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May 12, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-12

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



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-Daily-Peter Anderson
DESTRUCTION-Explosion and fire destroyed the home of Prof. Karl Guthe of the zoology depart-
ment yesterday. The wall-shattering blast was caused by gas which filled the house when an
upturned tree broke a main. At the time of the explosion no one was in the house. Prof. Guthe's
wife escaped the disaster when she smelled gas and went across the street to telephone.





Ann Arbor quickly moved to get
back to normal following the high
winds which left one dead and
damages estimated at $250,000.
Officials of gas and electric com-
panies said that service should be
completely back to normal by late
Predicts Vote
Roger Seasonwein, '61, elections
director, predicted that 7,000 stu-
dents would vote in the Rose Bowl
referendum today and tomorrow.
However, he added, adverse
weather might force the vote
down to as low as 5,000. If it does
rain, the voting booth on the
Diagonal will be moved to the
Fishbowl. The booth at the Un-
dergraduate Library, however, will
not be moved.
"We just want students'. opin-
ion on whether they want to go
to the Rose Bowl or any other
bowl," Seasonwein said. The two
proposals that should be voted on
1) Should the University sup-
port continued Big Ten participa-
tiortin the Rose Bowl Agreement?
2) Should the University sup-
port any post-season football par-
Seasonwein said that he would
present a motion at the SGC
meeting tomorrow supporting the
-vote of the students. This motion
would express the opinion of the
students to the members of the
faculty and the Board In Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics. This
group will make the final decision.
During the last week, Rose Bowl
decisions were made at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin and at Mich-
igan State University. At Wiscon-
sin the faculty reaffirmed its
previous stand and voted against
continued participation in the
Rose Bowl. Taking the opposite
stand the MSU Athletic ,Council
voted yesterday to continue with
the agreement.
Polls will be open today and to-
morrow from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
the Diag and from 7 p.m. to 10
p.m. at the Undergraduate Li-
Council Lauds
City's Reaction
The City Council has passed a
resolution commending the city's
response to the twisting wind
storm which struck Ann Arbor
yesterday morning.%
"I want to compliment very
highly the city administrator and
the various departments of the

morning. However for many Ann
Arbor residents whose property
was damaged by the high winds, it
will be a long time before things
are as they were.
The greatest damage is thought
to have been done to Yost Field
house where one-fourth of the
roof was torn off by the wind.
With the damage to the roof and
to electrical fixtures hit by falling
tiles, a rough estimate of $100,000
destruction was made yesterday.
Since then other parts of the roof
have fallen. Albert C. Katzen-
meyer, associate supervisor of
physical education, said that this
was only an estimate and a fur-
ther investigation will have to be
made before the exact damages
will be known.
Plant Damaged
An estimated $20,000 damage
was done to the rest of the athletic
plant. The baseball pressbox was
almost completely demolished, and
windows broken in the Stadium.
On the grounds surrounding Yost
Field House, the caretaker's barn
was picked up from its foundation
and moved nearer the wall.
Other houses felt the brunt of
the storm more severely. On
Brockwood, a home owned by Prof.
Karl Guthe of the zoology depart-
ment was completely destroyed.
As the winds began, a tree crashed
on his house tearing theshigh ten-
sion wires from the poles.
As the tree fell, its roots tore up
the gas main in front of the house.
The gas quickly filled the house. A
spark touched off the explosion
which blew in the walls and finally
resulted in fire.
Smells Fumes
Before the explosion occurred
Prof. Guthe's wife, smelling fumes,r
rushed into the street and escaped
injury. After two hours when the
firemen finally put out the fire, the
house was a total loss. On either
side of Prof. Guthe's house there
was also extensive damage.
Gerald Mendelsohn, Grad., said
that after the house filled with
fumes someone called the gas com-
pany and a man came out to turn
off the gas. Mendelsthn added
that after being in the house for
a few minutes, the man from the
gas company ran out and warned
everyone to get away. Shortly after
it exploded.
Limbs Cause Problems
The fire department came quick-
ly, Mendelsohn continued, but had
a difficult time attaching their
hoses due to the number of trees
and limbs that fell in the street.
A woman who lives in back of
Prof. Guthe said that the fire
was very unusual as the smoke
instead of being white or grey was
green. Neighbors in the immediate
area reported that windows were
Driving Group
Sets Hearings

broken and across the street paint
bli'stered from the heat.
Until it was determined that
Prof. Guthe's three children were
in school there was doubt that no
one was in the house. Doctors and
nurses came to give first aid if
needed, but as no one was in the
house they soon left.
See DISASTER, Page 6
House Stop.-s
Money Bill
LANSING OP)-The House de-
clined to suspend rules yesterday
and put up for immediate passage
a bill which Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams said earlier would release
certain earmarked funds and per-
mit the prompt meeting of a state
payroll which went by the boards
last week,
Gov. Williams had said that the
bill could have been passed last
night if the lawmakers agreed to a
suspension of House rules. But the
House declined the suspension.
Republican Wilfred G. Bassett
of Jackson told the House-"I'm
not willing to jump into this thing
with both feet until I've had a
closer look at it."
So now, under the normal legis-
lative schedule, the measure will
come up for a vote on the House
floor -tomorrow.
Gov. Williams had said the
measure was to a solution to the
basic problems of the current cash
crisis. He said it wouldn't have
any effect on whether the next
state payroll is met on the 21st
of this month.
- The Governor said the so-called
Smeekens bill "is no solution to
the cash crisis. It doesn't put a
nickel in the treasury, and creates
no new money."
Nearly 26,000 state workers had
their bi-weekly paychecks with-
held last Thursday.

Discussion of the faculty pro-
prosal for a committee of referral
was continued last night by the
SGC Plan Clarification Commit-
Main points debated were the
question of alumni representation
on the proposed membership of th
Board in Review of SGC, the time
limit on stays of action, the par-
ticipation of University students
in discussion of University policy
and in what SGC affairs the Board
should have the power to act.
In answer to Ron wGregg, '60,
who questioned the inclusion of
an alumnus on the Board, Prof.
Oliver Edel, of the music school,
said, "It is pertinent to consider
their presence not just to placate
them, but to let them have a voice
in what concerns them." '
Alumni Represent Experience
Prof. Lionell Laing, of the po-
litical science department said
that alumni represent experience
and knowledge, pointing out the
alumni on the Board of Control
of Student Publications. Vice-
president James A. Lewis said that
the presence of an alumnus can
overcome some of the complaints
of "how can you let kids make
such decisions?"
In opposition, Gregg observed
that the alumnus represents the
alumni as a group. He said that
the purpose of this Board would
be to have a community of opinions
without vested interests.
Represent Group
Bobbie Maier, '59, ex-president
of the League, said that alumni
tended to have a financial out-
look and that she could .rot see
why they should have representa-
tion on such a board concerned
with student government.
Prof. Laing then suggested that
the alumnus be one who had
served on SGC, citing as preced-
ence the first study plan com-
mittee membership composed of
alumni with student government
experience. He said that this qual-
ification would guarantee that
they had had some experience
with student affairs.
Must Report
Advice to reconsider an action for
a stay of action on referral should
be the power of this board. By the
third SGC meeting, following the
referral to it of an SGC action, the
committee must report its decision
to the vice-president in charge of
student affairs and to SGC. The
vice-president must then report
his decision to SGC the following
Miss Maier asked Vice-President
Lewis what effect the Board deci-
sion would have on his decision.
"It would be a very unusual cir-
cumstance that, after advice had
been given, that the office would
go counter to that advice."

... represents U.S.

Ministers Begin Cold War Negotiations
GENEVA (AP) - The Soviet Union and the Big Three Western
foreign ministers plunged into cold war negotiations yesterday after
colliding head-on over German participation.
,..The West beat back a belated Soviet attempt to seat Communist
: ; ;East Germany as a full negotiator.
.:..:. ......In a chaotic prelude, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and
the Big Three ministers wrangled throughout the day over the
eleventh-hour Russian attempt to bring East Germany to the confer-
ence table.
Moves for Prestige
Gromyko was making an obvious move to build up prestige for
the East German Communist regime. Considering the East German
. . regime a mere Soviet satellite

'U' Citicizes
Of Schools
Group To Guarantee
Planning of Budgets
According to Rules
A bill proposing a commission
to coordinate the nine state-sup-
ported institutions' budget requests
lies now in the lap of the state
Senate's education committee.
Criticism from University offi-
cials yesterday knocked down the
bill on three counts. But Sen. El-
mer Porter (R-Blissfield) firmly
upheld the commission on higher
education which he sponsored.
Introduced in the Senate, last
week, the bill asks for a board of
15 members, who are not "engaged
professionally in education work
during (their) term of office,"
each of whom will serve six years.

World News'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The 91-year
old system of collecting federal
excise taxes on liquor and cigar-
ettes through the sale of taxi
stamps will be abandoned next
The Treasury said yesterday
that starting June 24 distillers
and tobacco manufacturers will
pay the excises by filing returns
twice a month.
CALCUTTA, India - Soviet
troops are reported by travelers
from Tibet to have joined the
Chinese Communists attempting
to crush rebel tribesmen in that
mountain kingdom.
Official confirmation is lacking.
Informants who described them-
selves as eyewitnesses said about
250 armed Soviet soldiers .moved
into the caravan center of Gy-
antse April 24 in a convoy that in-
cluded some Chinese cavalry units.
S* * *
WASHINGTON - Unemploy-
ment fell sharply last month as
the number of Americans at work
reached a record high for April.
A jump in the job total of 1,-
184,000 from March to April took
735,000 off the unemployment
douin of the Belgians got a warm
welcome yesterday from President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, who as-
sured him the American people
will be happy to see him.
The 28-year-old bachelor king
and Pres. Eisenhower, with big
smiles, met at the airport in a
colorful setting of waving flags
and military array.-

United States Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter, British For-
eign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd and
French Foreign Minister Maurice
Couve de Murville balked.
Lloyd, chairman of the first ses-
-sion, moved in to mediate the
clash that threatened to deadlock
the conference even before its f or-
mal opening.
Leaders Confer
In a swift series of meetings,
the Western leaders first confer-
red at Lloyd's villa. They then sent
the British Foreign Secretary to
Gromyko with compromise pro-
After a full day of crossfire, they
came up with this arrangement:
Representatives of the rival gov-
ernments of West and East Ger-
many will attend the conference
sessions. They will sit at separate
Germans May Speak
If either the West or East Ger-
man representative wants to speak,
the conference chairman will ask
if any of the other Big Four for-
eign ministers objects. If there are
no objections, the floor will be
given to the Germans.
The four ministers also swept
aside a second dispute over the
shape of the table where they will
Gromyko raised the issue by in-
sisting on a round table. This
could allow representatives of East
Germany, Communist Poland and
Czechoslovakia to be squeezed in
later alongside the Big Four min-
Hatcher Goes
To. Warsaw
From Russia
MOSCOW UP)-President Harlan
H. Hatcher and a group of other
American educators left Moscow
yesterday for Warsaw after a
month's tour of the Soviet Union.1
Hatcher called the tour of edu-
cational facilities "most satisfy-
He said the group had discussed
the expansion of the exchange
students program with Soviet Dep-
uty Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan
and other officials.3
Hatcher and his group were
guests of the Ministry of Highert
Education. They are scheduled toc
return to New York May 18. k


. . may call meeting

M yMeeting,
LONDON OP) - Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev was quoted
yesterday as saying there will be
a summit conference even if the
Geneva foreign ministers' confer-
ence "'does not yield great positivej
The Soviet news agency Tass re-
ported Khrushchev told a Kiev
rally Sunday that British Prime
Minister Harold MacMillan "has
become an advocate of a meeting
of the heads of government"
while "according to the informa-
tion which we have, Mr. Eisen-
hower, too, is inclined to take the
view of such a meeting being
The Tass reported broadcast by
Moscow Radio quoted the Soviet
leader as saying' Western leaders
"have expressed themselves on
this question cautiously because
each one of them wishes to keep
room to maneuver.
"Of course," Khrushchev said,;
"not all questions can be solved
at a single meeting. We want to
solve all controversial or unsolved
problems without war."
"If the conference of ministers
does not yield great positive re-
sults, a meeting of the heads of
government will follow."

To Certify Budgets
Primary function of the body
will be to "notify the governing
boards, the chief administrators of
the respective institutions and
systems, the legislature and the
budget division of the department
of administration of formulas des-
ignated by the commission to be
used by the several institutions in
making appropriation requests."
It also "shall certify to the budget
office and to the legislature that
each institution has prepared its
appropriation request in accord-
ance with the designated formu-
Regent Eugene B. Power called
a body with such powers over the
University's budget "a disaster."
Regent Donald M. Thurber called
it "a radical departure from the
present course of co-ordination
and joint activity." (The Council
of College Presidents has planned
to present a joint budget request
to the legislature next fall.)
"The idea that you can solve
all your problems by having a
central planning board is very ap-
pealing," Vice-President and Dean
of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss
said. He added that central boards
are "appealing" in economic mat-
ters too, but in both cases there is
question whether they can do an
adequate job of co-ordinating such
complex matters.
Given Further Power
For the bill creating the commis-
sion gives it powers which go be.
yond setting budgets.
It states "no new department,
degree program or certificate pro-
gram shall be added at any state
supported college or university
after September 1, 1959, except by
specific prior approval of the com-
The commission is further en-
abled to order consolidation or
elimination of programs, and to
designate research, extension and
public service programs which are
paid for with state funds.
Niehuss, Power and Thurber
doubted the constitutionality of
the proposal, questioning whether
the legislature could by legislative
action take away responsibilities
from the governing boards of the
institutions, which are separate
constitutional entities.


Lambda Cli Alpha

Wins IFC Sing

Amid the cheering of its sup-
porting sorority, Delta Gamma,
Lambda Chi Alpha was announced
the winner of the Interfraternity
Council Sing last night in Hill
Delta Phi Epsilon won first place
among the supporting sororities.
Kappa Kappa Gamma was second
and Sigma Kappa third.
In a close contest for second
place in the Sing, Delta Tau Delta,
singing "Two Grenadiers," won
second with 176 points; Phi Gam-
ma Delta was third with 174
points. They sang two old English

Calls Change a 'Must'
However, Sen. Porter noted,
"Some day there will be a coordi-
nating body whether it's done this
way or some other-even if the
state constitution must be
Sen. Porter also discounted the
effective uses of the Council of
College Presidents which the Uni-
versity officials claimed is already
supervising co-ordination of the
state-supported institutions.
"They've had several years to
agree on programs integrating
their policies and they never have
yet," he said. "When the Council

.,_ _w-

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