ART 17, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY iristians Termed Semites by Priest Book SelectingHugeTask at Library By PHILIP SHERMAN I SPIRITUAL SEMITES-All Christians are spiritually kin to the Semitic tradition, Rev. Fr. John M. Oesterreicher, who is the director of the Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies at Seton Hall "Still, separated though we are, we are brothers, even though many obstacles block a full understand- ing," he said. As one of these hindrances, Father Oesterreicher, who had two narrow escapes from the Nazis before coming to the United States in 1940, cited the abuses that so many Jews suffered at the hands of Hitler. "Those who did not suffer physi- cally, suffered mentally with their Jewish kinsmen in Nazi-held countries. The ghost of Ilitler haunts Jews of today, often with- out their knowing it, and many are afraid that something like the Nazi persecution could happen again," Father Oesterreicher said. The conclusion of the talk was devoted to description of the paintings by Marc Chagall. Father Oesterreicher explained that he sees in this Jewish painter of the crucified Christ a bridge between the Old and the New Testaments. FLORENCE BRIDALand BEAUTY SHOP Large selection of Spring Formals Wedding Gowns Cocktail Dresses 109 W. Liberty NO 2-5878 The Book Selection Department of the General Library behaves "like any Twentieth Century ra- tional man" according to its direc- tor, Rolland C. Stewart. Charged with overseeing the selection of all library books, the department must reconcile the need for books of the various fac- ulties with the limits imposed by the budget. Stewart revealed that these fis- cal restrictions are particularly stringent this year. Last year's budget was $525,0Q00 for all libraries, a figure deceiving- ly large, Stewart added. This year's figure is lower as are all University budgets. Selection Objective The process of selecting the books, which places a premium on objectivity, is carried out by co- operation between the faculty and the Library. The various departments, each given a specific budgetary allot- ment, select the books they desire to be placed in the General Li- brary or any of i idstisvoi brary or any of its divisions. These recommendations are re- viewed by the Book Selection De-+ partment, and the books are ob- tained. Book Titles Suggested To expedite the selection pro- cess, Stewart suggests lists of titles, ne wand old, pertaiing to the various subject areas to each de- partment. He emphasized, however, im- portance of faculty participation in the selection process since they are best qualified for the task. . The works of all University fac- ulty members and other authors of established reputation are pur- chased as a matter of course. Information on new publications is obtained from publishers cata- logues and review journals. Lists Library Aim The ideal aim of any library is to satisfy all, these needs of its users for both new and old books; due to insufficient funds, the Uni- versity libraries are unable to ful- fill this ideal completely, Stewart said. There is some hope, he added, for increasing the amount of pur- chases in the near future if funds are made available for such a purpose by the national govern- ment, operating under the Nation- al Defense Education Act. Before this act, aid to libraries had generally been overlooked in such programs. Federal funds were used chiefiy for laboratories and research fellowships, the spending being motivated by the Sputnik scare, but not for libraries, which furnish the information for the basis of research. The fres funds would be used to strengthen collections in new areas of knowledge. Some Books Free , Another phase of the depart- ment's work involves no purchas- ing of books. In the course of the year tens of thousands of pieces of free literature arrive at the library. They are published by organiza- tions ranging from the Interna- tional Cooperation Administration to "young socialist" groups, en- compassing in between all forms of scientific, educational and cul- tural activity. Political publications are usually from either the extreme left or the extreme Tight. The principal difference between the two, Stewart commented, is that those of the right generally are printed on better paper, and sometimes use better grammar. The task of the department is to decide which pieces of literaure will be kept by the Library and which will be disposed of. If a piece of literature is to be retained, Stewart explained, it, must be catalogued, a rather ex- pensive process. As funds are limited, everything obviously can- not be catalogued. Priority on Books Decisions must therefore be made as' to the items of greatest value, which will be kept. What Stewart calls a "catholicity" of view is important in this area. The persons making the decisions must ignore any personal preferences. If the literature is judged not to be of enough value to be kept it is either immediately discarded or kept for a short time to satisfy any momentar interest. Stewart emphasized that it was not the task of the Library to maintain complete files on every subject covered by periodicals and similar literature. It would cost much and serve no real purpose. Agriculture at MSU He cited the example of agricul- tural publications, commenting that Michigan State University would maintain a more extensive collection than the University be- cause of its agricultural emphasis. a There is a national system, maintained by the Library of Con- gress, by which special collections of various libraries are opened to national use. The Library of Congress pub- lishes a catalogue of the collec- tions of all libraries in the system, the members then being able to borrow any books desired from each other. Select Student Second Time A University law student has been chosen for the second straight year to serve as clerk to a United States Supreme Court Justice. Justice Charles E. Whittaker has notified Jerome B. Libin, '59L, of his one-year appointment to the post effective July 20, 1959. Libin, who holds a Weymouth Kirkland Law scholarship, is edi- tor-in-chief of the Michigan Law Review. He also ranks first in his class and is a member of Barris- ters Society. f "Atu hofthe Village" ANN ARBOR at 209 South State Street (Below Marshall's Book Store) IMPORTED CURIOS CRAFTED JEWELRY MOSAICS and PAINTINGS by ILAKIE Looking for something different? We carry imported frames from France, Germany and Italy in addition to our American styles. OCCULIST PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CAMPUS OPTICIANS 240 Nickels Arcade Dial NO 2-9116 0 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily 9:00 to 5:30 306 S. State . Men go for girls who go for Camels. So many of them, in fact, that this cigarette outsells every other - every filter, every king-size, every regular. That's been true now for 10 straight years. The Camel blend of costly tobaccos has never been equalled for rich flavor and easygoing mildness. The best tobacco makes the best smoke, Push fads and-fancy stuff aside... SALE! PLAID SLACKS 7.90 regularly 10.98 I I ENDRES