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May 13, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-13

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"Ha Hla--We're Still Ahead Of Them"


Sixty-Ninth Year

Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MAY 13, 1959


T .. s.' 1 "6'.. . TIA1i 7
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Laboratory Wants
Storm Information

Residence Halls: Big
Business or Education?

THE RESIDENCE HALLS are not a conveni-
ence; they're big business," said Joel
toneham, business manager of West Quad-
angle at the Student, Faculty, Administration
onference Saturday. "If I'm satisfying the
ajority', I'm doing a good job," he continued.
"This is one reason why we don't let business-
en run the University," answered James H.
obertson, assistant dean of the literary college.
This is indeed a very good reason why busi-
essmen do not run the University. It would
e interesting to know why businessmen are
inning the residence halls.A.
The Michigan House Plan did not set up the
alls as a big business, for there was supposed
be a little. thing called "education" involved
i the whole thing. Students have accused the
sidence halls of being a big business; the ad-
inistration has denied this for as many years.
f INALLY, Mr. Stoneham has said, "they are
big business." No one except the residence
alls administration is likely to deny this.

Everyone is ready to attack this concept, at
least in principle.
The residence hall system was set up to pro-
vide an educational experience as well as a
place to eat and sleep. If Mr. Stoneham's state-
ments were correct, the people who set up the
Michigan House Plan could have saved them-
elves a lot of trouble by establishing The -Quad-
dy Hilton. But this presumably is not what they
had in mind.
T HE RESIDENCE HALLS were supposed to'
have an educational atmosphere. They were
planned as an extension of the scholastic pro-
gram into an integral part of the functions of
the quadrangles. There is no such intellectual
atmosphere in the residence halls. They have
become hotels.l
And they have become hotels because men
like Mr. Stoneham seem to insist that they are
a big business. Well, Mr. Stoneham is right.
They are a big business. The question that re-
mains is how to change them into what they
should be.


- c

Referendum Important

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE of the Rose Bowl
Referendum now being held by the Student
Government Council? The motion calling for
the vote was not passed just to give the. Council
something to do. Its aim is to ascertain student
feeling as to whether or not Michigan should
play in the Rose Bowl, or in any post season
game at all. This question will be presented at
the May 23 Big -Ten Conference where action
whether or not to renew the Rose Bowl contract
which will expire in 1960, will be taken.
Although the opinion of the students will not
determine Michigan's vote on the question, it
may be an important influence. The actual vote
is cast by Prof. Marcus Plant of the Law School,
but he is strongly influenced by the vote of the
Faculty Senate which will be taken on May 18;
Many of the faculty members will base their
decision on that of the students, so that al-
though no one is bound to abide by the results
of the referendum, it could be a deciding factor.

MANY STUDENTS feel that this vote won't
make any difference, and so will not take
the two minutes necessary to vote. Whether or
not Michigan, as such, goes to. the Rose Bowl
is not the question. It is whether he believes the
Big Ten Conference should send a representa-
tive to the annual New Year's festivities in
The second question on the ballot asks
whether we should play in any other post-
season football games, such as the Cotton or
Sugar Bowl games. Michigan is the only univer-
sity that has given its students any opportunity,
to voice an opinrion on any matter of this na-
ture. Even if the University's final vote doesn't
coincide with the results of the referendum,
such opinion will have been made known and
a step will have been taken toward more stu-
dent participation in future decisions. It is thus
a privilege for students to express whatever
views they may have by exercising their right to
vote on this issue.

Spaak Imp(

ortant to West

round table, as the
square table, as we pre
important. But It is ver
early sample of the kin
are now beginning, ne
at Geneva and will go'o
in San Francisco. It w
so much about what sh
it shall be done.
Thus, in Bonn and
London, Washington,
cepted as a fact that
cannot be united du
The real controversies
East, and also in son
West, will turn on h(
politically and psycho
of a continuing partit
Equally, it is surely
cow, as it is in Washin
West Berlin will notx
the Allied token force
ness to this decision,
the access routes to B
war. The real problem,
to deal legally, politic
with the fact that Wes'
in the Western comm
within the Eastern co;
at bottom both s
stance the status quo
not Insoluble, are, howl
Butor, Michel -- At
is accepted will haw
and psychological con



The Sape of the Table
whether to confer at a manys, in West Berlin itself, and indeed in all
Soviets wanted, or at a of Europe.
eferred, was not in itself If, for example, the partition of Germany
ry interesting. For it is an were recognized publicly and definitely, the
nd of negotiations which , political consequences in West Germany would
motiations which opened almost surely be very serious. It would mark
n to the summit, perhaps the total defeat of Adenauer and of his party,
ill be a negotiation not and no one could foresee what they could mean
fall be done as about how in the coming German elections of 1961.
If, on the other hand, there is no recogni-
in Paris, no less than in tion of the fact that there are two German
and Moscow, it is ac- states, and if the Soviet Union openly aban-
nthe two German states doned East Germany as a state, treating it as
ring these negotiations mere occupied territory, there would be a
g as between West and strong incentive and much provocation for an-
measur ithinthe East German revolt. When West Germany is
low toealegal nd rearmed, perhaps with nuclear weapons, an
ow to deal legally and East German revolt would be a very great
ologically with the fact danger to the peace of the world.
ion of Germany.
well understood in Mos-T HE MORAL OF THIS is that the real prob-
agton and the West, that lems will require a high degree of states-
be abandoned, and that manship and that they cannot be solved by
s will remain as a wit- pounding the table and playing to the gallery.
and that a blockade of The hard part of the negotiation, which will
erlin would be an act of have to be carried on quietly and offstage, will
about Berlin will be how consist in devising juridical and political for-
ally, and psychologically, mulae ' which accommodate the political and
t Berlin will remain with- psychological imponderables. This will not be
unity while it is located easy to do, especially if it has to be done with
mmunity. constant stamping, whistling, and cat-calls
from the gallery about who has won what, who
isoluble problems in that has given away what, who is a fool or a knave.
ides will accept in sub- There are two things which we need not
. The problems, though Worry about. One is that Washington and Lon-
ever, complex and subtle. don will betray Bonn and Paris. They will not.
Change of Heart. Trans- The other thing we need not worry about is that
e far-reaching political Bonn and Paris have a veto. which they will
asequences in both Ger- exercise to prevent us from negotiating what
has to be negotiated. Bonn and Paris have no
such veto power, and they know it.
t3 tit THEPROBLEM WITHIN the alliance does
not lie in any fundamental and substantial
conflict of purposes, or even in any important
nal Staf difference of estimate as to what is the reality
TAUB, Editor of the existing situation. The problem within
JOHN WEICHER the alliance is how to enable West Germany to
City Editor accommodate itself politically and psychologi-
ate Editor cally to the reality that there will be two Ger-
...........Personnel Director manys for the indefinite future.
Associate Editorial Director
............., sports Editor This will be a hard experience for the Ger-
. Associate City Editor mans. Historians may well say that in this
.Associate Personnel Director
.Associate Sports Editor experience the role France has chosen for itself
.... Associate Sports Editor is not to say yes-yes to Adenauer, but to pro-

N WORLD diplomacy not even
the greatest of power is yet a.
substitute for people, for individ-
ugl man. And in diplomacy it is
impossible to overestimate the
value of a long-established repu-
tation for special integrity, for
ability, for common sense.
This is why a statesman from
one of the smallest of ithe Western
nations is filling an ever-increas-
ing role in the West's search for a
unified approach in the summit
conference with the Soviet Union.
It is all very well to keep one's
eyes on the mammoths-on Wash-
ington, on London, on Moscow.
But it would be a mistake to spare
no glance to Paul-Henry Spaak
of Belgium.
* * *
SPAAK COMES from a country
that has few troops; but even
fewer soft and foolish illusions.
Stalin cynically asked during the
second World War of the Pope:
"How many divisions has he got?"
Belgium, like the Pope in this
regard, is short on divisions. But
Belgium has Spaak. Or, rather,
Belgium has provided Spaak to be
the leader of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization as its secre-
tary-general. And this Spaak is no
mean force on the side of the
For Spaak speaks now not for
Belgium; but for what is, after all,
the sole collective and political
force of the West, the NATO alli-
ance. He is not now simply that
middle-aged, calm, rocklike Bel-

gian who, used to lead his own
country with the skill of the true
professional. He is now the em-
bodied voice of the free West.
* * *
THOSE WHO please to do so
are welcome to compare Spaak to
Dag Hammarskjold of the United
Nations. But there is, in fact, a
big difference, all the difference in
the world. Hammarskjold as sec-
retary--general of the UN speaks
for an organization that is im-
mense on the outside but next to
powerless on the inside. Spaak, as
secretary-general of NATO, speaks
for an organization that is unique
in international politics.
Spaak understands both persua-
sion and power and is fully at
home with either. He is a kind of
human bridge now, and more and
more will be one, between the big-
ger partners of NATO. This he
could never be, not withstanding
his official position or a dozen
official positions, but for the kind
of man he is. It is not the title
that is significant here; it is the
human personality.
Spaak stands now at the point
of what is in sober truth a genuine
division in spirit within the West-
ern alliance as to how best jointly
to deal with the Russians at the
summit. It would be false and de-
structive to inflate this into some
bitter and rupturing row. But it
would be equally false, and per-
haps destructive too, to pretend
that no kind of disagreement
exists at all.

CERTAINLY, the United States,
West Germany and France are
troubled by the -fear that the
British may be ready to offer the
Russians too much too soon. Cer-
tainly, some of the smaller part-
ners-Belgium among them, for
that matter-are similarly trou-
bled. And certainly the British, on
their side, are worried that we may
offer unduly difficult preconditions
to negotiating at the summit.
Thus it will be necessary to
accomplish two things of an al-
most-unspeakable gravity:
1. To see to it that the smaller
members of the Western alliance
are kept fully and currently in-
formed of what the big fellows are
preparing. These smaller members
are in no "big four." But their
wisdom is not defined by their size.
And they can contribute much,
both in the preservation of West-
ern unity and even, perhaps, in
sound procedural suggestions to
the big fellows working upstairs.
2. Most of all, to make certain
that the big powers do not gain
the summit only to lose the alli-
ance itself.
There is good reason to believe
that Spaak is setting out now on
just such a delicate mission as
this. It would be drawing the bow
too far to say flatly that he can do
this historic job. But it is certainly
fair to say that if anybody can do
it, that somebody will be Spaak of
(Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)

To the Editor:
TH E Meteorological Laboratories
of the University of Michigan
would appreciate receiving infor-
mation based on direct personal
observations from your readers
concerning the severe storm which
struck Ann Arbor on the morning
of Monday, May 11. We would be
interested in hearing about any
unusual appearance of the sky
and clouds, with photographs if
available, unusual sounds, light-
ning displays, etc. Positive inf or-
mation on wind direction and
wind speed, barometric pressure,
the exact time the storm struck a
specific point along its path, and
on similar matters would be help-
ful. We have our own observations
made at the Meteorological Lab-
oratories and one citizen with a
private weather station equipped
with a pressure-tube anemometer
watched the indicated wind speed
rise well above the scale of the in-
strument. Additional information
would be valuable.
If you have facts of these types
you would like to report, please
phone NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. 639
or 642 or 3060 before 5 p.m. or be-
tween 7 and 10 p.m. during the
next several days.
--E. Wendell Hewson
Professor of Meteorology
To the Editor:
WRITING under "What Price,
Diplomacy," in the May 2 is-
sue of The Daily, the writer advo-
cates for the installing of profes-
sional diplomats, well versed in
diplomacy and world affairs, to
bolster the now ebbing American
diplomacy abroad.
No one pretends that the pres-
ent system of selecting prominent
citizens (prominent actors, busi-
nessmen, writers, etc.) to'U.S.A.
ambassadorial missions, as differ-
entiated from a professional dip-
lomatic class, is the best one. But
of all the systems that have been
tried from time to time, it is the
least inimical.
Every solution to a problem is a
complex one and comes as a "co-
alesced solution" of advantages
inseparably fused with disadvan-
tages. It is the aim to select the.
one with the greatest advanta-
geous content and the least dis-
advantageous ingredients. For ex-
amp le, in pre-war Germany the
strong professional military offi-
cers' class became such an exclu-
sive clique of a father officer be-
getting a son officer that it be-
came very hard, if not impossible,
for anyone to intrude into this of-
ficers' class, unless born into it.
It no doubt had the advantage of
'high military fighting efficiency,
but suffered from the far greater
disadvantage of its e x c l u s i v e..
members often taking rash action
prompted by feelings of vindicat-
ing the honour, pride and such
high sounding ideals of the class.
Thus a class removed from the
affairs of the common citizens be-
cause of its professional isolation
found itself defending the des-
tinies of a nation. Today one only
has a lingering fear for the pro-
fessional military class.
Likewise the professional diplo-
matic class (as it was in Great
Britain) soon became an exclu-
sive class. Removed from the com-
mon humdrum affairs of the citi-
zens, it became a class distinct
and isolated from the general citi-
zenry with whom it shared noth-
ing in common. This becomes, in-
deed, dangerous, for the profes-
sional diplomatic class is more
apt to be concerned with preserv-
ing its own professional class
prestige than the welfare of the
citizens. A step forward was taken
when the diplomatic corps was
chosen from prominent persons
from every walk of life, so that it
could share feelings closer with

the common citizenry, much as a
jury is composed of men and wo-
men from every walk of life. Now
to advocate for a professional dip-
lomatic class is to take a step
backward in the conduct of hu-
man affairs.
Thomas David, Grad.
Inconsistency . .
To the Editor:
THE STANDARDS by which the
judges chose the winners in
Spring Weekend were not only in-

consistent, they were often com-
pletely absent. Since I have been
on this campus, I have seen a
steady decline in the enthusiasm
which is placed in such events as
Homecoming, Spring Weekend,
and Michigras. I attribute this de-
cline directly to the fact that the
judging is so spasmodic and un-
predictable that the participants
have no idea what they can do
to make their display, or skit, a
winner. Rumor has it that "luck,"
and nothing else, determines the
surprised winners of these acti-
Last weekend, for example, I
understood from my friends on
the Central Committee that the
criteria for judging the skits were
to be originality, performance and
number of people actively en-
gaged. So far I have talked to few
people that were not surprised at
the results of the judging. The
skit won, though excellently per-
formed, was as unoriginal as they
come and, without the few near
professionals that held it togeth-
er, would have been a flop, I ask
you: What chance has Geddes
and other independent houses
against the financial resources of
a national sorority?
The booths at the dance were
another surprising affair. Was it
necessary to have four winners,
four honorable mentions and then
leave five houses completely out?
Is a bare bar fronted by a few
tables with no enthusiastic sup-
port, or the front of an old movie
theater more worthy of honorable
mention than a wake parlor
which, in terms of technical skill
and imagination, spelled original-
ity? How are these houses to know
what to aim at? I say it is no
wonder that people were puzzled
at the judging of these events.
My reason for writing is not to
establish myself as a spoil sport,
but as a speaker for the many
confused students who work mad-
ly on the originality of their skit
one year, only to find that the
scenery won; or work madly on
their scenery to find it was the
number of student employed in
the skit that counted. Please:
Can't we have some standard for
consistent judging on this campus
so that at least half the students
will be satisfied with the out-
come? I believe the criteria for
each event should be published
beforehand, the judges should
have some conception of the stu-
dent appeal which the individual
effort represents, and that, above
all, there should be a consistency
in the judging of all campus
--Name Withheld on Request
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Uiver-
sity. of Michigan for which Th
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Roome3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX; NO. 160
General Notices
The eleventh in a weekly series of
films on Space Technology, sponsored
by Bendix Corp. and The College of En-
gineering Wed., May 13, Aud. A., Angell
Hall at 4:30 p.m.
University Lecture, Dept. of Sociology.
"Research Strategy in the Sociology of
Mental Health." Dr. John A. Clausen,
Nat'l. Inst. of Mental Health. 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., May 13, Aud. C, Angell Hall.

The University symphony Orchestra,
Josef Blatt, conductor, annual spring
concert, Hill Auditorium, Wed., May 13
at 8:30 p.m. Symphony No. 3 in E-flat
(Eroica), by Beethoven, first Ann Arbor
performance in twenty-six years. Stra-
vinsky's "Le Sacre Du Printemps (The
Rite of spring).
Academic Notices
..Dept. of Near Eastern Studies. Afif
Tannous, Chief, Africa and Middle East
Analysis Branch U.S. Dept. of Agricul-
ture. "The Critical Role of Agriculture
in Near East Development," Thurs.,
May 14, 4:15 p.m. Angell Hall, And. A.
Center for Japanese Studies, Prof.
Ronald Dore, Dept. of History, Univ. of
British Columbia, "Decline of Oyabun-
Kobun Relations in a Japanese Village,"
May 14, 4:00 p.m., E. Conf. Rm.. Rack-
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Dr.
Rudolph Albrecht "On the Conformal
Mappings of Ring Domains," Thurs.,
May 14, 4:00 p.m.. Em., 246:W.Engrg.
Bldg. Refreshmnets at 3:30 p.m. Rm.
274 W. Engrg. Bldg.
Political Science Roundtable meet-
ing, Thurs., May 14, 8:00 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall. Prof. Lucian W. Pye,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"Political Theory and Behavioral Sci-
Analysis Seminar: Dr. D. S. Green-
stein, "Stieltjes Integral Representa-
tion,f Harmnicn'and Anavtic ThFuc-




Summit Meeting Under Way'

Associated Press News Analyst
RUSSIA has yielded before the
first display of allied unity at
Geneva and the Big Four Con-
ference is under way in just about
the atmosphere which was ex-
Representatives of East and
West Germany are siting in as ad-
visers, an arrangement which the
Western powers had expected al-
though they did not desire it. Thus
By The Associated Press
GENEVA, The conference of Big
Four opened Monday with this
twofold purpose:
1. To narrow East-West differ-
ences on the future of divided
2. To clear the decks for a pg.-
sible East-West summit meeting
in the summer.
The Big Four are the United
States, Britain, France, Russia.
The parley was arranged in the
wake of Russia's demand last Nov.
27 that West Berlin be turned into
a demilitarized free city and that
Western garrisons quit the former
rrnn 4Q.I1., to h rliA~Cm,,oeCA

ends the semi-comical battle of
the tables.
* * *
THERE IS an air of symbolism
about this beginning of the con-
Fundamentally, it is being held
as a substitute for the crisis which
the Soviets had threatened to
stage this spring over the status
of West Berlin.
It began with a threat to throw
the Allied occupation forces out
of the former German capital,
which Khrushchev now agrees
can be "delayed." The meeting is
inaugurated under a reminder, or
a boast, by Khrushchev that he
can knock out all of Europe with
16 hydrogen bombs.
The Allies said positively they
would not get out of Berlin. Mos-
cow began talking about negotia-
*. * *
table so the East German repre-
sentative could be squeezed in, and
then formally demanded a seat for
him. The Allies said no, there
would be no recognition of East
Germany as an entity separate
from all Germany, de facto or
otherwise. They were prepared for
German presence in an advisory
capacity, and Gromyko accepted.
The Russian threats, and the
Allied determination not to run,

rather than close it, on a summit
For a time, Khrushchev insisted
that, unless the Foreign Ministers
reached at least some preliminary
agreements of substance the Reds
would go ahead with a separate
peace treaty for Epast Germany.
Since thenhe has indicated, and
repeated to Viscount Bernard
Montgomery, that this, too, be de-
Five years ago, a Foreign Min-
isters conference sealed the formal
division of Vietnam, as another
conference had sealed the division
of Korea. That is not going to be
repeated with regard to Germany.
Germany is too close to the heart
of the free world.


Senimore Says .. .


~:jig 14
Editorial Director
DALE CANTOR .........
GI COLEMAN . ......

'~i~ zzm~qm

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