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February 10, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-10

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"Don't Forget To Fasten Your Money Belt"

Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

3RUARY 5, 1959


Threat of Payless Paydays
ersores Legislate Responsibility

[HE CHARGE that Americans take too
much for granted, as overgeneralized as it
ay be, is finding specific support in the Uni-
ersity's current plight.
As Kahlil Gibran wrote, "the most winged
irit cannot ignore physical necessity," and
ven the "ivory tower academician" expected
iychecks to'be regular, if not adequate. How-'
er, last month Vice-President and Dean of
%culties Marvin Niehuss had to send a special
tter to faculty and staff members informing
em that the University was assured of meet-
g payrolls only through March 5...
Since then, the state "has been able, thanks
early tax payments by a few corporations,
give the University some of the. money that
,s been due since November. Now, the Uni-
nancial situation is considerably improved
,ychecks are 'assured for at least another
NOTHER ASSUMPTION-is that the people
of the state have in mind the interests of
e state as a whole.
Since the University has already borrowed
er four million dollars to meet payrolls,
edging this semester's fees as collateral,
nks refuse to extend further credit. Gov.
illiams proposes that additional backing for
Ens could come from the Veteran's Trust
id, established in the days when the state
d no financial trouble and it -desired to
lp any returning GI's who might run into
ne of their own: In effect, the fund was an
ditional veteran's bonus, above and beyond
at the Federal Government provided for
e nation's servicemen
The proposal due to soon face a Legislative
te, would not liquidate the fund, turning it'
o ready cash, but would only utilize it as
lateral for an additional loan needed to
et payrolls.
The fund would be used-only as a temporary
asure, but leaders of the veteran's group
barking "No," like dogs in the manger.

T ALSO is occasionally assumed that elected
representatives serve the state and not their
political parties. As one political scientist put
it, there is more than a suspicion that some of
the legislators have let the sttae's financial pic-
ture darken in order to embarrass the gov-
The growing needs of the state and its in-
stitutions have been apparent for years, but
the responsibility of providing the necessary
funds was put off. The excuse was that the
state needed a study of its tax structure. The
study is finished and once again, both Demo-
crats and Republicans area engaging in their
usual political bickering, as both sides ma-
neuver to place the blame for new taxes on the
Now, legislators are trying to pass the buck
by submitting to a popular vote the proposals
for a four cent sales tax and a graduated in-
come tax. As Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City) Chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee says, it's up to the Legisla-
ture to decide about state taxes."
And as Rep. T. John Lesinski (D-Detroit)
notes, "Let's face the problem; the voters
wouldn't approve either kind of tax if it were
on the ballot April 6." The assumption is un-
doubtedly correct.
BUT AT THE RISK of making an incorrect
assumption, the legislators will face up to
their responsibilities of leadership in the pub-,
lie interest by approving use of the Veteran's
Trust Fund, and pass the needed tax reform,
not some gimmick such as boosting the sales.
tax and" putting an even heavier burden on
those least able to pay.
And maybe the state will know where its
next payroll iscoming from. And even, maybe,
the state will do the things that have to be
done, such as providing for the health and
education of its citizens. After all, they have
to retain faith in something. Otherwise, they
just might "turn the rascals out."
Editorial Director

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Virtuosity, Vocal Sil
Hi ghlight 'Liederaberu

U.S. Will Shift Foreign Polic

Theories Underlie Budget Battle

EE FIRST "act of war" in the struggle
etween the "spenders" -(President Dwight
lisenhower's. term for new-dealish liberals)
the fiscal conservatives controling the
te House was fought over the public hous-
bill. The spenders passed a bill costing
e than President Eisenhower wanted.
hen the Republicans first took office, the
ident's fiscal managers followed a course
h conservative economists feel Ieads to-
I inflation. But at that time, a little in-
on did not seem to be America's chief
CENTLY, Secretary Anderson seems to
aave concluded that inflation is a problem,
aramount importance. Therefore, he is urg-
a, conservative economic policy.
ne of the tw. chiefd reasons is the bond
ret. Anderson had great trouble last sum-
with a major refinancing project, and
Treasury's most recent issue is also selling
poorly. Anderson, and most bond special.
assume that the reason for this is that
stors feel that the nation is heading for
ased inflation, which makes fixed-income
rities poor investments.

Re-financing of the debt then becomes ex-
tremely difficult and expensive (This in turn
is more inflationary). Also it is indicative of
inflationary fears of many of the men most
experienced in dealing with economic prog-
nosis economists, business men and investors.
The second thing alarming Anderson is the
fact that Europeans are beginning to lose
confidence in the stability of the dollar. This
decreases the exchange value of American
currenpy and it also indicates that another
group of specialists are worried about Ameri-
can inflation.
For these reasons, Anderson is strongly ad-
vocating conservative fiscal policies.
hOWEVER, new-dealish, labor and other lib-
eral economists feel that deficit spending
is a necessary spur to our economy, that with-
out this, the American economy will stagnate,
and that deficit spending is not inflationary if
it spurs increases in production.
Thus the battle over appropriations will also
be a battle between two economic theories.

W ASHINGTON -- A quiet but
vital change in emphasis in
American foreign policy is in the
making should the Soviet Union
become wise enough to put an end
to its sinister off-again-on-again
attitude of alternating appeal and
threat to the West.
All but one of the pre-conditions
now exist for a shift on our part
to an essentially economic from a
basically military diplognacy in the
cold war.
The one missing pre-condition is
a demonstrated willingness by the
Russians themselves to cooperate
in what they have long claimed
passionately to desire - an im-
provement of world trade as a step
in easing world tensions.
The coming mission to Moscow
of Harold Macmillan, the British
Prime Minister, is the most visible
of current proofs that the West is
ready to do this kind of honorable
business. Mr. Macmillan is, at bot-
tom, an economic-balance politi-
cian rather than a military bal-
ance-of-power politician.
* * *
NO LESS important is this less
obvious fact: the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee has now
come under a leader, Senator J.
William Fulbright of Arkansas,
who also deeply believes' in eco-
nomic as distinguished from mili-
tary solutions to world problems.
Mr. Fulbright is an aid-and-trade
man far more than a military-
alliance man. He is an authentic
symbol of the very old-fashioned
Southern Democratic doctrine that
made the party strongly for free
trade more than a century ago.

It so happens that the atmos-
phere in the Foreign Relations
Committee at the top will now be
very similar to the atmosphere at
the top among our closest allies,
the British.
This is the factor of crucial and
central importance in Senator Ful-
bright's ascent to the chairman-
ship of the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee on the resignation from the
post of the aged Senator Theodore
Francis Green of Rhode Island.
Of comparatively little impor-,
tance is the circumstance that Mr.
Fulbright has been a persistent
and at times a bitter critic of Sec-.
retary of State John Foster Dulles.
Many have not too well under
stood the nature of the Fulbright-
Dulles relationship.
IT IS QUITE true that these
two vastly different men have not
at all liked each other. But this is
most of all simply because Ful-
bright believes that trade and aid
have been played down far too
much by Mr. Dulles in favor of
military facts and military assist-
Thus it is a great deal too dra-
matic to suppose, as many do, that
we are in for a klieg-lit collision
in which a man of new power, Ful-
bright, will be cuffing Secretary
Dulles about the head and giving
him various quick and simple
marching orders.
What will, in fact, more likely
happen is interesting enough in
itself. The strong probability is
that-if the Russians will be sensi-
ble enough to allow it-we shall
see these developments:

1. A slow but important rise in
American economic, as opposed to
strictly military, aid to allies; and
a marked stepping up of economic
assistance to neutrals.
2. An increased Senate interest
in, and concern for, the develop-
ment of more international credit.
3. A steady relaxation in restric-
tions upon world trade, even di-
rectly with the Soviet-Red Chinese
bloc, assuming the Kremlin is in
any way really prepared to make
this kind of trade decently pos-
* * *
ALL THIS will not be accom-
panied, however, by any weakening
of America's military strength, so
far as the controlling Congression-
al Democrats are concerned. On
the separated issue of the Presi-
dent's domestic military budget
they will continue to demand more.
rather than less.
And all this will represent not
merely the influence of Fulbright
himself, significant though it will
be. For the fact is that in nearly
the whole of the Democratic party
in the Senate there is a long pent-
up desire to try the trade-and-aid
N ay to a degree it has not yet been.
tried. On this point the most con-
servative Democratic lions are
quite willing to lie down with the
most liberal Democratic lambs--
as isra considerable number of
powerful Republicans.
In the realities of, political
power Mr. Dulles will bend to these
facts of life, whether he really
wants to or not. And it is not even
certain, in all the present circum-
stances, that he will be too reluc-

IN THE REALM of vocal music,
there is, perhaps, no more de-
manding a challenge than the per-
formance of lieder (German art
The "lied" is a difficult thing to
sing for two basic reasons, one
dependent upon the other. Since
the songs are composed with great
economy of means, the compact-
ness of material demands that the
predominant characteristic of lie-
der be the dramatic utterance
contained within the form. Each
composition, therefore, is in effect
.a short, dramatic entity, and even
in the lightest of lieder, the singer
must, in eachi song, create an en-
tirely new personality within him-
With these considerations In
mind, this reviewer can have
nothing but admiration for Miss
Arlene Sollenberger, distinguished
mezzo-soprano of the School of
Music's voice faculty. For her re-
cital, she chose not.a group but an
entire program of lieder. Indeed,
a task of Wagnerian proportions.
* * *
FOUR COMPOSERS were repre-
sented in Miss Sollenberger's pro-
gram. These four men - Franz
Schubert, Hugo Wolf, Richard
Strauss, and Robert Schumann-
were all giants in this particular
category of music. For the first
half of the recital, the mezzo
chose ten very exacting selections
from the literature.
The Schubert group was drama-
tically and most compelling and
impressive in respect to drama-
turgy. Especially good were "Die
Allmacht" (The Omnipotence) and
the Erlkonig." This latter lied is a
fine example of the tense, compact
drama that is so often a part of
the form and so demanding on the
The Wolf group was quiet, elo-
quent, always restrained in its
musical language. "Nun Wandre
Maria" was the highlight of the
group. The Strauss collection, on
the other hand, was rather light,
though still intense.
.* * *
lenberger's recital, however, came
after the intermission when she
performed the' difficult "Lieder-
kries, Op. 9" of Robert Schu-
mann. This song cycle, composed
of twelve lieder, is a truly monu-
mental work. While many of the
songs contained therein can be
The Daily Official Bulletin is an,
official publication of The Uniyer-
sity of Michigan for which Tae
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, No. 89
General Notices
Revision of Women's Hours at the U.
of M. (to be effective Spring Semester,
Feb., 1959)
For "Upperclassmen" (soph., Jr., sr.):
1. Hours: 12:00 midnight Sun. through
Thurs.; 12:00 midnight during the ex-
amination period (beginning the night
of the last day of classes and lasting'
through the night before the last day
of the examination period.): 12:30 a.m.
on Fri. and Sat. evenings; 1:30 a.m. on
those weekend nights designated by
SGO and approved by Women's Judi-
ciary Council.
2. Extenions: May be gained by in-
dividual application to the house di-,
rector and each house director may use
her discretion in the granting of these
extensions. These extensins may be
granted on any day of the week for
"reasonable purposes." (Trip out- of
town, parent's visiting, etc)
Dean's Permissions may still be
gained if needed for class projects or

ing hour. These include group- and in-
dividual permissions.
For Freshmen:
1. Hours: 11:00 p.m. Sun. through
Thurs.: 12:00 p.m. during the examin--
ation period (beginning the night of the
last day of classes and lasting through
the night before the last day of the
examination period; 12:30 on Fri. and
Sat. evenings; 1:30 a.m. on those week-
end nights designated by SGC and ap-
proved by Women's Judiciary Council.
*ALP's-eight (8) Automatic Late Per-
missions, per semester per girl to be
used at the discretion of that girl.
2. Extensions (see above) - may be
gained by individual application to the
house director and each house director
may use her discretion in granting of
these permissions. These extensions
may be granted on any day of thea,
week (as extensions on regularhours'
or Automatic Late Permissions) for
"reasonable purposes." (Trip out of
town, parents' visiting, etc.)
Dean's Permission: (see above).
Closing Hours in Housing Units:
1. Sun. through Thurs.: 10:55 p.m.
(Freshmen may sign out until 11:00
P.m., soph., Jr., sr., until 12:00.)
2. Fri. and sat.: 12:25 or 1:25 a.m.
1. Irregular hours during the two days
preceding Thanksgiving, Christmas and
Spring vacations.
2. ALPs for upperclassmen.
3. "Senior Hours"-theirs are the same
as sophomores' and juniors.7
4. The "45 minute extension" plan 7
for concerts, lectures; etc.
5. Irregular hours during registration
and orientation week (with the excep-
tion oaf the night reserved for the first
house meeting - See Wdmen's Rules
House Policy Enforcement:'
Provisions for house meetings can
be designated by the individual hous- 3
ing units. This will be enforced by the 1
house and q uWmP en'sud~ji i'u nil.

to the

To the Editor:
AS A former member of the
Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics - from 1913 to
1955, probably a record of some
sort-I am moved to make a few
observations regarding what seems
to be an incipient movement to
bring about a change in the
Board's student memberships.
So far as I know, there is no bar
to non-athletes becoming candi-
dates for the office at the campus
election. So If there is anything
like a general student demand or
desire that their representatives
be non-athletes, the result of the
election ought to bear it out. One
might assume that the democratic
process should prevail in settling
such problems. From where I sit,
the proposed change, if adopted
looks like a direct bar to that
In my long service as a Board
member, during which I was
Chairman for over twenty-five
years, I had the opportunity to ob-
serve pretty closely the contribu-
tions and attitudes of many fac-
ulty, alumni, and student members
of the Board. With the utmost sin-
cerity I can say that just as an
occasional faculty or alumni mem-
ber turned out to be more or less
of a "washout," so it was with the
students. But the, percentage of
high class, thoughtful, objective
contributors among the students,
whether or not they were athletes,
has been fully as high as among:
the faculty and alumni.
But if the student body, not
merely a small segment of it,
wants to be represented by non-
athletes, the way is already open
for them to have their wish. I
earnestly hope that if the sugges-
tion ever gets to the Board of
Regents, it will be summarily re-
jected. It is, however, so suffii-
ently absurd 'on its face that it
should never get that far.
-Pro*. Ralph W. Agler
Art? . .
To the Editor:
CENSORSHIP, control and con.
formity are words that remind
us of 1984, Hitler and Communism.
The dread with which we view
these infringements- are but one
comment on the value we have
placed on our freedom.
Nevertheless, the lines between
freedom and license, self discipline
and anarchy, remain important
moral and social problems con-
stantly subject to analysis and
reevaluation by all civilized people.
Apparently, there is a segment
of our intellectual community for
whom the word "civilized" is an
epithet viewed with horror and
heroically' resisted. As might' be
expected, our Praetorian defenders
of art recently have found another
opportunity to confuse creativity
with procreativity, cinemtaology
with scatology and inspiration'
with perversion.
* * *.
prompted by a recent contribution
to the "arts" shown by Cinema
Guild called "Flesh of Morning."
The film shows us the erotic frus-
trations of a man suffering from
the loss of his girl friend. His fan-
tasies get the best of him. While
the drums are savagely beating,
the camera slyly observes our male:
"actor" masturbating. The techni-
cal aspects of the film, however'
"artistic" in portraying :this slice
of life is superfluous to the con-
tent. The camera angles, the musi-
cal accompaniment and the light-
ing all combine to display what
can at best be called artistic porn-
Any comments on the producers,
"artists" and purveyors of this
perversion of both good taste and
good art might more aptly be
stated by a trained clinician. The'
cult of social irresponsibility hiding
behind the aegis of avant-garde is
nota new sickness.

The response of the students to
the film is even' more alarming
than the film itself. Most of the
students I have talked to seem
unwilling to make any statement
about it other than the fact that
the lighting was poor or that it
was, too long. It would seem that
the fear of being called inartistic,
middle class and square is enough
to offset any normal reaction that

sung separately, they gain
mensely from the total impa
the cycle.
A furtner word might be
for Eugene Bossart's magnif
job of accompanying Miss So
berger. These accompaniment
not nearly so much a suppoi
the singer as an instrumental
ment that is on a par of im
tance with the vocal line.
part is fiendishly difficult,
manding both virtuosity an
mature conception. Bossart
complished this and more.
-David Schwa



Neutrals Gain New. Support

Virginia Faces .Darkest Hour'

Associated Press News Analyst
'HE ANNOUNCEMENT thlat the United
States will ship arms to Indonesia comes
something close kin to official recognition
it there is a place for, neutrality in today's
set world.
Whether this will become a recognizable
rt of American policy remains to be seen.
In 1955, at the Bandung Conference, many
an and African nations displayed strong
picion of the West, based on its record of
onialism. They included the United States
ause of her alliance with Western Europe.
eir neutralism carried strong overtones of
erance for Soviet Russia as another nation
ing to emerge from western repression.
Mie Washington administration, in consider-
the problem, got itself all confused.
Me United States, since the beginning of
cold war, had been attempting to consoli-
e herself in Europe and with the underde-
aped nations through mutual assistance
aties requiring a united front against Com-
nism, expressed in one way or another.
rIfr iriz ti Dailt44
Editorial Staf
litorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
- ls------

IN THE SUMMER of 1956 President Eisen-
hower,,Secretary Dulles and Vice-President
Nixon got themselves into a hassle when the
annual foreign aid bill came up in Congress
in the face of criticism that nonreliable coun-
tries were being helped.
Eisenhower made some remarks interpreted
as defending countries which felt they might
be in a better position if attacked as neutrals
than if attacked as allies in anti-Communist
pacts. The next day he explained that he
meant some nations might think they were
safer as neutrals, but he thought they - were
safer as U.S. allies.
At the same time Nixon had some words
condoning the neutrals and saying America
should' deal with them as moral and spiritual
Two days later Dulles criticized any attempt
by a nation to gain safety by being indifferent
to the fate of others. He referred to neutral-
ism as an "immoral and shortsighted" con-
WHEN ARMED rebellion broke out in Indo-
nesia the United States kept a formal
hands off while looking rather sympathetical-
ly toward the rebels. The Sukarno government
was leaning toward inclusion of Communists in
the government and at the same time making
territorial demands on the Netherlands, one
of America's European allies, over western New
Lt. Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution stepped in to
curb the rebellion, and then the Communists,

(EDI'TOR'S NOTE: This article is
the first of three that will appear
in The Daily dealing with Virginia's
peaceful integration. The next two in
the series will discuss the role of
Sen. Harry F. Byrd and his political
" ASSIVE resistance" and
"state sovereignty" last week
peacefully gave way to Integrated
public schools in some parts of
Virginia. This story is perhaps
best revealed by the attitudes of
the state's residents.
"Experience elsewhere has con-
firmed the conviction of our
people that the enforced mixing
of the races contrary to the ex-
pressed will of the overwhelming
majority will destroy public edu-
cation in Virginia," Gov. J. Lind-
say Almond said January 28 in a
speech delivered before a special
session of the General Assembly
of Virginia.
However, a few days later "pub-
lic education" and residents of the
state seemed to have adjusted fa-
vorably to integration, a situation
described by the Governor as "her
(Virginia's) dark and agonizing
IN ANSWER to the Governor's
wordy protest to public school in-
tegration and proposal for partial-

One of the students said, "If
anybody calls me a nigger, I'll say,
Everybody has the right to free
In Norfolk, Va., 17 Negroes
registered at three high schools
and three junior highs. Twenty-
five to fifty per cent of the stu-
dents stayed home, however
school officials attributed this to
parents worried about possible

walked out of a Norfolk high
school, but her parents promptly
made her return. But the general
attitude was perhaps summed up
by another Norfolk girl who was
enrolled in a special tutoring class
during the fall semester crises of
closed schools.
"Nobody wants integration,"
she said.
"But if ,we have to make a
choice between integration and
public schools or segregation and
tutoring, I'd take the public

:. s. ,,

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