~I~r£irfigan Da~t S7 tOTX:,dk Yea L~I~r~A~~ MI~ALFi~ TUD~T or~ir Urvr~m r jcu~T :. i nt{ ~ ~ tYN"'.RS7'TOe:Y r:A CO 114, r ST:I",DEXT;:'"F S"Ti "He Realy Has A Summit Complex., ltesn't He?~ 'How je' Ou idrawrs League Fountai ?'Rl:heoc r pngi1o iiel s re"v-iewt' r ?1TnI into loa o-ofrit lowifehas;orgt %en 1ovwabard:, mat -AY, MAY c,9li9 P NIGHT bITR:JA AT1 Predictability Thill% Geneva Conference :) i s AC o L, aLl.: sts ay r tont prac? tice smtilessthn hs is the ~e a lest i th ~UitedStae.ame nrcns thMegatfrnthlcataidie tain lac tthoitoiri.oai but I genral astnv.rfealk r. years v. ersion of 1,i." ct eis Ygneva.Cn- - tha:I3°it ._},isIf nyne]s Iteese (] 9]l w -loa3faki, a-zn 7o t, "eCanCh1eqa _l wi Irea; I.by ltsiple What; £'£Z7 tz bf AIta- mtcreeto n n Rusinsmpn 1Ces'traty wfitha ~- a trea:Z- whch wou'Cld w his: the three We tnrr oc~u powers 2out of West Berlin- and l_;Bri I omuit ad IT IS y ETScneto htsc C~n:atyofhninuf ingcl war LBtI the ten-1 whic av s onddGermany 7f and the nwt So' re en i p$t. would no-t, be r~eove f!?t°7 . -Celro~assall of Eu.ropef rn, fmade lh:-cptlve But the C omImu'- n.stc re n owi_'nC th. GrmaI :P_ alonIe, to:, comp'jlete.' Europea _.domintn ai it isl noring Alsoof runeconern o te Wet i tha th from iithe1Vrt Aateic . oatyOrganiztin this.wuld dinitel-hurt.an: might ,t even^a ?0HtR 1;.:7 little0 wonde1 that r'teaso- &ies i no grt o n'h]l ~ ne i ' t tiuae heser:ve n I West- goal i - to .m ai ntau z in thet erritoial a c o li peetay waknig ofth W s"s mir r poiini urp soe hc sdameta.- rintcalopsdt h iso h usi 2ft Il:ng to reconciei:~cnial pas hs ino= comiaio 8 n with thefact t h _ighi 'TisisHow, CAPITAL ?R2~C~AL ALLY negotiating in the foreigi ministers conference at Genev~ under the eruel pressure of stead~ ly increasing dangers to vita Brit ish interests in the Middle East it is not merely the Berlin erisi which Britain must face alo~ with the rest of the West. Beyoni the Mediterranean iraq - whic] both the Tlnited States and British have so long so Iv keep in the pro-West camp - ha now seemina,.- ~.on all w into international communisni Moscov has turne th M ddl Eastern screw at a brutally ap moment Responsible Alforinants ii Washington therefore assume a thet~ must. that British poltc~ a Geneva over Germany is bound to be softened by British conceri as to what the Russians migh further do in the Middle East A chief Western negotiator a Geneva is thus being distracte~ and weakenec by fears as to w might happer £ long way fron Berlin The long story of decini ing British power in what user: V be a great h 0 Brit . in fluence the Valley of the l~lle r developing a sad nev chapter AT T~S Y~LESENT Big you: conferenot America will no; b~ similarly ~edevilled and eniee~le b~ perils elsewhere to Americaz interests But there n a rrsini possibilit~ that one da~ in somi other Big Fou' meeting over Em rope we too will have to figh Pressure on the WTest 3ft-"-HUAM S. MWE TRI 1. iti> ne *n vhle tnt other tht'dange .1 ~ had grpesfor olutonsof pob- ome fro o: ~ lms ar waystairmiiar.po - FoilntdSae nlecei ianr a i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -1 thIat2-ainae o a omto o Amrc scubin wta u ecn naino -- unoicd inorprocuaio u ol Fhv ~~~'0 w ith te O d W rdyh s v sti;"ol e s m D a mria xasei u ra er2(-wl-r r~~~~ diFna phr'onfunc sPh Y^ se acr e Midle ast sed o beto te bu ~; s frfro L- Br1sh Aditi4tesureo C_ m uch o: ou. t real e,:;? :_ zcomic A rE V Lur f \ 'Odi COVAhIENTARY: him as a genuine preparationTis play was written during the TV' quir program epidemic the PM epidemic, and the Asian Flu epi- ,en oit more thn:cnsioul reacts aaistat last te fsttwo ofteo its abaitdatedsx Shakepa. Audiences who only last. week watched wthsthe three wthshaving a 'a-pull with fluorescent or- ange poisoned entrails now can watch a ore cneprry group lexhume the isolation booth for a final desecration hal ispaydthe extroverted manner author Phoebe hbron must have ia- ~md. by Charles Rohn z'dorer ly Will Stockdaein ' NosTime fo Segens" which should give you a clue drkpurposes knownI o is rn. i onl t Mis phonheisunem- ployed but anyhow married -to a r agt:o atrhere by Leon Ames of Broadway. Simms is thle scessul lawer type--like all gooad Pths have for fathers, And of couse his convetionl soul 'rebels at Howie who is stayin on as a most un- likely house guest Simms has a wf e and another daughter (unmarried but learning fast and several friends but no time for them because Howie has { fnally found the natural outlet for his peculiar talent: television, AFTER THE smoke has cleared Howieha shown the world that xhe knows mr about Geoge Elit than the Deans Conference he (Hlowie, nt the Deani saved from a life of catch-a-catch-can in the N~avy by a suddenl appear- ing Civil Service job as Keeerof tePeidetis EGReods As our pul ship pls awa from th stage, and the audience is slowly in the West the ims family sagter the fatted calf °while Howie and wife dash up- stairs to celebrate in their own way first grabbing the Egyptan fertility goddessIsis WHAT HUM R is latent in Isuch a situation is developed'o exceedingly high contrast by Miss Ehroan, to the deligt of a major portion of the audience. Very little is left to the imagination and the 'tpestry on the north wall often tremibles to echoing laughter, sift- igdust down on crfe heads caereThe set is well designed to fit into ILydiame Al? hnoue stage: costumes are unob- trusively adequate lighting i obtrusively adequate; and 7T is as always, impossible-or at least highly improbable Now we have time fr others inm the cast' Nancy Sheridan is charming and forgetful as Simmas' wif e, Li M mis blonde and bosomy as Simm, younger daugh- e elegant as Howi's wife and the producers r quiet and deadly as Sthey come up the tairs Ioking fr me, Summing up: Humor abot n level with MyFsia audiences; occasional chuckle forthhi- brow set who are otherwise better off an the League Fountain -David Rend *FFI IL 3 LEU POW-c .z, tLng to dlevise means of ipeaceflI t bIn a a8 -estaura nt and ~Si LE othe UOnitedStae ehiito. :-Moscow -Yon se. r-ighthe-, we have brought r- "thexit n t eniner Ihav evr seen"r er to Aramrecoe *: he;Pal ciadlpfrlhi er"xa Us cleague he ::_the Am:ricanin: charge.of the rcitctu ndsit-pan co)R rTMe. Nd A.-I an say. ._ s that theC Rulssians 1habe xrml. oprtv n excelent to wok wih I kov iLmay .or1b so'.ionable to say his but it is true Th dpuy.enrl !o'te exhiblC,,-- L .Hoard Or Mesoehsdietd aytlie Sae ineratonlk iiions Re said c 'I have DAIEY absnceof-r-- ~zer Panamwoa ro fled en Thlnis cARY overun tIdaa intoerbl official publication of t f ihgn Ta bh The The e i int vs c m ho tu abfre2pmtherdy eint pubU icaio. Ntc o TUESDAY, SMA Meen I. fc 01 ofthe 0iMqe i Purpose Rmin VneU mdLi 4:15 pm 4 Angell HalWed, May20, 3pm .'I ait of the 1 . ngt yndlmef .The Frw at Ba ' student G ammrnCondi, aends May 20 ISM , Wpm., loui t'l ZOfficer reports: (30 mnum)4tw tenlet ters ieP~iet (tee Appointnments: hairman .OMO ml Coordinating g.d EunjO mitt".eRuhinStudly Commrit. Vie-President (Adin, Ntatl V Treasurer Budget Ol Busmnea -Xp u t mmnd. ;State Uniersty C AAUP motion (Beter(31) m;) motion (Re )l(30 ina; Bt k Commrittee reor.sCianltion Ca Student welfare Cnri Tikt 11 change (i5 mmtl Studenit Atii -iraqi Student jClb rqet for 2W mi gn ege(iS-IS mi.) a Ritton d~in1~c f tee. Progress repot (i3 min,) New linea iesilt (K1l { min:Meting procedre motion (o *The ime etimated on this gw guie to&~comngto the meetiSM S piily to ate reors nd to no age as eniepee~ino as posible. Freig Following are the o~g who will be on the mmi this V on the dates Indcated Poges z rangemnents are being mae by I** 2 terueitional Cnter* imMCild Miller, Father JwCe - 'tft Ghana !II eeo e,- Narmaie S e d1~d Prfor at th~euedeTua Lanuag LaoraortSaint Ciin Sefine at Oa ~neMy24. LectLres try ivrstft nLctur. Dept of 1ahs W. BXoionan .,a~, chiatnic istttan Ciic 1 burgh. 50p,.Tue. Mt" -0 , ~ drn's PEThari ~~ And. Gorge fir i , hi o - ed prezy ofAmianumna rra of ,Amseribyan uene fi anst 7 au:. May 'N 30p., W., May 2, fi5 ~ at?' Bymphonry Bn, ne: te tion o01wSIAa..fl:eeii, O~n Genierl iyary land at A Cadntid nm!ei ThTIERPRETIN G THE NEWS: Foreign A -id Problems LETER S TOTILE EDITOR: Write Say Residence Halls Have Great Future Is ?1rss es nays ARTO AY ifeet proce y o ei n aciii n one7he a n nu t a ;c 4 rad other propottsOcare Ltakiitg such pain .I Ciarcpulcaeninbtthogte E~proval of7-theleary1fur iliondolarsre fc= byethe admn istr.aiois oE.ofthe inesieevrInadiin ogoenmn an h,ae beennlist,.and give wholehearteds1 tnaithe yars o b.opsto t h iipo coustiuseo-, Costthouh iportnt des ot sem t oS need be and to this extent ther question the stoth claim that the tlniteci States is buying military security b~ this means far more cheaply than If she trier 'to d It all herself Economic ate is criticizer on the grounds that much of I; shows no obvious results although there seems 'to be fairly genera1 acceptance that the objective 'to raise the living s'tanoaros sue the purchasing power of unoerdevelopec coun- 'tries is good. There is an admittec neeci for greate: coord'- nation with outer nations ano 'the Ilnitec l~- tions in 'this fleic And there is the ole argument that the good wil of nations cannot ne ooughr anci that I undanrenta. long range obiectives snoule oc placed aheaci of 'temporary politica~ expedienc~ I or cold war purposes. NEV> Itnitee I~ataon~ Epeciu Fune pro- gram puts the emphasis or long range ef- forts wincl nave lirtie If an~ immediate effect its first list of 'technical arc pre'~ec'ts includes such things as providing 'teachers oooas and equipment I or the nev Miodle East Tecnnica. Dniversir3 a; Ankara T'urke~ There s a pro- ject it Greece 'to teach boy to differentiate ne- tweet wat~er -bearing sue non-wate" -bearing limestone Merftorius out no; immediateb 'telling olows against Comm.unxst ~rpansion There is also some tear that Russia b~ keet~- ing her aid prograir. an a more strtctit business nasis on the surface arid counting upot iarer commercia. dependenc~ f or gains ix> powe: over smaller countries may be making a more haro- To the Editor. I P~~EN~ to ;ne ediranra. entitled "Residence Rall~ Big Business ot Education"' foune in the Ma~ 3'th issue of The Daily, woulo like 'to clarify several points I or Mr Lanake' ano the student oodr Wixile ~ agree witi> Mr Rabaker when he says that resicience halls shauid be an edu- cational experience wouid point our tha' Mr Jo& Stonenam is nor responsible f or the eauca'tiona. program in the Quaarangie Re is Business Manager ane is respon- sitile I or the business and physica. piant of 'tnt Quad Thade: the Michigan Rouse Flat there is at educational staff and if "the res~- dence halls eciucationa. program is no; adequate here is The place 'to put the blame Fran' 'the conius.ioi it 'the ed~- 'taria~. 2 was nor able te quite corn- preherir: wna' v-as neing ques- tioned If it was the eciucationa. program 2 have answerec tixis in part If r' waf the Business Office arid their past i:,ehavia' ce' - tainv~ coule see iustiflcaticn I or student complaint however Mr Stonehan snoute no; receive the blame tar past Business Office in- effectiveness resent his oeirig made a scapegoat IN THE F'IIIST p.ae n~ quotec out of cantex' v~rncl die nor I airy renresent Mr Stone-- aents feelings ane he has worked with them to make better condn- 'tions in 'tne Quad. Mr Stonehan" has also done much to further the Quadrangle educ ati aria. program b3 giving the men assistance ano cooperation in establishing movie' programs. etc that greatly er - hance 'the cultural atmosphere If tire 'University har: more men liae Mr Stoneham student opinion concerning residence balls would ne different thar it is a; the pres- ent 'time FI~ALL1 Mr Eabaker gives the impression that 'there is no in- tellectual atmosphere in residence halls This statement is nor valie 2 ao~nurt tna; 'the eciucattonal pro- gram has nor beer. adequate but because we fee. it is of great ini- portance - West Quadrangle as well as 'tnt other Quads have taken great stnines ix this area ouring ane past year Poetty readings cultura. movies faculty guest speakers and expanding student hora"ies ~ proof of a firm grouna work in the eciucational nxei, There is a great future in resicierice halls necause of the er~- pandina acaoemic sacia. and ath- leta programs These possibilities ax> aric are being advancer: b' :ooottatior atir: interest in 'tire nouses Quads sur: 1HZ : tee. trio; the pessimism seer ix' 'this article tine otners is riot ius'tiflee Dan Rosemerg~ hei bcaseof-the nture of the, -piaryLot Thacker Pey c uire: thatever-letter fto- punli- H -wever tenae of tewriter. vktc iL'n~ 11n eT~-5. o the Ei_.. arrived on cmus Thi s m itisth Dtc aret' Kienk ain who ha1teoeE'"i-Mers.Bt, of th e ppleAfter all,. one has 'to ? b.a "green immTig rat" of not more than1ten months with-a -Thoai D. Sal-ter Grad, Quotes foromn the Bug: t TT.L g c . Ldim' S77 _.rrr w,.;