THE MICHIGAN DAILY aney Creates Music, Composers CREATIVE WORK--Prof. Ross Lee Finney has as his job the creation of modern, serious music and, in addition, the training of young composers. He is presently working on "The First Sym- phony" but has written chamber music, "his greatest interest." It is very likely that the true artist is quite absent-minded or even emotionally disturbed, the composer said. But he added that "to confuse the two,, the 'Bo' and the true artist, is a very bad mis- take and especially hard on the artist." The professor was born into a family of musicians and was writ- ing his own compositions, "though they were not very good," at the age of eight. His first actual in- troduction to the craft of compo- sition, however, was when he went to Europe when he was 22. Started at Smith Upon his return to the United States, he studied at Harvard and then got his first teaching assign- ment at Smith College. This was a really 'big time' musical institu- tion at that time, the professor said. "It offered a really vigorous cultural life and was a wonderful environment for a young com- poser." The professor then commended the University on its understand- ing of the needs of a creative art- ist in academic life. "Composing and teaching at the same time is a trying schedule for anyone," he said. But the administration has not pressured him and has given him the opportunity to get away from school every now and then. These leaves enable him to refresh his mind and also to study his mind. "Teaching is not antagonistic to creative work," he said, "but it can be if proper understanding is not given to the needs of the person who is in both fields," the pro- fessor added. Prof. Finney came to the Uni- versity in 1948 where he now works closely with a small group of talented students of composi- tion. He also teaches a course in introduction to composition for those who are not going to be composers. Weather Ends Local Skating;, Shelters Close Yesterday was the official end of this winter's skating at the Ann Arbor parks, Eli A. Gallup, super- intendent of the city parks and recreation department, an- nounced. Until next year, he said, shel- ters will be closed, ice will not be kept up, and there will be no su- pervision of skating. As long as ice remains, the pub- lie is welcome to skate, he said. He listed recent and expected warm weather as the reason for ending the skating season. This winter there were 63 days of skating at the city parks. This, he said, set a record, according to available records. Bulletin Board Boasts Ads Selling Almost Everything By BRUCE COLE sale is "Astounding Science Fie To give University students a tion" magazines from 1937 to 194 chance to buy and sell anything in "fine condition or better at from flying saucers to trailers for a low price if bought in quan complete with oil drums, the for " Michigan Union has provided two tity." bulletin boards. Last, but not least, is the Indu Located on the basement level trious student who is trying Lopposted the ffeesop, dents sell a 1952 automobile in "averag opposite the coffee shop, students condition with radio, semi-heate may linger for hours over the seats, windows, doors and simile small notices on the boards. All equipment." one needs to do to have a notice "A delightful experience" t1 posted is to take it to the student students say as they read the o offices of the Union for approval. fers on the Union bulletin board One student reading the notices Hmmm-curious? said he never has bought any- thing, nor does he plan to, but he likes to stop every hour or so to see what is up for sale. Rent Study Space Among the notices are such things as a study hall for rent to be used by five or six students, an experienced Swiss tutor who will D on't Ru; tutor students in French and Ger- man, rides wanted from Ann Ar- bor to Cleveland, New York, Los Angeles, and Rochester, and the usual deluge of rooms for rent. One person is advertising a boat for sale which is capable of pulling five skiers providing their average, weight is 150 pounds. As an added incentive, the advertiser said his boat has bronze propellers and a flying saucer. Someone who wants to make a German student happy is offering "Living German" a complete lan- guage course consisting of four long-play records which were "merely used to record material on tape." He is willing to take a SEE: "Inside A five dollar loss on the item. tures) ab Washing Machine Another individual is selling a SEE: "Passion 4 "New washing machine still in its original crating." The incentive the heart here s $100 off the original price. If someone's aim in life is to SEE: The MISS have a trailer, one is available, SEE: Humor b complete with its own oil drum. A briar pipe still in its original merlig wrapping is for sale at a discount for anyone who wants to buy it. SEE: The Pled One of the unique items for N I TY LI F been. thinking about doing a sym- from the lowest depth to its everyone feels the gesture. Other- phony, and the Foundation's offer height?" wise, your work has failed, and was just the spark to set my ideas "Unique Areas" the gesture has not 'lived'," he in order." "When I have this gesture un- said: Going down into his studio in derstood, the problem is to trans- Bohemians Conforming the basement of his house, he late it into music notes," he con- And then he added: "Let- me nonchalantly pointed out tihe tinued. Each part of the gesture explain one thing, in relation not 'daubings' on the wall, the 'name must find its particular note en- just to music but to any art. It he gives to the paintings he does vironment, the place where it's is very difficult to distinguish be- in his sparetime. Then he played going to 'live'." In other words, twee nthe true artist and the Bo- a small'part of the new symphony each part of the gesture must be- hemian. The 'Bo' just harbors a on the piano, and explained: come alive in a "unique area" and pretense of individualism. He is "I believe that the most im- can be placed in no other area, not really an individualist at all, portant part of any music is that the composer explained. but is conforming to Bohemia., it have ph intense feeling of ges- The end of music is the emo- "The artist, on -the other hand, ture. I must think of that gesture tional expression it evokes, and is a real individual. His cause is in my mind ... will it be a higl. this expression is the gesture it- deep-grained; he is only con- gesture, sweepings down, or pers- self. "The idea must be so vividly cerned with the production of his haps a gesture progressing slowly thought out by the composer that art." U.S. Grads May A fiend Red Colleges BY NORMA SUE WOLFE By- ora grute E spresently be graduate students his participation in the exchange, Pre-doctoral graduate - ne dend who are proficient in speaking, via his own university, which must in science, the social sciences and reading and understanding Rus- agree to sponsor him. Soviet university during 1959-60. sian. They must also be American Funds covering tuition, mainte- citizens, not over 38 years old, nance and related expenses in the A cultural exchange agreement who are either unmarried or will- Soviet Union; travel and travel between the United States and ing to be separated from their related expenses; summer langu- the Soviet Union was completed families during the academic year age study when necessary, and last year. The Inter-University abroad, if it proves inescapable. maintenance of dependents where Committee on Travel Grantswa asked to administerthant s1958- Two of the 22 American students necessary will be provided. exchange program for advanced are accompanied by their wives in Completed applications, recom- graduate rstudents. this year's study at Soviet univer- mendations, transcripts and other siaes.epapers must be received by the is p frsentlye opero ihtagr eme The committee will provide each Inter-University Committee by is prsnl oeainwt 2student the necessary funds for March 31. Welcome Students! Try us today for: 0 0 0 CREW CUTS PRI NCETONS FLAT-TOPS The Dascolo near Michigan Barbers Theatre a; 1 G ET SATISFPVING F=LAVOPR... MASTERS DEGREE CANDIDATES in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics are invited to meet Representatives of IBM cn MARCH 2 For appointment, please contact your College Placement Office. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION No flat "filtered-out"flavor! No dry "smoked-out"taste! A k t You can - -::light either end! EE HERE'S WHY SMOKE %TRAVELED" THROUGH FINE TOBACCO TASTES, BEST !1 I See how Pall Mall's famous length of fine tobacco trnpl~ an