_____________THE MICHIGAN DAILY T -- --------- 1 Discusses Problems Of rh1 By MILDA GINGELL "An author must be able to transfer what most writers say to the level of a child's world which is narrow because of its limited experience," Prof. Clark Hopkins of the classical studies department said. "The book must be able to ex- press the child's feelings in the way he would want to say things," he continued. Prof. Hopkins addressed the Michigan Writers Conference in the Union Ballroom recently, speaking on the difficulties in- volved in writing children's stories. He went on to say that the characters in the stories should be separate, distinct, interesting and individual. He cited examples of this type of character by reading descriptions of Cyrus, a character from his book, "Cyrus Hunts the Couger." Whereas the vocabulary in a child's book was once limited to a few hundred words, authors now tend to use many new words in order to stimulate the imagina- tions of children, he continued,' but, of course, not too many new words should be used. He also emphasized that the author must consider whether the parent or the child will read the book and the age of the child. Prof. Hopkins decided to write children's stories after reading and disliking the stories he read to his small son many years ago. His two books, "Indians; Fire Engines and Rabbit" and "Cyrus Hunts the Couger" are published under the pen name Roy Lee. Director Discusses Problems of Short-Run Drai By BRUCE COLE "You get to the point when ac- tors have learned their lines and everyone on the set knows what to do, and you find your time has run out," John O'Shaughnessy, di- rector of the Drama Season pro- ductions said. Discussing the problems of di- recting a series of plays which begin on Tuesday and the follow- ing Monday is opening night. Wants Time He noted that although there is not half as much time as he would like, the actors give their all in the production and they improve throughout the week because they learn where their weak points lie through audience reactions. "Many people do not realize the great value of the audience to the performers. An actor's audience is his greatest help, especially in tim- ing," the director disclosed. O'Shaughnessy said he watches the show on opening night and then three or four nights later to see if there is any change. "After all, once the shows goes on, the di- rector's job Is finished." Discusses Problems The Drama Season director com- mented on the particular Drama Season productions and their spe- cial problems. "Macbeth," he said, was unusual in that not only the staging, such as the presentation of the witches, but also the lines themselves were presented differ- ently." "We changed soliloquies and scenes around in order to build up to a better emotional climax," he revealed. "Howie" was not too difficult to do. The main problem here is, conveying the comedy without having it looked forced. This play is, as Charles Hohman desribes it, a two-dimensional production. "There is no philosophic mes- sage nor critcial comment which the audience must get. It is a play that should be taken as it is seen, with no hidden morals or mes- sages." More Complex "Waiting for Godot," n e x t week's production, he described as probably "six dimensional." He said the play is a complexity of conflicts and meanings which present a real challenge to the di- rector, because, "unless it is done right, the audience will not see the message of the play." Another problem with "Godot," he said, was movement. This play does not have the action of either "Macbeth" or "Howie" and an audience will get very restless if the characters m e r e l y s t a n d around throwing out dialogue but not doing anything." It is the movement of a produc- tion that keeps it alive, he em- phasized. O'Shaughnessy then discussed the theatre-in-the-round which is growing in importance in the American scene. Emphasis Differs "It is necessary to realize the different emphasis in this type of theatre, as well as the burden of the actors," he remarked. An au- dience may identify itself with the players more in an arena situation because they are not separated by a proscenium. "Of course this makes it hard for the actors since they are totally out in the open and they really have to live their parts and have the necessary con- tact with the audience," he said. Another reason the audience may identify more with this ar- rangement is that it has freer reign of imaginations, since the scenery is fairly sparse and more has to be imagined. "You don't have the flies and backdrops that you find in a conventional the- atre," he said. Types Vary O'Shaughnessy commented that although most play material can be done in either type theatre, pageantry should be confined to the proscenium. "Because of the openness of the arena, the pagen- try cannot be as successful as it is on a regular stage." . He cited opera as an example which cannot be done very suc- cessfully in the arena because of the pageantry and the emotion which needs to be built up through the color and staging, including elaborate sets, and of course the music and singing. After completing his work with Drama Season (this is his fourth year as director) he plans to go to his Long Island home for a brief rest. "There is : some repairing, building, landscaping and fishing I'd like to get in before heading To Perform to the Poconos," where he is resi-I dent director of the Pocono Play-t house, a summer stock theatre, he1 revealed.] Stock Not Difficult; He said stock is not very difficult, to do, since it is non-creative now- a-days, because most of the shows' are "package productions." "This means all the sets, floor plans and actors are flown to the various summer theatres, and all the resident director does, mainly, is to see that everything is in order' and manage the operation of the theatre." Next fall he will direct a new play, "Cut of the Axe," on Broad- way and he is currently working with playwrite Shepard Kermin in order to complete the script. The play deals with a town marshall who lets himself be ruled by the boss of the town and who begins to feel a responsibility for his' duty as a law enforcement officer. Wants To Settle O'Shaughnessy also puts on a few plays in Washington during the year. His major complaint is that he wishes he could settle down and stop living out of a suitcase. However, he admits he loves his work and he loves actors, "they really aren't tempermental, in fact they are easy to get along with because they always want to im- prove themselves," he said. Sometimes there is a profes- sional conflict, such as andactor *who has been in a play under one director and then does the play under another director who wants it done a little differently; "but these usually work themselves out through -compromise and then everything is smooth again," he said. "Yes, it's a fine business, and the rewards are among the greatest, for you can see your own creation form in front of your eyes, and this is the most wonderful feeling there is," the director concluded. Band To Give Pubic Concert The University Symphony Band will present a laboratory concert at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Aud; Members of the band will act as student conductors, and will con- duct works by Weinberger, Morris- sey, Gould, Milhaud, Bach, Wag- ner, Holst and Cowell. U JOHN O'SHAUGNESSY' ... discusses directing run for a short time as opposed to the long run production, 0'- Shaughnessy, noted the frustra- tion of the director in not having the time to polish the plays. "It is somewhat disheartening to have to see a play go on before you have done everything to your satisfaction," he remarked. Usually, a Broadway production will have weeks and weeks of practice. However, during Drama Season, rehearsals of a new play I i f 1 + t t t t t 0 0 c £ qua i i ,y, DIAL OA2-3136 STARTS TODAY IT'S A GAY, GORGEOUS, GLORIOUS, LOVE STORY OF A BLUSHING BRIDE . a French hubby with ideas of a romance that will tickle you with laughter. Tonesco Play "The Bald Soprano" by Ionesco will be performed at 8:30 p.m. June 5 and 6 in Lane Hall. Tickets will be available at Mar- shall's Book Store and the Disk Shop. The production, directed by Philip Diskin, will be presented by the Dramatic Arts Center Work- shop. Unique acoustic and lighting ef- fects will accompany the produc- tion. A Deborah Kr 1.oItoTnoraz; Mauice Cbevalber 4 Asian Group Announces New Course for Fall NEXT ACADEMY AWARD WINNER SUSAN HAYWARD in "A WOMAN OBSESSED" r17, L ui .. By CAROL FELDER .W a - 11w"o'""ow English: LOWEST MAN IN THE COMMENCEMENT CLASS Thinkilsh translation: The only courses this bird absorbed c Awere the ones served in dining hall. The only examinations he passed were the ones his dentist gave him twice a year. After five years of work (at a two-year college), he finally got ,his diploma. Obviously, the word for this fellow is gladuate! Of. course, being a Lucky fan marks him as a man of high degree .. . with extra credits for good taste. Get the honest taste of fine - tobacco yourself. Spend this summa cum Luckies. EnglS'.. CMORI:" 01.1:r ::.English: ANGRY JAPANESE ThrnkhshhI'nkTALhGU HOWT - :.LUCKY. MAKE ~ 5 SRIKEJ Take a word-magazine, for example. With it, you can make a burglar's weekly (swaga- zine), a liars' club bulletin (bragazine), a mountain-climbing gazette (cragazine) and a pin-upperiodical(stagazine).That'sThinklish -and it's that easy! We're paying $25 for the Thinklish words judged. best-your check is itching to go! Send your words to Lucky . Strike, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Enclose name, address, college and class. Creation of the South Asian Studies Committee by the Uni- versity last March was an attempt to rationalize, expand, and de- velop the courses dealing with South Asia that are available both to graduates and undergraduates. There were three important reasons for its development, Prof. Robert I. Crane, chairman of the South Asian Committee, said. The University already had well- developed programs of study in the, Near East and Far East. The new program for South Asia was an attemept to round out and fill in the gap between these two. Resources Exist Resources on South Asia were in existence at the University which needed organizing and addi- tional strength in order to make them effective for training pur- poses. Also important was the grow- ing conviction among Asian spe- cialists at the University that South.Asia was an area that de- served much more careful under- standing because of its importance in the world. At this time Congress passed the National Defense Education Act which, included Hindustani as one of the major languages of critical importance to the United States. Under the Act the University re- ceived fellowships and counter- part government money for costs of instruction to expand and 'de- velop. its: program of studies on South Asia, Adds New Courses This assistance not only makes it possible' for us to bring good students here on fellowships but also helped the University to in- stitute new courses dealing with South Asian staff, Prof. Crane said. Next fall there will be nine new courses offered through the Asian Studies Committee. In the language department Elementary Colloquial Hindustani is being presented as an intensive study in reading and speaking of the major language of India. Em- phasis is placed upon general con- versational ability and mastery of the essentials of sentence pattern, pronounciation and basic vocabu- lary. In Several Departments Political Science 148, The Gov- ernment and Politics of South Asia, and Political Science 269, Proseminar in the Government Q.vA UnlfiQ f Crnli+1-, A cia ar The Geography of South Asia; Geography of East Asia; Fine Arts 91, The Art of India; Introductory Sanskrit; and Buddhism 117 com-I plete this list of new courses. Asian Civilizations 1 and 2, a two semester course that was or- ganized this year, will again be offered in the fall although it is not listed in the catalogue, Prof. Crane remarked. The one year course is an intro- ductory study of the major peo- ples, civilizations, and problems of Asia, open to underclassmen. Arrange Programs The committee 'has also been able to arrange degree programs at the graduate level with special emphasis on South Asia in the de- partment of fine arts, geography, history and political science. The Program is now soliciting applications for fellowships under the National Defense Education Act from students at the Univer- sity who wish to take training in the Hindustani language as well as take degree work in the depart- ment. Interested students should con- tact Prof. Crane as soon as pos- sible for application forms and information. day, to those among us-" ,, .Y .. -Have you bought your graduation cards yet? - .- up Chester Roberts Gifts 312 S. STATE featuring HALLMARK CARDS for those who care enough to send the very best! ,1 -"And so we dedicate this UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE Incorporated 340 MAYNARD STREET Across from Nickels Arcade 20% OFF on COMPLETE STOCK Up to 50% off on selected items ALL LABELS ON SALE