peace studies," James
H. Jensen, AMU president, an-
nounced recently..
The purpose of, the recently
created AMU is "to promote, en-
courage and conduct research and
education in all branches of
science, including but not limited
to nuclear science in relation to all
other fields of science."
The conference marks the first
major information meeting of the
Kingston Trio
Tickets Ready
Mail-order tickets to the March
14 Assembly-Interhouse Council
Spring Show; to feature the King-
ston Trio, are now available, Bar-
bara Banks, '59, announced yes-
Miss Bank explained that ticket
sales will "officially' start about'
a week before the concert which
will be held in Hill Aud., but orders
mailed to the League Undergrad-
uate Office before that time will
be filled.1

Board Runs
(Continued from page 1)
as university extension, relations
with schools, etc.
"Their decisions on local mat-
ters made in accordance with pro-
visions of the budget and policies
established by the Regents or the
president are final."
Other areas where the head of
each campus does not have juris-
diction include "the kffices of ad-
missions, personnel, relations with
schools, and the vice-president -
business affairs; the division of
vocational education; university
extension, university press, and
such others as may be designated
by the Regents as state-wide ac-
Define Authrity
The head of the campus has ad-
ministrative authority over the
business manager of the campus,
who runs' his office "within the
budgeted items for the campus,
consistent with policies for the
university as a whole as deter-
mined by the vice-president --
business affairs, and subject to
the approval of and direction by
the Regents."
"The relationship of the busi-
ness manager to the chancellor,
provost, or director of each cam-
pus and of the chancellor, pro-
vost, or director of each campus
to the vice-president - business
affairs has been defined by the
president under date of Sept. 29,
1952, as follows:
"The business manager on each
campus shall have a 'line relation-
ship' to the local chief adminis-
trative officer, and shall adminis-
ter all business operations on the
campus, except as otherwise pro-
vided in the by-laws or standing
orders of the Regents, under the
direction of the local chief -admin-
istrative officers, and in accord-
ance with policies established by
the vice-president - Pusiness af-
fairs, to whomn he shall have a"
'staff relationship', "
Academic Senate
"The academic senate is divided
into two sections, a northern sec-
tion and a southern section .
Each division has its own com-
mittee structure with autonomy in
local matters.
"Coordination at the state-wide
level is the function of the aca-
demfc senate's academic council,
empowered to iron out differences
between the northern and south-
ern sections. Also, onits own ini-
tiative, it may study problems of
over-all concern to the university
and make recommendations to the
president and to each section of
the senate." ,
,One University'
"If any one factor may be cred-
ited with the development of the
University of California into its
present position of eminence, it is
the survival of the idea of one
great university for the entire
state. Because the university has,
continued to approach ;its prob-
lems from the state-wide view-
point and to meet the higher edu-
cation needs of all parts of the1
state, it has received the con-
tinued support of the people." 1

.. ,to narrate "Germany"
The Burton Holmes travelogue
series, sponsored by the University
Platform Attractions, will open at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
torium with a color motion picture
of "Germany Today."
Narrating the film will be Robert
Mallet, who returns for his fourth
season with the series.
The travelogue will carry its
viewers along the Rhine River
from its Swiss Alps source through
the picturesque Bodensee to the
cities of Bonn, Coblenz and Col-
ogne. The constantly changing
panorama will include the busy
river traffic in contrasthto the
quaint villages, castles of the
Rhine and vast vineyards with
their grape harvest festivals.
The film will also show activities
at festivals such as the Black
Forest Grimm Fairy Tales, the
traditional Passion Play at Ober-
ammergau and the story of the
Meister'Truck at Rothenburg.
German inventiveness and tech-
nical skill will be shown through
scenes of toymaking in Nurem-
berg, the popular Volkswagen
works in Wolfsburg, cuckoo clock
carving in the Black- Forest and
the centuries-old art of violin
making in Mittenwald.
Visits to Heidelberg University
and to the homes of great musi-
cians of the past will, climax ithe
The travelogue of Germany will
.be the first of five to be presented
on Thursday nights for the next
five weeks. The Mlarch 5 showing
will portray a tour of "The Golden
West." Holland will be depicted
on March 12.
Florida, Bermuda and Nassau
will be the subjects of the March
19 film and "Spain" will be shown
on March 26.
Tickets for the complete series
as well as for individual programs
are currently on .sale at the Audi-
torium box office. Selling hours
are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.;Monday
through Friday.

ARCH Condemns Lounge as 'Pig Pen,'
Student Interest Controversy Flames
student engineering publication beginning and had used the lo
Controversy over the engineering ARCH. as a place where they could
school's student-faculty lounge A half-page editorial on the to know the students, perhap
arose when it was condemned as a front page of the bi-weekly bulle- students would have taken
"pig pen," "coffee joint" and "flop- tin blamed a lack of "interest" in pride in their lounge and ke
house" in this week's issue of the engineering for the student abuse. clean," the ARCH added.
"It was hoped it (the lounge) The lounge was installed
' *would develop into something like May.
Travef erbBS the ancient Greek market place, The engineering students
where students and professors been trying for 30 or 40 yea
To Examine could meet and talk as friends on get such a lounge,Rsnakd
common grounds," the ARCH edi- The editorial was written b3
torial said. Chapman, '59E, secretary of
orld Scenes - Faculty 'Disgusted' Engineering Council.


Ends a Dial
Thursday ' ,NO 2-2513
Cecil B DeMille
- .Jean Latitt.
o. - Andr Jackson

Romance Languag Speech
Honors Emphasize Individual,

(Continued from Page 1)
The purpose of the honors pro-
gram, Prof. Kiddle explained, is to
give students an opportunity to
delve more deeply into the works,
of great authors.
*Speech Program
Superior students may enter the
speech program in. the beginning
of the junior year "when it be-
comes effective next fall," Prof. N.
Edd Miller of the speech depart-
ment said.
"Since the speech department
offers a vast range of courses, from
theatre to speech correction, we
feel the student will benefit more
from individual conferences with
an advisor in his field of interest
than from a group program which
could not delve deeply into any
branch," Prof. Miller said.
This two-year program will con-
sist of four one-hour courses and
an additional two-hour seminar
given in the last semester of the
senior year.
Began with Papers
In the first three semesters the
students may write papers or ex-

periment with different theories in
the various fields of speech, Prof.
Miller said. For example, they
may direct plays, which are us-
ually reserved for graduate stu-
dents, take part in special speak-
ing projects, or do research and
write library reports on phonetics
or speech correction.
The seminar will not be involved
with any project, Prof. Miller said.
Instead each student will write a
paper on his field of interest and
present the subject matter to the
rest of the group.
These reports will serve two
functions. They will give the stu-
dent an opportunity to do at least
one significant writing project in
his field of interest, and will give
the group some insight on the
different branches of speech. They
'are a way of bringing diverse in-
terests together, Prof. Miller said.
The purpose of the program is to
provide some direction for experi-
ences not normally available to
students and give them an oppor-
tunity to delve deeply in their
various fields of interest.



Hayworth-Kerr-N iven -Lancaster





--N.Y. TIMES -

They called her'Maggie the Cat" '
M-6-M P*Mt rw

.' .......

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