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May 17, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-17

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Renewal rea Residents Differ Widely

will cost.

Renewal is absolutely 1
for Ann Arbor, some
and worth whatever it;

Renewal is unnecessary, others
answer, and would waste tax-
payers' money.
Urban Renewal is opposed by a
few selfish men-by the vast ma-
jority of area residents.
Renewal would leave widows
and old people without homes-it
is necessary to let people live like
human beings.
These and many other argu-
ments, some reasoned and some
irrational, rage across the city.
Perhaps more common than either
a pro or a con opinion is the state
of baffled'ignorance in which many
still remain.
Nowhere are the lines of con-
flict more sharply drawn than in
the renewal area itself, a rec-
tangle four blocks wide running
from Ann Street to the railroad
tracks. Even there, though, a great
many peqple remain uninformed.
'Liviii Like Rats .,
"I definitely dislike living with
rats," Mrs. Benjamin Wilson of
633 N. Fourth Ave., says.

She is not troubled with many
now, she said, though her house
is "susceptible to rats" only be-
cause a large, black and white lab-
oratory rat once got loose in her
house and seems- to deter other
rodents by its presence.
"But I'd like to live in a house
where there aren't any rats," she
said, "black and white, gray, or
any other color."
"I'm in favor of Urban Re-
newal," she declared. "I'm in favor
of anything which will make me a
little more proud to live here.
"I'd like to live in a neighbor-
hood I could tell people I lived in
and they'd know I live in a nice
neighborhood with well-built
houses and good lawns, where
people can take pride in what they
Houses 'Too Sound',...
"A relocation program is inap-
propriate for Ann Arbor," Walter
J. Wickliffe of 305 Beakes St. de-
clared. Rehabilitation would be
all right, he said, but the area is
"structurally too sound" to need a
relocation program.

Relocation has Merit, he ex- Even if their homes could not
plained, "if you go into an area be fully rehabilitated, he said, why,
with no economic value left, and not simply say they could not be
with-nohigecontoialueland- passed on to another owner while
with a high rate of absentee land- they were below code? That devicej
lordism." Ann Arbor's proposed would allow their elderly occupantsI
renewal area, however, is "not to live in them until they die, and
characterized by extreme dilapida- when they did the houses would
tion," and it is 80 per cent home- be rehabilitated or removed.

Rehabilitation should be enough,
Wickliffe said. Only about 11
houses are in such bad shape that
they should be removed. "Volun-
tary rehabilitation has been going
on for several years." One local
financial institution alone, he said,
has $610,000 in mortgage and FHA
improvement loans in the area.
"The possibility of Urban Renewal
has retarded voluntary rehabilita-
tion in the area."
The present plan is "fine inI
theory," Wickliffe says, but it falls
down because it "doesn't consider
the human element." He says the
area is "characterized by a high,
percentage of elderly people, in-
cluding widows and World War I
veterans, who fully own their
homes, and whose homes could
last them as long as they live."

Eminent Domain . .
If Urban Renewal comes in, he
says, many of these people will be
unable to borrow enough money to
bring their homes up to code,
despite the PHA guarantees of
loans. "If you couldn't get a loan
without Urban Renewal, you
couldn't get one with it. For any
loan the circumstances must be
sound, and age and reduced in-
come are primary considerations."
Wickliffe is president of the
North Central Property Owners'
Association, a group formed to op-
pose Urban Renewal that includes
relocation. Last July the group cir-
culated a petition against the re-
newal plan among the owners of
property in the area.
Wickliffe said it got the signa-
tures of 95 per cent of the pro-

perty-owners. Since then, he said,
only one person has asked to with-
draw his name. "The property-
owners don't want Urban Re-
newal," he declared.
Another petition was circulated
last November, he said -- among
the owners of property on the west
side of Main St. between Felch
and Summit. -It protested the re-
zoning as residential of those pro-
perties. It got more than one
hundred natnes, including those of
almost all the residents and pro-
perty-owners who would be affect-
ed by the rezoning.
The people affected oppose the
rezoning, he said, because it would
decrease their property values.
[The change has been written into
the plan, and the City Council
has not acted on the petition ex-
cept to have it filed.
Wickliffe called the Plan Stand-
ards Committee "the most dis-
graceful thing that's ever hap-
pened in Ann Arbor city politics."
Of its 28 members, he said, only
eight represented the North Cen-
tral Property Owners' Association,
See AREA, Page 8

SELF-HELP-Virgil Huey works at keeping his
house and lawn in good condition. Though he
concedes that many of his neighbors do not, he
says they should be given a chance to do so be-
fore Renewal.


:w .. waaaavv vv svaawww"

Oee Page 4

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





Report MSU
Row Healing
Hart Denies Accounts
Of Increasing Strife
A sensitive dispute between
Michigan State University faculty
and administrators over the rights
of teachers is slowly mending, the
head of the MSU chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors said yesterday.
Prof. Harold Hart told The Daily
that he and other members of the
AAUP were "grossly misquoted"
by wire services and state news-
papers who reported that faculty-
administration strife was increas-
Although some divisions of
opinion exist, "we (faculty and ad-
ministration) are coming closer
together and the situation is gen-
erally improving."
Describes Administration
One professor had been quoted
as describing a "dictatorship by
the administration. Many of us are
not only told what to teach but
how to teach."
Prof. Hart said there have
been "alleged" violations in some
areas, particularly in "dictation of
course content" by the adminis-
Such difficulties have come up,
notably in the MSU basic college
(a two-year school for freshmen
and sophomores), he explained.
Faculty curriculum committees are
now ironing out problems how-
ever., Prof. Hart added.
Holds Prerogative
He maintained "curriculum mat-
ters are the -prerogative of the
Another professor, Marvin D.
Solomon, of the natural science
department, was quoted by a De-
troit paper and the Associated
Press as saying "two communities
exist on this campus-one is for
the administrators and the other
for the teaching faculty."
Curriculum matters, he con-
tinued, are the "exclusive province
of the teaching faculty - but at
MSU this is absolutely not the
Prof. Solomon refused to com-
ment further to The Daily, but
said he had been both "misquoted
and quoted out of context."
TTennis Team
Downs Indiana
Special to The Daily
closed its regular dual-meet ten-
nis season yesterday by downing
Indiana's netmen 9-0.
The Wolverines highlighted the
season's climax by handling highly
rated Illinois, 6-3, Friday and then
whitewashing the Hoosiers.
Overall this year the 'M' net-
ters have earned a nine won, one
loss record, the only loss to power-
f . rn nama

Press Hints SChOOIS



Iraq, Reds
May Split
CAIRO (-) - The Cairo Press
hinted yesterday there may be an

b Crisis


State Cas


-Daiy-Jua . odriguez
ROTC AWARDS--Dean Robert L. Williams of the education school
presents Robert B. Johnson with the University of Michigan
President's Award. Waiting for the same presentation, symbolic
of highest standing in the three graduating ROTC classes, are
John 0. Grettenberg, Carl D. Martenson and Richard J. Trzas-
Cadets 'Get Awards
Durn Celebration
Presentation of 46 awards highlighted the annual Armed Forces
celebration by the University's combined Army, Air Force and Navy
ROTC units yesterday at Ferry Field.
Army Cadet Colonel Robert B. Johnson, Midshipmen John O.
Grettenberger and Carl D. Martenson, and Air Force Cadet Colonel
Richard J. Trzaskoma received the University of Michigan President's

Minister Abdel Karim Kassem ndL gislators
This is the first time in months
that the Egyptians have expressedPdR
any hope that Kassem could be
saved from Communism.h-
Since late last year the local"
press has tended to write off Kas- In .X a 11ni
sem as a hopeless prisoner of the
Communists. Some papers even
said Kassem was a card-carrying WASHINGTON W) - Congres-'
Communist himself. sional tax leaders expect the
Eisenhower Administration to ask
Carry Reports Congress soon for another increase
Today, however, Cairo'sstwo in the government's debt ceiling,
most widely circulated papers, Al now at a peacetime high.
Ahram and Akhbar El Yom, car-[ They are guessing that Secretary
ried front page reports of growing of the Treasury Robert B. Ander-
tension between the Communists son sometime in the next few
and Kassem. weeks will propose a new limit of
Both papers stressed Kassem's 290 billion dollars. This would be
resistance to Communist demands two bilions above the present
for participation in the cabinettw bilig a ov n the
andfortheresmpionof egii-ceiling and not far under the
and for the resumption. of legiti- World War II figure of 300 billions.
mate political party activity. The present permanent limita-
Akhbar El Yom said the Iraqi
Communists had decided to go un- tion on government borrowig is
derground after being frustrated 283 billion dollars. But Congress
in their bid to take over Iraq last year, as it has done periodi-
through open political pressure. cally, raised this temporarily to
Communists Get Panicky 288nbillion dollars, effective until
"The Communists, who only last Jues0.
week were getting ready to take President Dwight D. Eisenhower
wek in Iraq's government, are [has suggested raising the perma-
partnyIman yA nent limit from 283 to 285 billions.
suddenly becoming panicky," Akh- But with the government hard
bar El Yom declared. "The Com- Bes for readyvcashnAndero
munist Party suddenly received in- pressed for ready cash, Anderson
structions last week that it should now is expected to ask additional
immediately reorganize its secret tor y b authority to borrow up
machneryso tat i migt goto 290 billion dollars to get through
machinery so that it might go the coming year,
underground in a bid to wrest
power by force." Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark.),
Al Ahram said the situation in chairman of the House Ways and
Iraq at the moment was "not at Means Committee, told a reporter
all comprehensible." The paper he plans public hearing when An-
went on to list signs of friction derson appears before his com-
between the Communists and the mittee.
Kassem government. Mills declined to comment on
Al Ahram pointed to Kassem's the nature of the hearing. Other
refusal to legalize political parties sources, however, said committee
despite Communist demands and Democrats would attempt to pin
his refusal to admit Communists down Administration revenue
to the cabinet, even though one of plans, and try to determine
his own ministers had demanded whether the Administration has
this. any proposals to cut spending.

Khrushchev Boosts Hope
For Useful Negotiations
GENEVA (P)-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev opened up yes-
terday a prospect of serious negotiations between Russia and the
Western powers at the Big Four Foreign Ministers Conference.
In a speech in Moscow, Khrushchev rebuffed the Western package
plan approach to a German peace settlement and the problem of
European security and disarmament. But he added:
"The proposals of the Western powers contain some matters
which are worthy of examination and which we shall not oppose.
On the contrary, we shall be prepared to= seek solutions at the round
Herter Plans Strategy
The statement came as Secretary of State Christian Herter was
reported planning to propose secret diplomacy for the next phase of
the talks here. Herter has decided"
that it is the best way to probe
Russia's real aims here and flnd .ac lt e w
out whether it is possible to make "
enough progress toward agreement O m prom ise
to justify a summit conference.
Khrushchev said the Western A t Geneva
r lan "10 4enl.frai n


(M' Trackmen
Score Victory
At Ohio State
By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS - Michigan's high
flying track team continued unde-t
feated in outdoor competition with{
an easy 873-43% victory over
Ohio State yesterday.
In the season's final dual com-
petition the Wolverines took 10 ofi
14 first places and star sophomore
Tony Seth broke the Ohio Stadium<
record for the half-mile run.
Seth was timed in 1:50.7 only
four-tenths of a second over the,
Big Ten record.
Robinson Stays Here
Michigan's sensational sopho
more sprinter Tom Robinson re-
mained in Ann Arbor as his in-
jured right thigh has been a little
slow responding to treatment.
With Robinson shelved, John
Gregg, who has been traveling, in
Robinson's shadow all year, took
over and won both the 100-yard1
and 220-yard dashes to become thej
meet's only double winner. Gregg's;
winning times were :09.8 in the
100-yard dash and :22.0 in the1
220-yard dash.
Senior pole vaulter Eeles Land-
strom continued his winning ways
with a jump of 14'8".
Treux Wins;
In the two-mile run Don Treux'
won his initial triumph romping
c., rvr rrr.vw - r -._c

Award from Dean Robert L. Wil-
liams of the education school. The
award is given annually to the
outstanding cadets in each of the
three classes.
Midshipman Martenson served
as commander of the troops as
they marched in review before the
reviewing officer, Associate Dean
Walter J. Emmons of the engi-
neering college, and other civil,
military and university dignitaries.
The troop commander is selected
from the three branches in ro-
tating years.
About 900 cadets participated
in the review.
Four military exhibitions rounded
out the day's ceremonies.

peace pian -is put frorward only
for one purpose, to put the blame
on us. They won't have that
The Soviet leader declared that
the real author of the Western
proposals is not in Geneva. Refer-
ing to West German Chancellor}
Konrad Adenauer, he said:
Adenauer's Shadow Present
"The shadow of Adenauer is
Herter made known his views to
close associates after watching
initial sessions of the conference
which opened here last Monday.
The work of the conference,
moreover, is approaching the point
for what diplomats call private
discussions. That means resort to
a limited secret diplomacy with a
sharp reduction of public disclos-
ure about what is being discussed.



"I'm not optimistic about their
reaching a meaningful agreement,
but this does not rule out some
sort of compromise," Prof. Harold
Jacobson of the political science
[department said of the Big Four
Foreign Ministers Conference at
"A lot of sort of sparring has,
been going on," he asserted, "but
this can never lead to any change
in the power status or to unifica-
tion of Berlin."
Archibald Singham also of the
political science department in
effect concurred with Prof. Jacob-
son's analysis, maintaining that
S"although some concessions may
be made, it, at most, clears the air
for a Summit Conference.
Singham insisted that "you
couldn't find two plans so far
distant from one another," as the
remedies which the West and So-
viets offer to the German problem.
Authority Differs
He emphasized that the West.
cannot expect any dramatic solu-
tions, given the nature of the So-
viet system. '"The delegation of
authority to foreign ministers is
not the same as in the United
States," Singham reported.
"The Soviets negotiate only on
the basis of their heads of state,"
he noted.
Realizing this, he continued, the
press has a real responsibility not
to delude the public to expect any-
thing great from Geneva. "The
news was 'managed' to assure suc-
cess at the last Geneva Confer-
ence," Singham claimed. This can-
not happen again.
Calls Geneva 'Stage'

Niehuss Sees
Coming Year
As Critical
Vice-President Gives
Three-Point Program
More schools are looking for
new faculty members at the Uni-
versity because of the state's cash
crisis, Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin Niehuss indi-
cated yesterday.
Earlier, in a speech before more
than 300 surgeons and physicians
gathered here for Doctors' Day,
he said next year will be especially
critical in determining whether or
not the University can hold its
"I have seen 60 to 70 offers to
our faculty from other schools
and colleges," he told the group.
They offer positions ranging from
assistant professor upward and
carry average salary offerings of
$13,400, he said.
Cites Lower Average
The same positions here cur-
rently pay an average of $10,000.
Stressing the damage in the un-
certainty which the crisis gives to
the future, Niehuss outlined a 3-
point program of action.
1) The University will put
money it gets from the state into
salaries first. This is essential, he
2) The lid will be put on student
enrollment, holding it at this
year's level. I
3) The state must make sub-
stantial increases in faculty sal-
aries for next year.
The vice-president also gave
figures on the University's current
financial condition, noting that a
similar situation exists at Michi-
gan State University and other
state-supported schools.
Must Find $1.2 Million
"The University must find $1.2
million in they next two weeks to
meet the May 30 payroll," he said.
In addition, it needs $1.3 million
for the June 7 payroll and $1.5
million for the June 12 payroll."
Earlier in the week, a statement
from the office of Vice-President in
Charge of Business and Finance
Wilbur Pierpont showed the state
owed the University $8,970,830 in
unpaid vouchers as of May 1.
For the balance of the fiscal
year ending June 30, the state-
ment noted payments due adding
up to $2,795,830.
Hospital Holds
Visitors' Day

Comedy'Howie' To Open Tomorrow
The Drama Season will present "Howie," a new comedy, in a e I
week-long run beginning Monday. <j y
A complete change of pace from last week's "Macbeth," "Howie"
is a parody of the television quiz show craze in which Leon Ames, {-I

Hollywood star, and Charles Hohman, a newcomer, have the leading
Howie is a "bright young man who can do anything except get
along with his in-laws." The situation becomes more complicated when
he gets put on "Dollars for Scholars," television's biggest quiz show.
Ephron Writes Play
"Howie" was written by Phoebe Ephron, the author of several
popular films including "The Male War Bride" and "Three's a Family."
Critic Robert Coleman called it a "hilarious and intelligent romp,"
when it was produced in New York this season.
Leon Ames, film veteran, will play Howie's unfortunate father.
A flafp Jff -.nn,.nrf 1vAfc in," flflrlT ai r pn11 nd h..r -r-Irnnwn f.



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