"Nah, I Didn't Say Nothin' About Startin' No Rumble" Sixty-Ninth Year -- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Vl x- 'FLESH' WEAK: The World Collapses, Harry Belafonte Sings THE WORLD- came to an end last night at the Michigan Theatre: Harry Belafonte sang, Inger Stevens smiled and Mel Ferrer scowled. "The World, the Flesh and the Devil." like the paperbacks with inviting covers, is not all its title implies. The love scenes are restricted to holding hands, and this comes only at the end of the picture. Al- though they are presumably the last people on earth, Ralph Burton DAY, MAY 23, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER An Educational Program For a Changing World AMERICA'S third oldest college, little St. John's, might today be of relatively slight importance in the widening framework of education, were it not for the creation - twen- ty-one years ago this week - of the school's famous four-year program in the Great Books. An anniversary is an appropriate time to commend the school for taking the lead in this area. But a twenty-first anniversary con- notes a little more: a maturation, perhaps. Even though the program has been highly meritorious thus far, and while a similar pro- gram is ,unfortunately lacking at the Univer- sity, it would seem an even broader develop- ment of the original St. John's idea is required. The whole of American education in gener- al has seemingly reached a juncture in its history also. Not only have its material fac- tors - numbers of students, size of physical plant -expanded considerably in the past decade, but so have the not so material ones. More than ever before, American education faces the challenge of producing a student capable of coping with, if not setting straight, a distorted planet. ST. JOHN'S tales to meet this challenge by offering a four-year program focusing on the study of 100 selections from W e s t e r n thought, including the works of philosophers, novelists, and scientists. The program is cog- nated with courses in languages, laboratory science, and mathematics. The St. John's plan, or better, a variation thereof, would be an effective educational in- strument by which the student here could bet- ter prepare for his complex future. The Uni- versity presently offers a two-semester course in Great Books, and while the course is a good one, it does not provide a sufficiently ex- tensive survey of great ideas. An expanded program of some sort would sophisticate the student through an assimilation of literature, science and the arts, best obtained by direct contact with the world's thinlers. The objection to such a program expressed by one University dean, who said that it would be impossible to hit upon a list of books pleas-; ing to everyone, is nonsense. Some readings would be recommended by nearly everybody involved, and any list prepared by a commit- tee of University scholars selected from vari- ous departments, would be of some value. Such a committee would have to be permanent, so that the list could constantly be re-evaluated. It might be difficult to collect a staff capable of offering such a program. However, consid- ering the quality of the University faculty compared with that of other institutions; such a difficulty seems surmountable. MEANWHILE, as American education ex- pands, the earth, in many ways, is grow- ing smaller. Due largely to communication im- provements distant points have grown near, and the world is no longer stiffly partitioned into an East and West. Although psychologi- cal' and cultural dissimilarities still exist, geo- graphic lines of demarcation have faded con- siderably. Strangely enough, however, American schol- ars seemingly ignore the importance of im- pressing in a student an impression of the world as an entity, not an easily; divided com- munity- Recently, the University has taken steps toward improving this condition, particularly in the creation of the Asian Studies Commit- tee. But the University could well increase its offerings in Eastern culture by including East- ern thought in a'Great Books of the World course. Even St. John's, for all its commendable ef- fort, fails in this area, (as does Wayne State University's newly-conceived Monteith Col- lege, dedicated to developing in its students the heritage of the West). A world heritage, rather than a solely West- ern one, amounts to an expanded view of truth in all its shadings. Given a broader conception of the St. John's plan, given the dignity of a fully liberal education, the American student might be aided in attaining a free, broadly mature viewpoint sorely lacking in modern society. --THOMAS HAYDEN r,. -._,... .. C: ^ " ^-- I :cj -*. / 11t a 9u ,f "s- sa TODAY AND TOMORROW: Progress at Geneva By WALTER LIPPMANN CAPITAL COMMENTARY: Sen.Hum i By WILLI THE BACKERS of Senator Hu- And, .finally, the po bert H. Humphrey of Minne- Humphrey strategists sota for the 1960 Democratic Pres- stares into the brig] idential 'homination have deter- danger in two other mined on the biggest gamble of flatly and 'directly chi the pre - convention campaign. combat another forme Though they do not care to put who is also a liberal the matter quite so strongly, even leader, Harry S. Tr in private, the plain fact is this: Truman is plainly, if n they are staking everything on one backing Senator Stua roll of the dice. ton of Missouri for t Knowing quite well that their tion); and 2) It nec strategy has it perils, they have draw a sharper line be decided to present Senator Hum- party old-timers who a phrey as "the" Roosevelt New "Truman men" and th Dealer in the field of aspirants. "Roosevelt men." Their risks are plain. Their strat- Even so, the Hum egy is, in military terms, like com- reckon that on balanc mitting every last resource to a more to gain than to lo massive counterattack in full haps they do, indeed awareness that if it fails the whole New Deal cast was bo war is lost then and there, case to be put on Hun But their candid conclusion is record is essentially a that for Humphrey it must be all one. He is an official or nothing. Deal splinter movem Franklin D. Roosevelt is 14 years Americans for Democr in his grave and this is a new And his campaign ma political world with different prob- of the most authentic{ lems from those he met so long Dealers, James H. Row ago. Since his death a spirit of * * * accommodation, of moderation, MR. ROWE, now aI has swept the Democratic party. attorney, was a mem * * *inner-inner FDR brain THE OLD Roosevelt New Deal- White House assistantt ers are for the most part no long- ident. He has remaine er in power anywhere, either in and unapologetically public office or in the party. Too, Roosevelt doctrines in Mr. Roosevelt of course made sequent years in which powerful enemies with long mem- ma and party memorie oies. The image of Humphrey as erally shifted away the man who seeks frankly to e Roosevelt era. the heir to FDR will, beyond doubt, Moreover, the late stir up these enemies again, widow, Mrs. Eleanor R hrey's Gamble AM S. WHITE (Belafonte) and Sarah Crandall (Miss Stevens) avoid playing Adam and Eve. This platonic brave new world may be a letdown to those who expected more. In fact, it may be a disappointment to those who expected anything. There are only three characters in the picture and one attempts to steal the show. Belafonte looks most con- vincing when he grits his pearly teeth, least believable when he sheds a tear or raises his voice in anger. Miss Stevens gets a B-Plus for an inviting smile and Ferrer, playing the villain, is menacing. The plot is an amalgam of themes guaranteed to please ev- eryone from the director to the director's wife. After the Enemy has destroyed the world with nu- clear radiation, Ralph Burton digs his way out of a Pennsylvania coal mine, where he has been buried for five days, registers sur- prise at the world's demise, grabs a convertible and drives to New York. There he settles in a cozy apartment and plays with radio sets, telephones and e1e c t r i c trains. He meets survivor number two, Sarah Crandall, but his in- tentions are pure because of theme B: he is a Negro and she is a white-Anglo-Saxon-Protes- tant. But the villain arrives to save the audience from boredom, and complete the eternal Hollywood triangle. Ferrer as Thackeray, the third survivor, manages a few good lines in his role as an ideal- ist turned sour. Entertainment is the theme of this picture, in spite of its at- tempt to teach brotherhood or warn of the dangers of not dig- ging an atomic shelter. Miss Ste- vens as Sarah is entertaining, but not because ofeher acting. She is enjoyable scenery and seems to sulier no trauma over the loss of New York City. Students with nothing better to do than study for exams will shed no tears over the end of the world as long as Inger Stevens keeps smiling. Conclusion: "The World, the Flesh and the Devil" is harmless for adults and the kiddies will love it. -James Bow DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi. torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 168 General Notices Seniors: Graduation announcements may be picked up at the Student Org. Office in SAB, Mon., Wed., 1-5. Bring receipt. Concerts (Continued on Page 5) AT THE STATE: 'Museum' Hypnotic YOU CAN begin your entertain- ment 'early by approaching the State Theatre head on - for on the marquee is the pronounce- ment, "It's Michign Week. Hor- rors of the Black Museum." With this unusual but significant ph.ase dancing before your work-weary eyes, you too may donate 90 cents to the Hollywood Welfare Fund and subject yourself to "Hypno- Vista." "Modern science has perfected an ancient art to put you in the picture." As explained in a lengthy prelude to the festivities, Hypno- Vista works through the power of suggestion. Red will indicate heat to your subconscious, blue will make you cold. "You'll feel the chilling fog, You'll feel the,pierc- ing blade. You'll feel the acid vat of death." With all due ,respect to the wonders of science, I don't believe I was hypno-vised, but my leg fell asleep if that proves anything. THE FILM comes with hot and cold running blood, a mad scien- tist, his Jekyll-Hyde assistant, Scotland Yard and beautiful, chesty young victims in low, cut dresses. Also in the reels are a flat-chested young woman, an old hag and a Mad Scientist's doctor. I counted five slayings, not in cluding the worthy destruction of Mad Scientist and Jekyll-Hyde, but I could have missed some more when I went for a walk in the lobby to wake up my leg, Even so, a rapid calclulation tallies one death every 12 minutes - thus showng the cinemascope and "blood-curdling color" at their best advantage. For a horror movie, "Black Mu- seum" isn't very horrifying. De- spite the urging of the doctor in the prelude to "Scream when you want to;" no one screamed. But some laughed. Maybe they weren't hypno-vised either. * * * AS WITH MOST horror movies, the acting was somewhat on a par with Shirley Temple's Story- book. Beautiful Young Girl Vic- tims, however, seem to have been selected by their measurements, which should be of interest to at least a segment of the audience. One portion of the film is de- voted to Mad Scientist's mistress doing a sexy dance in a red dress. Following the Hypno-Vista theo- ry, the red would indicate her gown was a made-over electric blanket. What makes the film worth- while despite an abundance of trite lines are the murders, which tend to be new and original. En- tertainment for the family; bring your tear gas and brick dust, -Thomas Kabaker licy of the deliberately ;ht face of ways: 1) It hallenges to er President. Democratic uman. (Mr. ot officially, rt Syming- he nomina- tssarily will tween those are basically ose who are phrey men e they have se, and per- . A certain ound in any mphrey. His a New Deal of the New. rent called atic Action. ,nager is one of the New e Jr. Washington nber of the n trust as a to the Pres- .d absolutely faithful to all the sub- party dog- es have gen- from the Pi-esident's Aosevelt, has been saying markedly good things of Humphrey--kinder things, by far, than she has said for any other hopeful. Efforts, indeed, are now being made to bring Mrs. Roosevelt and also former Gov. Averell Harriman of New York openly into Humphrey's support. Rowe himself, oddly enough, did not initiate the decision of the Humphrey camp to run the Sena- tor as a mid-century FDR. He has, however, concluded it is a wise decision and it will form the basis for all his future sorties in seeking to gather up convention delegates' for Humphrey. * * . THE ANALYSIS of the Hum- phrey people is about this: Hubert Humphrey never would be given the nomination anyhow by a con- vention determined on a "moder- ate" candidate. Such a convention, in common sense, would turn in- stead to Senator Lyndon B. John- son of Texas, Senator Symington or Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Humphrey would never, In any case, be acceptable to the conven-, tion's conservatives - and cer- tainly never to those from the South. Thus, far more even than any of his rivals, he is barred from playing any kind of waiting and hoping game. He must sharply and clearly - and early and often and bluntly -identify himself and seek the sort of delegate strength really open to him. He must do this even at the cost of alienating other,yandrmore iffy, strength. (Copyright 1959, by United Features Syndicate, Inc.) i A8 A PUBLIC spectacle, the Geneva confer- ence is still in the prelude to the negotia- tions. But this prelude is of great importance. For it is dealing with a momentous question: Shall the Four Powers assume, when they come to negotiate about Berlin and other matters, that for all practical purposes the partition of Germany is permanent? Mr. Gromyko's tactical moves and his pro- posals have been designed to emphasize the partition by building up the prestige of the East German state. Mr. Gromyko knows as well as we do that-his package of proposals is not going to be accepted. But as in the incident of the seating of the East German delegates at the conference, he has been working to create the impression that the West, which is not unani- mous about German reunification, is accepting the partition. The task of the Westerners has been to pre- vent the coming negotiations about Berlin from taking place with all the world assuming thait the idea of reunification has been scuttled. THE ISSUE was stated candidly on Tuesday by the French Foreign Minister, M. Couve de Murville. Dealing with the Soviet proposal for a peace treaty with the two Germanys, he said that "such a treaty would do nothing to solve the problems facing us; or rather, it would do one thing only: set the Four Powers' seal on the division of Germany." He came immediately to the crucial point: "Even if . . . reunification is not yet possible, we see no ;reason at all for taking part in a solemn international act which would preclude it forever, and could have no other result than drive the German people to despair." The Westerners know, of course, that their package plan is not going to be accepted by the Soviet Union and they know too that the re- unification of Germany is not possible in the foreseeable future. Moreover, it is no secret that in the Western alliance there is powerful opposition to German reunification, and that, as one Frenchman has put it: "It is like this. We all pray to go to heaven but not too soon." Nevertheless, the Western powers are right to insist that nothing be done at Geneva or at the summit to preclude the idea of eventual reunifi- cation. Thus, M. Couve de Murville is un- doubtedly right in saying that if the Allies accept partition it would drive the German people, or at least some of the boldest among them, to despair. The ground will be prepared for clandestine conspiracy between West Ger- man and East German nationalists. Out of that might come anything-a German civil war, or a German deal with Russia. But in any event it would mean the end of Western influence in a reunited Germany. ONCE THE GENEVA conference has estab- lished the principle that there will be no "solemn international act which would preclude it (German reunification) forever," the prelude will be over. The time will have come for nego- tiation about Berlin. Here there appears to exist a serious problem of Allied policy. There are those who believe that the West should stand firm on the status quo, refusing any change of any kind. They regard any change as a change for the worse. They do not believe our position can be improved but only that it can be weakened. This is at least the first attitude of the Bonn and the Paris govern- ments. They profess to think that if we stand firmly on the absolute negative, Mr. Khrushchev will give up and give in. This is an arguable position. But it can be argued better if it is not accompanied by the innuendo that the British and the Americans, who want to negotiate with the Soviets, are less brave and less noble and less realistic than are the Germans and the French. It would serve the cause of Allied unity greatly if the innuendo were omitted from the off-the-record briefings. The other point of view holds that the West- ern position in West Berlin is weak and needs to be strengthened, and that it should be a prime object of Western policy to strengthen and improve the position in Berlin. The weak- ness of the Western position is notorious. West Berlin is an island within a Communist state, and thiswisland is defended against invasion and conquest by the threat, which only the United States could carry out, of waging a total nuclear war. THIS IS AN adequate defense against the conquest of West Berlin. But it is not a defense at all against harassment-just enough to become intolerably annoying and not enough to justify a total nuclear war. The morale of the people of West Berlin' cannot be counted upon to endure forever harassment for which there is no remedy. The West has, therefore, a vital interest in negotiating a new statute for Berlin, one which spells out its rights of access and reaffirms its right to a military presence in West Berlin, and is the formal commitment of the Soviet Union and of the East European states. In my view, we shall miss the bus if we do not get a new agreement about Berlin. If it is possible, this agreement should be worked out before there is a summit meeting, or at the least there should be a good concrete private understanding that it will be worked out at the '1 A LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Cabinet Asks Constructive Approach to IHC To the Editor:I AN EDITORIAL by Bruce Cole that appeared in The Daily of May 17 commented on the diffi- culty that the IHC Presidium is experiencing, and mentioned that ". . . ..little of any importance was done at the (last) meeting,. and many people said it was a completely wasted evening." First of all, four motions were passed providing services to the men of the Residence Halls: 1) a recommendation that Fall Orien- tation Group be composed of men from one house or part of one house, as opposed' to the current situation in which men are chosen at random from anywhere in the Residence Hall System. 2) a recommendation that part of staff training programs at the begin- ning of each year be devoted to Student Government-Staff Con- ferences, in which there are speci- fic discussions concerning the role that staff should have in student government and the responsibility they niay have in carrying out a house government plan. 3) a motion passed recommend- ing that telephone service in Men's Residence Halls be extended until 11 p.m. and 4) a motion increasing the scholarship program of the IHC so that four scholarships of such as ".... many people said it was a completely wasted evening." The general consensus of opinion of those present was that in terms of constructive action taken, it was a good meeting. We. of course, are interested in expression of opinion concerning IHC and its action, that appear in The Daily; the only thing we ask is that these opinions be based on some semblance of fact, that ru- mors be eliminated as far as possible from these articles, and that all opinions be of constructive nature rather than the destructive course they have taken of late. -Executive Cabinet Inter-House Council Honoraries . .. To the Editor: WHAT IS the use of Michigamua and the other honoraries of its sort? I have nothing against honorary organizations per se, but to me they have nothing to offer unless they recognize significant ac- complishment that would other- wise go unnoticed. Phi Beta Kappa is a good example of a worthwhile honorary. The value of the Nobel prize for literature is that it recognizes ac- nized by the campus. It' only re- ceives honor from the stature of the persons it humiliates. I watched Michigamua initiation on the Diag, and the cry of the initiators was "make them heap humble." If the purpose of Michi- gamua is sincerely to honor, why does it humiliate accomplishment instead of honoring it? When honors are handed out in mature society, no one feels he has to rub any noses in the dirt before he bestows recognition upon accom- plishment. Why should it be that way here? For the sake of "tradi- tion?" I understand that last year a person on this campus was offered Michigamua and refused to join, and for this he was, to an extent, ostracized. I salute him. He had a more genuine idea of honor and recognition than does Michigamua and its brothers. Alexis A. Panshin, '62 Senimore Says Donkeys * To the Editor. IT SEEMS to me that the three legislators who replied to Mar- tin Gold's letter concerning the funds which the University is not receiving are equally donkeys. It may be , that I am only keenly aware of and disgusted by petty politicians and their empty re- marks, but the three letters writ- ten respectively by Lewis G. Christman, State Senator, George Wahr Sallade, State Representa- tive, and James F. Warner, State Representative, strike me as too obvious examples of side-stepping. Lewis G. Christman indicates that he is only one of 144 Legis- lators and implies thereby, wheth- er he realizes it or not, that he can hardly be held responsible to help solve the current cash crisis or have any opinions on the mat- ter. May I remind Mr. Christman, tritely, that if we all felt similarly, no one would vote and our proud democracy would perhaps totter. Mr. Sallade answered by stating profoundly that whatever will be, will be, and he's for it all the way, I feel no comment on this logic is necessary. An dAMr W . Ar' anm,.vA b ,r -, - 4 t f F, s _ ,_< (7k.; .._ , . .V.., . .4 I I ri __.. - - j : .. ^: ' _ } .. f