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May 26, 1959 - Image 1

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom.



'. LXIX, No. 171





Group Endorses
Foreign Studies
Ask Junior Year Abroad Program
To Expand Learning Opportunities
The literary college curriculum committee endorsed the principle
i' of a junior year in Europe for University students yesterday, and
recommended its possible implementation here.
To lay groundwork, the curriculum committee also recommended
to the literary college executive committee the creation of a faculty
group to undertake a detailed study of the Junior Year Abroad concept.
The move followed presentation of a report from a joint stud'ent
group which called the "challenging experience" of the Junior Year
a Abroad a "radical departure from the routine of University education,"

Carry Pleas
To Lansing
LANSING (AP) - Officials from
six state colleges and universities,
all wrestling with higher costs







Soviet Says
West Plans

Atom Sites
GENEVA (R) - Soviet Foreig
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko yes
terday accused the West of plan-
ning to convert West Germany
"into a runway for atomic bomb.
ers and a launching site for rock-
He drew a. prompt rebuke fromr
United States Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter. The Ameri.
can diplomat told the Big Four
F o r e i g n Ministers' Conferenc
r that rearmament of Communist
East Germany was going ahead a
a greater pace than in West Ger-
Britain's Foreign Secretary Sel-
wyn Lloyd promptly cast himsel
in the role of conciliator. He sug-
gested that arguments along th
line of the Gromyko-Herter ex-
change would get the conference
Meanwhile the United States
told Russia's Premier Nikita
Khrushchev to stop issuing threats
unless he wants to wreck pros-
pects that friendly East-West
talks may ease the German prob-
The State Department said
iKhrushchev's talk about a sep-
arate 'Soviet peace treaty with
East Germany was hindering the.
work of the Big Four Foreign
Ministers now meeting in Geneva
In a 40-minute speech Gromy-
ko called on the four big powers
to agree in principle that negotia-
tions between the rival German
states represented a desirable way
of restoring German unity.
t Soviet accusations of American-
fostered West German militarism
' repetedly have stung the West-
ern delegations at the conference,
now in its third week.-
HouSe StopS
Bill To Curb
Ike's Spending
WASHINGTON (P) - Four at-
tempts to trim the amount of
money, appropriated directly to
the President and restrict the
ways in which it can be used were
defeated by the House yesterday.
The measures were introduced
by a Republican and a Democrat
and members of both parties
joined in turning them down.
Rep. J. Vaughan Gary (D-Va.),
of the House Appropriations Com-
mittee, led the fight against an
amendment that would require
the President to account for ex-
penditures from the one million
dollar National Defense Emer-
ecy Fund provided him.
"When we get to the point
where we can't trust the Presi-
dent of the United States with a
million dollars then it's time to
get someone else," Gary said.
"You've got to trust somebody."
The defeated amendments were
offered on a $13,338,500 bill fi-
nancing the executive office and
related activities for the coming
fiscal year which starts July 1. It
was tentatively approved by voice
vote but final action was put off
until Wednesday because many
members were absent.
Announce SGC
Delhi Award

-0 offering students- the "opportunity
to study European civilization at
its source.''
Recommend Establishment
The group recommended estab-
lishment of a faculty committee to
communicate with the offices of
colleges sponsoring similar pro-
grams and to further evaluate a
University program.
Initiation of a junior year in
Europe plan, the student report
noted, represents a "committment
to the need for better understand-
ing of European countries and
world events, and to the value of a
living experience which no amount
of reading can replace.'g
Need for such a program is be-
coming increasingly clear, the re-
port pointed out, suggesting the
University take a "creative step in
this direction."
Compose Group
The student group was composed
of members of the literary college
steering committee, Student Govt
ernment Council, and the literary
college honors steering committee.
Allowing that similar programs
at other American schools are
adequate; the group insisted on the
worth of such a program here.
"Perhaps many students inter-
ested in studying abroad their
junior year. do not pursue the
matter when they find they must
use the program of another Ameri-
can school," the report explained.
Other Programs 'Remote'
"Although accessible," the re-
port continued, "the programs of
other universities seem remote,
and random factors may dissuade
many people from study abroad."
The University "would contrib-
ute to the development of under-
standing and insight" in students,
by broadening their knowledge of
life, culture and problems of
Europe, giving them a chance "to
view American culture and the
problems of international rela-
tions at some objective distance."
pus" as variables influencing de-
the student would receive inten-
sified training in foreign lan-
guage, and would benefit from
working under established Amer-
ican requirements, on the basis of
the American credit system, the
report said.
The self-supporting conclusion
rests on the assumption that
there would be 50 or more stu-
dents enrolled in the program.
The committee listed "closeness,
mechanical convenience, and pub-
licity of a program on this cam-
put" as variables influencing de-
cisions to study abroad.
A profusion of "unfolding en-
thusiasm coming from the growth
of participation in foreign study"
would eventually bring about solid
support from the program, it was

and mushrooming enrollments,
carried a tale of financial woe to
Gov. G. Mennen Williams yes-
Two, Northern Michigan Col-
lege and Michigan Tech, will car-
ry their problems to the Senate
Appropriations Committee, where
hearings on their appropriations
start today.
All said faculty morale is dip-
ping because of Michigan's cash
troubles, threatened payless pay-
days and bleak prospects for sal-
ary increases next year.
For lack of facilities, some said
they would be forced to turn
away prospective students for the
first time next fall. Only one, Soo
branch of Michigan Tech, re-
ported plenty of room for new
The Governor summoned the
group to his office as a follow-up
to similar meetings last week with
the heads of the University, Mich-
igan State University and Wayne
State University. From their tes-
timony, he expects to draw a
sharper focus of needs of higher
education in fiscal 1959-60.
Spokesmen included Eugene B.
Elliott, president of Eastern
Michigan College; Charles L. Ans-
pach, president of Central Michi-
gan College; J. R. Van Pelt, pres-
ident of Michigan Tech; Edgar L.
Harden, president of Northern
Michigan College; Victor F.
Spathelf, president of Ferris In-
stitute and L. Dale Faunce, vice-
president of Western Michigan
Spathelf said the effect of the
state's financial tangle was "dev-
astating" to his school.
"Here it is almost the first of
June and we don't even know how
much we're going to have next
year," he said. "We can't tell our
staff or prospective staff any-
thing. With all this, we have to
unsell the concept that Michigan
is broke in about a dozen differ-

WASHINGTON (P) - The Stars and Stripes fhew at half staff
around the world yesterday in honor of John Foster Dulles.
And tributes from his own country and abroad continued to flow
in for the former Secretary of State, who died of cancer Sunday at
the age of 71.
Pope John XXIII voiced sorrow at Dulles' passing. So did Queen
Elizabeth II of England, who wired Dulles widow: "My husband joins
me in sending our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family in
your great loss."
Tributes Sent
These tributes followed hundreds of others from all parts of the
world - many from diplomats and politicians who had their differ-
ences with Dulles but came to respect him as a dauntless champion
of freedom.
Even some of the Communist leaders who fought Dulles at every
diplomatic turn expressed regret - but only privately - at his
departure from the world scene.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko will join the Western
foreign ministers in paying his last respects to Dulles at the funeral
i Washington tomorrow, a So-
-7,viet spokesman said yesterday.

World Mourns at Dulles' Dea-




ent ways."

Group Plans
Renewal Aid
An offer to financialy aid resi-
dents of the proposed Urban Re-
newal area who lost their homes
as a result of this project was re-
iterated before the Ann Arbor
City Council last night.
Earl Cress, chairman of the
group consisting of fourteen indi-
viduals and one church - which
originally made this offer last No-
vember, told the Council that the
group would put up $36,000 to
subsidize .the difference between
rent costs for the moved families
and their abilities to pay these
rents. This money would last for
"at least" three years, he said.
Under the stipulations of the
proposed Urban Renewal plan, the
Council would supply any neces-
sary funds for an additional two
Cress said that the group would
also provide $30,000 in equity to
be used to help finance the build-
ing of any housing for the dis-
placed families "which the Coun-
cil desired."


The University has no specific
plans for a professorial exchange
program with the Soviet Union,
President Harlan Hatcher report-
ed yesterday.
However, he noted a "growing
conviction" on the part of the
United States and Russia that
professorial exchanges are "bene-
ficial in broadening the areas of
understanding" between the two
President Hatcher, back from a
six-week junket in the Soviet
Union, said Anastas Mikoyan,
Russian deputy premier, is highly
in favor of American-Russian ex-
But the inquiry concerned onlyj
principle, President Hatcher said.
"We have no specific proposals,"
nor was the University particular-
ly involved, he added.
Discussions the University pres-
ident held with Soviet officials
centered around an extension of
exchange programs to fields other,
than science. Exchanges of Amer-
ican and Soviet scientific delega-
tions have been relatively com-
mon in the past, he noted.
Also considered was the direct
exchange of individual scholars
between institutions.1
One barrier the U n i v e r s i t y
would have to overcome if it were
to inaugurate such a program,
President Hatcher pointed out,
would be the "closed area" clamp-
down on Ann Arbor which bars'
Russian visitors.
Ann Arbor would either have to
be taken off the closed area list,
or given special approval by the
State Department, PresidentI
Hatcher said.

Tells of Death
Tass, the Soviet news agency,
eported his death without com-
ment in a 32-word dispatch. The
East German news agency said
Dulles was "linked inseparably
with the creation of a new war
danger in Europe."
But at Geneva, at a foreign
ministers' conference Dulles had
hoped to attend, a United States
spokesman reported Soviet For-
eign Minister Gromyko and his
East German counterpart, Lothar
Bolz, expressed condolences and
sympathy at Dulles' death.
This was at a closed-door ses-
sion. Gromyko previously had
helped work out arrangements for
recessing the conference so the
Western foreign ministers can at-
tend Dulles' funeral.
West Germany's 83-year-old
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer will
fly here today for the final rites.
To Hold Funeral
There will be an official funer-
al - something just a little lessI
ceremonious than state funerals
which are usually reserved for
Presidents and Vice-Presidents.
Dulles' body will. lie in repose
at Washington National Cathe-
dral for 24 hours before the serv-
ice at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Burial will
follow in Arlington National
Cemetery, with Dulles' warm
friend President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower among the mourners.

TRIBUTES FLOOD CAPITAL-The world continues'
sorrow over the death of John Foster Dulles whose fun
row will be attended by Andrei Gromyko along with t
Foreign Ministers. The Foreign Ministers' Conferenc(
adjourned to allow the participants to attend the offic
Faculty Gives Comme]
On Dulles' Achieveme
"Under John Foster Dulles, the office of the Secret
reached an epitomy of world-wide importance," Prof. A
Conde of the history department asserted last night.
Declaring that both Dulles' thorough understandin
and the strategic power position of the United States
sible for this increased authority, Prof. DeConde also ag
had been delegated more power than most of his pre
"But Dulles made the most of this," he insisted.
Emphasizing that he was Secretary of State at one
difficult periods in American history, Prof. Harold Jac
political science department maintained that "he purse
thought were America's best interests with persistence a
Difficult To Consider
"It's hard to give a full, fair opinion of Dulles' wo
Prof. Jacobson acknowledged. "But perhaps less reliance
alliances and more on economic policies might have be
tides of nationalism under control."
Then, again, it was necessary to bring the Republicans
sible position in foreign policy, he added. "Certainly at
Smust be most misses

'U' Officials
th Expect Cash;
_ By Friday
Comptroller Assured
Payment Last Week
To President Hatcher
While Gov. G. Mennen Williams
and the State Administrative
Board foretold more uneasiness for
the state's money-worried univer-
sities yesterday, University officials
saw the financial picture in a dif-
ferent light.
Nearly all the $10 million now
in the state's treasury will go to
welfare and debt services, ,the
Board announced.
The payment makes a question
mark of the $6,700,000 needed to
meet month-end payrolls at the
University, Michigan State Univer-
sity and Wayne State Tuniversity
As a solution, the Board again
to voice its urged the Legislature to liquidate
eral tomor- the $50 million Veterans Trust
ea tosmor Fund.
he Western But University officials expect
e has been to be provided with payments out
ial funeral. of tax returns.
Miller Assures 'U'
Between $2 and $3 million Is
1t coming into the state's treasury
each day, according to State Con-
each day, according to State
nts Comptroller James Miller's report
tothe University. "Miller assured
4 the University Tuesday and again
Friday that state taxes would pro-
vide the funds," University Presi-
tary of State dent Harlan Hatcher said yester-
lexander De- day.
"We were told the tax flow into
.g of his job the treasury would be sufficient to
were respon- meet the University's payroll," he
reed that he added.
decessors has (Simple arithmetic shows that
in three or four days the state's
now vacant coffers could hold be-
of the most tween $6 and $10 million.)
obson of the Still Expects Funds
ued what he Though "dumbfounded" by the
nd courage." Administrative Board's statement,
which ran counter to expectations
of payments early this week, Vice-
irk so early," President and Dean of Faculties
e on military Marvin Niehuss maintained, "We
tter kept the still expect to get paid in time to
meet the May 29 payroll."
to a respon- The University has $5,400,000
t Geneva, he due in three separate payrolls by
d. He was a June 15, University Comptroller
or, and if he Gilbert Lee said. In addition, cred-
e conference itors and banks are pressing for
ld be making money.
bution, Prof. School Fund To Fall'Due
The school aid fund will be
30's $29,300,000 in the red by the same
of Prof. J. .date, he added.
lles "would "Somebody is not going to get
Secrt "wof paid," Gov. Williams told a news
Sretr ohen conference after ending what has
cies larked a become an almost-daily cash sur-
ntify the na- vey.
and Fascist He continued, "It will probably
come to a choice between meeting
Sthe politicalpayrolls, paying the universities,
te politicalor paying obligations owed cities
wed, "but he and villages. We can't pay all."

Iarzun Charges Schools
With Negylecting Intellect
The intellect is considered secondary to "social and recreational
apparatus" on American campuses, Jacques Barzun, dean of faculties
at Columbia University, declares in an essay published this week.
Barzun charges American colleges have disassociated themselves
from intellectual pursuit in providing progressive "whole man and
community" education.
The essay, entitled "The Tyranny of Idealism in Education" and
published in pamphlet form by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation,
1Barzun traced the dissociation of

Student Tells of Russian Estonia

Rjurik Golubjatnikov, Grad.,
o n c e t r a v e 11 e d in a cattlecar
crowded with 83 other people for
three days without water.
He was herded by a company of
Russian soldiers disguised as
members of a dancing troupe with
more than six million of his
neighbors into ships and trains to
deport them to Siberia. He has
seen the Russians devastate his
native country; his father is
buried somewhere in Siberia. He
has survived both a Russian and
a German prison camp.
As an eye witness to the Soviet
system, Golubjatnikov, who came
to the United States from Estonia
nine years ago, thinks University
President Harlan Hatcher got
some slightly mistaken impres-

"saddest result" of the Soviet
He cited Estonia's oldest insti-
tution, the University of Tartu,
founded during Swedish rule in
1632. '
"Most of the Estonian faculty
is now replaced by Russians. They
are not only using their language
for teaching purposes," he said,
but are now only using Russian
letters instead of the Latin alpha-
bet on which native Estonian is
They claim it is "more relaxing
and easier on the eyes," he
Explaining that Russia has al-
ways been concerned with scien-
tific developments, he noted that
various athletic teams are called
by such scientific names as "Dy-

sian achievements in educating
the large masses of backward
Golubjatnikov, who lived in Es-
tonia until he was 18 years old,
is very proud of his country's edu-
catiopal system before the Rus-
sians took control.
Enslaved until 1863, the only
education available at first to Es-
tonians was "Abe Lincoln style."
In the next 20 years, however,
education became the "first tri-
umph" of the country.
Should Interest
Great interest was always
shown in education, which was
considered as a vehicle by which
democracy could be furthered, he
said, adding that ignorance is al-
ways a fertile field for commun-

intellect to two factors:
Lists Reasons
1) Because college degree has
an enormous vocational value, and
j2) Because "a kind of welfare
state has developed on the campus
and 'living' has come to mean 'the
full life,' including a wife and
children, debts, and a nervous
The advocates and interpreters
of progressive education stress the
development of the whole man,
effectiveness in community living
and in enlightened, democratic,
cooperative citizenship, Barzun
noted. Yet the student "finds rath-
er that the course grows longer
without enhancing his native
powers or his joy of living."
Objects to Decline
He decried a decline of intel-
lectual pursuit in favor of athletics
and other activities, supplemented
by a "new set of plausible ir-
relevancies-convivial, psychologi-
cal, and other-under the name of
counseling adjustment and com-
munity living."
Colleges are offering so many

very skillful negotiat
were sitting at the
talble I'm sure he cou
a significant contril
Jacobson predicted.
Ideal for 19
It was the opinion
David -Singer that D
have been the ideal
State in the middle t
the Western democra
leader who could ides
ture of the Nazi
"He could do this,"
science professor allo
had not properly ei
true nature of the Soi
"Possibly, no one e
the office of Secreta
with more training,"I
Slosson of the history
Controversial F
"He was a very cont
ure, but controvers3
most great men."
Prof. Slosson admitt
was a certain amoun
the accusation that Di
too rigid and unbendi
Yet, he pointed to
tions which Dulles r
from his enemies. "
tribute to John Fost
the silent hostility a
from behin dthe Ir
Prof. Slosson declare
"They knew whom1

valuated the
viet threat."
ver came to
iry of State
Prof. Preston
roversial fig-
y surrounds
ed that there
t of truth in
ulles followed
ng policy to-
the acclima-
eceived even
The greatest
ter Dulles is
at his death
on Curtain,"
they feared."

World News
By The Associated Press
LITTLE ROCK - Gov. Orval E.
Faubus suffered a major setback
yesterday in Little Rock's integra-
tion battle with the apparent de-.
feat of three segregationists in a
school board recall election.
Unofficial returns from 37 of 47
precincts found the Faubus-backed
segregationists well behind with
the votes running out on them.
* * *
hower Administration yesterday
renewed proposals that Congress
revise immigration quotas and
make specific provision for ad-
mitting refugees from Commu-
Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers
sent bills to Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon and House Speaker


New Hours
The hours of both the Under-
graduate and General Libraries
will be lengthened during the

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