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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





VOL. LXIX, NO. 161





SGC Gives
TEP Status
As Colony
To Approach Council
Following Year Trial
Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity was
given tentative colony status last
night by Student Government
Approval followed the reading
of various letters from the na-
tional, University officials and the
Interfraternity Council, stating
that TEP had met all the require-
ments for approval. The trial
period will last for one year after
which, permanent status will
come before the Council.
Granting of colony status came
after a long discussion on dis-
crimination and how it should be
considered by SGC. Throughout
the discussion, the point was
A made that in no way did the
Council doubt the non-discrimina-
tory practices of TEP.
Recommends Study
A report submitted by Robert
Ashton, '59, past president of the
Interhouse Council and John Ger-
ber, '59, past president of the
Interfraternity Council, recom-
mended setting up a rushing study
The committee, the proposal
read, would give more detailed
study to the effects of rushing and
pledging incoming freshmen. '
The proposal recommended that
the executive council of IFC ap-
point a permanent study com-
mittee in cooperation with the
Dean of Men's office.
Asks Set Group
This committee would include
the Director of Orientation, the
Assistant Dean of Men for Fra-
ternities, the Senior Director of
the Men's Residence Halls, four
students and a faculty representa-
tive of the counseling office.
SGC also officially established
an International Coordinating
Board to coordinate, evaluate and
improve all international activities
between University organizations
and to serve as a central com-
mittee for the annual Interna-
tional Week.
1 The Board, which will function
under the jurisdiction of the Coun-
cil, includes an appointed chair-
man and representatives from var-
ious organizations.
Ike Requests
Congress Act
On Surpluses
gent special message President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
tried to jar Congress into action
on housing loans, higher gas taxes,
and - most emphatically - the
great wheat surplus+
President Eisenhower called for
legislation to head off "an impend-
r ing disaster in wheat." He de-
clared, too, that home and high-
way building face damaging inter-
ruptions across the country unless
Congress moves with dispatch.
Congress received the message
with little stir, or indication of
doing as President Eisenhower
' The Federal Housing Adminis-
tration is about to exhaust its
iortgage insurance authorization,
the President said, and needs a six
billion dollar increase to prevent
lapse of the program at the height
of a thriving homebuilding season.
He aimed his sharpest shafts at

the inaction of Congress on what
he has called corrective wheat
t Members Tap
New Vulcans
Mighty Vulcan, holding court on
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat em-
bittered at man's misuse of his
beloved fire.
Prometheus came to aid his
faithful followers, saying, "Mighty
Vulcan, hear these candidates for
admission to our sacred order."
They being engineers, the only
'form of mankind the God would
hear, were forthwith put to the
test, and having passed the ordeal
and proven their worthiness were
Those tapped into the engineer-
ing honorary were: Paul "Aeolus"
Becker, '60; William "Morpheus"
Beck, '60; David "Kratos" Beste,
'60; David "Pluto" Brown, '60;

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of two articles discussing
Michigan's financial condition.)
Although Michigan's Democrat.
ic governor and R epublican.
controlled legislature have beet
aware for nearly a year that th
state was heading for a financia
breakdown, the roots of the pres.
ent cash crisis are 12 years deep
In 1946, when the state's pock,
ets were jingling with funds sup,
plied by a pre-war-enacted three
per cent sales tax, municipal ant
school governments were virtuall,
Thwarted by legislators in thei
separate attempts to gain a por
tion of the sales tax to supplemen
the dwindling school and cit

rI S



in Pus

with the current financial situa-
tion. Of the $300 million which
the sales tax is expected to bring
in this year, the state can retain
less than $50 million.
Ailthough taxes have soared so
that in recent years a total of
$160 million has been collected
in new taxes, the state has not
benefited as it should. Temporary
cures, patchwork panaceas, par-
tisan politics, pressure groups, in-
creases in state spending, ear-
marked funds all combined to rob
the state of its necessary finances.
It now faces an estimated $100
million deficit for the fiscal year
which ends June 30.
Approved Bonus
In 1947, voters so appreciated
the work of the defenders of their

addtiional money. Although both
parties admit that a change in
the state's tax structure is, the
only long-range solution ' to the
financial picture, plan after plan
has been introduced only to be
defeated by partisan politics.
Seizing and selling the bonds
in the $50 million Veteran's Trust
Fund is regarded as the most ef-
fective of the short-range reme-
dies to the immediate cash crisis.
But, this too is tied up in the po-
litical battle.
The use tax would add approxi-

mately $108 million a year to the
state's income through a one-cent
increase in the three-cent out of
state sales tax. This tax would also
be applied to in-state purchases
and would virtually be a four cent
sales tax.
Democrats generally affirm Gov.
G. Mennen Williams' plan which
includes a graduated personal in-
come tax bill with a $125 million
a year levy exempting low income
groups or a variataion of this.
Thus far, House Democrats have
refused to approve the use tax.

If the voters' preferences f
taken into consideration, howev
it can be noted that a Mari


Opinion Research Company sur-
vey yesterday disclosed that six
out of 10 persons interviewed in
Michigan's Lower Peninsula fa-
vored a higher sales tax to any
form of income tax.
The survey also showed that
most of those favoring an income
tax thought it should be paid only
by persons earning more than
$6,000 a year.

LOW VOTE--Ballot counters tally up a low number of votes on
the referendum held Tuesday and yesterday.
Low' Student Ballot Favors
U Rose Bowl Participation
Over two thousand ballots in Student Government Council spon-
sored referendum yesterday showed students favored continued Uni-
versity participation in the Rose Bowl by four-to-one majority.
As an experiment, I consider the referendum a success, Roger

funds, the two groups united to country that they approved a sol-
force a constitutional amendment dier bonus although there was no
called "the sales tax diversion" to tax to finance it. Thus, the Legis-
be brought before the voters. lature passed a cigaret tax of
Requests Earmarking three cents on a package, which
The amendment requested that has since been raised to five cents
one-sixth of the sales tax, which and brings in $48 million a year.
had been set up as the chief in- The year 1953 saw the Legisla-
come of the state government, be { ture affirm a business activities
earmarked for schools and muni- tax for the state, which brings in

Legislature Paves Way,
After Long Discussion,
For Payroll Allotment

Seasonwein, '61, elections director s

Win, 24=1 0
Ov er Titans
Special to The Daily
DETROIT -- Led by the power-
ful bats of Jack Mogk and Dave
Brown, Michigan's baseball team
made a shambles of a highly rated
University of Detroit squad here
yesterday, whipping the Titans,
The two. junior lettermen drove
in eight runs apiece as the Wol-
verines rolled up their highest run
total since 1946.
The Wolverines trailed, 6-3
heading into the eighth inning,
and it looked as if the Titans
were on their way to their 13th
win against just two losses.
Then the fun began!
Unleashing a furious extra base
attack to combine with five U of D
errors, Michigan scored 21 runs in
the last two innings, to turn the
contest into a slaughter.
Catcher Jim Dickey and right-
fielder John Halstead started
things off in the eighth with con-
secutive line singles. This was all
for Gary Mettie, the Titans' ace
hurler, who had posted a 6-1 sea-
son record,including an &-3 deci-
sion over Michigan earlier this
Mogk, who had homered over
the centerfielder's head in his
previous trip to the plate, greeted
the new pitcher with a triple to
left field, scoring Dickey and Hal-
stead. Pinch-hitter Bill Roman
brought him home with a sacrifice
fly to tie the score at 6-6.
The Titan infield then crumpled,
See M' SLUGGERS, Page 6

aid. He continued, saying that the
really concerned with this issue
and thus it can't be considered to
be a cross-section of student opin-

cipalities. It was approved by the
voters amidst cries fromefinancial
experts who realized the conse-
quences which might stem from
its passage.
Indeed, it is because the state
cannot keep all its tax money for
itself, that it now is confronted

One good sign, Seasonwein said,
is the high numbers of graduate Hr
students who voted. The precent-e
age of graduate students voting is
higher than in any other SGC
balloting, he added. Reds Beg
1,853 Favor Bowl
In a breakdown of the votes, ego
1,853 students voted in favor of
continued participation in the
Rose owl, while 568 voted against.: GENEVA (A ) - Secretary of
On th question of all bowl games, State Christian Herter got the
the percentage in favor was even Big Four foreign ministers con-
higher, 2,478 to 229.I ference down to business yester-
A motion to send the results of 1 fdans

the referendum to the faculty
senate was made and passed at
the Student Government Council
meeting last night. Members of
the faculty and the Board of Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics
will make the final bowl decision.
Many council members thought
that if the results of the poll were
sent on with the council com-
ments and interpretations that its
impact as student opinion would
be lost.
Back Council Function
Others, including Al Haber, '60,
took the stand that it is the func-
tion of the council to express stu-
dent opinion.
Jo Hardee, '60, executive vice-
president who made the original
motion specified that the results
be sent along without any SGC
comment. After. discussion and
amendment a motion to advise the
faculty to consider the opinions of
the students in making their de-
cision was also approved.
Seasonwein said later that the
vote should be considered as a sum
of personal opinions, rather than
an opinion on the University's
"The referendum, therefore
must be evaluated in the light of
all these factors in order for the
vote to have any sense," he said.

He challenged the Soviet Union
to enter serious negotiations for
concrete, self - enforcing agree-
ments to ease world tensions.
The tall American diplomat,
chairman in the third day of a
parley previously stalled by Rus-
sion procedural moves, announced
the West will introduce proposals
Keep Cool
GENEVA (P) - Trumpeter
Louis Daniel (Satchmo) Arm-
strong blew into town yesterday
and offered to relax the East-
West Foreign Ministers with his
red hot music.
"I don't know nothing about
politics," he said, "but get them
cats to relax, and daddy, they'll
just relax the tension in this
to that end. He promised United
States participation in summit
talks if the Russians will negotiate
here constructively.
All four of the ministers pre-
sented their opening speeches.
Western spokesmen announced
after the 2-hour, 45-minute meet-
ing in the Palace of Nations that
the Western powers will present
their package plan tomorrow.
This plan, ironed out at a West-
ern conference in Paris last month,
links a solution of the Berlin crisis
to German unification and a Euro-
pean security agreement. It is un-
derstood to provide for uniting
Germany by a series of steps under
Big Four auspices-and with the
help of an all-German committee
-over a period of two or three
Herter and his Western col-
leagues stressed in their opening
statements that the West will not
be steamrollered by Russian diplo-
matic pressure.

$64 million in a normal year. The
corporation franchise tax was lift-
ed in 1951 and 1952 and its ceiling
removed, allowing another $50
million to filter into the till.
There are also such things as
motorists' taxes, but the state
can't touch them since they are
constitutionally designated for
highways. Twice in recent years
these taxes were revised, the -three
per cent state gasoline tax sky-
rocketing up to six cents a gallon.
Motorists' taxes amounted to more
than $200 million last year.
Others Out of Reach
Further, at least $150 million a
year in employers' taxes for un-
employment compensation insur-
ance and $60 million in premiums
for workman's compensation in-
surance are outside the state gov-
ernment's grasp.
Of course, the g o v e r n m e n t
might have cut down its services
when it became aware that it was
spending more than it was tak-
ing in. But it decided against re-
voking services which the taxpay-
ers had come to expect. Further,
the question of which services to
cut seemed all but unanswerable.
As one government expert put
it: "More than half of all state
spending is for education ,welfare
and mental health. I wonder if
the public is ready as an economy.
measure, to tell the University of
Michigan that its 23,000 student
rolls must be reduced to 18,000, to
tell Michigan State University it
must educate only 16,000 students,
not 19,000.
'Is State Ready'
"Is the state ready to tell people
on welfare rolls their checks must
be smaller?" he continued. "Is it
ready to say to the Mental Health
Department, 'go back where you
were years ago. Keep your pa-
tients warm. Feed them. But don't
spend money to treat or cure
them.' "
Thus there is little wonder that'
the state finds itself unable to
meet its present bills and is fran-
tically searching for means to
bring in the necessary funds. 1
The Legislature is currently con-
sidering two methods to bring in3
Driving GroupI
Sets Hearing
There will be an open hearing1
of the Driving Regulations Com-
mittee at 3 p.m. today on the third
floor of the Student Activities
Bldg., Ron Bassey, '61, announced
The meeting is being held to
allow students to voice complaints
they have concerning present driv- i
ing regulations, he added.

'Ensians Available

-Daily-Allan Winder
'ENSIANS OUT-The 1959 Michiganensian will be distributed
beginning today from .10 a.m. to noon and from 1-5 p.m. at the
Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard St. Distribution will
continue at these times through nexi week. Those who have not
ordered their books will be able to purchase them at this time,
according to Arvin Philippart, '59, 'Ensian business manager.
Niehuss Says Exchange Plan
With USSR in Tague' Stage

House Drops
Senate Tax
Increase Bill1
Smeekens' Plan
Passes in Senate;
Goes to Williams
LANSING (A)- The legislature
finally paved the way for distribu-
tion of state paychecks yesterday,
but only after several hours of
The House also turned down the
Senate - approved bill to add a
penny to the sales tax, for the
second time in six days.
This time, barring unusual and
unexpected suspension of the leg-
islative rules, it's dead for good.
It was dinner time when the
Smeekens bill for unfreezing cer-
tain restricted funds in the state
treasury cleared the Senate and
was sent on its way to the Gv-
ernor's desk for signature.
The holdup was over a technical
amendment that Gov. Williams
said was necessary to make the,
bill workable. It was added in the
On the tax bill, Republican
senators, however, have said they
were ready to start action on new
use (sales) tax measures in their
drive to meet the state's revenue
needs with a higher sales ta.
Gov. Williams and fellow Demo-
crats are pushing for a personal
and corporate income tax package.
Again yesterday, Reps. George
W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) and
Louis C. Cramton (R-Lapeer)
sided with Democrats in rejecting
the sales tax.
Gov. Williams greeted the deci-
sion with a smile. "Now I think
this clears the way for Republi-
cans and Democrats to get to-
gether on a tax program," he told
a news conference.
The Governor later told news-
men he didn't know whether the
next big bi-weekly payroll due
May 21 could be met.
Gov. Williams said that the
state administrative board prob-
ably would vote tomorrow to apply
all general fund monies on hand
and expected receipts for at least
another week to meeting state
obligations to local school districts.
ISphinx Select
Nw Legions
Once again the Pharoah has
commanded his legions to cross
the great desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
slaves for the. Pharoah's Cout.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharoah's might.
Into the temple, where gathers
the Court, came neophyte slaves
to the Great Court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan and to
the Pharoah . ..
So came ..J
Harold Applebaum, James R.

SGC To Present
To Clarification Committee'
Student Government Council will present a motion this after-
noon to -the SGC Committee on Clarification on what it considers
the criteria for action of the proposed board of referral.
David Kessel, Grad., presented the motion to the Council last
night. It states that the only criteria for SGC review compatible
with a meaningful student government are the following: a ques-
tion of reasonable action, whether the Council has acted reasonablyl
in accord with the great weight of the evidence, a case of procedural
the evidence; a case of procedural
irregularities or a case of juris-L
dictional question. ILONG LINES OF
The final statement of the mo-
tion was that imposition of any
other criteria for review of SGC C om a
action would, in effect, merely 're-4
place SGC opinion with review
board opinion. Review of this sort
could only result in the eventual
deterioration of student govern- E
ment. 7

An exchange of University and
Soviet Union professors is in the
"vague, preliminary" stage, a
University vice-president reported
yesterday, after an announcement
that Harvard and Columbia uni-
versities may start similar pro-
grams next fall.
President Harlan Hatcher is
exploring various possibilities for
the exchange program on his cur-
rent tour of the Soviet Union,
Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-president
and dean of faculties indicated.
Plans will remain indefinite un-
til President Hatcher returns
about May 20, he added.
'U' To Watch
Niehuss explained the Univer-
sity "may watch and see what
Harvard and Columbia are doing."
Harvard confirmed plans for a
tentative exchange with Lenin-
grad State University Tuesday.

The arrangement should be in
operation by September.
Though the ultimate program is
hoped to be extensive, he said, only
two or three professors will initiate
the exchange.
The Harvard-Leningrad agree-
ment will focus mainly on research
work, with teaching activity sub-
ordinated. Some professors may
lecture, however.
Initiate Negotiations
Negotiations were initiated when
a Harvard delegation visited Len-
ingrad earlier this year. A Lenin-
grad delegation visited Harvard
last month and reached the tenta-
tive agreement there.
At the same time; Columbia was
negotiating for an exchange with
Moscow University. The Soviet
group is expected to complete ne-
gotiations in the United States
next week.
The Columbia-Moscow exchange
may start in February, with more
of an emphasis on teaching than
was envisaged in the Harvard-
Leningrad agreement. A Columbia
informant said this would be
particularly true if outstanding
scholars in physics and oceanog-
raphy at Moscow University could
be brought to the Columbia cam-
t s Might Present Problem
IA government official admitted
that the exchange of social scien-
tists might present a problem. The
Marxist views of Soviet social
scientists are generally regarded
here simply as "Communist propa-
ganda," he said.
From the Soviet point of view,
he added, the teachings of an
American economist or historian
are regarded as "anti-scientific

ger Sees World Universities

Historian Henry Steele Com- Creation of international uni-
mager envisions international uni- versities should parallel the de-
versities, along the line of cline of nationalism, Commager
UNESCO, the World Court, or the explained.
World Health Organization. Cites Nationalism

Asks No 'Redecision'
The basis of the motion is that
the Council does not want the
board in referral to be able to re-
decide everything that the Coun-
cil decides. "If the only basis for
review is reasonability, the Coun-


He sees their establishment as
part of world moves away from
nationalism and a "perhaps re-
quired" trend away from "childish
things" in universities-including
fraternities. sororities and inter-

It is highly probable, Commager
noted, that in the "future of your
generation," nationalism will play
on the world scene the role that
states have played in recent years
in America .and srict insistence

pean countries in recent years hadj
been used for universities.
Commager declared universities
are the fittest agencies for the
tasks ahead. He said they would
be called on to inaugurate pro-
grams looking to the mitigation of
national rivalries, the solution of
international difficulties, and the
construction of a new social, eco-
nomic, and cultural order that

- - ---------

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