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May 16, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-16

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"What's All the Fuss About a Little Carpeting

Belgium's Baudouin
Silent, Withdrawn
Associated Press Correspondent
BRUSSELS (P)-If monarchs still were tagged with descriptive labels,
the youthful King of Belgium might go down in history as Baudouin
the Silent.
For His Majesty the King, Baudouin Albert Charles Leopold Axel
Marie Gustave, Prince of Belgium, is stern and withdrawn. He seldom


\1 I "'N


.TURDAY, MAY 16, 1959


Smeekens Bill
Merely Stopgap



r'HE RECENTLY approved Smeekens bill is
a patch-but a necessary one-in view of
the fact that partisan politics are blocking
any remedy to the state's financial ills.
The bill authorized the treasurer to pay out
some $10,600,000 to the 26,000 state employes
who missed last week's paycheck by diverting
funs earmarked for other purposes. Those who
expected more from the bill will be disap-
pointed, for it was intended to provide a "short
respite" and not a long-range solution to the
deplorable condition of the treasury.
Although the patchwork device to "quick
cash"- may be disparaged for what it is in
theory, it cannot be criticized for what it does
in practice. For without the Smeekens bill state
employes might be minus a month's pay. As it

Russian Note

SOME OF THE: educational advances noted
by President Hatcher in his inspection of
seven Soviet universities could well be applied
here, although on a somewhat more limited
scale, if the rumored Michigan-Kiev professor-
ial exchange is effected.
In summing up his impressions of the Soviet
educational system, President Hatcher noted
many favorable ones.
First, he believes that the, rapid advance-
ment of Soviet society has been motivated by
superior educational standards.
Next, he praises the drive, energy, pioneering
spirit and high competence of Soviet higher
education, as well as "a spirit of competition
all the way through the Soviet education sys-
At the universities of Moscow, Leningrad,
Kiev, Tiflis, Tashkent, Samarkand and Irkussk,
he notes the impact of the scientific attitude
on the humanities. The latter are not being
skimped for the sake of science, but rather
benefitting from it, he said.
And the students? They enter college "won-
derfully well prepared," with "excellent study
habits" and "widespread and good" reading
habits, he said. President Hatcher calls their
use of libraries exceptional and their pursuit of
extracurricular activities, which are tied into
serious subjects, broadening.
With a professorial exchange, trends in
University education might systematically and
chronologically follow the development of the
first sputniks.

now appears the next paycheck, due Wednes-
day, will not be met.
The facts are clear: people must eat to live
and have money if they are to eat. It is better
to miss one paycheck than two, especially
when the possibility of missing a third is not
out of the question.
HOWEVER, the Legislature will not have
Smeekens bills around forever . . . and
patches do not make the strongest quilts. As of
June 30, the state will face a $100 million deficit
. and as of now there is no plan acceptable to
both parties to offset it.
Although the second defeat of the "use tax"
in the House has prompted Governor G. Men-
nen Williams and other Democrats to express
confidence that a compromise can be worked
out, strong statements by Republican legisla-
tors directly contradict these. Those at the
helm of the House- GOP sales tax drive insist
they "haven't given up" and Senate Republicans
are adamant, "No income tax of any kind."
Until the time when both parties realize that
compromise is inevitable the Conlin Plan-a.
$140 million tax package geared to a fiat rate
personal income tax-will not even be seriously
considered. 'Pet it, is this plan, or a variation
of it, that offers the best solution to the crisis,
incorporating into it features of both Demo-
cratic and Republican tax proposals.
Proposed by Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton),
chairman of the House taxation committee, the
plan basically follows the tax recommendations.
of Gov. Williams and the Citizens Tax Study
Committee, except for its flat rate feature. Both
the governor and the dommittee favor a gradu-
ated personal income tax, exempting low in-
cqme groups.
T[HE WILLIAMS and Conlin proposals are
alike in that they both request a five per
cent corporate profits levy and a seven per cent
tax on the net incomes of financial institu-
tions. On the other sides Conlin has modifiedI
the Republican "use tax" plan to a mere exten-
sion of the sales tax on some items which are
now exempt.
There is no reason for the state to go from
bad to worse when the Conlin Plan offers a
workable solution to its financial problems. If
the men in Lansing were to get off their respec-
tive elephants and donkeys for even one legis-
lative meeting, it is possible that such a com-
promise could be realized.



-ro 41
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yIke and

A Congress

smiles or acknowledges the acclaim
the lanky, despectacle monarch
will make a deep impression on the
American people during his cur-
rent visit to the United States.
But the 28-year-old King has
deepseated reasons for his un-
happy manner.
The young bachelor King seems
to have retained a strong bitter-
ness against those responsible for
the ousting of his father, whom
he deeply loves and admires.
* * *
IN 1940 the German Bltzkreig
swept over Belgium. Despite the
urging of his political advisers to
flee, Leopold chose to remain in
the occupied country.
As the end of the war neared,
the retreating Germans sent Leo-
pold and his family to a prison
camp in. Austria. The King was
freed by the United States Seventh
In liberated Belgium, political
parties clashed violently over
whether Leopold should return to
his throne. The King was criti-
cized for his refusal to go into
exile during the war years and
for the timing of his marriage,
during the occupation.
During the storm, the King went
into temporary exile in Switzer-
land. In 1949, during this period,
Baudouin visited the United States
for the first time.
Finally in 1950, a referendum
was held in Belgium and about 57
per cent of the voters asked that
Leopold be returned to the throne.
He flew back to Brussels with his
sons on -July 22.
* * *
ists launched strikes and demon-
strations that sometimes turned
into riots. After 56 years of non-
stop negotiations, Leopold resigned
his royal functions and Baudouin
took over as Prince Royal.
One year later, the reluctant
Prince took the oath as King.
Since then, Baudouin's reign
has been peaceful though there
have been some small blunders.
One of these occurred in February,
1953, when he left for a visit to
the French Riviera while in-
habitants of the Belgian coast
were recovering from disastrous
floods caused by violent ocean
storms. Criticism followed Bau-
douin to the Riviera.
Althogh he is endowed with little
actual power by the Belgian Con-
stitution, he recently made a bold
and successful move to help shape
Congo policy.
uled a declaration of the future
independence of the Congo which
turned out to be a lengthy, clumsy
document that was difficult to
Baudouin decided to broadcast
his own statement. He secretly re-
corded his text on the Congo's
future and had it flown to Africa
for on-the-spot broadcasting. In
Brussels, it was aired a couple of
hours before the government state-
ment was read before Parliament.
His unexpected action got- a
tremendous reception in the Con-

WASHINGTON - For the first
time in his six years in the
White House, President Eisen-
hower is responding to a purely
partisan spur in his relationship
with Congress. The Republican
pros have at last convinced him
that he must "mix it" with the
controlling Congressional Demo-
The immediate consequence is
a marked sharpening of rivalry
between the White House and
CapitolHill. This will be increas-
ingly apparent as time goes on,
assuming the President maintains
his present attitude.
One certain consequence will be
to make Congressional Republi-
cans much happier than they have
been. It is possible, too, that the
President's legislative wishes here-
after will carry more weight, and
for two reasons.
REASON Number One is the
country's booming job situation.
This has seemed to vindicate Mr.
Eisenhower's economic theories.
And the old Democratic cries
that he was doing too little too
late to revive employment have,
lost their force in the face of this
spring's spectacular rise in' job-
holding. The man who got the
blame for the rainfall, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, now gets credit -for
the sunshine.
Reason No. 2-and this is the
theme of this piece-lies in the
fact that the President has at last
asserted a traditional role as a

party leader. The simple fact is
this: The Republican National
Committee for six years had been
absently treated by the President
as a rather crude outfit. Now the
Republican National Committee
has got a foothold in the White
The working Republican politi-
cians have convinced the Presi-
dent that they are really a part
of his outfit, and that he is really
a part of theirs. It is unlikely that
they ever would have reached this
status with the President but for
their eager support of his deter-
mination to hold the line against
so-called panic remedies in the
jobfield. He had committed him-
self to this policy-this policy so
dear to orthodox Republicanism--'
with a rare vigor. And here, at
least, he began to see that he
really needed the pros.
THE STORY of how they ob-
tained real entree to the White
House begins with the change in
the GOP Congressional leadership
last January. It ends with the
recent appointment of Senator
Thruston Morton of Kentucky as
chairman of the Republican Na-
tional Committee.
In Congress last January two
far more partisan types took over
the party leadership from former
Senator William F. Knowland of
California and Representative
Joseph W. Martin Jr. of Massa-
chusetts. Senator Everett McKin-
ley Dirksen of Illinois succeeded

Knowland as GOP spokesman in
the Senate. Representative Charles
Halleck of Indiana replaced Mar-
tin in the similar job in the House.
These two Midwesterners from
the start were much more aggres-
sive than their predecessors.,
Slowly they began to put a cer-
tain touch of old-fashioned Re-
publicanism over the White House
. * *
NOW THE Democrats will treat
this at best as a "maybe" list; in
the end, the legislative program
that evolves will certainly be more
theirs than the President's. But
the big point is this: ,The GOP
pros have at long last scaled the
domestic summit and entered the
White House as welcomed guests.
Their job now-Morton's job spe-
cifically - is to stay there. This
new association will never enable
them to dominate the Democratic
Congressional majority, for power
is power.
They will, however, be entirely
content, this correspondent knows
from them, if only the President
will continue to'show some special
interest in the party. For Morton
is going to these White House con-
ferences mainly to build morale
among the Republican rank and
file in the country. What he is
saying to the faithful is this:
"Sure, the President is interested
in the GOP; why else would he
invite your chairman to these
(Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)

of the crown. It is doubtful that
IF YOU LIKE Bob Hope, "Alias
Jesse James" was made for you.
The situations seem like refugees
from the Crosby - Hope "Road"
series, but with the comedian's
mimicry they are as fresh and
funny as ever.
As a blundering insurance sales-
man, Milford Farnsworth, he un-
derwrites a policy for the life of
T. G. James. Discovering T. G.
is, in fact, the notorious Jesse,
Farnsworth's company sends him
West to protect their investment.
Then begins the long string of old
routines, most of which Hope
manages to regenerate.
During the course of the epic
Farnsworth acquires a reputation
for gun slinging, the gratitude of
the townsfold of Angel's Rest, Mo
and Rhonda Fleming-not bad for
95 minutes' work.
The never-ending chain of fan-
tastic episodes culminate in the
wildest finale to hit the local
misery palaces this year. Unfor-
tunately, it is carried a bit too
far and wears thin before the end.
* * *
AN EARLIER highlight of the
film is Farnsworth's rescue from
certain death by an Indian prin-
cess, a refugee from Howdy Doody.
Miss Fleming does nothing but
stand there (hoo ha). Wendell
Corey as James does the same
thing but with considerably less
On the whole, the film is worth
the outrageous admission, gen-
erally maintaining a high profes-
sional gloss with only a few tar
nished spots showing through.
The feature is accompanied by
an added woodpecker cartoon and
a bad news short.
--Thomas Kabaker and
Harold Applebaum
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which Th
Michigan Daily assumes" no ed-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1959
VOL. LXIX, NO. 163
General Notices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to. recommend tentative June gradu-
ates from the College of L.S.A. and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors (or high honors in the
College of L.S. & A.) should recom-
mend such students in a letter de-
livered to the office of Registation
and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin. Bidg.'by
noon, Mon., June U.
Special meeting of the 'university
ISenate. Mon, May 18, at 4:15 pi. In
Rackham Lecture all. The purpose
of this special meeting is to disus
issues of athletic policy.
Attention June Graduates: College.
of L.S.A,, school of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health, and
School of" Business Administration:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in June. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not ltaer than noon, Mon.,
June s. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later dtae.

students preparing to teach are re-
quested to complete the following be-
fore the close of the semester: Com-
plete transfer to School of Education
if that is the plan. Complete applica-
tion for teacher's certificate if in other
(Continued on Page 3)


Nationalism and Schools

posed an internationalization of higher edu-
cation. He suggested the creation of huge inter.
national universities modeled on the interna-
tional cooperation plan of UNESCO and the
World Health Organization.
Certainly, the creation of the huge educa-
tional combines will add to the. intellectual
accomplishments of mankind, especially in the
scientific realm where experiments and appara-
tus are becoming larger, more complicated and
more expensive. But in the realm of world
peace, where Commager promises the greatest
results of the super-universities, he is venturing
into unreality.
THE RISE of the new universities will cause
the decline of nationalism, Commager prom-
ised. The implication is that cooperation
among scholars will lead to a progressive uni-
fication of their respective nations.
It seems there are two fallacies in Com-
mager's viewpoint. The first is that scholars
are generally a rather contentious lot--some of
the world's most bitter personal feuds have
been caused by scholarly differences of opinion.

And when a group of scholars do agree, their
findings often become doctrinnaire and thus
contribute little to- the advancement of knowl-
edge. Another point is that scholars are often
rather nationalistic themselves, echoing their
own national feeling rather than objective
thoughts-Russia's Lysenko is a good example.
THE OTHER point is that if such universities
were indeed established, there is no reason
why the world should follow their lead anyway.
Scholars helped unite the Weimar'constitution
in Germany, and Hitler came to power. Scholars
offer opinions on the United Nations charter
and are disregarded.
The upshot iof the whole thing is that peace
and the reduction of nationalism require more.
than the advocacy of academicians. Though
scholarly views are important, they are not
effective unless adapted by the politicians who
hold the real power. It is primarily on these
men, not on the scholars, that the responsibility
for world peace, implicit in the rationale for a
world university, lies.0

Dissenters Present Views on IHC Withdrawal

Sound Without Substance

Associated Press News Analyst
LOOKING FOR substance in the Geneva pro-
posals, insofar as they might relate to
German settlements, is like looking for ghosts.
There ain't no such thing.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
DALE CANTOR ....... ............ Personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY'.... Associate Editorial Director
ALAN JONES .................- Sports Editor
BEATA JORGENSON.........Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director
8I COLEMAN......... ..... Associate Sports Editor
CARL RISEMAN ........... Associate Sports Editor
DAVID ARNOLD..............Chief Photographer

Christian Herter made a more forthright
appraisal of the conference than is customary
at the opening of such affairs.
It is being held, he said, not because there
had been any changes in the.political situation
which encouraged hope of settlements, but be-
cause Soviet Russia had threatened unilateral
action to liquidate Berlin occupation agree-
ments. .
It's a gabfest, with. both sides trying to talk
their way around the crisis which would develop
if the Kremlin went through with its threats.
IT APPEARS NOW that Khrushchev spoke
out originally to see just how firmly the West
would stand. Now he knows. But he has suc-
ceeded in what was perhaps a secondary objec-
tive. He has shown the folks at home that he's
a big man in the world, which has to react in
some fashion when he speaks.
Disagreement is such a cut and dried pro-
cedure at Geneva that Andrei Gromyko in-
formally rejected the Allied package proposals
.whit + itiwe edill in, +he rummnr stage before

To the Editor:
WE WOULD LIKE it known that
the decision of the Hinsdale
House Council to withdraw from
IHC was not unanimous. The Daily,
mentioned that the Council's ac-
tion was prompted by a petition
signed by 70 per cent of the House
members. However, it did not men-
tion that the vote of the Council
was a close 6 to 4 in favor of with-
drawal. We who voted against the
withdrawal motion would like to
express our views.
First of all, we felt that many
of those who signed the petition
did not have sufficient knowledge
of the situation, but signed be-
cause the petition represented a
radical change that sounded ex-
citing. The Council had heard
both sides of the issue, at earlier
meetings, and we felt that we
were in a better position to decide
than those who had not heard the
complete story. Unfortunately, at
least one member did feel bound
to the petition and voted con-
trary to hip own feelings.
Secondly, our dues (which
amount to a dime per man per
semester) can be assessed with-
out Hinsdale's approval through
the Inter-Fund Voucher, a system
whereby funds may be transferred
within University organizations. It
is ironical that we had planned to
bring the Voucher system before
IHC for discussion at the next
meeting of the Presidium!

IHC, but what would this do, be-
yond getting our name in the
paper with the subsequent noto-
riety for both Hinsdale House and
IHC. We cannot see how this
would better the present situation."
We who dissented could not see,
the relationship between this re-
port and the motion to withdraw.
We know that IHC has many
faults that need to be corrected.
However, we do feel that we can
improve the organization by work-
ing constructively from within and
not by withdrawing.
The Dissenters:
David B. Norris, '59
Carlton E. Thomas, '61E
Northwood .. .
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is written in re-
gard to the editorial composed
by Phillip D. Sherman, "Tenants
The Northwood - Terrace Ten-
ants' Association has as yet made
no specific requests of the ad-
ministration. Mr. Schaadt . at-
tended a meeting at which the
mentioned "solution" was one of
a number of proposals brought up
by the residents of the housing
involved. Mr. Schaadt, arbitrarily
and without any consultation with
the Northwood-Terrace Tenants'
Association, seized on this one
"solution." The announcement was
then placed in the. papers as a
set policy declaration of the ad-

by the University. On top of these
two things the main problem is
one of filling in the apartments in
the slower summer months.
The writer mentions the North-
wood-Terrace apartments as be-
ing part of the resident hall system
in financial arrangement. The stu-
dents in the resident halls are only
required to pax rentnfor the time
they are in residence, while the
tenants of the Northwood-Terrace
Apartments, under the present
lease arrangement, are responsible
for the full year regardless of oc-
cupancy or not. We do not com-
plain about this except at a time
when we are leaving the Univer-
sity through graduation or for
other reasons. Then, as we would
no longer reside in the housing,
we feel that we should not be
held responsible for the payment
of rent on the housing. This ex-
pense comes at a time -Awhen we,
as young married folks are just
ending a protracted period of
financial strain and are attempt-
ing to make a start in the work-a-
day world.
* * *
search of the Steering Committee
of the Association, and not re-
futed satisfactorily by the housing
administration, that the bonds of
the projects are being paid off well
in advance of schedule. Consider-
ing this fact the members of the
Association felt that it would not
be too great an imposition on the

tion between the tenants of the
Northwood and University Ter-
race, Apartments and the Univer-
sity Housing Administration. We
feel that, having assumed the re-
sponsibilities ofmarriage and fam-
ily life, and being, for the most
part, upperclassmen and graduate
students, the University in their
dealings with us recognize such
maturity as these factors would
evidence. This does not mean a re-
quest for an attitude of favoritism
but- simply for a better attitude
than has been evidenced in their
dealings with us so far.
David S. Gault, '59Ed.

Senimore Says..

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