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May 14, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-14

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"We Want To Protect You Against The Possibility
That Criminals Might Hide In Here"

Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Communists Using
'Snarl' Technique
GENEVA (P)-The slam-bang tactics of Andrei Gromyko have domi-
nated the Big Four Conference so far, even more than yesterday's
opening statements.
His tactics are following a familiar pattern. These tactics have been
used with considerable success at the United Nations and in big power
parleys like the present one. The main idea: Raise snag after snag, then


Time To Replace
Yost Field House

'HERE WERE some regrets expressed Mon-
day afternoon by people who had just heard
the news that the morning windstorm had
ripped off one-fifth of the Yost Field House
They regretted that the wind had not done a
more thorough job and carried off or leveled
the whole building.
The South State Street structure, the show-
place of the campus when it was built 36 years
ago, is now inadequate and an eyesore.
Athletes using the Field House deplore the
lack of showers. Spectators at basketball games
deplore the lack of good seats. Casual students
of design deplore the building as dated.
MICHIGAN NEEDS a new field house. The
present one is an excellent place in which
to hold track meets; but it is hardly a good
place for spectators at basketball games because
of the large number of seats located in distant
If properly designed, a -new building could
provide the following: a main arena with more
seats located. between the base lines of the
basketball court; an ice hockey arena to ac-
commodate the crowds the Michigan Rink can't

handle; and some smaller auxiliary gymnasiums
to alleviate the present intramural department
space problems.
The athletic department, recognizing these
needs, has planned a new and larger field
house for the near future. Before the current
Michigan cash crisis developed, the plans
called for a field house by 1965.
IN THE AFTERMATH of Monday's storm, the
most cheering news is that all the estimated
$100,000 damage done by the wind was covered
by insurance. The Yost roof may need just
patching, or it may have to be completely re-
placed, but the storm damage, however exten-
sive, should not delay Michigan's present plans
for a new field house.
All that is hoped for now is a quick resolution
of the University's financial situation, so that
a new field house can be built as soon as
possible. And when that time arrives, provision
might be made to have the Yost bats trans-
ferred to the new building, to entertain spec-
tators between halves of basketball games as
they have done in the past.



....' 4 t9. ' . - _isLa 1. ~u M P4 T

OFFEE ...BLACK By Richard Taub
Who's Stubborn?

:Explosive Nomination.

display a willingness to compro-
mise or even back down occasion-
ally, then raise more snags.
appears that the West came out
ahead, but on some issue the Rus-
sians have accumulated enough
small gains to add up over the
years. That is certainly true of the
Soviet campaign to give the Com-
munist countries a bigger role in
world affairs.
At this meeting the Russians
have raised a whole series of what
appeared to be purely procedural
These include the demand for a
circular conference table and the
issue of how many chairs the East
and West German delegations
should have.'
On the surface these look like
small potatoes. Add them- to the
Soviet efforts to bring in the two
German delegations, the Poles and
Czechs-as full participants-and
you have a major political issue.
* * *
EVERYONE here agrees that the
Russians don't expect to get all
they are asking for, -but on the
basis of their past gains in pushing
for Communist representation it
is fair to assume they seek more
than publicity.
They won for the East Germans
a limited right to speak. In their
propaganda they claim much more,
even insisting the Germans are
full participants.
It is a good bet that the West-
ern powers haven't heard the last
of this problem.
The element that makes the So-
viet snag-and-compromise tactics
successful is public pressure for
East-West negotiations on Cold
War problems.
* * *
THIS MAKES it difficult for the
West to stand firm when it appears
a few concessions might yield East-
West harmony and avoid a break-
down of negotiations. The trouble
is that concessions always bring
more demands.%
An example of Soviet tactics is
found in the debate on the U.N.
Disarmament Commission. In 1957
the Soviet Union proposed that the
old 12-nation commission be ex-
panded to include 81 U.N. mem-
bers. The Western powers said
such a commission would be
worthless because of its size.
Both sides finally agreed to a
compromise, a 25-naion commis-
sion. But the Russians at the last
minute announced they would boy-
cott any commission unless it in-
cluded all U.N. members.
The General Assembly ignored
this and voted the 25-nation body.
It was unable to function because
of the Soviet boycott. Last fall the
Western powers reversed them,
selves and expanded the commis-
The same situation has devel-
oped on the United Nation's Outer
Space Commission. The Russians
are boycotting it as lacking in
Communist representation. They
announce they will try to recon-
stitute the Outer Space Commis-
sion when the General Assembly
meets again.

Orchestra last night tried a
program which challenged their
technical ability but which fre-
quently failed to raise the audi'
ence to aesthetic heights.
The most curious feature of the
evening was the programming.
Beethoven's "Symphony No. 3" is
not a work one normally considers
a curtain-raiser. The bombast is
so great, in fact, that it is not
often played without a carefully
built up crescendo of introductory
The Symphony, however, man-
aged to find a work to close its
concert which made the "Eroica"
seem like a lullaby, Stravinsky's
"Rite of Spring." In neither work
was technical perfection achieved,
but in both the spirit of the en-
semble more than made up for its
sometimes amateurish perform-
AS IS USUAL with the Univer-
sity Symphony, its weaknesses
were too immediately obvious. The
string section, which is normally
weak, followed tradition through-
out the Beethoven, but seemed:.
much less offensive during the
brassier Stravinsky.
The brass, which is the orches-
tra's strength, lived up to expecta-
tions, and provided an evening of
energy, quality and fine tone.
The orchestra last night also
did much to eliminate another
historic weakness, its lack of co-
hesiveness. The group was held in
almost perfect control by its con-
ductor, Prof. Josef Blatt of the
music school.
S* * *
AFTER A somewhat shaky be-
binning in the "Eroica," the group'
almost flawlessly followed Blatt's
brisk tempo through the first
movement. The second mQvenient,
the "funeral march," more than
lived up to its name.
The orchestra could not quite
match Blatt's brisk tempos in the
last two movements and the finale
fell somewhat short of its spirited
The Stravinsky was performed
with an energy which provided an
exciting climax to the program.
The horns brought to the work a
full pagan turbulence.
The Symphony performed ade-
quately, without being either ex-
treinely exciting or unnecessarily
languid. Blatt's tempos, which fre-
quently drag on other occasions,
particularly in his opera direction,
were brisk without being hurried
,and fitted well the tone of the
The generally rewarding experi-
ence of a University Symphony
concert was fulfilled last night, al-
though the group has sounded
better on other occasions.
-Robert Junker



COMPROMISE is a funny word. Generally, it
has to do with the ability of two conflicting
sides to find some common ground between
them, each sacrificing something in order to
reach that ground. For some, compromise is a
dirty word, somehow related to selling one's
soul to the devil. But all too often when faculty
and administration are dealing with students
the word takes on a new meaning -"take
The recent gyrations of the so-called SGC
"Clarification" Committee point this up. When
the committee first met about three months
ago, the faculty members came rushing into the
breach between students and administration,
full of good will, myopia, and a brand new
SGC plan. Three months later the basic re-
quirements of that plan have not changed "one
jot or a tittle." Yet, guess who is recalcitrant,
stubborn, and unyielding? - the students of
The students have contributed several plans;
they have given ground on one point after
another, points which were most important to
them-yet, the Clarification Committee simply
isn't buying.
students have made, and perhaps the con-
cession they should not have made, is in the
area of some sort of substantive review. The
faculty plan called for a referral board which
would consider issues brought to its attention;
it would either approve the SGC action, or send
it back to the Council with recommendations.
The Vice-President for Student Affairs would
have power of a final veto.
The motives of the faculty plan were admir-
able. The faculty envisaged that this board
would uphold SGC most frequently, thereby
making it more difficult for a vice-presidential
veto. They were protecting the students from a
sometimes arbitrary administration. But as
some wise man once pointed out, a world in
which people do things to others for their
own good is an intolerable one.
The concept of substantive review was a
brand new thing for the student members of
the committee, and one which they were not
so eager to buy.
They had always understood that the old
SGC Board in Review did not have substantive
power, but rather considered actions which
were outside the council's jurisdiction or con-
trary to administrative policy or practice.
Oddly enough the man who wrote the plan, and
later served most admirably as Board in Review
chairman for four years, thought the same
thing, and had conducted the Board in that
WHAT A SURPRISE to all concerned, then,
when the Vice-President for Student Af-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
DALE CANTOR ....................Personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
ALAN JONES .......... Sports Editor
13EATA JORGENSON......... Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director
SI COLEMAN .............. Associate Sports Editor
CARL RISEMAN ........Associate Sports Editor
,DAVID ARNOLD ............... chie Photographer

fairs announced that this Board had always
had substantive power.
The students at this point granted some
degree of substantive review, many even went
for the faculty plan with modifications. But
student feeling was that the referral board's
action ought to be circumscribed in some man-
ner so the hand will not simply be substituting
ideas it likes better for rational student action.
For the referral board will act somewhat like
the old Board in Review. When it disagrees
with an SGC action, that action will most likely
be vetoed, and when it agrees, the action will
most likely be upheld.
So students imposed some reasonable limita-
tions on this review board. The referral board
would consider actions in three categories: jur-
isdiction,, procedure, and whether or not the
action was "reasonable"-that is, whether or
not it was a conclusion that a "reasonable
'man" would have come to-not whether the
Board thought it was right or wrong.
Jurisdiction is self-evident. Procedure is an
important criterion, especially since this is
probably the area in which SGC is most culp-
The reasonable man concept is a little bit
more difficult to grasp, but it has validity all
the same. It is a basic concept of law in this
YET, STUDENTS were surprised to hear from
two members of the committee that they
did not know what a reasonable man was. This
is rather frightening at a University, where a
premium is put on the human mind; at a Uni-
versity, where, in theory atleast, all are com-
mitted to the fact that on some issues reason-
able men may differ.
There is also a Board on this campus, The
Board in Control of Student Publications, which
in practice works with this concept. Board
members do not have to come to the same con-
clusions Daily staff members do, before the
staff members can carry out their duties. The
Board recognizes the fact that reasonable men
may come to different conclusions, and unless
a conclusion simply flies in the face of all
pertinent facts, tit is a reasonable one.
THAT THE REFERRAL Board's areas of con-
sideration should be circumscribed in some
way, is simply a /matter of common sense. I
has nothing to do with distrust or suspicion of
particular people on such a board, but rather a
realistic view of human nature.
The students are aware of the fact that
faculty members are not all "good guys" who
will put the student viewpoint first; they real-
ize that most faculty people probably have a-
different concept of Student Government than
students do; they realize that in many issues
there probably is no such thing as one right
answer (if there were we could junk SGC and
substitute an IBM machine); and they realize
that people have passions, and that no matter,
how the members of such a board are chosen,
if they become emotionally involved they will
not be able to see clearly and objectively,
They realize, too, that any circumscription of
a Board's authority can be overridden in one
sneaky way or another; but they also realize
that such circumscriptions will at least force
the group to slow down, to place itself in a
more objective position before it can act. This
approach is a basic tenet of any government.
BUT THE FACULTY members are not buying
such a change, it seems, because they did
nnt think nf it Thev hav their nhan-the het

WASHINGTON - There is a
heavy political fall-out in the
Senate's current row over whether
President Eisenhower's eight-
months-old appointment of Lewis
L. Strauss to be Secretary of Com-
merce should be at last confirmed.
Indee'd, one can readily see in
imagination an ominous mush-
room cloud rather like those that
rose over the hydrogen bomb tests.
which Strauss pressed when he was
chairman of the Atomic Energy
Unpleasant and possibly noxious
political matter is raining down--
upon the Senate Republicans in
general, but most of all upon the
modern - liberal Republicans. The
Strauss nomination is under the
most serious attack ever levelled
by the Senate at an Eisenhower.
Cabinet choice.
MVany Democrats are happily
pounding away at the nominee,
and are not being too choosy about
their weapons. Old Guard Republi-
cans are defending him without
a backward glance. Well they
might, ,for this is the most au-
thentic "regular" Republican ever
to hold high place in the Eisen-
hower Administration. Not the
least of Strauss' troubles, in a
word, is that he himself is a
wholly unapologetic Old Guard-
* * *
publicans, too, are coming to
Strauss' support. But this is with
a troubled lack of enthusiasm

rather similar to that of some
young men in receiving those well-
known "greetings" from the Pres-
ident of the .United States which
draft them for military service.
For Strauss represents much for
which these moderns do not care
at all. &
What the attacking Democrats
are doing is to try Mr. Strauss not
so much for his actions as for his
ideas. They are pursuing him for
his philosophy; they are indicting
him for his thoughts. At bottom
they are seeking mightily to prove
what is already self-evident and
self-proclaimed-that he is a Her-
bert Hoover Republican.
THEIR CHARGE that on many
issues he is politically "wrong" is
to many-including this observer
--profoundly strong. But their case
that he should therefore be denied
confirmation is, to this one ob-
server at least, profoundly weak.
For, all Philadelphia lawyers to
the contrary, the custom has been
that any President is entitled to
pick his Cabinet and that the
Senate will not refuse confirma-
tion without overpowering reason.
There is no such reason here.
True, this is. not remotely the
brutal persecution directed in the
past by Senate Republicans to ac-
cused left-wingers of various hues.
There is no need to weep over-
much at the cries of these Re-
publicans that the Democits are
pushing them around, as well as

Strauss. All the same the Strauss-
affair, too, is a persecution, if a
far'less savage one. This time the
victim is a right-winger. The ob-
jections to him have nothing
really to do with the President's
right to have his services.
Strauss' spare, bristling and per-
haps unwisely unterrified frame
(tact and the soft ahswer come
hard to him) is simply being used
to hang up to public view certain
pre-1960 political garments.
* * *
HERE, the opposition Democrats
are saying, is a Herbert Hoover
man, an ultraconservative who
does not like public power, a big
business type. And he is, in fact,
quite all of that. Here, they are
saying, is an "anti-intellectual," a
man who demanded atomic weap-
ons development first and thought{
of fall-out and disarmament sec-
ond. This latter, he is. Harsh or
not, he fought with courage and
strength to protect this country in
the atomic race. Maybe he is un-
wise at times. But he Was also in-
And "anti - intellectual" he is
not. The odd truth is that he him-
self is an egghead, but - rarest of
things-a Republican Old Guard
egghead. The shaking up being
given to- him, and to the issues he
typifies, is entirely understandable.
It is probably good politics as well.
But it does have this one short-
coming: it is not fair'
(Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)



f i

IAC President Co mments on Analysis

To the Editor:
AL PHILLIPS' magazine article
of May 3, "Give 'Em What
They Want,",presents a valuable
analysis of the theatre in Ann
Arbor. His main a gument is that
box-office considerations play too
large a part, and I certainly agree
that theatre with artistic aspira-
tions cannot flourish in such an
atmosphere. However, both the
Arts Theatre Club and the Dra-
matic Arts Center 'came close to
making ends meet without choos-
ing plays whose sole merit was
box-office appeal.
Mi. Phillips states that com-
petition from student produc-
tions and those of the Dramatic
Arts Center made difficulties for
the Civic Theatre. And yet the
Civic Theatre had a period of re-
markable growth and success pre-
cisely while the Dramatic Arts
Center theatre was functioning.
Within reasonable limits, the
presence of several acting groups
in Ann Arbor should increase the
interest in theatre and thereby
benefit all.
* * *
TWO MINOR corrections: Con-
trary to Mr. Phillips' statement,
the houses for the two recent per-
formances of "The Bald Soprano"
were very good; in fact, some had
to be turned away from the second
performance, for lack of seats. We
find this most encouraging. Mr.
Phillips states that children's

sight into how a professional
repertory theatre can be.,revived
in Ann Arbor, the Dramatic Arts
Center has invited Mr. Louis M.
Simon to come here from New
York for a week's visit. On Sun-
day at 8:30 p.m. in Lane Hall Mr.
Simon will participate in a discus-
sion of the topic and we hope all
those interested will attend.
Wilfred Kaplan, President
Dramatic Arts Center
'Solonmton' .
To the Editor:
AFTER READING Tuesday's re-
view in The Daily of Sunday's
performance of Handel's "Solo-
mon" in the May Festival series,
I wonder if the reviewer is an ec-
centric with a strong distaste for
large vocal groups? His criticism
seemed so irrational.
In general, one can say of such
a review that/it is trite to com-
ment on how good the orchestra,
say that thewcitlifilu.... JtN
conductor and soloists are and
then say that the chorus is dis-
appointing in comparison. Al-
though I disagree with some of
his comments regarding the solo-
ists, what his review boils down to
is that the tenors (both solo and
chorus) were not equal to the
standards of the other performers.
Is the reviewer a frustrated tenor
and is this what made the chorus
seem inadequate to him?

Also, his assertion that the cho-
rus performed better in the so-
called "more easily mastered"
numbers is ambiguous. Are the
choruses he mentioned necessarily
the easier ones? I personally be-
lieye that it may be more difficult
in a chorus of 300 voices to achieve
the subtleties of interpretation in
the softer passages than it is to
produce a huge, brilliant tone in
the so-called "bigger" or more dif-
ficult ones. Strangely, the exact
opposite criticism of Choral Union
was made by a Daily critic in 1956
-that they couldn't adjust their

huge vocal technique to the small-
er demands of a Mozart score.
Ruth Selby, '62
Wait'Til ..
To the Editor:
TO THE NON-DORM independ-
ents who stood in line for the
500 Glee-Club concert tickets al-
lotted to us, only to see them gone
by 9:15 a.m., take heart. There's
always next year. You might be
affiliated and have a crack at the
other 1,500.
Gene Matecun, Grad.

(Continued from Page 3)
Hubbard and Co., Chicago, 111. Sumi-
mer trainee program for Mechanical
Engineers who have completed their
Junior year.
Trail Blazer Camps, N. J. Dietitian.
Girl Scout Camp in Lake Tahoe,
Calif. Counselors.
Further information about the fol-
lowing may be found at the Summer
Placement Office, D528 ,Student Acti-
vities Bldg.
Ann Arbor. Sears Roebuck and Co.
Sales position open in consumer wales.
Detroit, Mich. The Chesapeake and
Ohio Railway Co. Temporary roadmen
positions for Civil Engineering students.
Chicago AreaS tudents. Checker Taxi
Co., Inc. has driving jobs for boys who
are at least 21 and have had at least
three years of driving experience.
Hartsdale, N. Y. Hillard Day Camp.
Various openings for men and women
as counselors and instructors.
New York, Chas. Pfiser and Co., Ie,
Manufacturing Chemists. Marketing
training program for men who have
completed a part of the requirements
for a Master's degree in Bus. Admin.
Courses in pharmacy, chemistry, or the)
biological sciences are helpful.
Personnel Request:
Business Manager for Cedar Lake Girl
Scout Camp, which is 18 miles west
of Ann Arbor. This position requires a
woman, who is at least a junior and
a business major. Salary: $375 plus
room and board. Length of time: June
16 to Aug. 8. Contact: Danzy Loomis,
Huron valley Girl Scout Council, Tele-
phone: HUnter 3-2370.
Miss Loomis wishes to interview peo-
ple. for this position, Thurs., May. 14,'
from 4:00 to 5:00.
Beginning with Monday. May 18, the
following schools will be at the Bureau
of Anointments to interview for the




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