I- HARRY TRUMAN: GREAT PRESIDENT? See Page 4 S iars ir Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom :43 xit CU, E CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXIX, No. 157 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES Discrimination In Fraternities Williams, Legislators Set New Tabs By THOMAS HAYDEN In our time the Fraternity will have to decide whether we want Negroes and non-Christians as brothers . Y David R. Rood, former chairman of Alpha Tau Omega Committee on the Study of Selectivity Clauses The future of the fraternity system may depend on an effective solution to the problem of racial and religious discrimination in membership policies. Some fraternity -men, many of them alumni, will insist like one Tampa attorney, "the words "white Christian' should never be deleted from the membership requirements of our fraternity." But his type is fading away, local fraternity men explain. There has been a gradual trend against discrimination which stretches over the past century. Will Disappear In time, the fraternity man argues, fraternity discrimination will disappear. For evidence, they point to figures which show that the number of written discrimination clauses has dropped from 22 to four over the past decade.' But the trend away from discrimination has been anything but "gradual" in some areas outside the fraternity world. A large number of colleges and universities across the nation have taken steps to speed up the "gradual" pace of the fraternities. Ask Efforts Others; including the. universities of Minnesota and Syracuse, have insisted that local chapters use their best and most sincere efforts to change restrictive national rules. Still other schools, such as the universities of Wisconsin, Color- ado, and Northwestern, have imposed specific deadlines for removal of clauses. Colorado President Ward Darley explained his reasons for clamp- ing a time limit on fraternities in an open letter to the faculty, staff, and students on Jan. 20, 1956. He said: Removal Meaningless "...it now appears that neither our educational efforts nor the elimination of a discriminatory clause from the constitution of a national fraternity means very much . . . evidence of the devious- ness of at least one national organization in forcing our students to get around our efforts has come to light. How far. such circuitous methods may go with other organizations no one knows. "But whether evasive practices are extensive or not, the realiza- tion that they are easily possible and probably practised makes me willing to admit that continuation of effort limited to the elimina- tion of discriminatory clauses from a national, constitution is time wasted - . All the various forms of pressure have been suggested, at one time or another, as solutions to the problem at the University. The local administration, however, has consistently supported the fra- ternity policy of educaiton as a means of eventual solution. Back Education Presidents,Ruthveri and Hatcher, in their statements in 1951. and 1952, both claimed the educational approach was the only fair means of handling the problem. One student, William McIntyre, explained the same position in the follow- ing manner to the Student Affairs BlsterCommittee in 1951: living is the only means by which r isthis problem can be solved. This Iraq i A rm s' education can best take place in an environment conditioned to LONDON (M)-- Britain has de- meet this problem. As long as re- cided to give military aid to Iraq strictive clauses remain, the en- in an. attempt to stemn the Coin vironment is not conditioned to munist tide threatening the Kas- meet the problem; bigotry Is re- sem gvernent.enforced; tolerance is frustrated; sem government. and the American college frater- Brafnbwillsndasustntialnpity is continuing ,to carry a sore number of bobs andcnuin sptwh i not being treated in tanks, responsible sources said. the best way.'a The decision was reached inside No Threat Prime Minister Harold Macmil- The Interfraternity Council's Ian's cabinet in answer to an Iraqi written philosophy since 1953 has request for heavy armaments. been that the "most desirable and A formal government statement effective method for the removal announcing the decision is expect- of these clauses is the action of ed in the House of Commons early the individual fraternity without next week, perhaps Monday, any coercive threat." authorities said. However, some parties maintain .The decision marks the resolu- that fraternity progress has been tion of a three-month argument nil; that fraternities have re- among experts in London. Some, moved their clauses, only to bury along' with colleagues in the them in their secret rituals or United States, were inclined to elsewhere. write off Iraq as a potential Soviet Some fraternity men will deny satellite. Others argued that Iraq's this charge. Others who agree army is the only thing standing that the movement of clauses into between the Communists and rituals is a direct result of out- complete power in Baghdad. The side pressure from administrators latter group apparently dominat- See FUTURE, Page 2 Party Heads To Confer Next Week LANSING OP) - Democrats and Republicans, deadlocked for months on a solution to Michigan's cash emergency, met yesterday in an effort to end the impasse that brought a payless payday to 26,000 state employes. 'Democratic Governor G. Mennen Williams described the hour-and- a-quarter talk as "extremely en- couraging." Rep. Rollo G. Conlin,! Republican chairman of the House Taxation Committee, said the con- ference "might have jarred some- thing loose." The only tangible outcome, how- ever, was agreement for legislative leaders from both parties to meet again next week. No definite date was set. The legislature is ad- journed for the weekend and no settlement of the financial crisis is looked for before the resumption of sessions Monday night. Williams Asks Talks The conference followed a plea for bipartisan talks from Governor Williams who in an unusual move, [ i { i I * * * * * * House Comm1ee0 Initiates $250 Mullion Budget Cut. West Ready To Set Pact On Germany BONN, Germany (P) - Diplo- matic informants said yesterday, the West is' prepared to make a deal with the Soviet Union that would permit East Germans to man the checkpoints on overland routes between West Germany and isolated West Berlin. But the Westerners are ready to push their way into Berlin, either on the ground or in the air if the Russians reject the deal, these in- formants said. The question of access routes to Berlin is at the heart of the So- viet challenge which motivated the East-West foreign ministers con- ference opening in Geneva Mon- day. The Western package plan to be presented at Geneva deals, with Berlin, Germanreunification and a military security zone in Europe., The Russians have implied they will not act alone to revise the status'of Berlin unless the Geneva talks fail. Last fall the Soviet Union threatened to give up its occupa- tion controls in Communist East Germ: y (the German Democratic Republic) and turn over to that satellite control of the routes used by the United States, Britain and France to supply their 12,000 thoops in West Berlin.E The Western powers have said they will not accept the substitu- tion of the East Germans for the Soviet Union in agreements on Berlin, This looks like an impasse, but qualified diplomatic sources ex- plained the West hopes to get over it thus: "The West will accept East Ger- many border inspectors not in their own right but as agents of the Soviet Union provided either: 1) The Russians designate the, East German personnel as their agents or, 2) The Russians do not quit the wartime occupation agreements al- together.' The Bonn sources expressed hope the Russians might be willing to compromise by hanging on to token occupation rights in East Berlin, despite their announced in- tention of giving East Germany complete sovereignty. Under such a compromise, the sources said, the British, French, and American would accept East Germans at the checkpoints but with the understanding that dis- putes would be carried to the Soviet Union. TEN PEERS: Joint JudiciaryProtects Standards- * (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of four articles dealing with judicial bodies on the campus.) By CHARLES KOZOLL "Did you think about the effect of your action upon the reputation of the University?" To the student facing ten of his peers on Joint Judiciary Council, this question emphasizes that the University is judged according to the actions of its graduates or undergraduates. U.S.Warns Khrushchev Of Tensions WASHINGTON M--The United States put Nikita Khrushchev on notice yesterday that he must help ease the war tension over Berlin if he wants a summit con- ference with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. This attitude was set forth in a new United States note to Moscow and in remarks by Secretary of State Christian A. Herter as Her- ter left for new East-West talks opening in Geneva, Monday. To set the stage for these for- eign ministers' talks, President Eisenhower let it be known he would refuse flatly to meet Pre- mier Khrushchev if Russia sought to pressure the West by any of three actions: 1) Signed a separate peace treaty with Communist-run East Germany. 2) Turned over the Soviet sec- tor of Berlin to the East Germans along with control of access routes to the divided city. 3) Issued any kind of ultimatum aimed at forcing a summit con- ference as the only alternative to peace. For that reason, the University's standards of conduct in certain areas -are higher than those de- manded by the general commu- nity, Prof. John W. Reed of the Law School, chairman of the fac- ulty subcommitee of discipline pointed out. Leads to Gap This higher standard leads to a! gap between the written codes of the University and the conduct standards of the student body, Allan Stillwagon, '59, chairman of Joint Judiciary Council com- mented. In practice however, he contin- ued, "The day to day philosophy of the University in regard to dis- cipline is much akin to that of the students." The administration doesn't maintain a "police force" devoted to searching for people who vio- late the rules. When cases are brought to their attention, they are handled. Against Police If the administration had the money, it is still qu'estionable it it would create a force to con- tinually investigate p o s s i b l e trouble areas. The administation is, however, aware of sectors where infractions dog take place. "Rules are most often applied when a violation is brought to the attention of the administration by certain enforcement agencies," Stillwagon observed. Generally the University recog- nizes how students will act and tries to mold their actual prac- tices to allow for a degree of equity. Regents Have Power While the power to make rules resides in the Regents, they have only acted once within the fairly recent past and that was to ap- prove thesprinciple of the driving regulations, Stillwagon pointed out. The Regents delegated their power in this area to the faculty Scommittee on student conduct. Since the entire committee hasn't met since 1947, the work is done by the three member sub- committee on discipline. In the period they haven't changed the standing rules, but they have re- defined the existing codes in con- junction with the council. Come Before Group Except for incidents where "moral implications" are involved or the Dean of Men's office feels that an individual will be better served by sending him to other agencies, all violations involving men are brought before the group. Older male students who violate driving regulations or have broken a conduct rule are often handled by the Dean's office and in cer- tain instances by the faculty sub- committee on discipline. In situations where the Dean feels that it would not be profit-' able, from the student's point of view, to send him before the Council, the Dean can exercise his prerogative to settle the case him- self. Citing one such incident, As- sistant Dean of Men John Bing- ley recalled that recently he didn't send a 27-year-old man to Joint Judic because he thought the in- dividual could be best helped through a personal interview. Fewer Women Appear Fewer women come before the Council, Assistant Dean of Wo- men Gertrude Mulhollan pointed out, because they don't violate as many all-campus rules as the men. Almost complete handling of women's discipline problems with- in their own judiciary system was See JOINT, Page 5 Claims Ie 'Covers Up CoslU.S Debts Group Couples Cuts With Harsh Criticism; Explains Opposition WASHINGTON P)-The House Appropriations Committee yester- day cut back President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 1960 budget requests a quarter billion dollars. The Committee coupled its pro- posed reduction with sharp criti- cism of what it called an at- tempted administration cover-up of budget liabilities. In its work on three previous regular appropriation bills this session, the Committee went over the President's recommendations by about 80 million dollars. Undercut Requests But in -sending the fourth reg- ular appropriations bill to the House yesterday, the Committee undercut total budget requests to date by voting to deny the Presi- dent $252,348,200 contained in budget estimates for a score of independent federal agencies. There was no assurance, how- ever, that the appropriations bal- ance would remain in favor of Congressional budgeteers. Shortly to come forth are Com- mittee recommendations for fi- nancing the defense establishment. Advance indications are that the Committee will recommend more than the 40 billions asked by the President. Recommend Appropriation In its action yesterday, the com- mittee recommended appropria- tion of $6,438,839,800 to finance, during the fiscal year beginning July 1, operations of independent government agencies ranging from civil defense to the Interstate Commerce Commission. The bulk of the money, slightly more than five billionndollars, is for the Veterans Administration. The total contained In the bill is $252,348,200 less than President Eisenhower asked, and $406,703,140 less than the same agencies were given this year. * Y 1' GOV. G. MENNEN WILLIAMS S.. asks cooperation addressed a joint session of the Republican-controlled legislature. Governor Williams again asked quick passage of the' Veterans Trust Fund bill to provide an im- mediate 43 million dollars in emer- gency relief and proposed a halt in Republican efforts to increase the state's three cent sales tax pending the outcome of the two- party talks. Releasing trust fund money would get state payrolls moving again. Suggest Taxes Governor Williams and the Democrats have suggested personal and corporate income taxes as a long-range solution to Michigan's money woes. The Republicans have held fast for a penny increase in the sales tax and will not agree to use Veterans Trust Fundmoney without acceptance by the Demo- crats of the sales tax boost. At the root of Michigan's money troubles is the fact that the state has been spending more than it has taken in. The legislature has failed to levy the taxes to meet the various bills it has authorized. 'r- i r e f . Ni11VV . vs v .. v.... - - - __ I I ed in cabinet discussions. Government leaders appear to have decided, too, that the value of arms for Iraq outweighs the effect the step may have on Pres- ident Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic, bitter ene- my of the regime of Iraq's Gen. Abdel Karim Kassem. Britain has long been the chief supplier of arms for the Iraqi army. Experts say about four- fifths of Iraqi military equipment was made in Britain. Supporters of the British grant are said to have asserted that re- fusal would have forced Iraq to turn to Communist countries for military supplies.British inform- ants say the United ,States agrees with this point of view. Jet Crashes In Northville MARCEREAU HURLS VICTORY: Wolverines Batter ildc Wellesley College Head A ddresses Convocation S "The hardest thing a person must do is answer his own ques- tions," Margaret Clapp, president of Wellesley College, began yes- terday. Speaking on "Honor Bound" at the 36th annual Honors Con- vocation at the University, the Pulitzer Prize author told the audi- ence that they should not ask themselves, "Who is being honored today," or "Wh'at is being honored today," but instead should con- 'sider the question "What should be honored here today?" And then she proposed an an- swer: "In the long generations ahead, it is manners, ability, and aspirations that determine our a ts, I2 5outcome, and these are the things we should honor." However, in this case, the word 'manners' must be rehabilitated, she explained. "We have allowed the word to sink to the meaning of petty politenesses, such as 'Don't talk with your mouth full,' or 'Say sir to your elders'." But the real meaning of the word is "the way in which some- thing is done or takes place," and learning manners is "the central subject in any college or Univer- sity," she continued. Prof. Clapp noted, however, that graduate schools, employers, and other individuals want to know a person's aspirations and native ability as well as his manners. In discussing the essence of the word . "ability," she pointed out that " nature is prodigal with her Military Aide Q uarles,,Dies, WASHINGTON (R) -Donald A.' Quarles, Deputy Secretary of De- fense who might have become head of the military establishment, died in his sleep yesterday. He was 64 years old, a onetime communications industry official much admired for his quiet effi- ciency. The unexpected death raised a series of .governmental and per- sonal problems. Secretary of Defense Neil Mc- Elroy had told President Dwight D. Eisenhower he wanted to leave his pentagon job late this year, if the President found it possible. Quarles had been mentioned prominently as a possible suc- cessor. McElroy indicated to newsmen that the death of his deputy would be a factor in reconsidering his intended retirement. Quarles was an intense worker. McElroy said his deputy "worked harder than most any one I ever saw, he was at it day and night." The immediate problem, McEl- roy said, was not whether he would go ahead with his plan to resign but the question of replac- ing the "really irreplaceable" Quarles. McElroy said Quarles was re- markably fitted for his Pentagon job with an . understanding not only of administration but with a scientific background. Quarles was born in Van Buren, Arfl., July 30, 1894. He was a graduate of Yale University. City Council Votes Hearing II 1 Ugh! "Listen to this tale of romance. Tale of Indian warriors bold-" Who left their wigwam un- protected. During the Michigamua cere. mony yesterday afternoon, the wallets of four 'gamua's were stolen from that organization's "wigwam" in the Union Tower. John Gerber reported to the police that $179 was stolen from the four-all of whom used to be active in campus affairs. They were John Gerber, Dan Belin, Dave Martinsen and Ross Childs. World News Roundu By The Associated Press HAVANA - Prime Minister Fi- del Castro said today reports of Communist infiltration in his gov- ernment are false "and an in- famous attack against our revolu- tion." * * * WASHINGTON - Postmaster By TOM WITECKI Michigan's baseball team exploded for nine runs in the sixth inning and went on to whip Northwestern, 12-5, in a Conference game at Ferry Field yesterday. The win was the Wolverine's third against four defeats and put the team just one game out of third in the Big Ten race. Coach Don Lund's squad will be shooting to better the .500 mark this afternoon when they meet Wisconsin in a doubleheader at 1:30. Nick Liakonis and Gordon Rinekey are scheduled to start for the local nine. An added attraction to today's twinbill will be Michigan's cele- bration of College Baseball's 100th Year. Ray Fisher, coach of the Michigan team before retiring last spring, is slated to throw out the opening pitch. Wolverines Rally Yesterday's rally was the biggest of the year for the Wolverines as they sent 13 men to bat against three different Wildcat pitchers. Michigan was trailing 4-1 when John Halstead started the sixth