URBAN RENEWAL: MISUNDERSTOOD See Page 4' Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom DFMMW-at 4 U ,* " CLOUDY, HUMID VOL. LXIX, No. 167 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIX PA * N ki IL s t I. #.. T m Students Say Bias Ruling Won't Work TODAY: To Meet Michigan Payroll LSd 'Code Committee Outline.. for ' Counseins Favor Education To Eliminate Discrimination By CHARLES KOZOLL "Coercive legislation" will not solve the problem of discrimina- tion in fraternities and sororities, itudents- told members of Student Government Council's study com- mittee on the 1949 bias clause ruling, in an open hearing yester- day. The University regulation which states that "recognition will niot be granted any organization which prohibits membership in the or- ganization because of race, re- ligion or color" is being examined by the committee to determine if it is presently adequate. Alnog with gathering opinions from deans and administrators, the group invited interested stu- dents to present their views be- fore formulating specific recom- mendations during meetings to be held next week.. Force Fraternities Forcing fraternities to remove written restrictions won't defi- nitely eliminate arbitrary, selec- tion, Fred Wright, '59, pointed out. Wright, chairman of the In- terfraternity Council's Selectivity Committee which is analyzing the discrimination problem, told the SGC group that these coercive measures will not provide a last- ing solution. The concept of educating the system to the value of non-dis- criminatory practices should be emphasized, Wright said. ' 'Affiliate resistance to investi- gations of discriminatory prac- tices must first be overcome," Daily Editor Richard Taub, '59, committee chairman, explained. The tendency among fraternity and sorority members is to equate attempts to eliminate bias prac- tices with an anti-affiliate orien- REVIEWS TRIP-Lyle Nelson, director of University relations, returned Monday from a six-week trip through Russia, where, he says; "no adequate place".exists for the humanities. Relations Director Tells Of Journe-y to Russia By NAN MARKEL Impressions of "a different world" summed up a quick six-week tour of 15,000 miles of the Soviet Union, as University Relations Di- rector Lyle Nelson reviewed his Russian trip yesterday. Settling back in his own office world, Nelson described a schoolI system fitted to goals of government and economy, in a land where "they start with a set of ideas" and fit their lives to them. He attributed great Soviet strides in teaching languages, the. fine arts, science and technology to the role each plays in the nation's policy. But he noted "no adequate place" for the humanities, which have no immediate importance in LANSING (R) - The State Ad- ministrative Board yesterday for- mally agreed to meet today's $5,- RUSSEL LECTURE: 100,000 state payroll but put off a :ecision on setting aside $6,700,- 000 for universities. ilder Gov. G. Mennen Williams left Wd little doubt that a sizable chunk of cash soon would be released to By JOHN FISCHER the University, Michigan State The pure mathematicians of University and Wayne State Uni- modern era should not bei versity. surprised if they discover t "I think we'll have sufficient concepts being applied in pres revenues for the payments," he day problems, Prof. Raym said. "The question is whether Wilder of the mathematics we can start digging into the partment said. backlog." Prof. Wilder spoke on "The The governor referred to ar- ture of Modern Mathematics" rearage of $19,600,000 in pay- terday in Rackham Amphithe ments by the State Treasury on as the 1959 Henry Russel Lec 1958-59 operating appropriations er, the highest honor the Uni to the three big universities. sity can give to a faculty men To Complete Analysis of associate professor rank He said that further analysis of above. the Treasury's capabilities will be Just before the lecture, Unit made tomorrow in the light of sity President Harlan Hatcher: more complete revenue data ex- sented award citations to him pected by then. The board acted to Prof. William R. Dawson' of to release tomorrow's major state zoology department, the winne payroll and a minor state payroll 'the Russel Award for the ran? skipped May 15 after hearing a instructor or assistant profes report from State Treasurer San- Carry Honorariums ford A. Brown. Prof. Dawson's award car The minor payroll, amounting with it an honorarium of $ to about $130,000 was withheld while Prof. Wilder received $1, from state lawmakers, judges and In his lecture Prof. Wilder tra legislative staff members. mathematics from the time of. Auditor General Frank S. Szy- Babylonians up to the present; manski yesterday cleared the way then examined the nature of p for meeting other bills by com- ent-day mathematics. pletin gpayments of $35,500,000 in He maintained that even primary school interest funds that pure mathematics of the mod have had first call on treasury re- era is applied - conceptually. sources since last Friday. plaining that he viewed math Owed Millions a science, i.e. a way of dealingv The three universities, now reality, he said that pure mat owed nearly 20 million dollars in maticians affect reality by monies appropriated by the legis- panding the scope of their fiel lature a year ago, asserted power- Find Practical Use ful claim to help Monday and Prof. Wilder claimed that Tuesday in 1959-60 budget re- "ivory tower" research probe views with Gov. Williams. would find a practical use nov University and MSU officials in the future and mentioned t said they have no place but the a colleague had said, "Thank ( b the very heir ent- aond de- Na- yes- atre tur- ver- nber or ver- pre- and the r of k of ssor. ries 750, 250. aced the and res- the dern Ex- h as with Lthe- ex- d. any ably w or that God iscusses Math's Scope -Daily-Allan winder AUSSEL--Award-University President Harlan Hatcher presents Prof. Raymond L. Wilder of the mathematics department the award certificate of the 1959 Henry Russel Lectureship, the highest honor the University can give to a faculty member of rank associate professor or above. President To.Review Selectivity Essential Any study group must also real- ize that "selectivity" is essential 'to the concept of fraternities, Wright indicated. Changing this concept would necessitate ques- tioning the place of fraternities at the University.: The idea of selectivity can be retained if the racial and religious qualifications are both overtly and covertly removed, the participat- ing students agreed.. A regulation with "more teeth" t'han the 1949 ruling would help to solve this problem, Thomas Hayden, '61, stressed. SGG Passes* New Budget For J-Hop By KENNETH McELDOWNEY The 1960 J-Hop budget was ap- proved last night by Student Gov- ernment Council. The final budget was agreed up- on in a meeting held by the Fi- nance Committee. Committee head John Feldkamp, '61, treasurer, recommended the proposed Sock- Hop be eliminated. Other recom- mendations included reducing the decoration expense by $50 and lowering ticket. prices from $7 to $6.75. The price of tickets prompted most debate on the J-Hop budget. Feldkamp commented if the price were lowered there would be a good chance that more people would be encouraged torpurchase tickets. Roger Seasonwein, '61, said the limited capacity of the League Ballroom would tend to offset any ticket increases due to a decrease in prices. As the $6.75 price for tickets had been included in a motion to approve the budget, Seasonwein made an amendment increasing the price to $7. This amendment was defeated. A motion by David Kessel, Grad., to continue the Foreign Student Leadership Project only if it would be no expense to SGC was- also passed. Kessel made the point that with the large number of foreig nstudents . already on campus the money night be better spent on developing better com- munication between foreign and American students. SGC also gave temporary recog- nition to the Iraqi Student Society as a University student organiza- tion. The reconi tine is fr nn Russian Trip University President Harlan Hatcher will review his six-week trip to the Soviet Union and his' impressions of its educational sys- tem in a speech at 8:30 p.m. to- day in Hill Auditorium. A short question and answer period will follow his discussion, Anne O'Neal, '60, chairman of the ague's international committee, announced yesterday. She added an invitation to three members of 'each housing unit to attend a reception forE President Hatcher afterward in the Vandenburg Rm. of the League. The speech will also be broad- cast over a local radio station. Reading Space is still open in the Summer Reading and Discus- sion Program Roger Season- wien, '61, announced last night. Those who are interested can participate by signing up with Ruth Callahan at the Student Activities Bldg., he said.. Russian goal-getting. Art a Social Science Art is terme'd a social science in lussia, Nelson said, explaining that it is a realistic art whose purpose is depicting, the struggle of the masses. As a member of University President Harlan Hatcher's dele- gation, Nelson's special role was to look over university adminis- trations in general, and the com- munications system. With a tired smile he noted, "University administrators there have problems the same as ours." He recalled the journalism de-+ partment head at the University' of Moscow who had begged him to praise separate faculties for jour- nalism schools when he traveled to other institutes where journal- ism is part of the faculty of phil- ol&gy. " Educators Disagree Educators in Russia argue con- stantly on the merits of the two setups, he said, much as Americanf educators argue over the merits of a separate journalism school at Northwestern University as compared to the departmental ar- rangement at the University. . Approximately the same ratio of, administrators to students ex- ists in Russia, the University Re- lations Director said. Moscow Uni- versity, for instance, has approxi- mately the same number of ad- ministrators as the University. But these "rectors" (presidents) and "pro-rectors" (vice -presi- dents) still teach in addition tor ,their other duties. See NELSON, Page 2 State Treasury to turn to for that my work can't be put to use." money to meet month-end pay- This mathematician was a point rolls, and perhaps throw a finan- set topologist. This field is rela- cial bone or two to most pressing tively young. An electronics firm creditors, is using theories of this field to MSU on May 1 stopped all pay- save $2 million annually, Prof. ments to suppliers. The U-M has Wilder said, and he warned that well over a million dollars in bills field was not safe from becoming backing up to February. applied. Says No Clear Distinction Emphasizing the lack of a clear * distinction between pure and ap- plied mathematics, Prof. Wilder mentioned two groups of mathe- maticians who each claimed to be olicy W applied mathematicians and called the other group pure. However, he maintained that By SHARON EDWARDS pure mathematicians did not have The University medical school to prove a need for existance by can accept a higher percentage of claiming to be applied, for, con- out-of-state applicants this year trary to popular belief, the mathe- than it hasinthe ns act nnn41, matics field is not static. BACKS HERTER'S STAND: Report Ike Determined To Hold Summit Policy WASHINGTON (I)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower is reported determined to spurn the idea of a summit conference if Russia fixes a new deadline for turning East Berlin over to the East German Reds. He also is pictured as ready to refuse to meet with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev if the Kremlin threatens in advance any kind of one-sided action in East Germany. Secretary of State Christian A. Herter has made this attitude clear to Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko during private talks outside the Big Four foreign min- More Student- Self-Choice Suggested Seek Refinements In 'Sound' '' System By THOMAS HAYDEN A suggested code for improved operation, of a "fundamentally sound" academic counseling pro- gram is before the literary college executive committee. Prepared by a seven-member committee on academic counseling, the 25-page report proposes an ex- perimental programn to give cer tain students increased responsi- bility in choosing a curriculum, to the extent of signing their own election cards. The report, basically surveying junior-senior counseling, also:. 1) Proposed that no substantial changes be made in the organiza- tion and administratidn of the counseling offices; 2) Reiterated that excellence In counseling be considered criteria for merit raises and promotions., 3) Suggested that counselors be offered released time from teach- ing on a uniform scale. 4) Emphasized that no counsel- ors be drawn from non-faculty ranks. Robertson Chairs Group The group was chaired by James H. Robertson, assistant dean of the literary college. Also included were Prof. Richard Boys of the English depai'tment, Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy depart- ment, Prof. Donald L. Hill of the English department, chairman of the faculty counselors, Prof. George Peek of the p6litical sci- ence department, Prof. Harry Sharp of the sociology department and Prof. Wyman R. Vaughan of the chemistry department. The comnittee warned that the proposed experiment , in cqurse elections, by -students involves un- certainties and confusion. Although the committee agreed it is educationally- important for students to do as much of their own program planning as possible, opinion was divided as to how much freedom the student should*' be given in outlining his program. Propose Experiment Under the expiriment proposed, juniors and seniors in certain selected departments would sign theirown Celection, cards each semester.. Counselors would still be available to give advice upon re- quest. -%, No other substantial counseling demands would be made of the student, other than requiring the planning of junior and senior pro- grams with concentration advisers late in the sophomore year and- returning for a progress check late in the junior year. It was recommended that a few selected- junior-senior counselors 'willing to experment with such a plan . . . be authorized to do so," with consent of their departient. Plan's Effect The effectiveness of such a plan would have to be carefully ana- lyzed, the report continued. The plan "could hardly be set up for: less than a two-year period," with counselors submitting conclusions at that time, the committee added. Other sections of the report out- lined a framework for academic counseling "at its best." The committee equated counsel- ing with "individualized teaching. designed to guide each student to See COUNSELING, Page 2 - Poet To Speak At Hopwood Presentation The Avery Hopwood Lecture and the Hopwood awards presenta- tion in creative writing will take place at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Howard Nemerov, poet and nov- ' .5 World News Roundup By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS,.N.Y.-A spokesman for the Algerian rebels indicated yesterday the Chinese Communists had agreed to aid them. Abdelkader Chanderli, New York representative of the Algerian Front of National Liberation, was asked about the outcome of a recent nine-man mission the rebels sent on a month's tour of Red China from their Algerian provisional govern- > ment in Cairo and Tunis. ATL r ur- 7 n V T N nF i 1 7 7 I 7 *rA' F to Assistant Dean Robert G. Lovell. This increase is the direct re- sult of Wayne State University's increasing of their freshman medi- cal class from 75 to 125 all of whom must be state residents. It is now possible to accom- modate "all good Michigan ap- plicants in these two medical schools," Lovell said, enabling the University to accept- more non- resident students. No Quota There is no definite quota of non-residents to be accepted, how- ever. The admissions committee begins to review applications from residents and to make acceptances in September and continues for several months, later accepting the' best of the non-resident appli- See TO, Page 2 Firemen Fiht Store Blaze Firemen fought a two-alarm blaze of as yet undetermined ori- gin for about an hour in the Elec- tric Service Co. building at the corner of Maple and Stadium streets last night. Four pieces of equipment and approximately 20 firemen battled the fire which swept through about one third of the $25,000 building, City Fire Chief Ernest Heller said. Fireman Ra'ymond O'Brien was sent to the hospital for a cut knee requiring several stitches.I isters conference room at Geneva. Top officials said yesterday Her- ter had President Eisenhower's full endorsement. Wants Progress Authorities familiar with Pres- ident Eisenhower's attitude stress- ed the President is sticking to his condition that there must be gen- uine progress at the foreign min- isters level in order to make a summit conference' worthwhile. They said mere absence of So- viet threats will not be enough to persuade him to meet with Khrushchev.{ Meanwhile, France and West Germany last night were reported to have blocked an American- British move to lay a skeleton Ger- man peace treaty before Russia at the Big Four conference. Toughen Attitude French - West German confer- ence strategy is to toughen up the West's attitude toward the Rus- sians. It was in line with this strategy that the Americans and British earlier yesterday postponed action to initiate secret talks with Gromyko. Unions Fightaor il WASHINGTON (P)-The ,AFL- CIO yesterday declared war on the Senate Labor Bill. Congress, meanwhile, seethed over a retaliatory strike threat at- t tibuted to Teamsters Union Chief James R. Hoffa, an ousted AFL- CIO brother. Hoffa was quoted Tuesday at' Brownsville, Tex., as threatening a nationwide labor walkout if Congress passes restrictive labor laws. He denied it yesterday in San Francisco. - The Senate Rackets Committee announced it will demand that, Hoffa say under oath just what he intends The AFL-CIO Executive Coun- cii, top federation policy group, said it wants federal legislation to help unions curb corruption but will fight any moves to hamstring unions. It said the Senate bill, which it once supported, now is unacceptabledbecause of-the way it' was amended. The House has not yet acted. The uproar in the wake of Hof-l fa's strike talk at Brownsville in- cluded these developments:, 1) The Rackets Committee said it wants to query Hoffa about cqr- ruption in mid-June and will ask him then about any retaliatory strike plan. 2)Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell told newsmen in Los An- geles that Hoffa's reported strike threat is "the most arrogant, brazen thing I've heard in my life." Mitchell said it was an un- heard of threat to Congress. Generation Goes on 'Sale" The spring issue of Generation, fli vnt~.4 a r fts C' W i OW i t av nf * ' * * WASHINGTON -- The House refused yesterday to write a non- discrimination clause into pro- posed new housing laws. The unre- corded. 138-48 vote came as the House neared a showdown vote on the big bill. It rejected an amerid- ment by Rep. Adam Clayton Powell' (D-N.Y.) to deny federal loans or assistance without prior written assurance that housing would be available to anyone without regard to race, creed or color. * * * BAGHDAD - The Communist' Party became. the last remaining national political organization in the Iraqi political arena yesterday after the moderate leftwing Na- tional Democratic Party said it was withdrawing. INEW hDIIVK: Sollinger Describes Future Gargoyle By SUSAN FARRELL - "The first function of the Gargoyle will be to try to displace The Daily; if that can't be effected, we'll try to displace the Board of1 Regents." So spoke Richard Pollinger, '61, fresh from the triumph of being appointed next year's editor of Gargoyle, campus "humor" magazine. "Say that Gargoyle will be better and funnier next year," Pollin- ger said, "but that we can't divulge the big secrets. No Ideas "Actually it's that I don't have any ideas." Pollinger worked on the Garg staff last year. "It may seem that I'm not qualified to be editor, but I really' am," he said a trifle defensively. "I've worked on several small pub-I lications, but not around here. And I did most of the writing for a (aruat hi-rl3-.1 I~tnt r ,. Cnfinttl( A hus-chhnhr1 m r.7iria nfE'hu-. <. °. :