.77; x* y j V - -~ ~ r '* - A A >. ...,; What Seniors Gain From College 7Ae 4ole' tnefit (Continued from Page 8) One-third of the samples intend to go on to law school-a large majority intend to go on to some . lind of graduate school, with al- most half of these planning on host half of these planning on law in the future. Medicine and teach- ing also draw strong responses. About half specifically mentioned marriage as a goal, with only one definitely not planning mnarriage.- A few also mentioned the army as something they were anticipating, With one saying he wouldn't go into the army unless he was forced A MINORITY of those inter- viewed listed general criteria for the future; most mentioned specific plans for graduate school or a type of work, with only vague plans beyond this, Of those with general plans, however, in- come, security, and "not wanting to stagnate" headed the list of goals. Only one student listed community activities specifically as a goal, although perhaps those not wanting to stagnate could al- so be placed in this category. Lierory College Sentior Wornawn THE SENIOR WOMAN in the literary college is a careful in- dividual, not terribly sure of her future but apparently quite clear on her desire for the security of a married life. Interviews with this segment of the 1959 senior class revealed a wide diversity of motives, achieve- ments and future goals. However, nearly every woman interviewed mentioned marriage in the near future in one way or another; most of them simply said that marriage was one of their goals after graduation. The tendency for this reply to occur was notable I even when the woman's other plans were ill-defined, or absent. The women mentioned two oth- er future goals with some repeti- tion, although neither as often as marriage. One was the desire to seek further education after grad- uation and the other, the inten- tion to teach. Continuing their education was somewhat more prevalent than teaching. UNDOUBTEDLY the particular group being interviewed - senior women in the literary col- lege-had considerable bearing on both of these tendencies. Teaching has been a traditional occupation for women on graduation from college. The desire to continue their education may result in part from the requirement of many states to obtain a master's degree or at least complete a certain number of additional hours of study. However, the interviews did not aim at correlating these two an- swers. Beyond these replies, the senior women were rather vague on their future plans. There was an occa- sional mention of traveling and trying different types of work over the next few years; some qualified these by saying these were their plans if they were not married. A few had specific ideas about their aspirations, such as entering into politics and "Christian education." However, most of the women ex- pressed an intention to work after graduation but were seldom spe- cific except with teaching,. The interviews showed a certain feel- ing of apprehension about the fu- ture, but none revealed a fear of facing it. rplE WOMEN in general shied away from strong or dogmatic statements on all subjects; they reflected a rather sober outlook on life and their college years. Most agree that their opinions today are more moderate than when they came to college. A few said in so many words that their tolerance was much greater now (although they :did not mention the objects of this new tolerance.) More frequently the women said they had acquired a broader outlook on life and learning in college. Compared to other subjects, quite a few women mentioned this broadened outlook. Significantly, however, none of the students said that college had changed their basic_ values while several definitely said it had not. Nevertheless, the women men- tioned quite frequently that col- lege had instilled them with criti- cal thinking ability and channeled their interests and knowledge. SO WHILE their values have re- mained the same, many wom- en have gained a more mature perspective on life in their years here. It was only occasionally that any gave a definite reason for coming to college, although two said they came for a career. The mellowing tendency of the college years was also reflected in their respect for the scope and nature of the institution at which decent living. The women seldom mentioned religion or the role it had in their lives. While a good part of their as- pirations turned on themselves, and very few mentioned' any de- sire to help others in their future years or in their vocation, the women frequently noted that a major achievement of their col- lege years was learning to live with other people or at least get along with others. Engineering Senior MOST ENGINEERS mentioned technical skills as their chief benefit gained from the Universi- ty. Some felt their education here was adequate although the quality of instruction varied. Several mentioned, and all seemed to be- lieve, directly or indirectly, that their degree and education meant mainly increased job opportuni- ties. A significant number, however, generally attributed more to con- solutist,-and more of a relativist" tacts with people than to any in most of his attitudes and opin- ions. academic life. "My views haven't O changed much, but in the fra- One other student mentioned chagedmuc, bt i th fr- ,that, in the process of learning ternity I've learned to get along and of participating in extra-cur- with people," was a standard .an- I ricular activities, he had learned swer. One boy said he had gained to despise the "average" student new standards and a wider com- and the engineer who worked for prehension of "life's problems,"I but the general emphasis was on social viewpoints. As to matura- tion, several admitted it, but ques- tioned the real effect of the Uni- versity on their mental and emo- tional coming of age. "I wouldi probably have grown, up anyway," some said, LESS PEOPLE than in literary college said that they had gained many new friends. At least three or four said that they had made many acquaintances, but that they had not had time to become really good friends with very many people. Others, how- grades and nothing else. An over- emphasis on grades was blamed for student apathy and for the narrowness which might be found in the field. In the area of other personal values (i.e., religion, character de- velopment, etc.), one found them too personal to mention, and few engineers mentioned them at all. One said he kept his religion, an- other found time to look at reli- gion and say "it ain't necessarily so." Only one student mentioned that at the University he had found time to study himself, while another felt that the responsi- bility imposed by the honor sys- tem contributed to the develop- ment of both his and other's char- acter. BEING ON your own, away from home, was felt to be generally educational and the campus com- petition and cooperation was call- led generally stimulating. Several students agreed that the greatest value of their education was not found in classes, but none really said where it was found. "I picked up liberal ideas," one student said; another commented "I discovered that there are pressure groups and cliques everywhere, that the University is not really a 'false' situation." Still another com- mented "the reward for hard work, I have found, is not monetary" and another claimed personality development was- the most im- portant thing he had gained here. A fairly high value was placed on social education. One boy com- plained of too many extra-cur- ricular activities; another said that too few took advantage of the existing ones . . . and several said they 'had learned to drink here. THOSE WHO mentioned frater- nities said they gained from them a chance to learn leadership and to live with other people. One commented that "social life is okay here, if you like that sort of thing" and several others said they had been only slightly affect- ed by their social life. Many of these men were married and this may have affected the relatively small number of comments in this area, One student emphasized the necessity he and others felt to responsibly balance their aca- demic, cultural and social activ- ities. One engineer said he could not crystallize anything worth saying about his education and re- fused to comment any further. Most male engineering seniors seem to-know what they want out of their future. Many want to work after their service responsibilities are over, but a good percentage of the group sampled plan to go. to graduate school for further busi- ness or engineering training. Mar- riage was included in many of their plans to work and settle down. Plans for avocations after grad- uation - such as doing lighting for plays -were mentioned. A de- sire to contribute to society as well as to gain personal satisfaction from a job, a feeling the money is not everything in a job, and a need for continued stimulation were expressed. Business Administration School Senior RESPONSES of the business ad- ministration students varied widely. However, a strong majority emphasized a greater ability to handle human relationships as one of the chief benefits they had gained from college. They felt this had been valuable both for busi- ness purposes and for their gen- eral social life. (ConcUlded on Page 14) ICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Hy PADMA HEJMADI ANN ARBOR -- with four other centers in the world, at Milan, C o 1 o g n e., San Francisco, and Tokyo - is the scene of challeng- ing-experiments in a new art form. Milton Cohen, an instructor in. the architecture and design school, and Gordon Mumma, former graduate student in music at the- University, are working on -the projection of mobile, light-color imagery synchronized to specially composed electronic music, that is to be played within the surface ofI a plastic "Dome of Light." Cohen has recently received al Rackham grant for the installa- tion of this air-structured dome (which will be about 30 feet in diameter) but before this his work has been projected on a series of screens located at different angles and levels to emphasize its spa- tial characteristics. The basic im- a e - -ehed ca erve~d or burnedC in solidity but in light and sound. ("As a composer," says Gordon Mumma, "my ultimate concern in the use of electronic sound sources is the proper understanding and control of aural space as an ele- ment of aural definition.") - There is a sense of total partici- pation in a new reality which will be heightened still further when the imagery and sound is projected within the proposed dome. As a more contemporary definition of space the dome is a segment of a sphere suggesting a surface that echoes the bigger world and worlds beyond. WHILE NOT invalidating paint- ing, Milton Cohen believes that unlike painting and sculp- ture which tend to freeze dimen- sion, mobile light allows for un- limited space-play. "Free of arbi- g Ls ML tu, UU.4V . VE -'X into long horizontal slides that trary frame line, light may ex- move automatically through light plore and define form within a projectors - are further manipu- total space." And in watching this lated by means of color and prism drama of highly controlled color- wheels. Music which is composed form playing across the inner with a sound generator and mag- surface of the dome, the viewer netic tape is channeled through may discover a new totality of a series of loud-speakers appro- ; pictorial participation, engulfed priately spaced behind the screens. in fluid light and sound. "In the mediaeval chapel," says Cohen, O THE spectator walking in, "surfaced with painting, sculp- the immediate impression is of tures, and mosaic tile, and lit by the waiting whiteness of screens the fluctuating light of candles standing in intriguing positions to and colored glass, a complete spa- one side of the studio. There is no. tial ordering was realized. Today warning of what lies ahead as you an equally compelling artistic or- take your chair and the lights go dering may' be realized within off, except perhaps the anticipa- domed space." tion of an unknown experience. Perhaps the greatest factor con- Then in the darkness there is a tributing to this spatial ordering stab of light - maybe a clear, in- E and the experiencing of this art tense red - appearing on the form, is the perfect coordination screen to an equally clear, equally I of Gordon Mumma's electronic intense impact of sound; widening and concrete music with the pro- into abstract images of color and jections of light, image and color light as the music begins to un- in Milton Cohen's art-forms in il- fold its theme, moving across the lumination. "I wish to establish," surfaces, breaking as one screen says Mumma, "meaningful artis- ends and reappearing on the next tic relationships between the dy- one, gaining depth here and com- namic time-motion of the music plexity there as the music too ac- and the dynamic time-mobility of quires corresponding timbre and the light image." i 7 they spent four years. Severalj women spoke of the finest minds, in the country and the rich diver-1 sification of cultural and educa- tion ' advantages in Ann Arbor. While a few spoke of "paternal-, ism," most of the women had praise for the University and said its size did not hamper their edu- cation to any great extent. On the whole there seemed to be little dissatisfaction with the educational job the University is doing. Realization of $he extent of their ignorance was more frequently cited as an educational benefit. BUT IN ALL matters there was only a ripple of dissatisfac- tion among the senior women, In the answers there seemed to be allusions to fear of not being one of the crowd. There was also a recurring undercurrent that the women feared becoming intellec- tually stagnant after graduation or being bored after the ,diverse stimulation from the university atmosphere. Seldom did the women mention financial security or what they ex- pected either they or their hus- bands should earn to provide whatever would be considered a Leaving the Classroom felt that the engineering program was "too limiting"-that it "shel- tered the student" and prevented his "real education." A few found their main stimulation in literary' college courses and these same people complained of inadequate preparation outside their field. "Engineering has become too big a field to be covered in an under- graduate program," one student said. "You can only get the basic fundamentals, and yet I feel the need of more courses outside my field." Several, again complaining of narrowness, turned to physics and- math where they could be "pushed harder" and challenged more directly. A BROADER viewpoint was again generally acknowledged as a result of University educa- tion, although two or three- said that college had changed neither their values nor their orientation towards life and society. Only two said they had learned to think critically, one claiming he had be- come dissatisfied with his world, desiring now to change it, but de- pressed by the inevitable futility of such efforts. Broadened backgrounds were ever, found in friendship their greatest college benefit, and sev- eral found that through friends they were introduced to otheir fields, hence gained a broadened perspective. Some found in dorm living their greatest opportunity to meet and "get along with" other people, while others, mainly older stu- dents living in apartments, failed to mention this, although they did find value in increased intel- lectual contacts they had made here. Those who mentioned intellec- tual curiosity attributed it to their courses outside of engineering col- lege, although one mentioned that his broadened interest in world affairs probably resulted from his army service and his fear of being drafted again in case of war. A FEW STUDENTS mentioned that they had become con- scious of "how much more they had to learn" and that suddenly they had discovered how many. other things in life there were to do. One felt that his later success would be dependent upon effective use of his spare time, while an- other learned here to be less "ab-. overtones in an integrated pattern of sight and sound, It is a dissolution of the two- dimensional, four-sided picture plane. The areas most clearly fo- cused on the screen (the crystalli- zation of sight and sound) merge into exquisite patterns, are picked up in oblique flares of light and melt into shadow as the sound throbs into silence. Image after image moves across the screens and even beyond them, blurring into the edges of darkness where the line of demarcation ceases to exist between the end of the sur- face and the beginning of space. There is a sense of the picture stepping out of its framework, breaking through its borders to encompass the spectator, bridging the distance between the observer and the observed. AND YET this is something not immediately apparent for it is a worldrthat is strange at firstrand incomprehensible. But after a while, even if you do not under- stand the abstractions, you begin to respond to them and find your- self dissolving into an extremely suggestible world of color and music and light. You are aware of a heightened consciousness to- ward space; of sudden shifts in perspective with regard to move- ment and complete rest and of strange new intuitions of rhythm. It is an intense experience, something that cannot be taken too long at first and is at times almost disturbing for it seems to destroy your physical cues. You lose your sense of location, of solid and void, and scale and pro- portion - there are glimpses of sudden unfathomable depths that leave you uncertain as to whether it is a part of the universe or you are the size of an amoeba. Palpa- ble distance is measured here not Padma Hejmadi is a Uni. versit- graduate sutdent in ournalism from Inida. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1959 T IIS, to the spectator, results in one of the most significant aspects of this art form: its tre- mendously evocative quality, im- plicit in terms of itself. It does not reproduce anything we have seen because it does not need to. Even the most unusual textures of sound acquire a rhythm and grace, rather like listening to 'poetry in an unknown tongue where the meaning may not be understood but the beauty is ap- preciated. It is totally new and yet it is an inherent blend of pastI perceptions and hence has a meaning indisputably its own. The artistically manipulated movement of light and color and sound may be new across the screen but the contemporary vision has been prepared for it. In our night world of lights, mov- ing swiftly through the darkness we glimpse a dissonance of light Electronic Experience and color and sound - recreated here into an integrated expression for the static viewer. The color itself, emerging through a trans- parency rather than bouncing off the surface, has the same evoca- tive quality - with suggestions of jewelled light and the beauty of stained glass windows. Again, there is no need for the recogniz- able image of a leaf on the screen, yet the green is the pure quality of light through leaves - a full, vibrant color image of what our senses have seen, known and re- membered; a new art form but, after all, part of a sensuous heri- tage finding its inevitable expres- sion in the contemporary world of light and space. ESTERBROOK Metal Cap Deluxe PENS Were $5.75 Now $3.4Q (Wh ile They Last), ACAT- TRAVEL B1 Incorporatea 1313 South Univ NO 2-551 MORRI LL'S Over 50 years of MORR ILL support NO 3-2481 314 South State a