TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1959
x the game's the thing!
Fred Katz, Associate Sports Editor
Hoosiers Defeat
Golfrs,9 -8
(Coninued from Page 1) $t,
He Fined Fisher
THEY FORMED a steady parade Saturday to a nearly-isolated
section of the grandstand. Three generations passed by. The kids
collected autographs. Former Michigan baseball players and wives
related their recent success. And there were the cronies of Ray Fisher.
They came by to reminisce or merely say hello.
One of the latter had just left.
"There goes the only guy to ever fine me - and make it stick,"
said Fisher.
Now, no man has gained more respect than Ray Fisher during
his half-century in baseball. But Ray Fisher was not a man to keep
his feelings to himself when he felt injustice had been received from
an upire. And so many a Big Ten or major league arbiter had a
chance to curb Ray Fisher's tongue through a slap on the pocketbook.
Here had passed the only man who had ever done so. This
was indeed a rare occasion.
One question and an answer gave his identity - George Moriarty.
TE MEMORY wheels turned. Of course he was an umpire but
wasn't he also a former Detroit Tiger star, manager and scout?
"That I was," said George Moriarty, "and as far as I know, I'm
the only one who was all four in the majors."
George Moriarty, at 74, is still a Tiger 'scout, although on a
limited and voluntary basis.
"No more of those 20,000-mile junkets," he says. "I just kind
of take it at my leisure. Besides, I'm on an American League pension
GEORGE MORIARTY has been immortalized - in a masterpiece of
sports literature by William J. Cameron. It appeared in The De-
troit News in 1909 as an editorial entitled "Don't Die on Third." It
detailed Moriarty's feat of 11 steals of home in one season. This
is a record that still stands.
Moriarty started his playing career in 1903 with the Chicago
Cubs, went to the New York Highlanders in 1906 and left the National
[ieague for good in 1909. Except for a short stay with the White Sox
in 1916, his last playing season, and 22 years of umpiring, Moriarty
has remained with the Tigers.
And this continued service with Detroit is the source of a new
problem. His youngest son, Dave, is a senior on the Wisconsin base-.
ball team and has received several major league offers.
"This -puts me in a peculiar position," said the consultant to
the Tigers' general manager. "Naturally I'd like to see him go with
Detroit. But he might not have as good a chance to break in with
them as somewhere else.
"Of course, the money counts, but if he has to take less and
would have a better chance, then that's the thing he should do."
"Harvey Kuenn, whom I signed, was a guy who could have had
a lot more than the $55,000 he got from us, but he saw the playing
opprtunities awaiting him," recalled Moriarty.
*" * *
But Praises Him, Too...
WHAT ABOUT this fine he gave Fisher? The years had dimmed
Moriarty's recollection of the incident.
But he expressed his admiration for the boost Fisher gave to
Michigan and college baseball.
"Being a former pitcher, he did a lot with the pitching. But he
also developed many of the other facets of baseball, like baserunning
and fielding.
"What I liked him most for, though, was his aggressiveness,"
Moriarty said. "It's a tremendous incentive for developing courage in
a ball club when it sees a coach doing things so aggressively."
WHAT ARE the saddest of words? Maybe they're "what might have
To Moriarty, an astute judge of baseball talent, it was indeed
a sad moment when a player with all the potential and natural
ability one has a right to have finally left the majors, a failure.
"Dick Wakefield (former Wolverine and Tiger) was one of the
greatest hitters I ever saw. He should have had a 12-17 year career
and he should have left his career in the record books. He was the
ballplayer's ballplayer," Moriarty exclaimed.
"But he had tough luck and he had a lot of slumps. The people
most surprised at his failure were those in the American League, all
of whom had great respect for him.
"I would have liked to have seen him as a shouting, 'pepper'
player like Enos Slaughter became under Burt Shotton. You know,
Slaughter wasn't always the real hustler he, has become.
"One day Shotton told Slaughter to run in after an inning.
Slaughter asked 'What for?' Shotton fined him on the spot and took
him out. From then on, Slaughter became the fastest guy in and out
it either league.w
"If Wakefield had been forced to hustle, he would have hit those
records. That's all it takes."
'Al' Teams Play Today
Michigan's golf team went down
to a heartbreaking 91/2-8/2 defeat
yesterday at the hands of visit-
ing ndiana in a rainshortened
match which was in doubt until
the last foursome finished.
The Wolverines needed five
points out of a possible six in the
foursome to win the meet.
Dick Youngberg of the hosts
won three out of the five with his
78, but Larry Markman, who had
copped the front nine, ran into an
even par performance on the back
nine by Hoosier sophomore Dave
Pelz. Pelz thus captured two points
with a 78 to Markman's 80 giving
the visitors their one point mar-
Golf Summaries
Indiana 9/j, MICHIGAN 8%
1. Ray Lovell, 38-38-76 1
2. Joe Brisson, 41-41-82 1/
3. Chuck Blackett, 36-38--74 3
4. Pat Keefe, 41-39-80 0
5. Dick Youngberg, 38-40-78 3
6. Larry Markman, 40-40-80 1
1. Jon Sommer,36-39-75; Ron
Royer,'39-41-80; 3. Darl Kr.ete,
40-40-80; 4. Dick Barth, 38-38-76;.
5. Tom Coble, 39-43-82; 6. Dave
Pelz, 42-36-78.
Sept. 27, 1958. Michigan opens
its football season against South-
ern California.
Sophomore Willard (Skip) Hil-
debrand listed as the third string
left tackle, behind George Genyk
and Jim Gray, sits on the bench
as his2teammates edge the Tro-
jans, 20-19.
November 22, 1958. The Wolver-
ines close their season with a
heartbreaking 20-14 loss to Ohio
Tackle Hildebrand, still listed as
number three at his position,
again watches from the bench.
April 14, 1959. Spring football
practice opens under the direction
of Bump Elliott.
The new season again finds
Hildebrand listed as the number
The meet was shortened to 18
holes due to the high winds and
electrical storm which hit Ann Ar-
bor yesterday morning. The play-
ers had finished six holes before
the deluge, but they came offrthe
course immediately and started
over around noon.
However, the day was not with-
out its bright spots for the losers.
Chuck Blackett won medalist
honors with a fine 74 and he would
have shot even par except for a
double bogey six on the thirteenth
Captain Ray Lovell came in
with his usual steady game, firing
a 76, but was nosed out by In-
diana's Jon Sommer who had a 75.
Although dropping the meet,
Michigan edged the Hoosiers in
total strokes, 470 to 471, and
that's what counts in the Big Ten
a jor League
W ,L Pct. GB
Cleveland 15 9 .625 -
Chicago 14 11 .560 11/2
Baltimore 15 12 .556 1Y2
Washington 14 14 .500 3
Boston 12 12 .500 3
New York 11 13 .458 4
Kansas City 11 14 .440 4'j
Detroit , 9 16 .360 6%
Baltimore 7, Washington 3
Only game scheduled
Kansas City at Baltimore
Chicago at Boston
Cleveland at New York
Detroit at Washingotn
W L 'Pet. GB
Milwaukee 15 9 .625 -
x-Los Angeles 16 12 .571 1
Cincinnati 14 11 .560 11
x-San Francisco 13 12 .520 2%2
Chicago 14 15 .483 3Y z
x-Philadelphia 11 13 .458 4
x-Pittsburgh 11 13 .458 4
St. Louis 9 18 .333 7/z
Milwaukee 8, Chicago 1
x-Philadelphia 3, Los Angeles 0
(after three innings)
x-San Francisco 1, Pittsburgh 0
(after three innings)
Only games scheduled
Pittsburgh at San Francisco
Philadelphia at Los Angeles
Milwaukee at Chicago
Cincinnati at St. Louis
The Daseola Barbers
Near Michigan Theater
Damage was not confined to this
area as the strong winds slashed
a swatch a mile long and 100
feet wide. It started in the inter-
section of S. Seventh St. and
Franklin Blvd. and ended in the
Ann Arbor Hills, Tuomy Hills sec-
tor almost a mile to the west.
Woman Killed
An elderly woman, Otillie De-
Fries, was the only fatality in the
Ann Arbor area. She was killed by
a falling electric wire. A neighbor
of hers said that Miss DeFries was
walking down the street when a
light rain started. A woman yelled
to her to get out of the rain as
the wire fell across her leg. She
was dead when men from the
electricecompany came to remove
the wire.
Another woman, Sue Connable,
visiting a son in Ann Arbor, broke
a hip as she fell down the cellar
steps after lights in the house
went out. It was reported late last
night that she was resing well.
Other damage throughout the
city was caused mostly by fallen
limbs and trees. In the immediate
area of Prof. Guthe's home it was
estimated that a total of $50,000
damage was done. Trees lined the
streets and sidewalk as 300 city
workmen sawed and hauled in
order to get traffic back to normal.
Rope Off Section
Police roped off a large section
of the city near the campus to
allow emergency traffic to get
through to the damaged property.
Besides police and the sheriff
units, the Red - Cross, Salvation
Army and Civil Defense helped the
people who were shocked and in-
jured by wind and fallen limbs.
H. R?. Shipman, new Civil Defense
director of Ann Arbor, said he was
pleased at the way the depart-
ments operated in this affair. It is
unfortunate that it took a disaster
of this kind for it to be realized
that improvements have to be
made in communications. As an
example he mentioned the tele-
phone bottleneck that was caused
by people calling in to the fire and
police departments as well as the
weather bureau.
Damage Elsewhere
Strong winds also damaged cities
elsewhere in Michigan as well as
through the United States. At the
tip of the thumb area of Michigan,
a tornado just missed Harbor
Beach Community School.
A tornado was also reported at
the Harbor BeachkCoast Guard
station. The only known damage
in the area was the steel chimney
torn from a lighthouse.
STRONG WINDS-The force of the winds which hit Ann Arbor yesterday uprooted a tree whose
roots then tore up the sidewalk. This bridge of cement is only one of the many odd feats performed
by the tragic storm. Huge trees were torn down and whole houses moved from their foundations.
One amazing thing: only one death was caused by the storm.
ROOF RIPPED-The violent winds yesterday severely damaged
the roof of the University's Yost Field House. The wind tore in one
one large door and whipped up to the roof, throwing the tiles into
the nearby parking lot. Damage to the building was estimated to
be $100,000. Besides the Field House, windows in the Stadium
press box were blown in.
by Allan Winder
and Peter Anderson
... receives Morton trophy
three left tackle, this time behind
Tom Jobson and freshman Wally
May 9, 1959. The annual intra-
squad game concludes spring
Hildebrand, now listed as the
number one left tackle, starts for
the Blue team and is awarded the
Meyer W. Morton trophy as the
most improved player on the
Michigan squad.
How did this sudden change
come about?
"We feel that on the basis of
the desire, willingness to work and
hustle that Hildebrand showed us
this spring, he deserves both the
promotion and the Morton tro-
phy," Elliott stated in explanation.
"He showed the coaching staff
that he really wants to play," El-
liott continued, "we expect him to
help us considerably next fall."
- O leIV K
Michigan's baseball team, unde-
feated in its last four games, and
the Wolverine tennis squad, un-
defeated in Big Ten competition,
attempt to extend their winning
records today.
The diamondmen host Western
Michigan at* 3:30 p.m. at Ferry
Field, while the netters travel to
Michigan State for their match.
'M' baseball coach Don Lund
has named southpaw hurler Bob
Marcereau to oppose the Broncos,
who have beaten Michigan State
and Iowa in games earlier this
Lund said that his lineup is
still in doubt due to injuries in-
curred by two of his key men, first
baseman Bill Roman and third
sacker Dave Brown in the double
win over Wisconsin Saturday.
Centerfielder Jack Mogk will
also be out of the lineup due to an
examination. Rightfielder John
Halstead will move to center and
reserve John Danovich will play
Meanwhile, at East Lansing, the
M' tennis team will meet Michi-
gan State.
kiss in number one singles and
senior Fostor Hoffman in num-
ber two singles. These two are also
paired in number one doubles.
Wolverine tennis coach Bill
Murphy will 'o with Jon Erickson,
Gerry Dubie and Bob Sassone in
the first, second and third singles
slots, respectively.
Larry Zaitzeff, Wayne Peacock
and Mike Gordon will round out
the singles lineup.
Erickson and Dubie will again
be paired in number one doubles,
while second and third doubles
will be played by Zaitzeff and
Peacock, and Sassone and Gor-
SCARED-This collie seems to prefer to watch the aftermaths FIREMEN-Two men struggle to put out the fire that flared up
of yesterday's storm from behind the protection of a screen door. at the home of Prof. Earl F. Guthe of the zoology department.
From the angle of the porch it is probably safer to stay inside. After the fire in the rubble was extinguished the fire from the gas
Many homes were damaged by the strong winds. main still burned. It burned for almost two hours.
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Good looks and easy com-
fort go hand in hand in
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