-----Y --
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After Tour
(Continued from Page 1)
Moscow, a council on reforms in
higher education set up what
x President Hatcher called "one of
the greatest mass educational ex
periments the world has ever
teen" -- a two-year work re-
quirement before entering uni-
........... ersiies
It will apply to most applicants,
ie said, except some language and
so ence students, and some artists
who may not even finish second-
a'.4ry school.
Hesitates To Advocate Programi
"I would hesitate before advo-
cating the program here," Presi-
dent Hatcher said, "though cer-
tainly the war veteran's maturity
made them more serious in their
f Discussing the typical program
f '* Russian student, no funda-
mental difference between Ameri-
can and Russian educational sys-
tems was noted.
However, the University Presi-
dent remarked "some surprise at
the variety, not only of courses
and majors, bu talso of jobs of-
fered," which he understands has
been liberalized in the past few
Can Exercise Wide Choice
"There is clearly a wide area for
both the family and boy or girl to
exercise wide choice, much the
same as there is here," he said.
Later he qualified the statement,
adding, "I suspect, after making
their decisions, students may find
ob'stacles in trying to attain their
The gifted, he indicated, are
given "remarkable rewards," in-
cluding honors, stipends and in-
viations to join the greatly re-
spected academies.
Amplifying the President's com-
ment, Prof. Dewey said that once
a student has chosen his vocation
it is difficult to change.
Can't Avoid 'Eight O'Clocks
They also have less latitude in
choosing schedules, he added, and
'no chance to avoid eight o'clock
classes.'# The more regimented life
is supplemented by plays "of
which students and authorities
are very proud," he said.
Extra activities are not required,
but Prof. Dewey noted that they
are "encouraged by the youth
leaders who are the vanguard of
the students just as the party is
the vanguard of the people."
Visitor Tallis
On Education
"A democratic society cannot
exist without a well-educated
electorate," the vice-president for
academic affairs at Michigan
State University told the New
York Times Friday.
Thomas H. Hamilton, who will
assume the presidency of the
state University of New York Aug.
1, believes' that public education
is designed to benefit not only the
individual, but society as a whole.
"I see no possibility for our so-
ciety to survive, let alone prosper,
without having extensive -educa-
tional opportunities available," he
Dichotomy Unnecessary
Discussing his philosophy of
education, Hamilton said that a
dichotomy between quantity and
quality in education is not neces-
"I think that public education
generally, while it must deal with
numbers, can still be high in
quality," he commented.
At least a minimum of liberal
education is needed by everyone,
Hamilton believes. He described
this as a background in broad
areas and the ability to use tools
of logic and to reason at a high
Discusses Soviet Advances
He added that he was' in no
sense opposed to vocational and
professional education. Liberal
and professional educations are
essential components of the
whole, he said.
Of Soviet educational advances,
he said, "Fundamentally, I am
opposed to shaping our education-
al policy in reaction to the So-
viet Union."
Avetage Family Income Hits Low Mark
,':Growth of Average,:610001
MiFamily Income
(Afteri ederal axeS)
In 1958 Dolar
350 500
Gets Land
For School
The board of trustees of the
University of Illinois has selected1
147 acres of land in Chicago as
the site of a new undergraduate
A recommendation was also
made that the city plan imme-
diately to convey the Garfield
Park land to the university. J
Meeting in Urbana, the trustees
proposed a west side site after the
Chicago commissioner of plan-
ning rejected plans for another
When the university is assured
of its recent acquisition, action
will be taken to rescind the pre-
vious selection of a Riverside site
for the. campus, the trustees an-
Al costs of the Garfield Park;
area over and above the amount
required to purchase the River-
side site must be borne by the
city, the trustees announced And
the board will take the Garfield
area only subject to the consider-
ation that it is granted the entire
site requested.
Other provisions fixed by the
trustees were that several streets
be closed off and that the city
undertake a redevelopment pro-
program to reestablish the park.
In other action, the trustees re-
quested that the governor in-
crease his request to the state
legislature for construction of
universities and colleges by $50,-
000,000. He had originally pro-
posed a total of $120,000,000 for
this purpose.
Phone NO 2-4786
for Michigan Daily
Classified Ads
- ~:1w w~-
To Award
Top Students
The journalism department will
honor 25 outstanding journalism
students at itstannual honors as-
sembly at 3 p.m. tomorrow in
Aud. A.
V. V. McNitt, president of the~
McNaught Syndicate, Inc., of New
York, and donor of the McNaught
Awards in journalism, will be the
principal speaker. His topic will
be "The Press at Bay."
Awards will include the. Guy H.
Jenkins Memorial Awards to as-
sist advanced journalism students
who give promise of entering news-
paper work. The Sigma Delta Chi
professional journalism fraternity,
Recognition Award will be pre-
sented to the outstanding made
graduate in journalism.
The James O'Donnell Bennet
Scholarship Awards, consisting of
cash awards to outst~anding stu-
dents, will also be presented. They
will also give the Ralph N. Byers
Memorial Merit. Award, a cash
award in memory of the late editor
of The News, for outstanding char-
acter and scholarship.
Rotary Man
To Address
City Group
City Transit
Tries Plan
John W. Rae, Ann Arbor Transit,
Inc., coordinator, told the City
Clifford A. Randall, president still
of Rotary International, will ad- illtrying to solve the bus prob-
dress the Ann Arbor Rotary Club
luncheon tomorrow at the main
ballroom of the Union.
Before his speech Randall will
present Prof. JamesM. Davis, di-
rector of the International Cen-
ter, with the flags of the nations
of the world. They will be avail-
able for use by local groups in the
A District Assembly of Rotary
Clubs in Southeastern Michigan
and Southwestern Ontario will be
held in honor of Randall's visit.
As president of Rotary Inter-
national, Randall is the head of
a worldwide service club organi-
zation made up of 10,000 Rotary
Clubs in more than 100 countries.
A holder of the doctor of laws
degree from Marquette Univer-
sity and honorary doctor of hu-
inanities degree from Huntington
College, president Randall has
been decorated by the French
government as an officer in the
Legion of Honor.
The firm began trial use of a
new-stype, 21 passenger bus to
see how that kind of bus might
work out locally, Rae said, He
presented figures on a check of
rider volume on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday to show that any
smaller type of bus would not be
suitable for operations locally,
P e . t
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
521 East Liberty
1947 1948 1949
1950 1951
1952 1953 1954
1955 1956
1957 1958
Under $2000. 144000-$6000.1$8000-S10000. $15000
$2,000 3999 5999 7999 9999 14999 and over
INCOME ...........
Working Wives
Percentage of
families in which
both husbands and
wives work
10 20 30 40
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.- -I AP newsteatutes 1 ,
MONEY IN THE BANK-The average family income in 1958 was the lowest since 1955, according
to the Department of Commerce, so whatever these Silas Marners are putting away in't much. The
income last year was $6,200 and the average family paid $610 in federal income taxes. Other findings
report a decrease in the self-employed and an increase in wives working.
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