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May 17, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-17

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th Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
torials Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.'

"Some of You Still Seem To Have the Old-Fashioned
Idea that We're Supposed To Deliver the Mail"


Britain Seen
In 'Disturbing' Role

j wi


i, MAY 17, 1959


Faculty Contact Good
But Hardly A Cure-All

JNIVERSITY STUDENTS have little idea
what their relationship with the faculty
iould be. Feeling vaguely uncomfortable about
eir academic careers, they often complain of
Eck of contact with their instructors.
But student-teacher contact at the Univer-
ty today is far more exensive than it was a
neration ago. Likewise, it is far more exten-
ve than at most other universities, including
ose generally considered superior to this.
Students, however, still complain. They com-
ain not so much upon their arrival from high
hool (when feelings of a lack of personal at-
ntion might see justified) but particularly
the end of their four years of study draws
ear. Then, asked what they have derived from
eir excursion in higher education, they com-
ain. This complaint is voiced, moreover, in
rms of something they "didn't receive." The
,ilure, it is implied, is on the part of the
7'ET FACULTY members consistently express
their willingness to see anyone, carefully
ting office hours at the beginning of each
mester. They know, though, that the trickle
visitors will not begin until after the first
Lper or bluebook.
By the end of the semester, the professors
ll have seen only the students in danger of
iling their course, and some of those getting
s. The vast majority, what Prof. Frank
race of the political science department has
,lled the "vast grey middle," never come in.
hey never complain, they never seek addi-
oval explanations or want to trade ideas.
But when graduation approaches and they
ok back over their University careers, they
mplain of lack of faculty contact.

WHAT ARE the implications of this puzzling
phenomenon? First, the fact that students
complain so much indicates at least dissatis-
faction on their part with the education they're
receiving. Dissatisfaction is not in itself un-
healthy - if realized early enough in one's
academic career, it could provide valuable in-
centive. But many of the students have to be
asked pointblank exactly what they have
learned before the dissatisfaction is brought to
the surface.
This dissatisfaction is not constructive for a
still more basic reason - it is misdirected,
There is something about the University which
leads students to express their dissatisfaction
mainly in terms of the faculty. Apparently the
faculty appears to the student as the friend to
turn to in his insecure position at a big uni-
At some other schools, the student is not led
in this direction. Faculties there are regarded
as a series of great men on pedestals, not to be.
bothered with students' trivia. Within the
proper context, this seems o be an intellec-
tually stimulating arrangement.
Here, hough, where there is no natural in-
clination to enshrine professors, there seems
no reason for trying to move in this direction.
So the students of the University are left
with what has been essentially their respon-
sibility all along. They have the oppotrunities
for intellectual and social contact with the
faculty - they need only take his opporunity.
At the same time, the sudents mus realize
that contact with the faculy is scarcely # cure-
all, scarcely a substitute for being scholastically

IBill Aimned as Threat to Schools

IHC Takes Stock

SEVERAL DAYS ago, Robert Ashton, former
president of the Inter-House Council noted
is' hard to explain to a sophomore house
resident why major changes in IHC cannot
ome about in only one semester.,
This all came about when Hinsdale House
ook the initiative to question the activities of
HC, including the budget. Hinsdale submitted
report to the IHC requesting a committee to
>ok into its internal structure and see if
omething could not V'e done to improve the
For various reasons, including the fact that
be report had been distributed to members of
be Presidium and the IHC president did not
rant to take the time for the Hinsdale presi-
ent. William Anderson, to read the report
loud, even though Anderson was going to ex-
lain the points in greater details as he went
hrough the report. He was not permitted to
ead the report; but further, the new IHC
resident permitted Ashton in his farewell
peech to the Praesidium, to speak against the
[insdale request. This Ashton did for 9t least
5 minutes, and Anderson was never given an
dequate chance to explain Hinsdale's views.
FOLLOWING this, Hinsdale House members
-drew up a petition to request the house to
fficially withdraw from IHC. This was to be
one at the next Praesidium meeting.
At the meeting, after Anderson read the let-
er of resignation, the .president of Kelsey
[ouse, South Quadrangle moved that the
'raesidium should dissolve itself until a spe-
ial committee could look into the entire func-
on of IHC and recommend improvements.

The motion was seconded, but a vote was
never held.
No action was taken on this measure because
a certain member of the Praesidium walked
out so that no quorum was present and there-
fore no business could be dealt with. The mo-
tion then fell by the wayside. When other busi-
ness was to be discussed, the council called a
recess until another house president, not pres-
ent at the meeting, could be found to make a
quorum. Consequently, little of any importance
was done at the meeting, and many people
said it Was a completely wasted evening.
FOR AN ORGANIZATION made up of college
age people, the Praesidium's action was
quite immature. Apparently the members were
afraid something constructive would be done
at an IHC meeting for a change.
There is an old saying that if you cannot
face your problems, you should play like an os-
trich and "hide", because obviously, then your
problems won't find you, and you won't be
forced to make any thoughtful decisions.
Granted, it is easy for house presidents after
many hours of deliberation and debate to de-
cide to spend $70 for pins, which some, said
they didn't even want; but when important
matters such as doing something constructive
with IHC arose, the members apparently found
it too much for them.
It is to be hoped in the future that Inter-
House Council will realize that they must take
stock of itself and its functions. Only then
will that body see where problems lie and then
possibly, do something about the situation.

Daily Staff Writer
LAST WEEK Sen. Elmer Porter
(R-Blissfield) pulled a bill out
of his pocket, which was duly sent
to the education committee, then
in effect he sat back and smiled.
The nine state-supported col-
leges and universities are squirm-
ing. For the bill asks creation of
a commission on higher education
which would "co-ordinate" budget
requests in particular and higher
education in general. University
officials tend to believe it would
"usurp" their power.
The question: Is the bill merely
a threat to the schools, in particu-
lar to the Council of College Presi-
dents which is supposed to be
effecting coordination, or will it
soon be enacted?
At present, what the bill says to
the Council of College Presidents
is, "Start working together, boys,
ore we'll see to it you work to-
gether under less favorable condi-
THE COUNCIL of College Presi-
dents is as concerned as theLegis-
lature about drawing up a pro-
gram of coordination, Wayne State
University President Clarence B.
Hilberry, who is also chairman of
the council, told The Daily.
To this end, the Council has
planned to submit a joint budget
request in the fall.But such ef-
forts as "togetherness" have not
been highly successful so far. The
Council had planned to outline a
joint capital outlay budget early
this year. It never materialized,
probably due to the more pressing
financial problem of the cash
The Legislature is understand-
ably upset about "duplication" and
"competition" among the schools..
For instance, last year Michigan
State University was told to spend
no part of its appropriation on a
traffic study. Being a "constitu-

tionally independent body, Michi-
gan State disregarded the orders
and spent approximately ten thou-
sand dollars on research which
was duplicated elsewhere.
serious. Its concern may mean
that the commission on higher ed-
ucation is on its way through the
somewhat tortuous process of pass-
age. It may be more than a threat
in the future.
The bill would be passed if its
sponsors actually want it enacted,
reports indicate. It is almost "a
sure bet" in the Senate, where its
direct sponsors include nine of the
Republican senators. And, they
say, it could be pushed through
the House with no great amount
of opposition.
Of course, the bill may be un-
constitutional: the commission on
higher education, as a legislative
creation, may gather illegal reins
over the constitutionally indepen-
dent universities. However, Sen.
Porter claims "some day there will
be a coordinating body whether its
done this way or some other-even
if the state constitution must be
Privately, the legislators are not
worrying about constitutionality.
They think they can justify the
commission's creationby referring
to the Russell report on higher
education on Michigan. This re-
port definitely stresses the need
for a coordinating body, although
it is a very different body from
the one the legislators back..
THE RUSSELL report advises
"membership of not less than five
nor more than nine." The proposed
commission will have 15 members.
The report implies that the most
important function of the body
should be to furnish the Legisla-
ture and other state agencies with
"whatever information they need
about the institutions of higher

education" and to advise them on
educational policy. The most im-
portant function of the proposed
commission seems to be control
over the schools' budgets, to the
extent of telling each institution
to make its appropriation request
in accordance with designated
Although budget coordination is
also listed in the Russell report, 'it
is -implied that control would be
limited to furnishing "an annual
estimate of the needs of each
state-controlled institution fpr ap-
propriations for the coming fiscal
report stresses that "on authority
whatever" be given to the coordi-
nating board over requirements for
degrees, admission and retention'
of students and "similar matters
of internal management."
Yet the Senate bill specifically
states, "No new department, de-
gree program or certificate pro-
gram shall be added at any state
supported college or university
after September 1, 1959, except by
specific prior approval by the
commission." Authority over en-
rollment is also given, where "the
commission shall recommend to
the budget offices and to the Legis-
lature a supplemental contingent
appropriation to provide for in-
creases in enrollment."
Obviously, then, the legislators'
justification won't work. The Rus-
sell report does not back their
bill-nor does any other authority
except the bill passed-in Texas in
1956, from which it ° is directly
Prediction: the bill's flaws mean
it is not being seriously considered"
by the Legislature. If the legisla-
tors wanted to enact the bill, it
would have been drawn up with a
more careful eye to higher educa-
tion in Michigan. It will be used
as a big stick and nothing more.

Associated Press Correspondent
GENEV A - Britain's would-be
role of conciliator between the
West and Russia was reported yes-
terday to be deeply disturbing
French and other diplomats at
this Foreign Ministers Conference.
Considerable mystification is be-
ing expressed privately by these
officials, who claim to have noted
some unusual activities on the
part of Foreign Secretary Selwyn
Lloyd's delegation.
In particular, Lloyd and his ad-
visers have been infuriated by a
publishedreport suggesting that
Britain and Russia actually have
gone so far as to conclude a secret
political and economic deal in the
midst of the Berlin crisis.
* * *
BUT BRITISH spokesmen re-
fuse to comment on the sugges-
tion. They decline even to ac-
knowledge the existence of any
feeling of uneasiness about the
nature of their political role here.
It is known that Lloyd himself-
after consulting with London -
ordered that no comment be of-
fered on the reports.
No Allied diplomat goes so far
as to say Britain has acted, is act-
ing, or intends to act in a way
that could expose her to charges
of disloyalty.
Nonetheless, an atmosphere of
mistrust and concern is building
up. In a sense it seems to be a
byproduct of a number of circum-
stantial developments that came
in the wake of Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan's journey to
Moscow last February and March.
* * *
THE PICTURE being circulated
covers British moves before and
during the current Foreign Min-
isters' talks.
Before the conference:
1. French officials said "secret
but reliable" reports have reached
their government that Britain has
provisionally promised Russia a
big loan to boost trade. The reports
suggested Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev, for his part, pledged
in Moscow that Communists in
the Middle East would lay off
British oil interests. The inform-
ants stressed these reports are
"not proven," but they say they
regard them as sufficiently dis-
turbing to warrant some sort of
check. The British scorn to an-
2. West German Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer asserted to Mac-
millan in Bonn last March 12 or
13 his journey to Moscow had
weakened the Western Alliance.
'He suggested Macmillan could
have achieved in two days what
he had got from Khrushchev in
10--and reaped the same domestic
electoral advantages. And he
claimed the day had passed when
a British leader could travel to
Moscow to talkl about Germany's
future without the say-so of the
German Government. Macmillan's
rebuttal has not been released-
but Adenauer has since declared
no hostility toward Britain.
* * ,*
DURING the Conference:
3. Lloyd's interventions have
been marked by what his col-
leagues see as an undue softness
toward Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko and Russian poli-
cies. There is no suggestion that
'Britain's own policy has changed.
But firmer British speeches would
be preferred. Lloyd .could retort
he is just practicing good diplo-
macy in a flexible fashion.'
4. French, and to a lesser extent
American, officials profess to be
puzzled by what they regard as
over-frequent contact between one
or two high British and Soviet offi-
cials. They also have detected
what they see as a British ten-
dency to concede points to the
Russians-points of procedure that
could become points of political

substance. The British could argue
they were faithfully representing
Western interests in keeping the
channels of negotiations with
Russia open.
AMONG illustrations cited by
informants the following stands
Gromyko had plunged the con-
ference here into a state of un-
certainty with his eleventh-hour
demand for full participation
rights for the puppet East German
regime. Lloyd offered to see the
Russians, as first-day chairman of
the conference.
The outcome was that East and
West Germans were accorded ad-
viser status but with a limited
right to speak. The French took
this as an important reverse. They
claim it could have been avoided
if Lloyd had been tougher. The
British, however, say that at one
point loyd actually warned Gro-
myko there would be no confer-
ence at all if he pressed his de-
A lot of the current mistrust
and suspicion can be traced back
to old French and West German
resentments that Britain enjoys a
special relationship with the
United States. Some flows from
the new radicalism that marked
,British policies since Macmillan
decided to visit Khrushchev. A lot
is just plain, old-fashioned anti-
British gossip.
BUT SOME of the trouble clearly
is the result of such circumstantial
factors as these:
The fact that Britain really is
considering some sort of trade
credit arrangements for Russia;
the presence of a British trade
mission in Moscow now; the Brit-
ish decision to supply new arms
to Communist-influenced Iraq; the
assurances the Iraq Petroleum Co.
has won from Iraq that its invest-
ments are safe from seizure or
nationalization in the foreseeable
Y ou, Too,
Can Get O.ut
MOSCOW ()-A total of 2,344
people have volunteered to be shot
out, of the Soviet Union on a
rocket to outer space, Pravda re-
ported yesterday in Moscow. The
Communist Party newspaper said
many letters have been received
addressed to "Moscow Sputnik"
begging to be the first Russian
astronaut. Some volunteers are
women, Pravda added, but it didn't
say how many.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p m.the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1959
VOL. LXIX, NO. 164
General Notices
Special meeting of the Universaty
Senate. Mon., May 1, at 4:15 p~m.: in
Raekham Lecture Hal. The purpose
of this special meeting is to discuss
issues of athletic policy.
The Henry Russel Lecture, Raymond
L. Wilder, Research Professor of Math.,
Wed., May 20, 4:15 p.m, Rackham Am-
phitheater. "The Nature of Modern
(Continued on Page 7)


t I


Same Old Story in Germany



Associated Press News Analyst

'uTHY DO you hear people. saying so positive-
ly that the eventual reunification of Ger-
tany is a foregone conclusion?
No great nation, they say, can be kept di-
ided as Germany is now, especially when it
osesses such dynamism.
Well, Communism is a somewhat different
>rce than peoples of the world have been sub-
cted to heretofore. It not only uses all the
d imperial methods of conquest, but also has
capacity for inveigling some people into
illing cooperation.
Nobody can be positive of just how this force
going to work out.
JUT A GLANCE at German history explains
why there is such a strong belief in her fu-
Little is known about the Germans prior to
ie beginning of the Christian era.
But it is recorded that the tribes living be-
veen the Rhine and Elbe Rivers took up the
ea of federation' in the first century. This
nsisted of groupings for d'efense, for tribal
ower. and for colonization of adjacent terri-
ry, especially eastward.
By the 10th century this sort of thing had
veloped to the point where there was a Ger-

man emperor, although his control over his
landed princes who elected him was an ex-
tremely tenuous 'thing. There was sufficient
coalescence to provide the base for expansion
into Northern Italy.
ALL THE TIME there was constant warfare
with the Franks, the Bohemians and the
Papistry, not to mention constant civil war.
The federation started falling apart under
these pressures, and by 1125 there was no real
Germany. And France had replaced her as the
only centralized political force in Europe.
Nevertheless, eastward 'colonization con-
tinued, and reunification began. The empire
was alive again by the time of Charles IV in
the 14th century.
Terrible wars accompanied the reformation,
and in the 15th century Ge'many was divided
into five major sections, with the Catholic
Church the chief landlord.
By the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648,
there was practically no Germany as an
THEN ATTACKS from France began to solid-
ify the country again. And on the anvil of
these wars, Germany was beaten into a more
cohesive state, than ever. In a manner of
speaking, Louis XIV preceded Bismarck as a
great unifier.

IHC, Hinsdale House Draw Readers'


To the Editor:
BEING the past Secretary of
IHC, I feel qualified to make a
judgment on the withdrawal from
the organization by the Hinsdale
House Council. My personal ob-
servations are that the IHC Pre-
sidium is a group of disinterested
students which approves reports
that are sloppily written, and
brings up motions are are spoon-
fed to it by the Executive Board
and in general has little perspec-
tive of the residence house plan.
Anybody who reads the Hins-
dale House Report with the follow-
ing view would express comments
contrary to the editorial by Mr.'
Bloomgarden. Hinsdale House is
not a fraternity, Mr. Bloomgarden,
but it still has pride in its exist-
ence as a part of the Michigan
House Plan.
Hinsdale men are active on this
campus in athletics, extra-curri-
cular activities and honor roll lists.
Since it is an independent house,
it expresses individual judgment in

men, a temporary home before
theis entrance to the truly inde-
pendent world of fraternities and
apartments. Thus Hinsdale House
doesn't see any improvement of
their immediate environment by
IHC's activities and thus have
-Robert H. Garb
Not Notified * * *
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that every day Hins-
dale's withdrawal from IHC gets
a considerable, spread. Unfortu-
nately, it now seems to be not just
a matter of facts, but a series of
mud-slinging contests. I am of
course referring to Mr. Bloom-
garden's article in Friday's edition
of The Michigan Daily.
Throughout Mr. Bloomgarden's
article, and especially the last
paragraph, the language seemed
to be somewhat loaded. Words
such as "disgusting," "renegades,"
and "rotten" lead me to the opin-

I merely wanted to make this
point clear because I cannot see
my words quoted opposingly by
both sides. It seems that I must
make my position clear. The days
of isolationism are gone forever.
-James M. Flugrath
. Benzinger Librarian
Have Another .
To the Editor:
"Dipso's Dilemma"
"Pre-Exam Confusion"
MARTIANS dancing on a
Kumquats drying on the line.
Silver kicking the 'Lone
Guess I'm drinking too much
Glasses walking on the ceiling-
Bagels learning how to fly.
Burger's beating Perry Mason-
Take away this glass of rye.
Michigan's fees are cut in half-

4 m- ....:.... ..' 4':

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