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May 24, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-24

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4
















Emphasizes Science
Educational Expenditure Doubling
Asked To Keep Free World Security
WASHINGTON (P)--A jacking up ,of the entire American educa-
tional system, with new emphasis on science, was urged by the White
House yesterday to help maintain the security of the free world.
Proposed financial outlay by the nation: at least 30 billion dollars
a year-or double the present annual expenditure for education.
The call was made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Science
Advisory Committee in an 18,000-word report entitled "Education for
the age of Science." It was made public with an approving statement
by President Eisenhower.
Recommendations Vary
Specific recommendations ranged from one urging do-it-yourself
science experiments in the home by students after school hours to a
suggestion for caravans of science--that is, mobile museums trans-
ported by trailer trucks to bring the story of science to the hinterlands.

MSU Sets 1
For Branch
Oakland To Stress
Liberal Arts Courses
ROCHESTER, Mich. ()-Mich-
igan State University trustees have
approved a curriculum stressing
liberal arts for a branch university
in Oakland County 25 miles north
of Detroit.
MSU-Oakland will open this fall
with a freshman class of more
than 500. Eventually it will have
a much larger enrollment drawing
on booming suburbia between Pon-
tiac and Detroit. It will be a sepa-
rate school from the mother uni-
versity at East Lansing.
Durward B. Varner, chancellor
of the new university, said, "we,
have no traditions and no alumni.
We have the freedom for a fresh
start. We are recruiting a young
and creative faculty and we will
give them a great deal of freedom."
Emphasize Russianf

i i
Big Ten
Ends, Action
The Big Ten took preliminary
steps yesterday to clean up the
debris left from its action Friday
when Conference members were
left free to compete in tb'; Rose
Bowl on an individual basis.
One of the resolutions passed


olls to

I 70"0n

Gaolthin S(


Senior Class
zPresents ,Gift
To Hatcher
A $1,000 check was given to
President Harlan Hatcher yester-
day, to be used at the University's
discretion as the Senior Class gift.
"It will be put in the President's
Fund," Louis Susman, '59, presi-
dent of the literary college said.
The gift was presented to Presi-
dent Hatcher by James Gray,
'59A&D, chairman of the Board.
To Consult Deans
The University has so many
needs that it is difficult to decide
exactly where to use the money,
President Hatcher told the Board.
"But I intend to consult with the
deans to find the spot where it will
do the most good," he commented.
Erich-A. Walter, assistant to the
president and secretary to the
Regents, said, "It seems to have
given more to the University than
any of the others, and has estab-
'lished a precedent."
Arvin Philippart, '59, vice-presi-
dent of the literary college, pre-
sented Bennie Oosterbaan, former
head football coach, with a silver
cigarette case engraved with signa-
tures of all the captains that he
'Establish' Procedures
The Board also established
procedures that can be carried on
by future classes, Walter noted.
."This' year is the first time that
the records and minutes have been
written out," Walter explained,
"thus giving future boards an op-
portunity to view the work done
before them."
The senior class has also given
$800 to the alumni class fund to
be used for reunions. "In general,
previous classes have donated only
$500," Susman said. "But we hope
to set a precedent," he added.
The gifts were given by the 32
member- Board, representing eight
Conant Asks
Consoid ated
High Schools
WASHINGTON (R) - Support
was offered by a Presidential Ad-
visory Committee yesterday to Dr.
James B. Conant's proposal for
larger, consolidated high schools,
with a drastic reduction in the
number of small ones.
'Conant, former President of
Harvard University, made the sug-
gestion in his recent book "The
American High School Today" as
a means for improving American
In a report on "Education for
the Age of Science" yesterday,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
Science Advisory Committee indi-
cated its belief the Conant idea
would help toward "a more effi-
cient distribution of the school
population," and thus ease such
problems as the teacher shortage.
However, it added that a con-
solidation of schools is not easily

SIn advocating new stress on sci-
ence, the committee said :
"We emphasize that we are not
urging that other fields of intellec-
tual importance be reduced or di-
minished, but only that a proper
balance be maintained in our edu-
cational offerings. We fear that in
the past there has been inadequate
emphasis on mathematics and
Ike's Statement
President Eisenhower said:
"This report makes clear that
the strengthening of science and
engineering education requires the
strengthening of all education. As
an excellent statement of educa-
tional goals and needs, I hope ,it
will be widely read and that it
LIVERMORE, Calif. (A')-Ed-
ward Teller, a pioneer in the
development ofsthe hydrogen
bomb, says Russia will surpass
this country in science by 1970.
But, he says, there is still a
chance the United States can
overtake the Russians later, "if
we begin now to work very hard
in science education."
will stimulate a wider understand-
ing of the importance or excellence
in our educational system."
Asserting that the American
educational system, "fine as it is
in many respects, can be, and as a
whole should be, substantially im-
proved." The report offered these
five major conclusions:
Stress Excellence
1. Americans should attach
t greater value to intellectual ex-
2. Every school and college
should reexamine its curriculum to
make sure that it is giving ade-
quate challenge to the intellectual
capacities of its students.
3. The nation's people should do
far more to enhance the prestige
of the teacher and to provide him
with more effective support.
4. The country should move
much further toward adapting ed-
ucational programs to the widely
varying competence of students,
and seek especially to meet the
needs of the most gifted students.
5. As a nation, "we should im-
prove our scientific education at
all levels, attempting to give better
understanding of science to the
non-scientists as well as to dis-
cover and stimulate more indi-
viduals who have the talents to
become scientists and engineers."
"Higher salaries," the President
said, "are a first requirement, but
we need also to recognize the great
importance of what teachers do
and to accord them the encourage-
ment, understanding, and recogni-
tion which will help to make the
teaching profession attractive to
increasing numbers of first-rate

Half of the curriculum will be by the faculty representatives yes-
devoted to liberal arts regardless terday is an attempt to place
of the student's professional in- similar regulations on Conference
terest. All students, except science teams as now exists under the
and engineering will be required lame duck contract with the Pa-
to learn a foreign language. The ! cific Coast Conference.
Russian language will be empha- Renewal of the pact was killed
sized. Friday by a 5-5 deadlock vote.
"We -have concluded Russia is To Study Procedures
here to stay," Varner said. "We ! This time, however, a unanimous"
must learn to live with her, or die; vote by the faculty group author-
with her."'1 ized a committee of athletic direc-
Foreign culture studies will be tors to study administrative pro-
required of all students with em- cedures that will govern any school
phasis on China and Russia, that accepts a bid after Jan. 1,
"Our long range destiny;" Var- 1964, expiration date of the pres-
ner said, "ties in closely with what ent series.,
happens in the Far East." The representatives also ap-
'Develop Intellect' pointed a committee from its own
Physical education and military'group to study and make recom-
training will not be required. mendations for breaking tie votes
"Our responsibility will be to on Conference matters.
develop the intellect," Varner said- mReferrinl to the c tuionstu
The curriculum was the product necessary, Michigan's faculty re-
of more than a year's study by presentative Marcus Plant said:
some of America's outstanding "We had no idea that such com-
eAucators, industrialists, a om- fplications of a tie vote could de-
munity citizens' group, MSU fac- velop and we have no intention of
ulty members and a group of honor letting it happen again."
students. Another Division
Varner said the curriculum InA no heiiio
makers agreed that modern uni- In addition to the tie vote on
versygouresd aentirderlyno-the Rose Bowl contract, the re-
versity courses are entirely too presentatives also were divided
complex and specialized. He said Friday on the removal of a clause
there also was agreement that in the Conference handbook which
there has been excessive emphasis
on vcatona trinin asappsedprohibits all post-season competi-
on vocational training as opposed tion "except the Rose Bowl."
to liberal education. I A majority vote was needed to
remove it and would have ended all
Two Students Rose Bowl competition for the Big
ics Members of the committee to
Face Narcotcs makerecommendations for break-
ing a tie vote are Dean Wendell
S ale CIre Postl, Ohio State; Harold B. Tu-
key, Michigan State and T. LeRoy
Martin, Northwestern.
Two Michigan State University Prompts Action
students were arrested late Friday Prompting the action for a com-
night for allegedly working their mittee to place controls on schools
way through college by selling accepting bids to the New Year's
marijuana. Day game was the concern over
Arrested were William V. Reich, See CONFERENCE, Page 6

RECEIVES TROPHY -- Michigan tennis captain Jon Erickson accepts the Western Confereice
cup while (left to right) Gerry Dubie, Bob Sassone, Wayne Peacock and coach Bill Murphy look
on. The netters took all nine events and accumulated a total of 87 points to set a Conference
record. Runner-up Illinois could do no better than 43 points.
Purdue Wmins Illinois Retains Crown
Conference In Big en Track Meet

Golf Crown
Purdue's experienced Boilermak-
ers won their second straight Big
Ten Golf Championship yesterday
on the "U" Course, but Michigan
made the comeback of the year by
jumping from ninth to second,
edging both Indiana and Ohio
State by a -stroke.
The Wolverines had a total of
1575, 20 strokes behind the
champs, and had to sweat out the
runner'-up spot until the very last
threesome finished.
Indian's Dave Pelz was the
player to watch and he needed a
39 on the back nine to give the
Hoosiers second place. However, he
took 43 blows, thus cinching sec-
ond for Michigan.
The Wolverines entered the final
day with a six-stroke lead over'
A combination of rainy weather,
with Michigan slipping a little,
and Purdue coming to life, en-
abled the Boilermakers to take a
four-stroke lead after 54 holes over
Indiana, with Michigan another
stroke behind.
Then the Boilermakers exploded
in the afternoon. Medalist John
Konsek and Bob Black led the
way. Both had the low scores of
the day at 149, and Konsek also
fired a low 18-hole round, a 73.
Konsek's winning 72-hole score
was 301 and Black's 312 put him
in ninth place. However, Gene
Francis of the winners, fourth last
year, sneaked quietly into a tie for
seventh with 311.
This score put him one stroke
behind Michigan's Joe Brisson,
See PURDUE, Page 6

Illinois rolled up an awesome 65%/2 points with a great winning
performance while Michigan ran out of horseshoes.
That was the story of the 59th Big Ten outdoor track meet held
on Ferry Field yesterday. Prior to the meet, Wolverine Coach Don
Canham had maintained that Michigan had taken the indoor title

"with horseshoes" and that

this j

23 years old, from Chicago, and
John H. Harper, 20 years old, of
McHenry, Ill., after police raided
their room and found 10 pounds
of rough marijuana estimated to
be worth $30,000.
The pair waived examination
and were held at Circuit Court
when they failed to post bail of
$10,000 each.
Reich was quoted as saying that4
he would sell marijuana to anyone
who would buy it, but Lansing
Police Detective Earl Eddie stated
that he was convinced that there

Senior Notices
Soon Available
Senior announcements may be
picked up at the Student Organi-
zations Office in the Student Ac-
tivities Building Monday through
Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m., Cyn-
thia Cross, '59, secretary of the
literary college, said yesterday.
Seniors are requested to bring

meet would have a different com-
Final totals showed the over-
powering Illini with 65%2points,
Michigan 45, Indiana 18, Ohio
State 16/2, Minnesota 13/, Iowa
13, Northwestern 12, Michigan
State 12, Purdue 9% and Wiscon-
sin 8.
Miller Wins Dashes
Led by double-winner Ward
Miller, the Illini made Canham's
fears come true with a vengeance
and topped the second-place Wol-
verines by 20 points. Miller, a
lightly-considered sophomore,
dashed to his two crowns in the
100- and 220-yd. dashes.
John Gregg picked up fourth
place in this event for the Wol-
verines, and favored Tom Robin-
son finished sixth, one place out
of the money. Robinson re-dam-
aged an earlier leg injury in' Fri-
day's preliminaries, and had been
a doubtful entry until meet time.
After pulling up lame at the finish
of the 100, he was withdrawn
from the 220-yd. dash.
'M' Depth Fails
However, even if Robinson had
been up to par ( he has bettered
both of Miller's winning times),
the result would have been much
the same. Michigan, which had
been touted for its depth, fell
short of garnering enough points
to offset the totals run up by in-
dividual Illini stars.
Michigan's only two champions
were Lou Williams in the broad
jump and Eeles Landstrom in the
pole vault. In his final appearance
in a Michigan uniform, Land-
strom soared to 14'8" for the title.
SHe then tried to top the Ferry
Field mark set by himself and two
Quantico Marines, Bob Gutowski
and Mal Schwarz, two weeks ago,
but couldn't clear the bar at
Aside from the winning per-
formances of Landstrom and Wil-
liams, Michigan was able to mus-
ter only four second places and
two thirds.
Break Two Records_

Agree Upon
Secret Talks
GENEVA ()-The Big Four last
night were reported virtually
agreed on beginning a phase of
hard, secret bargaining to clear
the way for an East-West summit
Some sort of standstill arrange-
ment between Russia and the
West for disputed Berlin appeared
to be the minimum price Ameri-
can, British and French foreign
ministers will demand for agree-
ing to set up the top level parley
proposed for this summer.
Intensive behind scenes activity
in the past few days, according to
senior Western diplomats here,
suggested these further develop-
ments may be near:
1) The statesmen probably will
leave their Palace of Nations con-
ference table for a series of in-
formal talks on the grave issues
that divide them.
2) In these exchanges the West-
ern powers intend calling on Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko to clarify his ideas about
the sort of temporary solution he
foresees for Berlin pending an
East-West agreement to reunite
all Germany.
3) At some point in the coming
Iweek or two the Western ministers,
for their part, are likely to submit
a counter-proposition of their own
for a stopgap Berlin arrangement.
4) Gromyko also will be asked to
spell out the 'elements which he
has termed "constructive" and
"negotiable" in the West's package
of proposals on Berlin, all-Ger-
many and a European security
5) An itemized list of negotiable
issues, agreed by East and West,
} then could form the basis for a
separate and careful new study,
to nar m disprnrpc in nrpnnera.-

Illini Seconid
As Netmen
Go Unbeaten
Capture All Medals
In Runaway Victory
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING - Michigan's
mighty tennis team took all hon-
ors in the Western Conference
tennis meet this weekend by
scoring the highest total of points
ever accumulated.
An amazing 87 points were
grabbed by the 'M' netters who
doubled the score of second-place
Illinois. Not one Wolverine was de-
feated in the three-day outing.
and only two sets out of a total
sixty-eight were lost.
The highly-respected Illinois
squad totalled 43 points. Next was
Iowa with 28% and Minnesota
with 25 points. The remaining
teams in order: 'Michigan State,
19%; Indiana, 152 Ohio State,
14; Northwestern, 11%; Wiscon-
sin,5 ;and last was Purdue,
with 2 points.
Second Sweep
The only other team to sweep
all nine events was the University
of Chicago in 1938, led by Michi-
gan's present tennis coach Bill
Copping yesterday's opening
Wolverine victory was sophomore
Gerry Dubie, who humbled Illi-
nois' Bob Breckenridge in num-
ber two singles, 6-3, 6-0.
The fllni representative tart-
ed strong and it appeared as if a
close battle would ensue. The
score was 3-3 in the first set, when
Dubie started hitting out of
Breckenridge's reach and opened
up the match.
The Illinois netter couldn't
c o m p e t e with Dubie's errorless
play as the Wolverine won the
following nine games.
Sassone Triumphs
Not long after, Bob Sassone-
trotted off the asphalt courts
with a 6-2, 7-5 win in number
three singles. Sassone, facing
Minnesota's Ray Raddsevich, fell
back the first two games and
wasn't able to cope with the
Gopher's aggressive play.
But Sassone's coolness was dis-
played as he recovered to take six
straight games. R addsevich
couldn't keep Sassone's pace in
the final set. ,
Wayne Peacock defended his
number six singles title success-
fully against Michigan State's
See'M' NETTERS, Page 8
Roundup i
By The Associated Press
LITTLE ROCK-A new test of
strength between the pro and con
forces in Little Rock's continuing
controversy over public school
integration comes tomorrow at a
school board recall election.
The outcome of the election will
give the first solid indication
whether Gov. Orval E. Faubus has
gained or lost support since voters
ratified, 3 to 1, his closing public
high schools to prevent integration
last fall.
s * *
ATLANTA - Atlanta has joined
a number of major Southern cities
in quietly integrating its public
library system.
The decision was disclosed yes-
teeday three days after Atlanta
library employes were instruted


were - nc big sales to college stu- announcement receipts when they
dents. pick up the announcements.

'Waiting for Godot'To Open Tomorrow



"Waiting for Godot " one of the
most controversial of contempor-
ary dramas, will open here at 8
p.m. tomorrow.
The play has no meaning of its 1
own, not even a conclusion, star
Earl Hyman said, "but it's like a
prism, with a different reflection{

are left to figure out an ultimate "Saint Joan," "Othello," and "Mis-
significance for themselves, he ex- ter Johnson."
plained. Veteran Comedian
Subjective Interpretation Paul Hartman, who has the

But this is a completely subjec-
tive interpretation, he insisted. To
someone else, the play may have
no thesis whatsoever. "People with
absolute faith will write 'Godot'
nff a.sheer nnnsense" he said.

other lead role, is a comedian and
veteran of several hit musicals,
including "Pajama Game," and
"Of Thee I Sing."
Other roles in "Godot" are play-
r1 hvMichael Tewis and Anthnnv

,,, °' em

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