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May 24, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-24

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AY 24 195


Topol Reports Daily Efficiently Run

New Funds To Provide
For Language Courses

Stephen Topol, '59, bought his
"last nickel coke" from The Daily's
i. coke dispenser and then wandere
around the Student Publications
Bldg. looking for a place to sit
down and reflect upon his experi.
ences as Daily business manager.
The Daily city room was crowd-
ed and noisy.
"When someone unfamiliar with
newspaper offices walks in here,
they wonder how the newspaper
gets out every day. But beneath all
the hubbub, there is an efficient or-
ganization. "This was demon-
strated pretty well, I think, dur-
ing the Ann Arbor News strike
last winter. Both the editorial and
the business staffs were able tc
handle the extra amount of work
without too much difficulty..
well, at least they didn't kill them-
Topol ambled out of the cit
room into the corridor.
As he passed the building's new
coffee machine, Topol comme'nted
that this improvement "didn't cost
us a cent." It was installed as a
service to those' using the build-
Since the senior edit office and
the 'Ensian office were occupied
Topol walked downstairs to the
z conference room. Since there were
only two small conferences taking
place in the room, Topol decided
to sit down there.
Topol thought back upon all the
nights that he had held confer-
ences in this room. "When I joined
The Daily as a first semester
freshman, I only dropped into Th(
Daily a few hours in the after-
noon once or twice a week.
"But as my interest and my re-
"League Delays
Exhibit of Art
The League Council recently
announced the Burocat advisoi
for next year.
Among the advisors named wer
the following: Gail Cfow, '62, Jan(
Sommerfield, '62, Marcia Welch
The Nominating Committee als(
named Janet Hogberg, '62, anc
Donna Zimmerman, '62.

sponsibilities grew, I began to
s spend all my afternoons here.
s Then I began to spend some of my
d evenings here. Then some of my


noons and even an occasional
By this time the noise in the
conference room had increased.
Topol commented, "Let's get out
of here, so we can hear each other-"
The Gargoyle-Generation office
was busy.



Choice Offered
"Looks like we've got to use
either the men's room or the car-
rier's room," Topol commented.
Settling down in the carrier's
room, which leads out to the park-
ing lot and hence becomes a thru-
way in the late afternoon, Topol
explained how he became inter-
ested in The Daily business staff.
When he came to Michigan he was
interested, in working for The
Daily, (Under questioning, he ad-
mitted that he was editor of his
high school paper.)
He did not want to write for The
Daily, because he thought that it
would take too much time, he
commented a little ruefully. (He
estimated that he spent 20 to 25
hours a week at The Daily when
he was business manager.) So he
decided to join the business staff.
Time Limited
"When I came up to school, I
was planning to become a dentist,"
Topol explained. "As a first semnes-
ter sophomore I was taking'both
Latin and physics. Taking both
those subjects and working for
The Daily didn't leave enough time
for anything else.
My counselor advised me to
make up my mind whether I want-
ed to become a dentist or work for
a newspaper. If I wanted to be a
dentist, he suggested that I quit
The Daily and concentrate on my
studies, and if I wanted to go into
newspaper work, I should drop
some of my science load.
"I wrote home to my .parents
that I was coming home for
Thanksgiving and I had some-
thing important to talk about.
(Since Topol lives in New York,
he generally didn't go home for
"After a big Thanksgiving din-
ner, we went into the living room,
and I explained the situation to
them. They asked me what I want-

The University hopes to receivef
funds from the National Defensel
Education Act to provide for in-
tensive courses and advancedI
training in five foreign languages
next fall.
The new studies include Arabic,
Chinese and Hindustani. Inten-
sive courses in Japanese and Rus-
sian will be given in the summer
session, Prof. Joseph K. Yama-,
giwa, chairman of the Far East-
ern languages and literatures de-
partment, and Prof. Deming
Brown, chairman of the Slavic1
languages and literatures depart-
ment, said recently.
An intensive course in the Por-
tuguese language, also provided
for by the Act, is being considered
and will possibly be offered next
fall, reported Charles N. Staubach,
chairman of the romance lan-
guages and literatures depart-
Should Apply Now
United States Commissioner of
Education Lawrence Derthick re-
cently anounced that students in-
terested in becoming teachers in
languages should immediately ap-
ply for fellowships at any college
or university offering a graduate
program in the language.
University criteria of eligibility
for these grants which range from
$1,500 to $3,500 are United States
citizenship (or filing of intention
of permanent residence) and in-
tention, on completion of training,
to be available for teaching one of
the languages in an institution of
higher education.
Requires Acceptance
Acceptance by the University
Graduate School and completion
of an affidavit of loyalty are also
required by the Act.
Prof. Deming Brown empha-
sized that candidates for govern-
ment fellowships for study at the
Unversity Slavic languages de-
partment need not have a knowl-
edge of the Russian language.
Applicants with a knowledge of

the language will receive prefer-
ence, Prof. Brown said, but su-
perior students without previous
training can also be considered
under the condition that they
complete the intensive Russian
language course offered at the
University this summer. This is
also true of the other languages.
Procure Applications
Fellowship application forms
can be procured from Prof. Brown
for Russian, from Prof. Yamagiwa
for Chinese or Japanese, from
Prof. Robert I. Crane, of the his-
tory department for Hindustani,
and from Prof. George G. Camer-
on, chairman of the Near Eastern
studies department, for Arabic.
Center Plans
Summer Trips
For Students
Five special activities have been
planned by the International
Center for international and
American students a t t e n d i n g
summer school.
A trip to Greenfield Village and
the Ford Museum will be held
June 20. On June 26 the group
will attend a night baseball game
at Briggs Stadium in Detroit anA
on June 28 a day at the Detroit
zoo has been planned.
July 12 will be devoted to a tour
of the interesting places in De-
troit including Belle Isle, the
aquarium and the conservatory of
music. After canoeing during the
day, the group will attend a con-
cert in the evening.
The annual International Stu-
dents Association-sponsored pic-
nic will be held July 19 at Bishop
Lake. Interested students can sign
up in Rm. 18 of the International
The schedule for the Interna-
tional Center's regular Thursday
teas has also been revised for the
summer. Teas will be held June 18
and 25, July 2 and 9 and August
The summer International Cen-
ter teas will be held at the usual
time from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

-Daily-Allan Winder
BUSINESS MANAGER-Stephen Topol listens to problems, praises
or prehaps just small talk as he stands with his back to the papers
that have been published while he was business manager.

ed to do. I told them that I want-
ed to go into newspaper work.
They smiled and said that they
were just waiting for me to make
up my own mind."
Topol explained that last sum-
mer he worked in the business of-
fice of the New York Times. He
plans to go to work for them in
June. In addition to this, he will4
attend night school to work for a
master's degree in business ad-

Topol explained that he thought
college should combine three fac-
tors: studies, social life and activi-
ties. "If one approaches activities
maturely, they shouldn't get in
the way of the other two. You
learn to do things more efficient-
He said that he decided to stay
in the literary college, rather than
go into business administration
school, because he felt it was nec-
essary to get a broad education.


Regents Grant
The Regents Friday granted
permission for three members of
the faculty to retire in advance of
the usual age.
Prof. Henry C. Eckstein, of the
biological chemistry department,
was given permission to start his
retirement on July 1, 1959.
Prof. Walter J. Gores, of the
art department in the architec-
ture and design college, and Prof.
George G. Ross, of the landscape
architecture department in the
same colege, were granted their
requests to retire at the end of
the current semester.

There will be a regularly sched-
uled informal open house at Pres-
ident Hatcher's home this after-
noon between 4 and 6.
This is especially timely in view
of the President's recent trip to
Russia. *
* * *
Tau Beta Sigma, national band-
women's honorary sorority, has
announced the initiation of seven
They are Sharon Glaser, '62SM;
Carol Ober, '62SM; Nancy Sorg,
'61Ed.; Janice Miner, '60SM; Jean
Howard, Grad.; Anne Giovan-
none, Grad. and Gail Burlingame,
New officers installed were Di-
ana Baird, '61, president; Sandra
Hosmer, '61SM, vice-president;
Ann Marie Kleis, '60, secretary;
Mary Adams, '61SM, treasurer

and Peggy Childs, '61, sergeant at
. * * *
There will be a picnic sponsored
by the Engineers' Wives today at
Dexter-Huron Park.
The picnic which is for engi-
neers, wives and families will be
held from 2 p.m. to dinnertime.

' ,

Michigan Theatre Bldg.
521 East Liberty


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