r tgan Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 4ir a t VOL.!LXIX, No. 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1959 FIVE CENTS Specialists Visit Dulles, Check Him" White House Expects Official To Continue WASHINGTON UP) - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' doc- tors called in three more specialists yesterday in the hope of defining and containing his abdominal cancer. From the White House came indirect word that Dulles will con- tinue as Secretary of State at least for several weeks. The decision apparently was left up to Dulles. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was described by Rep. Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind.) as feeling that as long as Dulles "is able and wants to carry on, the President of the United States will avail himself of his services." Herter Standing In In Dulles' absente, Undersecre- tary Christian A Herter is Acting Secretary. Herter's right-hand man is Undersecretary C. Douglas Dillon normally in charge of eco- nomic affairs. Speculation around the State Department was that Dulles would indefinitely remain as Secretary, unless his health suddenly began to degenerate. Herter and Dillon would tend to most department matters while Dulles conentrated on the key question of the day- the German crisis., Some thought apparently was being given to selecting a chief negotiator at forthcoming confer- ences on Germany. One name which cropped up for this post was Deputy Undersecretary. Robert Murphy, the department's veteran troubleshooter. Dulles To Direct The idea seemed to be that if Allied strategy led to a Foreign Ministers' meeting with Russia on Germany's future, Dulles could call the plays with Murphy actually carrying the ball at the conference table. Halleck, Republican leader in the House, told. newsmen at the White House that no "firm de- 'termination" had yet been reached by President Eisenhower on whether Dulles will continue in office. At first, Halleck said, it would be several days before such a determination would be made. Then, after a whispered huddle with Presidential Press Secretary James C. Hagerty, Halleck changed it to several weeks. Condition Same Yesterday's medical bulletin on Dulles' conditions was about what it has been-that he spent a com- fortable night, his spirits are high, he sits up briefly in a chair each morning and afternoon, and his pulse, temperature and blood pres- sure are normal. It appeared that the doctors are, trying to define the extent of the cancer before they settle on the, treatment. So far, all they have publicly said is that Dulles suf- fered a recurrence of the glandular cancer for which a portion of his colon was removed in 1956. MESSAGE TO BOARD: Ashton Criticizes Residence Halls By THOMAS KABAKER Three single spaced pages of "at- titudes, commonly called gripes" were communicated to the Resi- dence Halls Board of Governors last week by Robert Ashton, '59, president of the Inter - House Council. Outstanding among the issues was the "Confidential Report on Residents." The "pink slips" are filed on every resident by the resi- dent advisor and the staff assist- ant. According to Ashton, "the re- ports are acclaimed as invaluablei for determining the student's fit- ness for reacceptance by the halls, for informng the new staffman of the student's attributes, and for basing one's recommendations to inquiring reporters." List Activities Included for comment on the slip are the resident's activities in student government, and house and quad activities. Also present are categories on the condition of the resident's room and adjust- ment and attitude toward room- mates, fellow residents, student government, the University and staffmen. Both, the resident advisor and associate advisor mark the report approved, conditionally approved or disapproved for readmittance. Upperclass housing was also listed among the'issues as "being often wished for as an educational venture." 'Immediate Concern' Residence Hall contract, ac- cording to the report, is an im- mediate area of concern, as they are binding on the student but not on the University; In regard to a $20 room deposit against potential damage, Ashton said, "Recent practices render the deposit a vestigial nuisance of questionable financial ethics." It goes on to question the use of the funds, as room damage is not sub- tracted from the $20 deposit. [Rather, the resident is sent a bill for any damage. The memorandum also declares that the resident director and business manager of the quad- rangles together may conduct room investigations, and recom- mends the chairman on the quad's judiciary be notified before the search. "Their companionship is less I4I than consoling for the subject of the search, especially if he claims it an unjust invasion of privacy," Ashton said. Also listed are the desire for milk machines, refrigerators, soap dispensers, more open houses and a stop to room inspection by house mothers.- John Hale, senior director of the men's residence halls said, "The full story is not stated," but de- clined to make further comment other than that the problems were under discussion. In reference to his action, Ash- ton said, "I see the residence halls as" educational facilities with an important potential contribution to- the University community. Many of these issues are the re- sult of an administrative over- concern which clouds educational objectives." Vanguard Moo Reports W,5,eat ,Scientists Predict Improvemei In. Storm, Tornado Forecastin WASHINGTON (R) - An American satellite car miniature, mechanical weather observer flashed in around the earth yesterday. The basketball-sized satellite is equipped to cl and report back on the earth's cloud cover and, thus b storm clouds or tornadoes. The satellite, Vanguard II, itself may whirl on space for years ork even centuries. But the batteries weather eyes - a pair of photoelectric cells - can continuously for only a fort-6 night. II ROBERT ASHTON .. criticizes residences Board Debates Conversion Of Fletcher to Men 's House The Board of Governors of the Residence Halls discussed the possibility of converting Fletcher Hall from a women's residence to a men's residence at their meeting yesterday. John Hale, Senior Resident Director of the men's residence halls, said there is a need for housing of the type Fletcher Hall offers for both men and women. Residents in this, unit pay for only room and have meal jobs elsewhere, thus< In Research For Honors (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sev- enth in a series of articles concerning the departmental honors program of literary college.) By RUTHANN RECHT The French, Spanish and speech departmental honors programs are conducted on an individual basis whereby each student meets with an advisor to do research and a paper. Qualified students majoring in either French or Spanish may be admitted to a "program of super- vised independent study at the beginning or middle of their junior year," Prof. Lawrence B. Kiddle of the romance languages depart- ment said. In the junior year each student decides on a program of detailed reading in his field of interest to- gether with a member of the fac- ulty. The student meets with his counselor each week to discuss the book he has read during that' time. Each student must write at least one paper a semester but may write as many as one a week, de- pending on the instructor, Prof. Kiddle said. These reports may be written in the original language or in English. "We prefer the stu- dents to write in either French or Spanish after they have taken advanced work," he continued. The work of the senior year is based on selected topics, authors, literary movements,. or genres chosen by the student in consul- tation with his advisor. Periodic conferences, term papers or re- ports, and a final oral examination to be given in May constitute the work of the course. See ROMANCE, page 2 U Counselmg Needs Help Better coordination, training and communication were listed as the most urgent needs of the Uni- versity counseling program by Roger Seasonwein. '61. Student bcorrect position for us to pick it, up, he added. Part of the Navy's official Moon- Beam tracking project, the Univer- sity station is only able to monitor the satellite's signals when it is traveling in a due north-south direction. When the.station does success- fully monitor~ the 2I1 2-pound satellite, an accurate orbit 'can be predicted from .its information, combined with other information received over short wave from other MoonBeam tracking units. The tracking station will also be able to roughly compute the satel- lite's velocity, temperature and' other valuable data concerning the. flight of the space weather sta- tion, Parsons noted. The chances remain good that. the Peach Mountain site, located 15 iles northwest of Ann Arbor, will be able to monitor the earth moon, Parsons said. Must Pass Equator The small sphere must pass at least 20-degrees north of the equa- tor to be received on the tracking apparatus. Reports from Washington say the tiny moon is expected to criss- cross the equator between latitudes of approximately 35 degree north and 35 degrees south. The globe is also expected to circle 'the earth ranging from a distance of 335 to 2,050 miles from the Earth's sur- face. reducing expenses greatly. Originally for Men Fletcher Hall, originally a men's housing unit, was converted to a women's unit four years ago twhen there was a "frightful" overcrowd- ing in the women's dormitories, according to Dean of Women, Deborah Bacon. Hale said "a transfer of Fletcher from women to men would not eliminate that type of housing for women," but while the hall was being occupied by women, all ad- vantages of this kind would be denied to the University's men as they have no comparable type of housing. Miss Bacon declared that the hall's 80 women were there for the same reason the men needed this kind of housing-they are under financial stress. While Fletcher Hall is not "ideal," Miss Bacon said, no place else in the residence hall system could offer these wom- en the type of housing Fletcher Hall does. Would Hurt Women Several members of the Board felt the matter was one of incon- veniencing 80 women or leaving 80 men who are already inconveni- enced in their present housing. It was brought out by Dean of Men Walter B. Rea that many men under financial stress com- parable to that of the women now living in Fletcher Hall, are forced to live in housing far below the caliber the residence hall system should make available. Action on the matter was post- poned until the Board's March meeting in hopes that decisive in- formation could be gathered by members of the Board. Committee To. Report, An Evaluation Committee report "probably recommending a change in the composition of the Board in Review" will be the chief item on the agenda of the Student Govern- ment Council meeting, according to Mort Wise, '59, executive vice- president. All members of the Board in Review have been invited to attend the meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Activities Building, he said, adding the council 'hopes that "at least some will be there." The Council might also recon- sider a tabled motfon of 1949 con- cerning University recognition of organizations with bias clauses. If such action is taken, a committee will be appointed to consult the, appropriateauthorities. A letter from Dean of Men Walter B. Rea concerning the ap- parent bias clause in the constitu- tion of Alpha Kappa Lambda, seeking recognition as a fraterity, will also be presented to the Coun- cil. SGC will also be requested to approve the appointment of four Council members and one non- SGC member to the Conduct Study Committee, which was set up at last week's meeting. A proposed change in the Cine- ma Guild policy and a progress report of the National and Inter- national Committee's student ex- change program will also be con- sidered. May Take Two Weeks And at first it may take two weeks to process the information relayed back to earthbound scien- tists by, the 20-inch, 21% pound globe. Yet the launching of the satel- lite was an epochal stride toward using man-made moons to help improve short and long-range weather forecasts. Still farther in the future is a possibility that satellites may help humans with the control of weather. Richard Porter, head of the United States satellite panel for; the International Geophysical Year, said yesterday's launching is "the beginning of a new era in weather research." Pr e s I d e n t Dwight D. Eisenhower congratu- lated ",all who participated in the successful ,launching." Has Company Out in the reaches of space, the new satellite is streaking along with Russia's huge Sputnik III and three American satellites still aloft. Its two electronic eyes peer out of its shiny shell. Other deli- cate instruments are packed in- side the sphere. Director T. Keith Glennan of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration told a news conference the artificial moon is circling the earth every 126 min- utes at altitudes varying from 335 to 2,050 miles. First checks showed the speed varies from 14,000 to 18,000 miles an hour, with the satellite travel- ing faster when it is closer to the earth. May Last Decade The life of the satellite was computed at a decade at least, and perhaps hundreds of years. Abe Silverstein, Director of Space Flight Development for NASA, offered those widely vary- ing estimates on the basis of pre- liminary information. Speaking of the satellite's life- time at the news session, Silver- stein remarked: "We 'don't really know in the high reaches of the atmosphere what the density of the atmos- phere is. And until we learn more about the drag on the satellite . it is pretty much anyone's guess." Vanguard II isn't as far out in space as Vanguard I, and hence is in denser atmosphere. i Plane Cra'b' May Hold_ Conferenc, LONDON (M)--A Turki liner bringing Prime Mini nan Menderes to the Cypr ference crash-landed yest a dense fog 28 miles from The Turkish political staggered dazed and brus the wreckage. At least 1 aboard were killed,' the Mu Civil Aviation said. The four-engine Viscowu ed by the Turkish gove was carrying only Turkish and the crew-a total of 2 Falls in Wood It came down in a wooc approaches to Gatwick. near Horsham in Suy plane, coming In from and Rome, had been divert London -Airport because visibility. Menderes, 60, spent tw at a nearby farm house a' was brought to the Londo: A clinic physician said]; Is nothing seriously wroz Menderes. All he wants is quiet." Others Hospitalize Taken to the hospite Menderes were Sefik Fent private secretary, and Turkish official. The news caused an im adjournment of negotiatio ing toward independer Cyprus, and cast doubt on' they would be resumed to A Transport Ministry told a reporter theViscour up "an absolute ball of w -I have seen a few cras never one like this." N Wings 'Ripped Off The plane cut a swath the sod. The wings ripped' an engine landed in a tre The official said Mender owe his escape to the fact was snapped off the fusel A small fire was quic tinguished. Rescuers had to cut through a 200-yard pa brambles and hedges to re crash spot. Peter Weller, a gardeni nearby estate, said' thre gers, including Mendere gered groaning from the w: "Then a wing tank appe blow up," he said. "The' further groans from ins smashed fuselage. I and a Peter Heather, another g started dragging people o left and center. Brian Smith, an airpo: cial, said four people wei through holes chopped fuselage. Officials at Gatwick s plane vanished from the screenwhen it was about I a half miles fromsthe end landing on its final appr few minutes later it wa circling low, over the woo then came the crash. Rush Meetii To Be Held Universty fraternityn World News Roundup STATE UNIVERSITY: California Maintains Unified Administration (EDITOR'S NOTE: In view of the possibility of Wayne State University coming under the control of the Board of Regents, The Daily has contacted the University of California in order to determine how their multi-campus university is run. The following information was received from the office of the University . of California's president, Clark Kerr.) By JAMES SEDER The University of California is maintained as a "unified admin- istration" for "university instruction and research" in the state of California. It maintains eight campuses and several centers of "instruction, research, and public service" throughout the state. The university has a full-time enrollment of more than 40,000 students, plus part- time enrollment of' some 75,000 extension students. There are 12,000 faculty members and employees. Run by Regents The schools are run by a 24-man Board of Regents. Sixteen of these men are appointed by the state governor and serve for 16- year staggered terms. There are also eight ex-officio Regents. One of these is the governor. The president of the university is the executive head of all the i By The Associated Press LONDON - Soviet Premier Khrushchev said yesterday that if the Western powers try to shoot their way through to West Berlin after the Russians hand their oc- cupation duties over to Commu- nist East Germany "this will mean the beginning of war." , * * * MEXICO CITY--Reports from Acapulco yesterday said more than 100 Communist agitators have been arrested and anti-Eisenhower pamphlets confiscated. The newspaper "Ultimas No- ticias" said that one of those ar- rested was an aide of the Russian Embassy. Others included several known Communist railroad-union workers. * * * WASHINGTON - A bill to strengthen the Smith Act was ap- proved yesterday by the House Judiciary Committee. The Smith Act makes it a crime to advocate overthrow of the gov- ernment by force or to organize. any group to advocate such action. The bill approved yesterday would revise the law's language to make it apply to such actions as recruiting new members and re- grouping or expanding existing clubs, classes or other units. * *1 '1' THE HAGUE-The Dutch Gov- ernment said yesterday it had asked its ambassador in Washing- ton to request an "official ex-' 'RUSH EXPOSE: Gargoyle Tickles Funny Bones Today. The sorority issue of Gargoyle, campus humor magazine, will be on sale today with a take-off on rush featuring original photos re vealing the inside picture of soror- ity life and rush. The story, which is accompa-. nied by pictures which were ac- tually taken inside a sorority house on campus, ties in with the beginning of rushing for both men and women. Editor David Newman, Grad., said the 44-page issue is the thick- est Garg in years. It includes, among other things, "Passion Cost Me My Diploma," a comic love satire on Michigan life by Fatty Arbuckle, '62E. Exciting news about Garg's new pledge prank contest is offered, along with jokes, cartoons, and stories of general campus appeal. . .. ;. _ ..:::. .::: .:: _ < .::;. .