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May 21, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-21

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Wolverine Netmen in Action at MS U;
onference Title Chase Starts Today


Former Titlists Retur

Michigan's tennis team has
een picked as a pre-meet favorite
>r the fiftieth annual Big Ten
ennis Championships to be held
t Michigan State starting today.
Defending champion Iowa and
inner-up Illinois should provide!
Ve biggest obstacles for the Wol-
erines. The Hawkeyes, led by Art
ndrews, defending singles cham-'
ion, won last year's title by
massing 571 /points.
Illinois took second with 46%/
rnd Michigan was third with 44%/
'M' Powerhouse
"M" coach Bill Murphy has as-
embled another powerhouse ledl
y Captain Jon Erickson, Gerry
ubie, and Bob Sassone, all un-
efeated in conference l play this
pring. Also back for the Wolver-
ies are Frank Fulton and Wayne
eacock, cefending champions in
le number five and six singles,
The Michigan number three
oubles team of Fulton and John
Tiley are unbeaten for the sea-
m, having taken eight consecu-
i v e matches. Other doubles
ams for the Wolverines will be
rickson and Dubie in the first
oubles and 'Peacock and Larry
aitzeff in the second doubles.
Michigan, boasting a nine and
ae record, has already beaten
veryone in the Big Ten but Iowa
nd Purdue. "M" stopped the Il-
ii in Champaign, 6-3, earlier
his spring.
Hawkeye Problems
The Hawkeyes' trouble is in

having only two returning letter-
men from the 1958 championship
squad. Besides Andrews, Don
Middlebrook is the only Iowa
holdover. Middlebrook was run-
ner-up for the number four singles
title in 1958.
Last year Andrews teamed with
the graduate Bob Potthast to cop
the first doubles championship.
Leading the Illini will be Cap-
tain Al Holtmann. Holtmann was
defeated by Erickson 6-1, 8-6, in
their meeting earlier this spring.
Only 5'6" he is one of the tough-
est competitors in Big Ten tennis
Bob. Breckenridge in the num-
ber two position lost to Dubie 6-2,
6-0, but teamed with Holtmann to
stop Michigan's number one
doubles team of Erickson and Du-
bie, 7-5, 6-3.
Coach "Howie" Braun of Illi-
nois said of his squad, "We'll have
a hard time equallinglast year's
record, but we should have anoth-
er fairly strong team." At the.first
of the season he picked Iowa to
successfully defend its title, but
after seeing the Wolverines defeat
his squad with 'little trouble, he
r e m a r k e d, "They (Michigan)
should win the Big Ten. title
Northwestern, last year's fourth
place team, has only three return-
ing lettermen. "M" stopped the
Wildcats in an abbreviated dual
meet, 6-1, without the services of
Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ohio
State were all white-washed by
the Wolverinse ins previous meet-

ings this spring. Larry Biederman
of Ohio State and the Gopher's
Dave Healey are their teams' top
men in number one singles, but
both fell to Erickson.



Michigan swimmers last night
elected 20-year-old Tony Tash-
nick as captain for the 1959-60
A native of Detroit, Tashnick
graduated from Mackenzie High
School in 1956. In his first year
of varsity competition for the
Wolverines he set the Big Ten,
American and NCAA records in
the 100 and 200-yd. butterflies.
This year, as a Junior, he placed
second in the three events he en-
tered in the NCAA competition at
Ithaca, N. Y., finishing second in
the 100 and 200-yd. butterflies
and in the 200-yd. medley.
The potential medical. student
gained All-American mention
This season Tashnick turned in
his greatest performance at the
Big Ten. Championships, taking
all three of his events to become
one of only two triple winners in
the meet.
MSU's Bill Steuart was the
Swim coach Gus Stager, in
commentingon .Tashnick's being
chosen said, "The kids elected
hire. I'm very satisfied."


UNSEEDED DEFENDER-Pete Stanger, Wolverine hurdler, last
year took the Big Ten championship in the 220-yd. low hurdles,
but this year his best recorded time of :23.2 puts him fourth in
pre-meet ratings.
From Caddy to Golfer

Seven returning titlists could R
urn the Big Ten track and field
hampionships into old pro's day. on
Included in this veteran group s
re three defending champions as h
vell asFour seniors, who won the H
tle in their respective events a
vhen they were sophomores. c
After Third in Ro* pi
Two champions, Willie May of
ndiana in the 120-yard high
urdles and Northwestern's Will- or
ner Fowler in the 100-yard dash, t
'ill be seeking their third con- fe
ecutive championship.li
The other defending champions de
re Michigan's Pete Stanger in
he 220-yard low hurdles, two- c
viler Buddy Edelen of Minnesota of
nd Illinois' Ernle Haisley in the p
igh jumpb
Quarter-miler Jesse Nixon of
isconsin, Eon Mitchell, high
umper from Illinois and Michi- n
an's star pole vaulter Eeles n
andstrom are the other former s
lhampions who will try to reclaim -
;heir lost titles.
Lead the Field
May and Fowler lead the field
f champions, each winning three
revious championships. Besides
inning the high hurdles the past
iwo years May also won the 220-
ard low-hurdles in 1957, only to
e upset last year by Stanger.
Fowler also won the 220-yard
ash as a sophomore in 1957 to
o along with his consecutive
ins in the 100-yard dash. Last
55 n M~i..

ear he finished
on Mitchell.
In the Conferen
n performancess
on, May rates fi
urdles and secon
is time of :14
s the favorite t
onsecutive high
Threaten Do
His time in the
mly one-tenth of
he best time reco
erence this seaso
shing him asa
ouble win.
Stanger, last ye
hampion, has re
f :23.21 for th
laces him fourth
ehind May.
Edelen of Minn
ew conferencer
he two-mile as a
eason, rates as th

behind Illinois'
ce ratings based
so far this sea-
rst in the high
nd in the lows.
establishes him
o win his third
-hurdle cham-
ouble Win
low hurdles is
a second behind
rded in the con-
on, thus estab-
a threat for a:
ar's low hurdles
gistered a time
Is event which
in the ratings
e Mark
esota, who set a
record, winning
sophombre last
he favorite again

this year. His time of 9:06 has
been the best recorded in the Big
Ten this spring.
The Wolverines' Landstrom, out
of competition the last two years,
will be out to regain' the cham-
pionship he won as a sophomore
in 1956. Landstrom, on the basis
of his performances this spring
rates as the favorite. He has con-
sistently vaulted over 14'6" this
spring with his best effort being
a jump of 14'9%" against the
Quantico Marines. This effort
earned Landstrom the distinction
of tying the Ferry Field record.
In the high jump the defending
champion Haisley and his team-
mate and former titleholder Ron
Mitchell are expected to battle it
out for top honors. Haisley won as
a sophomore and Mitchell, who
tied for the title back in 1952, be-
fore he entered the service, have
both jumped 6'73/" ,this spring,
giving them a 1%" edge over the
next best effort.



Golf Spectators Invited
LOCAL STUDENT sport fans willing to sacrifice a weekend of study
have the opportunity to be more than sufficiently diverted tomor-
row and Saturday. In that two-day stretch, athletes in three different
sports will perform here in conjunction with Big Ten Weekend.
Most spectator interest will probably center at the Ferry Field
track, where Michigan and Illinois are expected to stage their peren-
nial battle for outdoor track supremacy. A stone's throw away Michi-
gan's baseball team, out of the title running, will attempt to get back
into winning ways against Conference opponents Iowa (one game
Friday) and Minnesota (two games Saturday, morning and afternoon).
Since the Gophers are virtually Big Ten champions and have lost only
one game all year, many people should fill the Ferry Field grandstand
to see if the Wolverines can beat the leaders.
Not so many spectators are likely to show up at tomorrow and
Saturday's Big Ten golf meet at the University Course, just south of
Ferry Field. This. expected lack of a sizable gallery is unfortunate,
1) admission is free to all four sessions (18-hole morning rouin'as
at 7:15 each day, followed by 18-hole afternoon rounds for a 72-hole
2) this is the first Conference links meet' at Ann Arbor since 1949,
and likely the last until 1969.
3) the course, regarded as one of the best collegiate layouts in the
nation, is in excellent shape.
4) some of the Midwest's top collegiate golfers are competing.
5) Michigan is one of the favorites for the t'eam title.
Spectators will' be welcomed at this two-day affair, because golf
is a game of skill, and the golfers would like to have somebody besides
themselves and a handful of other people present to appreciate this
skill. In fact, admission is so free that you don't even have to show IDs.
Big Ten meets rotate from school to school, so Michigan's turn
comes up once every 10 years. The last time the Wolverines hosted
the Conference golf meet, they proved inhospitable hosts, winning
the tournament by a whopping 58 strokes. It took Michigan's five best
men only 1,499 shots to negotiate the 72-hole route that year. Those
five men placed among the Conference's seven best.
Tougher Than Usual .. .
It doesn't look like any team will come close to that 1,499 total
this year, because the always-difficult Michigan course has been
toughened even further in preparation for the Big Ten meet. The
fairways have been narrowed. The roughs have been allowed to grow,
and yesterday's rain will induce the grass in the roughs to grow even
The tees have been moved back on many of the holes, so now the
course measures a long 6,925 yards. Two hundred new trees have been
planted, some in strategic places along the fairways. The wet weather
should probably make the greens "slow," to further test the ability and
raise the scores of the competitors.
Those golfers who should most' likely do well on the improved
Michigan course include Purdue's Jon Konsek, last year's medalist
with a 72-hole score of 293 at Ohio State. Konsek should be supported
ably by. teammate Gene Francis, fourth in 1958 with 298. These two
will lead their squad's attempt to retain the Conference team title.
Another of the five teams expected to make as run for the cham-
pionship is Indiana, led by Ron Royer and Jon Sommer. Royer was
sixth in last year's individual standings with 301. Michigan State,
paced by Ty Caplin, is also a strong contender.
Michigan should also be considered in the running. Coach Bert
Katzenmeyer's team has fared well against Indiara, Purdue, and MSU
in dual meets this season. Although losing to the Spartans and
Hoosiers on points, Michigan has beaten all three in total strokes in
meets on this course.
Katzenmeyer, whose Wolverine teams won Big Ten crowns in 1947,
1949, and 1952, will depend this weekend on a squad composed of three
seniors (Capt. Ray Lovell, Chuck Blackett, and Pat Keefe), one
junior (Larry Markman), and two sophomores (Dick Youngberg and
Joe Brisson).
Spectators have the alternative of either following one group of
golfers around the course, or of standing in one of many vantage
points where-they can watch all the competitors play representative
holes. Probably the best point is the hilltop where one can watch
golfers holing out on greens 1, 8, and 15, and then teeing off on 2, 9,
and 16. Or they might stand between the 11th and 12th fairways and
watch the linksmen try futilely to match par on the tough, par-4,
470-yard 11th hole.
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"I was one of the boys whol
graduated from the caddy ranks,"
said Chuck Blackett, reminiscing
about his golf career.
The lanky senior was sitting in
the clubhouse yesterday watching
a heavy downpour pelt the Uni-
versity course on which he and
his Michigan teammates will try
to capture the Big Ten title this
Blackett, who has been medal-
ist for the Wolverines in three
meets this year, is used to win-
ning. He was Ann Arbor City
Champion last summer in a tour-
nament played on the same Uni-
versity course.
Grew Up Here
Actually, Blackett has grown
up on the beautiful Michigan
course, first caddying there and
later playing on it for Ann Arbor
High School and now for Michi-
"The course is in fine shape,
especially the greens. It certainly'
is a championship test, but a fair
While playing three years for
Ann Arbor High, Blackett won
the Regional title as a senior, and
his team was runner-up twice in
the state tournament. "They have
never lost the regionals," he re-
marked, referring to his alma
Blackett also won the State
Jaycee Tourney in 1952, and went
to the National Championship at
Duke University, where he did
not fare so well.
Third Varsity Year
An engineering student here at
the University, Blackett is in his
third year of varsity competition
for Bert Katzenmeyer's golf team.
This. stint was,broken up when
Blackett went into the Army for
two years after his sophomore
season. He was on Okinawa from
1955-57, then returned to the
links last year. "I didn't have a
club in my hand for the whole
two years," he said.
In speaking of the upcoming

... new captain
FLORENCE, S.C. (R) -- The
Florence Morning 'News will-
publish the American League
standings upside down tomor-
In a story The News explains
there is. "something unreal and
improper" about the New York
Yankees occupying the bottom
By reversing the standings,
The News says the Yanks will.
be taking the normal position
they "no doubt will occupy be-
fore the end of the season."

Conference Meet, Blacket said o
that the other nine teams have a p
psychological advantage, "Be- w
cause we have to go to classes t'
Thursday (today) and they don't. y
But," he added, "we naturally b
have the home course edge."
It is ironic that Blackett will be d
teeing off Friday in a Big Ten g
golf meet on the same course that w
he caddied on exactly ten years
ago in another Big Ten Meet.
Hal of Fa-me{
For ''Men}
Two more names were added to
the ever-growing list of Michigan'
immortals who have made the
Michigan Sports Hall of Fame.
Former Wolverine coaches Matt
Mann and Ray Fisher were yes-
terday named to that select group
by a vote of the state sports edi-
tors and sports broadcasters.
Other Michigan men who have
been so honored are Willie Hes-
ton, Fielding Yost, and Bennie
Oosterbaan of football fame, and
Eddie Tolan, star Wolverine track-
man of the early 1930's.
Former wearers of the Maize
and Blue now number six of the
25 who have been selected since
the inception of the Hall in 1955.
Mann was the Wolverine swim-
ming coach for a period of 29
years. Under his tutelage, Michi-
gan swam to 15 Big Ten titles and
13 NCAA championships. He is
now coach at Oklahoma Univer-
Chosen with Mann was another
long-time Michigan coach, Fisher.
When Fisher handed over the
reins of the baseball team to cur-
rent' mentor, Don Lund, 'he was
finishing 38 years as coach here.
Over that period he matched
Mann's 15 Big Ten swimming
titles with 15 Conference diamond
crowns. He also took the NCAA
championship once.
Also chosen in yesterday's poll
were Mrs. Marion Ladewig, (the
first woman to be honored) wo-
man bowler of the year seven
times, and winner of more nation-
al titles than any other wombn in
Others included Stanley Ketch-
el, former middleweight champion
of the world, and Dr. Allen Stowe,
tennis coach at Kalamazoo Col-
lege for 32 years, who were hon-
ored posthumously.
Last chosen was Dutch Clark,
an early Detroit Lion player and
coach, who was six times named
,all pro-quarterback.

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Major League Standings


Kansas City
New York

21 11
22 13
20 15
15 16
17 20
13 19
13 20
12 19

Pet. GB
.656 -
~.629 1l2
.571 21/2
.484° "512
.459 61/2
.406 8
.394 81/2
.387 811

W" L Pct. GB
Milwaukee 3 2 11 .656 -
San Francisco 19 16 .543 3%
Chicago 20 17 .541 31/
Los Angeles 20 18 .526 4
Cincinnati 18 17 .514 41/a
Pittsburgh 1518 .455 6
St. Louis 14 20 .412, 8
Philadelphia 11 21 .344 10
San Francisco 6, Milwaukee 3
St. Louis 11,' Pittsburgh 1
Chicago 7, Philadelphia 5
Los Angeles 8, Cincinnati 4
(first game)
(Cincinnati leads 7-1 in third inn-
ing of second game.)
Pittsburgh at St. Louis (N)
+Philadelphia at Chicago


Cleveland 5, Washington 3
Detroit 13, New York 6
Kansas City 8, Boston 2
Chicago 5, Baltimore. 2
Kansas City at Boston
(Only game scheduled)



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