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May 23, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-23

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[AY 23, 1959



". ...

aculty Group Reports on Current Economic Status

IFC Makes Report of Selectivity Study

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are
etcerpts from the "Report on the
Economic Status of the Faculty of
the University of Michigan Sen
ate." This year the annual report
dealt with the economic status of
the University rather than of the
faculty specifically.)
This is a year in which the
economic status of the University
is of much more pressing concern
than the economic status of the
faculty. The status of the faculty
has changed little during the year
-assuming, that is, that pay-
checks continue. It has seemed
wise, therefore, to depart some-
what from the custom of this re-
port, and to devote ourselves to a
longer and perhaps broader view
than is permissible at a time when
economic conditions are changing
The State of Michigan, and with
it, The University of Michigan,
and all state institutions, are fac-
ing a financial crisis equalled only
by that of the Great Depression of
the 1930's.
This may be only a temporary
difficulty, occasioned partly per-
haps by the circumstance of hav-
ing a Governor of one party and a
Legislature of another over a
period of years, and partly by the
recent economic difficulties of the
major industry and income-pro-
duce% of the State, automobiles.
Moral Disorder? . .
It. may be, however, that the
present troubles are a symptom of
some more deep-seated disorder
both economic and moral. It would
be rash to predict the economic
future of Michigan for even the
next five, much less the next
twenty-five years. Nevertheless our
thinking and planning about the
future of the University, and about
our personal futures as faculty
members, inevitably involves some
image of the future of the State.
There are some hopeful factors,
especially in the middle to long
run-the location .(especially with
the opening of the St. Lawrence
Seaway), the skilled labor force,
the organizational genius of its
managers, abundant water sup-
plies, and the growth of non-
manufacturing employment, and
population trends pull towards
On the other hand the economy
of the State is too closely bound
to a single industry-automobiles.
This is always a vulnerable situa-
tion. Should there be a long-run
decline in the willingness of the
American public to spend money
on the State's major product, al-
ternative sources of employment
will have to be found.
Unemployment in Michigan has
recently been running over ten per
cent of the labor force; yet the
automoble industry is khaving an
averge" year, in terms of sales.
This 'fact has suggested to some
observers that the State may face
Clb o10 Hear
UAR Attache
The Arab Club will meet 'at 7l
p.m. tomorrow in the recreation
room of the International Center.
Mohamed Hussen B a z a r a a,
tourist attache of the United Arab
Republic, will lead a discussion on
the possibility of promoting a
tour from the University to the
UAR. Colored films of the Arab
world will also be shown at the

some long-run economic problems.
A pessimistic appraisal of the
State's future is far from justified,
but it cannot be ruled out; it is a
contingency which must be present
in the minds of those planning for
the future. .
The' future of the University is
not wholly tied to the general eco-
nomic fortunes of the State, even
though this factor is a very im-
portant one. Even were the State
prosperous, it might still fail to
recognize the need for supporting
its University, and even were the
State depressed, it still might
make sacrifices to support the Uni-
versity if the people were inspired
to make them.
Sacrifice Needed . .
The great cathedrals were built
by communities that by modern
standards, were desperately poor.
Similarly if the people of the State
saw the University as the finest
flower of Michigan society, they
might well make sacrifices for it
even in the face of general eco-
nomic adversity. In the past, some
such attitude may have existed,
otherwise the University could not
have risen to be the world famous
institution which it is today.
The very greatness of the Uni-
versity-and let us not be falsely
modest, for The Univepsity of Mich-
igan is a very great institution,
ranked high among the greatest
universities of the world-renders
it peculiarly dependent upon the
attitudes of the people of the State.
Indeed, one may venture the opin-
ion that unless the people of the
State of Michigan take pride in
their University and prepare to
support it, not merely as a local
degree-factory but as a world in-
stitution for the advancement of
knowledge, the University will not
retain indefinitely its position of
pre-eminence, even of eminence.
The question here is fundamen-
tally one of the moral climate. If
the moral climate of the State
is one in which the things of the
mind and' spirit are held in low
esteem, and in which the flashier
furnishings of life are given the
highest priority, the State will not
continue indefinitely to nurture an
institution of the quality of this
University. If, on the other hand,
there is widespread appreciation
for the best achievements of the
human spirit,, the State will con-
tinue to deserve the great insti-
tution which bears its name.
'U' More Vulnerable ...
In this situation 'the University
is much more vulnerable than the
faculty. This is a consequence of
the very greatness of the Institu-
tion. The faculty of this University
are in a large measure men and
women of more than local reputa-
tation. Many of their names are
known to the whole world of learn-
ing. They are frequently pressed by
offers from other institutions,
eager to obtain the quality of
persons typical of this faculty.
If they stay here, and if others
like them are attracted here, it is
because of the greatness rof the
institution not because of the salu-
briousness of the climate or the
grandeur of the natural surround-
ings. If the Institution begins to
decline, these men and women can,
and will leave: others like them
will not be attracted.
Catastrophe Possible ...
Under some circumstances an
institution can decline in quality
with catastrophic rapidity, and

there have been instances of such
decline in institutions similar to
ours. Once a decline has set in it
is hard to arrest, and harder still
to reverse.
Once an institution has become
mediocre, it can only recover at
enormous expenses and effort. One
state university, which a mere
thirty years ago was one of the
leading universities of the world,
now finds itself forced to offer sal-
aries almost twice what it has been
paying in a desperate attempt to
arrest an almost catastrophic de-
cline. If the people of the State of
Michigan do not appreciate what
an unusual treasure they have at
present in their University, it can
easily suffer the same fate.
The administration is deeply
committed to the maintenance of
the University as an institution of
first rank. It knows that in order
to do so it must offer economic
inducements which are on a par
with those offered by institutions
of similar status, such as Harvard
and California. It realizes also that
in view of the prospect of increased
enrollments everywhere the com-
petition for faculty members at
all levels is going to be strong in
the next ten years, and that a
position once lost will not easily
(or cheaply) be recouped. In this
regard the University is most for-
tiinate, and the mutual confidence
which exists on this point between
faculty and administration makes
the task of this committee very
different from what it might be in
other, less fortunate institutions.
It must not be inferred, of course,
that there are no sources of strain
between the faculty and the ad-
ministration. Such idyllic harmony
would not. only be surprising, it
would be positively alarming. Per-
haps the most useful function of
this committee in regard to fac-
ulty-administration relations
would be to explore the wider
To Address
Dutch Group
The Netherland-American Uni-
versity League will hold its an-
nual meeting at 3:30 p.m. today
in the West Conference Rm. of
the League, Faculty Director Prof.
Henry van der Schalie of the zo-
ology department announced re-
Prof. G. Wielinger of the Free
University of Amsterdam, who
has travelled extensively through
Michigan, will compare the Dutch
educational system with that of
the United States. The title of his
address will be "Impressions of
the American Educatinoal Sys-
Movies of the Dutch royal fam-
ily will also be featured at the
meeting. Students of Dutch ex-
traction are invited.

framework of economic status, es-
pecially those less obvious items
which escape attention in the press
of a large organization.
Goes Beyond Salary . .
The economic status of the fac-
ulty consists of much more than
the size of the paycheck, though
it would be hypocritical to pretend
that the paycheck was not of
prime importance: It consists of
more even than the so-called
"fringe benefits"-medical exami-
nations, group insurance, assist-
ance with mortgages, retirement
benefits, faculty clubs, sabbaticals,
leaves, and so on. In the larger
sense the economic status involves
the whole "conditions of work"
and even conditions of life-the
character of the University com-
munity, the opportunities for stim-
ulation and'social and intellectual
intercourse, and the sense of hav-
ing the right tools for the job.
Faculty members are perhaps
peculiarly sensitive to the delights
of a good job well done, and when
the organizational conditions frus-
trate this desire a large debit bal-
ance is chalked up to the institu-
tion. Thus it may well be that the
opening of the undergraduate li-
brary, with the remarkable lift
which this has given to the intel-
lectual life of the students, has
done as much for the psychic
income of the faculty, as any
single event of recent years.
The need for rapid and continu-
ous advance in faculty salaries at
all levels is so well documented
both in public reports and in pre-
vious reports of this committee
that we need merely to refer the
reader to these documents, especi-
ally to the report of the President's
Committee on Education beyond
the high school. The average sal-
ary for college faculty members in
the United States in 1957-58 was
$6,120. This is not enough to sus-
tain either the dignity, or the
quality, or the numbers of the
Since this average includes insti-
tutions of all sizes and qualities,
Michigan average salary, like the
average salaries paid at the insti-
tutions with which Michigan must
compete for staff, is considerably
higher. But these other institu-
tions are rapidly advancing the
levels of their salaries, and Michi-
gan must keep up with them if it
is to maintain the quality of its
Speak for Society ..
We speak not only for ourselves
and our personal and family inter-
ests, but for the welfare and even
for the survival of the society of
which we are a part when we,
say that no society can afford to
undervalue indefinitely the services
of those who are the chief cus-
todians and enlargers of its in-
tellectual, technical, and cultural
Investment in this heritage is
fantastically productive - some

estimates show rate of return on
investment in research, for in-
stance, as high as 700 per cent
per annum!-and without teach-
ing, where will be the next genera-
tion of researchers? Society is so
far from diminishing returns in
this area that it is hardly possible
to be mistaken in extending sup-
port. Nevertheless we find some
who would treat the University as
if it were a luxury, a nuisance, a
mere source of expense, a conveni-
ent packhorse to take the burden
of the State's financial irresponsi-
We do not claim that we are
perfect. There is room. for im-
provement within the University.
We are not all equally productive.
But we do claim that this is a
great institution, at the moment
perhaps the best of all the State
universities. And we do claim that
the last place where pennypinch-
ing should be practiced is in the
attainment and maintenance of
Gardner Ackley,
professor of economics
Wilbur J. Cohen, professor of
public welfare administration
Philip Jay, professor of dentistry
Wilbert Steffy, associate professor
of industrial engineering
Wallace W. Gardner,
associate professor of statistics
Kenneth E. Boulding,
professor of economics
Pasts Filled
By Regents
The Regents approved the re-
appointment of three department
chairmen, and appointed a new
chairman and an acting chairman
at their meeting yesterday.
Prof. Gardner Ackley, of the
econo mies department, Prof.
Charles M. Davis of the geogra-
phy department, and Prof. Wesley
H. Maurer of the journalism de-
partment were reappointed for
five year terms beginning July 1,
Prof. James N. Spuhler, who
served as acting chairman of the
anthropology department last
summer and for the first semester
pf this year, was appointed chair-
man for a five year period. He is
on leave during the current se-
The Regents named Prof. Wil-
liam B. Willcox acting chairman
of the history department from
July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960.
This appointment will fill the- va-
cancy left by Prof. Howard M.
Ehrmann, who has resigned.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
are excerpts from the Interfrater-
nity Council's Selectivity Study
Committee's report.)
Summary of Present
Conditions at Michigan
At the present time, four of the
forty-four national fraternities
represented on the campus have
written restrictions prohibiting
membership on the basis of race,
color, or creed.
This represents a significant de-
cline from the 22 houses showing.
similar restriction in 1949.
Since 1953, the Interfraternity
Council has followed a policy that
the "most desirable and effective
method for the removal of -these
clauses is the action of the indi-
vidual fraternity without any co-
ercive threat."
* * *
Student Government's range of
jurisdiction in this area has been
questioned as a result of their
recent action concerning Sigma
Kappa ... Certain aspects of their
jurisdiction are being reconsidered,
which makes any future Student
Government policy or actions un-
The Michigan Daily has gener-
ally taken an active position, op-
posing restrictive clauses in any
form. A recently published series
of seven articles discussing dis-
crimination in fraternities, we feel
represents a commendably accur-
ate appraisal of the situations.
*' * -
The University Administration
has expressed no definite policy in
this regard since the second Presi-
dential veto (1952) of a student
sponsored bill to eliminate restric-
tive clauses.
* * *
Two facts must be kept in mind
when considering the existing pos-
sibilities for future action by the
Interfraternity Council: that ques-
tions regarding fraternity mem-

bership policies are not unique at
Michigan; that the IFC has been
studying selectivity for years; and
that real progress in removing ar-
bitrary legal restrictions on mem-
bership has been realized in this
The ,committee recognizes that
along with the removal of written
discriminatory regulations, arbi-
trary selective practices have the
best chance of being removed only
when action by the members is
The question is one of attitude,
and not merely one of written
clauses in fraternity constitutions.
* * *
The Committee recommends the
following program which is di-
rected toward a continuous. and
positive program of assistance
rather than coercion:
1) ... That one of the existing
committees (of the :IFC).. . de-
vote approximately half of its time
to work in the area of menibership
It is suggested that this work
would fit into the existing program
of the Fraternity Service Com-
mittee, and that such a change
would provide the greatest oppor-
tunity for continuity in policy and
2) That the Fraternity Services
Committee be renamed the Serv-
ices and Counseling Committee
and that its work be reapportioned
so that the selectivity program of
the IFC may be an explicitly de-
fined and integral part of this
committee's work.
3) That the Services and Coun-
seling Committee immediately as-
sist the Selectivity Study Com-
mittee in completing its planned
correspondence with the National
Fraternity offices and other Big
Ten IFC's.

This correspondence is designed
to initiate the program of positive
action which it is hoped the new
committee will continue.
4) That . . . the Services and
Counseling Committee should con-
tinually work toward the eventua
elimination of arbitrary discrimi
natory restrictions and practices
* * *
(Among its duties,. it should
keep) these National offices, othe
Interfraternity Councils, and othe
interested parties .. . continuously
informed of important changes in
IFC and University policy ... and
urge these National offices to rec
ognize and conform to stated Uni
versity policy.
(The committee should als
stimulate) a continuous inter
change of information regarding
selectivity practices among the Big
Ten universities and at the Big
Ten Interfraternity, Conferences,
5) That the Interfraternity
Council continue its efforts toward
the elimination of arbitrary selec
tive practices and accord with th
following policy:
The Michigan Interfraternit
Council, while maintaining th
necessary and basic principle
free membership selection by indi
vidual fraternities, Is opposed t
selectivity practices which ar
based on race, nationality or othe
similarly artificial criteria, rathe
than individual merit.

* * *
It recognizes however, that thos
practices present a question of at
titude, which is ultimately mor
important thawn that of legal re
Therefore, instead of attempt
ing coercive measures ,the IF(
will endeavor to assist local chap
ing coercive measures, the IF
their national organizations to
ward the voluntary elimination o
arbitrary selection practices.





7 b






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at the First Presbyterian Church
1432 Washtenaw Avenue, NO 2-3580
Miss Patricia Pickett, Acting Director
Robert 'Baker, Assistant
Worship at 9:00, 10:30, and 12:00.
Mr. Van Winkle preaching
10:30 ,.M. Seminar
S11:30 A.M. Coffee hour.
6:00 P.M. Picnic supper honoring seniors.
7:00 P.M. Worship, and discussion on plans for
next year. Pat Pickett leading.
9:30 P.M. Coffee hour at Pat Pickett's apartment,
217 S. Observatory.
1416 Hill Street
NO 8-8802
10:00 a.m. Devotional Readings
10:30 to 11:30A.M. Meeting for worship.
11:45-12:30 Adult Forum
7:30 p.m. Young Friends Fellowship
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School.
11:00 A.M. "Mortals and immortals."
Reading Room-306 E. Liberty. 10:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M. Daily. Monday 7:00 P.M. to 9:00
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Res. Ph. NO 3-0982; Office Ph. NO 8-7421
10:00 A.M. Morning Service.
7:00 P.M. Evening Service.
William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and
12:00 noon.
Holyday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M.,
12:00 noon and 5:10 P.M.
Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M.
Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M.
State and William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs. Minister.
The Rev. J. Edgar Edwards preaching: "On Handl-
ing Two of Life's Imposters"
Services: 9:30-10:20 and 11:00-12:00
Church School: 9:30-10:40 and 10:55-12:00-
Crib through 9th grade.
Bible Lecture 10:20-10:40 by Mrs. Fred E. Luchs
Student Guild: "Study Night" at the guild house,
524 Thompson Street.


United Church of Christ
423 SouthFourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt; Minister
9:30 A.M. German Service in the Chapel.
10:45 A.M. Worship Service.
7:00 PM. Student Guild.

Corner State and Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor


8:45 and 11:00 A.M.: "Childish Grown-ps"
10:00 AM. Sunday. School-University Class.
5:45 P.M. Student Guild.
7:00 P.M; "A Forfeited Gift."
Rev. Sanford B. Morgan.

1917 Woshtenow at Berkshire
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M. Church School
Adult Group-Welcoming our Meadville
I nterne.
11:00 A.M. Worship Service-Sermon
Wray Smith-"A Layman's View"
120 S. State St.
Hoover Rupert, L. Burlin Main,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship: "The transformed
2:30 and 5:30 P.M. Cars leaving for private
grounds. Recreation, picnic supper, vesper
306 North Division Street
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9.00 A.M. Morning Prayer and sermon for stu-
dents, followed by breakfast in Canterbury
11:00 A.M. Sermon and Holy Communion.
5:30 P.M. Buffet supper.
7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer.




1131 Church St
Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister

for That
Priceless Look

Just a reminder, strictly confidential of course, that in my
business our cchief concern lies with you and the solutions to your
own personal problems.
Of course, I could only be referring to the Michigan Daily
and the wonderful opportunity in store for you to sell subscrip-
tions in the fall-the most pleasant way to solve all your problems
of a financial nature.

9:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service
7:00 P.M. Evening Worship Service: The Gos-
pel according to the Tabernacle: VII. "The Ark
of the Covenant.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastqr t
Theo. A. Kriefall, Vicar
Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship Services,
with sermon by the pastor, "Trinity Sunday
Reflections." (Holy Communion in both ser-
Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45: Bible Study Groups
Sunday at 2:30: Meet at Chapel for Gamma Delta
Outing, Steak Fry, and Vesper Service.




(National Lutheran Council)




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