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May 26, 1959 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-26

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TUESDAY, Y 26, 1959


Goodenough Speaks on African Study

Prof. Ward Goodenough of the
University of Pennsylvania de-
scribed the impact of the "cargo
cult" on the personal identities of
the Nakanai tribesmen of New
Guinea yesterday afternoon in a
lecture sponsored by the anthro-
pology department.
Reviewing the results of a study
he conducted among the Nakanai
in 1954, Prof. Goodenough ex-
plained that the "cargo cult" is a
widely accepted myth prophesying
the arrival of a shipment of Euro-
pean goods that will, in effect,
equalize the natives with Euro-
pean whites.
"The landing of the first Euro-
peans in Melanesia dealt a shat-
tering blow to the personal identi-
ties of the tribesmen, who immedi-
ately sensed their inferiority,"
Prof. Goodenough declared. "Such
damage to his identity is one of

the most serious psychological
shocks to an individual."
As a result of this identity dis-
ruption, he suggested that the
"cargo cult" developed, its pur-
pose being to rebuild the natives'
Through the sweeping change
in the Nakanais' culture, "they
gained control of new identity
symbols rather than got rid of the
frustrating situation," Prof. Good-
enough pointed out.
With the aid of color slides, he
showed how Nakanai ceremonies
and festivals, traditionally where
tribesmen displayed their concepts
of the ideal state of being, began
to use images of the wealthy Euro-
pean white.
Thus the whole culture became
more or less oriented toward the
"cargo cult" and the individual
identities became altered accord-

... describes "cargo cult"


Receives ,
Prof. William D. Revelli, head of
the wind instrument department
of the music school and director
of bands since 1935, was recently
honored for his "outstanding con-
tribution to American music."
He was awarded the citation by
the National Association for
American Composers and Conduc-
tors by being selected by the Com-
mittee on Awards and Citations of
that organization.
Before Prof. Revelli came to the
University, he was appointed music
supervisor in the public schools of
Hobart, Ind., where he organized
the instrumental department of
that city. He also was successful
in winning five consecutive na-
tional championships with Hobart
High School band.
After the professor came to the
University, he was instrumental
in building up the faculty of the
wind instrument department from
one to 16.
Other awards bestowed upon
him are the Honorary Doctor of
Music degree from the Chicago
Musical College in 1947 and the
Honorary Doctor of Laws degree
in 1953 from Oklahoma City Uni-
See Office
To Transfer
University students planning to
transfer credits should contact the
Office of Registration and Records,
Edward G. Groesbeck, director,
Students who plan to attend
other schools either during the
summer or next fall were advised
to secure letters of good standing
or transcripts before the final ex-
amination period begins.

Police Work While Ann Arbor Sleeps'

The small main office of the Ann
Arbor Police Department,located
in City Hall, is a busy place on
Saturday nights and fall football
A multitude of complaints is
received at the desk, and the office
is often crowded with students and
townspeople accused of drunken
driving, disturbing the peace, or a
host of other legal sins.
On many other nights, however,
the office is a quiet, almost lonely
place. The police lieutenant in
charge of the late shift sits at
his desk, sorting the yellow com-
plaint forms of the past few days,
and adding supplementary reports
where they are required.
Officer Waits
The officer on desk sits calmly
behind the window marked "Infor-
mation," contemplating the smoke
curling up from the cigar in his
In front of the officer is, the
powerful police radio, over which a
description of a stolen Cadillac is
coming. "That °was coming from
Canada," he said. "We are always
picking up police broadcasts from
places like California," he contin-
ued, flicking a switch, suddenly
cutting off the ° voice: "But we
can't even get anything from Ann
Arbor." And, in truth, the six cars
cruising Ann Arbor have little to
report in.
It is a quiet night.
At 11:30 p.m. the radio's silence
is broken by a report from a car
that the lights at a railroad cross-
ing are blinking, even though no
train is coming. The desk officer
turns to the radio microphone,
answers the car, marks down a
record of the call, and then noti-
fies a city inspector by phone.
Check Restaurant
The next call comes in at 11:45.
One of the cars had been told
earlier to make a check on a res-
taurant which has become a hang-
out for teen-agers. Recently, fights
have erupted there, but the report
is that all is normal.
- Midnight passes peacefully. The
desk officer lights another cigar,
and walks over to the teletype
machine, over which messages
come from police departments in

Of Russia

AGAIN SILENCE-The police lieutenant in charge of the radio
has just received a call that all was in order in a certain city
district. After filing the cruiser's report, the lieutenant will lean
back in his chair, knowing this will be another uneventful and
quiet night.°

neighboring counties. The descrip-
tion of several stolen cards is
coming over the wire and the offi-
cer turns back to his desk.
It is 12:07 when the phone
rings. The officer answers, listens,
replies politely "No, ma'am," and
hangs up a few seconds. later..
"That was a woman wanting to
know if we had a report of an
accident between here and Detroit
in the past three hours," he said.
Sorts Complaints
Over at his desk, the lieutenant
finishes sorting the compaint
forms. The latest one was typed,
up after a man called in reporting
a blocked driveway.




Hypnotist To Perform Thursday

He picks up the complaints to
be handled by the youth bureau,
the detective bureau, and the
traffice bureau, and heads down-
stairs to their respective offices, all
of which are closed for the night.
Back at the complaint desk, the
officer takes another call, this one
from a woman in need of an
ambulance. He quickly relays the
call to the sheriff's office, since the
police department has no ambul-
Disrupts Loneliness
A few minutes later, the lone-
liness of the office is disrupted by
a girl of college age, who walks
quickly into the station. She com-
plains that a car tried to force
her off the road as she was walk-
ing along an unpaved street earlier
in the evening.
The officer takes down the in-
formation for a complaint form,
and tries to soothe the girl's nerves
by telling her that the driver of
the car was probably a young man
trying to be funny.
The girl leaves, only slightly
relieved by the officer's words.
At 12:45, the desk officer calls
out for coffee for himself and the
lieutenant. The eight-hour shift
will not be over until 7 a.m., and
the prospects are strong that the
morning will continue to be un-
eventful. But the officer and the
lieutenant are undisturbed. Theirs
is the type of business where no
news is good news.

(Continued from Page 1)
Explaining that they were
transported by cattle cars, he not-
ed that the whole system was
purposely designed to eliminate
those who couldn't work in the
mines and industries in Siberia.
For three days in July they were
forced to go completely without
"The old people and babies nat-
urally couldn't stand it," he said,
"One 80-year-old lady in our car
went insane. She began scream-
ing and beating everything in
sight. It was terrible."
Because the women and chil-
dren were separated from the
men, Golubjatnikov's father was
sent to Siberia and the rest of the
family went first to a Russian
agricultural camp from which
they attempted to escape into
Sweden on a small boat. They
were captured by the Germans
and sent to a German concentra-
tion camp.
"Don't ask me which one was
worse," he said, "They learned
from each other."
At the end of the war, he, his
mother and a brother were re-
leased from the camp and came
to the United States. His father
died in Siberia.
Discussing the thorough plan-
ning and intricate spy system
used by the Russians, Golub] at-
nikov said the worst thing was
the continual fear. Schools are
even used as a part of the spy sys-
tem to obtain information on
their families from children.
According to the native Eston-
ian, the 300 million people en-
slaved by the Russians are the
best friends the free world has.
However, they have been some-
what disillusioned by some ac-
tions of the United States, espe-
cially in regard to the recent
Hungarian incident.
In warning against an apathetic
attitude toward the Russian
threat, he translated an ancient
Russian proverb:
"What we possess, we don't
treasure until we lose it; then we
cry for it."
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Billed as "The Master of Your
Mind" with the addenda "Movie
Stars are his Clients," Rajah Ra-
boid arrived in Ain Arbor Friday.
The mind reader and hypnotist
sponsored by the Washtenaw
County Sheriff's department will
put on two performances at 8
p.m. Thursday and Friday in the
Ann Arbor High School Auditor-
ium with the proceeds going to the
city's Junior Deputy League.
Rajah Raboid said he uses no
assistant in his act and his mind
reading is done through intense
concentration by him and the
The Rajah does most of his work
with his eyes sealed, and to prove
that his eyes are closed, he will
let anyone in the audence put on
the seals and if anyone is still
skeptical, he will let someone in
the audience put the seals on
another person to verify that no
one can see through the seals.
Rubs Cards
During his act, he will take
cards on which the audience has
written their initials and point
out the various people calling
their full names after he has rub-
bed his fingers over the cards "in
order to receive the sensations."
Many of the cards will be written

in pen or pencil, so he said he will
not feel any impressions on the
Rajah Raboid also will hypnotize
people and put them through vari-
ous paces. "I do not use any sort'
of instrument or symbol, like wav-
ing a watch in front of people's
eyes, to put them into a hypnotic
state." It is done mainly through
his voice.
He remarked that one hour of
mindreading is equivalent to about
eight hours work with a pick and
shovel: "The concentration is so
Defines Mind
He said the subconscious mind
with which he deals is the spiritual
part of the person, and emphasiz-
ing he is a firm believer in God,
"the supernatural is the natural
not thoroughly understood by,
The Rajah said he only works
when there is a -large group," as
there is a better relationship with
people when many are in one place
concentrating together.
He also claimed he could do such
things as predicting sports scores,
but when he was asked to write
down the scores of the Detroit
Tigers, Cleveland Indians series
this weekend, he refused, saying it

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is too easy a thing to do, and
besides, he would not personally
benefit from doing this, "because
I am an entertainer," he quipped.3
Toured Country
He was born in New Orleans and
has toured the United States many
times as well as going overseas.
The Rajah said his "exceptional
powers were discovered in ele-
mentary school when he passed
several difficult'examinations with
a perfect score."
"The school thought there was
something different about me and
they gave me the same tests in
a room by myself. I received a
forty per cent right score."
He said the school realized that
when he took a test in the class-
room, he concentrated on the
thoughts of the brightest student
in each subject, and put down the
answers this student put down.
Had Tutor
Consequently, Rajah Raboid
completed his education through
high school with a private tutor
and he then went on the stage.
He said his powers are not
hereditary, as his son, 26 years old,
does not possess them.
He has been approached by
people to do police detective work
but he declined because "no court
will accept my type of evidence."
In Thursday's Memorial Day
parade, the Rajah will drive an
automobile through the streets
of downtown Ann Arbor with his
eyes sealed. "I will receive thought
vibrations from the crowds lining
the curb and through these vibra-
tion I will know how and where to
drive," he said.

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