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May 20, 1959 - Image 1

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Sir igan
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



LXIX, No. 166




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bLX 7AUi*

Calendar Group
Suggests Changes
Committee Recommends Alteration
In Commencement Arrangement


No Dorm
Rate Rise
Seen Yet







An academic calendar "not radically different" from the present
one, but seeking replacement of June commencement by a more ex-
pedient "Final Convocation," was proposed by the University calendar
c'ommittee yesterday.
The calendar report, based on a year's research by the six-member
committee, also recommends:
1) continuation of the ten-day final examination period,
2) a short extension of the "lame-duck" session between Christmas
and first semester examinations,
3) a ten-day recess before Christmas.
- -Chairs Group
The committee was chaired by Prof. Richard Boys, of the English
department. Also seated were Prpf. Leo Legatski, of the engineering

.. threatens strike

-college, Prof. Charles Lehmann of
the education school, Prof. John
Milholland, of the psychology, de-
partment, Prof. Richard Porter, of
the public health school and Allan
Stillwagon, '59. Their. report will
go to the Deans' Conference next
week for consideration.
All suggestions in the report
apply to the two-semester year,t
No sharp changes in the present
calendar framework were pro-
posed. Allowing, however, that
"substantial" revisions might be
made in the "not too distant fu-
ture," the committee suggested
looking into trimester and quarter
systems, and the possible opening
of classes earlier in the fall.
Revamp Commencement
A major recommendation con-
cerned a "new approach to the
whole concept of 'Commence-
Doubting the effectiveness of
the present June ceremonies, and
arguing that it works "a great
hardship" on students and faculty,
the committee asked for substitu-
tion of a Final Convocation.
Such exercises would be -held
before or immediately after the
exam period, with only doctoral
and professional degrees being
Cite Honors
Other degree candidates would
be given public recognition and a
diploma would be presented to a
representative of the senior class
from each school or college. Honors
students wouild , be given, recogni-
tion as is now done at Honors,
Seniors could then take exami-
nations before receiving diplomas,
thus eliminating the need for com-'
pleting exams during the first
week' of the test period, and the
necessity of evening exams and
three exams in one day, as at
present, the committee said.
In addition, interest in the cere-
mony would be increased by recog-j

"As of now there is no increase
in residence halls room and boarc
rate," Francis Shiel, University
Manager of Service Enterprises
told the Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday. r
He said a rate increase depends
on the action of the State Legisla-
ture. "If they-raise the salaries of
University employes, the room
and board rate will go up."
The Board of Governors also
moved to accept the interim re-
port on faculty associates. These
associates act as advisors to a
particular group of residence hall
Seeks Informal Relationship
The report asked for a more in-
formal relationship between the
advisors and students. Recommen-
dations in the report included a
suggestion to limit faculty. ap-
pointments to non-administrative
teaching personnel. This would be
in keeping with the basic idea of
the program-frequent visits from
the teaching faculty;
The report also suggested that
the number of faculty associates
be increased to "approximately six
members." The number of asso-
ciates in men's houses now ranges
from none to two per house.
A report given by Board mem-
bers and former Inter - House
Council President Robert Ashton,
'59, recommended two suggestions
for placement of English Language
Institute students in residence
halls. One solution was an equal
distribution of ELI's in South and
West Quadrangles.
The second recommended con-
verting Victor Vaughn House into
an international students' house.
The investigation was conducted
after some men in South Quad-
rangle complained that house or-
ganization was disrupted by the
frequent ELI student turnover.
In other business, the Board
passed a proposal recommending
the installation of telephones in
Mosher - Jordan, Stockwell and
Alice Lloyd residence halls.
The majority of women residents
had approved this proposal even
though it would mean an approxi-
mate $15 increase in the room and
board rate.

Rebuttal Hits
Tax Backers
LANSING (MP)-Gov. G. Mennen
Williams yesterday delivered a full
dress rebuttal to arguments of use
(sales) tax increase backers, and
said an income tax would be fair-
er and more workable.
The Democratic governor all
along has urged an income tax and
opposed the Republican-sponsored
use tax hike as an alternative.
In letters to House Speaker Don
R. Pears (R-Buchanan) and Rep.
Joseph J. Kowalski (D-Detroit),
Democratic floor leader, the gov-
ernor fell short of issuing an ulti-
matum against a four cent use tax.
Consider in Talks
Like all other suggestions, he
said, it should be considered in bi-
partisan ' tax talks being led by
Pears and Kowalski in an attempt
to strike a compromise between
the Republican and Democratic
But, he made these points about
the GOP plan:'
1) It would net for general pur-
pose spending in fiscal, 1959-60
only about 60 million dollars, after
diversion of some proceeds for re-;
storing the Veterans Trust Fund.
This was not nearly enough, he
Possible Prelude
2) "If the solution finally reach-
ed this year turns out to be only
a prelude to another tax battle
and cash crisis next year, I am surej
the justified exasperation of the
people would pass all bounds."
3) It imposes an unduly heavy
burden on low income groups.
4) The bill is administratively{
"unworkable," and contains a'
"preposterous" requirement which
would either make us a community
of tax-evaders or require an army
of snoopers to check on the citi-
May Promote Cheating
5) It would open the way for
cheating by merchants.
6) It would require monthly tax'
returns from five or six million
consumers "since it excuses. the
retailer from collecting a use tax
on purchases of less than 50 cents,
but does not excuse the purchaser
from paying a use tax on such
The governor said when a use
tax is payable but not collected
by the seller a consumer would be
required by law to file a return
the following month and remit the

Dawson ToBe iven Russel Award'

Prof. William R. Dawson of the
zoology department was announced
the winner of the 1959 Henry Rus-
sel Award yesterday..
After the Russel Lecture today,
University President Harlan
Hatcher will present the award,
which carries a $750 honorarium,
Erich Walter, assistant to the
president, said.
The lecture, given by Prof. Ray-
mond L. Wilder of the mathe-
matics department, entitled "The
Nature of Modern Mathematics"
will begin at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Shows Promise
Walter said the award is given
to a faf'ulty member of rank of
instructor or assistant professor
who "shows the greatest promise
as a scholar and teacher."
He said a special committee of
the University Research Club has
annually selected the recipient of
the award since the award was
established by a bequest of Henry
Russel of Detroit in 1920. The be-
quest also established the Russel
The award citation reads in part
"Prof. Dawson has established a
national and international repu-
tation as a critical and productive
investigator in the field of physi-
oiogy, especially in the area of
animal behavior.
Improves Curriculum
"His interest, enthusiasm and
accomplishments in the organiza-
tion and conduct of courses in his
fi ld and related- fields have re-
sulted in substantial improve-
ments in the curriculum.
"His sympathetic and stimulat-

-Daily-Len Brunette
RUSSELL AWARD WINNER-Prof. William R. Dawson of the
zoology department has won the 1959 Henry Russel Award. He is
currently working on the problem of how reptiles adapt themselves
to varying temperatures. The machine shown here measures animal

loffa Cites

Ask Support
Of Wihans
in Meetingr
Hatcher Cites Need
For. Salary Hikes,
Research, Building


ing counseling and guidance of
undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents has been most helpful. Prof.
Dawson's contributions' give the
strongest evidence of present and
future distinguished service to the
Prof. Dawson said that the
award was unexpected and that he
was very gratified.
Came in 1953
He came to the University In
1953 from the University of Cali-
The award and the lecture are
the highest honors the.University
can give a faculty member. The
lecture carries an honorarium of
$1,250 and is given to the out-
standing faculty member with

stank of, associate professor or
Prof. Wilder, who selection as
Russel Lecturer was announced
last November, said that in his
lecture he would look at mathe-
matics from a "general point of
Discuss Hisjory
He said he would discuss its
evolution from primitive forms,
developed. by the Babylonians,
through concepts of the Greeks up
to the present.
Prof. Wilder- reported that the
talk would not be technical; "I
won't even write any equations on
the blackboard," he said. He de-
clared that the listener would not
need much mathematics past high

BROWNSVILLE, Texas '(P) ---
James R. Hoffa yesterday threat-
ened a nationwide strike of all
labor if Congress harnesses unions
with~ antitrust laws.
"They talk about a secondary
boycott," the short, husky Team-
ster chief said in scorn.
"We can call a primary strike
all across the nation that will
straighten out the employers for
once and for all."
McClellan Makes Proposal
The antitrust proposal came
from Sen. John L. McClellan (D-
'Ark.) in a recent Senate speech,'
Hoffa said. Some business inter-
ests have proposed in Congres-
sional hearings that all unions be
put under antitrust laws..
The 300 'delegates to the South
Atlantic and Gulf Coast Disrtict
Convention of the Longshore-
me,n's Union (ILA) cheered wild-
ly when Hoffa threatened severe
reprisals if an antitrust law is
"The only answer is that if
such a law passes, we should have
all our contracts ended on a given
date," the turbulent Teamster
chief declared.
Refers To All Unions
From the' context of his talk
it was plain he referred to all
unions, not just the Teamsters.
Such a uniform contract ex-
piration would permit all union-
ized workers to strike at the same
In Washington, Sen. Pat Mc-
Namara (D-Mich.), himself a
one-time Detroit union official,
said any such strike "would be
suicidal, just crazy."
Strike Not Certain
"I think Hoffa has more sense
than to do that," the Senator
told a reporter. ''I note he is quot-
ed as saying he 'can' call a strike,
but not as saying that he will do
Hoffa told a reporter after the
speech "They are trying 'to divide
us so we can't win a fight."
"If their object is to divide us
so we can't win a fight, and if
this legislation passes and we're
tied up, we'll have to have our
contracts with a common, termin-
ination date."
Hatcher Plans
Russian Talk

IS A Alters
0 0
Another orientation session will

Who is the 1959 Senior?
What did he gain from the
What will he do when he
Seniors and faculty members
will answer these questions in
an article on "The 1959 Senior""
in Sunday's Daily Magazine.
Professors will characterize
what they have found is' the
average senior, and students
themselves will evaluate their
University experience.
Other articles will include
discussions on the Upper Pen-
insula's economic problems. A
new electronic art process will


nizing both honors students and be held Saturday morning before
degree candidates, the commit- a special luncheon program, atj

tee reported. Increased attendence
was also foreseen, since the convo-
cation would be held before many
students left campus.,
As an alternate solution, the
committee recommended retaining
the Honors Convocation, and keep-

which various American student;
leaders and international' students
presently on campus and mem-
bers of the Alumnae Council will

West Says Reds Attemptig
Versailles-like Settlem ent
GENEVA IP)--The West accused the Soviet Union yesterday of
trying to impose on Germany a peace treaty on the harsh lines'of the
World War I settlement at Versailles.
French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville said it would
"drive the German people to despair."
Andrei Gromyko, Moscow's top diplomat, countered with a pro-.
posal in the Big Four conference that the United States, Britain and
France drop their drive to reunite
Germany and accept a Soviet blue-
print for a peace treaty with each,
of the German states, East and
West. i
Couve de Murville and British End.Doubted
Foreign Secretary Selywn Lloyd -
led the Western attack against
the Soviet treaty project. GENEVA OP)-The Soviet Union

University officials pressed for
fulfillment of their budget request
at a, meeting with Gov. G. Mennen
Williams yesterday.
Declaring that the nation's edu-
cational 'program should receive
the same priority as national de-
fense. University President Harlan
Hatcher insisted on the danger of
damaging the University beyond.
repair unless the $37.8 million re-
quest is met.
He reported the urgent neces-
sity for increased, faculty salaries
to. ward off "faculty raiding," and
the need'to expand University re-
search and resume a building pro-
Vice - president and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss told
the Governor that "it is absolutely
essential to make substantial' fac-
ulty increases." He indicated that
as far as he knows the University
and Michigan State University
were the only two major institu-
dions in the country with budget
cuts in the last 10 years.
Last year the University's pres-
ent operating budget was trimmed
to approximately $1 million below
that' of the preyious year's.
Word Sweeps Country.
#'The word has gone around the
entire country that the universities
in Michigan are in financial dif-
ficulty," Niehuss claimed. "Job"
offers have, been pouring in on
our faculty people." He pointed to
one University department in
which every member of the faculty
has received at least two job offers.
"The Governor indicated his
concern over the financial situa-
tion and its effect upon the Uni-
versity," 'President Hatcher told'
The Daily last night, "but there
is not much he can do right now."
"Being fresh from the Soviet
Union, I presented him with' the
very urgent and critical situation,
confronting the country in higher
education," President Hatcher re-
Reports USSR Gains
"The Soviet Union is willing to
pay for education and is making
education pay," he- reported. Al-
though this country leads the Rus-
sians tn the field of education, they
are catching up at an outstanding
President Hatcher expressed the
hope that this Legislature will
realize the desperate need for a
high priority for education. "I
think perhaps we are becoming a.
little bit complacent."
"Something in the nature of a
crusade is needed," Goy. Williams
concurred. "We should be ashamed
to have to point to Russia for an
Optimistic on Payroll
Both Presiden't Hatcher and
Niehuss were optimistic that the
University would meet its next
week's payroll on time. The busi-
ness upsurge and the money com-
ing in through taxes should be
enough to assure the University of
sufficient funds, President Hatch-
er predicted.
"It's likely to be close, but I ex
pect that they'll find the money,"
Niehuss agreed.
The University's conference
with- the Governor followed'his
Monday meeting with officials
from Michigan State and Wayne
State Universities.
SGC To Hear
JwHop Report

'Group To View';
Bias Decision
An open hearing on the 1949
bias clause ruling will -be held at
3 p.m. today 'on the third floor
of the Student Activities Bldg.
The comnmittee set up ,by Stu-
dent Government Council to study1
the ruling is' holding the meeting
to hear the students' views. Com-
mittee member Jo Hardee; '60,
SGC. executive vice-president, said.
Gargoyle Fe 49

be guests. tax. be described and the contro-
Tour Detroit A consumer failing to file would versy which rages over athletic
The students will again spend be liable to a fine up to $5,000 and scholarships will be examined.
the night with their "adopted" a year's imprisonment, he said.
families. After dinner Sunday, the
group will return to the Univer-
sity by way of Detroit, touring thej
downtown area and the Wayne ttl
State University campus.
Late in th'e afternoon the group
will be the guests of Vice-Presi- For Engineering College
dnt and Director of the Dearborn
Center William K. Stirton at a tea
at Fairlane. By KATHLEEN MOORE
The new program was planned Two engineering students recently produced a paper for distribu-
in hopes that the relationship be- tion to interested faculty members claiming that the engineering
tween the international students college, already overcrowded, will face a crucial dilemma by 1970.
and their host families will be- g, e err ,iac cuiadimmby17.
come a lasting experience, Davis Calling upon the "tax and budget entangled state legislature" to
explained. "heed the college's budget requests," Armin E. Jocz, '59E, president of
See ISA, Page 3 the Engineering Council, and Richard E. Martens, '59E, member of the
" Council, predict that if sufficient
space is not provided, the engi-
neering college's academic stand-
ards will suffer.
atuies E sia 'IO ffCramped quarters, they point
a out, may result in increased re-
strictions on the qualification of
"It's an exact replica of last students to be admitted or the
year's 'Ensian, with the insertion offering" of classes on "day and
of nude women, business manager nighttime shifts."'
Larry Snider, '60, said of today's Further, the strain brought
issue of the Nonsensian, otherwise about by the inadequacy of space
known as the Gargoyle. and budget may increase the diffi-
'It's not," David Newman, edi- culty of maintaining the "high
tor, screamed. "It's a takeoff on calibre" faculty to teach the
the 'Michigan in Mosaic' issue of courses required.
the 'Ensian flom lash year." "This semester," the report says,
The central theme is "Michi- "the situation is the worst we have

The British diplomat declared
that the Communist draft "would
have to be imposed" if it were to.
cover the 72 million Germans now
divided by the Iron Curtain.
"What the Soviet government is
doing in effect is to show that
they wish to impose terms on Ger-
many as was done at Versailles,"
Lloyd said.
"To suggest harnessing Ger-
wtany in advance of reunification
with imposed terms about which
the German people have not been
consulted holds out a most un-
happy prospect;

yesterday dashed Western hopes
for a quick break-throughtoward
Big Three agreement on a suspen-
sion of nuclear weapons tests.
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko refused to commit his gov-
ernment to a proposal of the
United States and Britain for a.
broad scientific study of the tech-
nical problems involved in any
However, the three atomic pow-
ers agreed to keep in contact for
a further exchange of views on
this subject.

Nationa'Round up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy yesterday
suspended his plans to resign and said he may not leave the Eisen-
hower cabinet at all.

His decision put a damper on speculation that Thomas S. Gates,
Jr., whom President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominated. Monday, as

to dinscrosyr ever seen. The faculty is over- deputy secretary, had been persuaded to stay in government service
to disclose. worked, lab equipment is obsolete so he could step into McElroy's shoes.
When the wet noodles were re- and there has not been the maxi-!
moved from under his collar and mum development of courses due - -
he stepped out of the League foun- to the lack of space and faculty." WASHINGTON-The nomination of Lewis L. Strauss to be Secre-
ft.n W4... 'T An ennf nnf raA "f'ho 'I .',,z,,, , .. . ' . sr,- ...-.-M- w . '. L . . L _-

A report on the 1961 J-Hop will
be heard at today's Student.Gov-
ernment Council meeting, Jo Har-
dee, '60, executive vice-president
announced yesterday.,


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