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May 08, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-08

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. - Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mnust be noted in all reprints..

"You Think There's Still Hope?"

Hinsd ale ituhdrawal
Daily Staff Writer
I INSDALE HOUSE voted to withdraw from the Inter-House Council
Monday night in a move which points out that IHC certainly has
big problems.
Hinsdale alone has taken formal action, but other houses have in
effect withdrawn from IHC. They pay their dues, but do not attend





Modern Liberalism:
'The Dignity of Man'

THE CONCEPT of liberalism holds the key
to undlerstanding the campus civil rights
movement, and the liberal's reaction to the
Crapo C. Smith scholarship offers a good
example of the liberal's dilemma and how he
handles it.
In 1948 Crapo C. Smith left the University
its second largest scholarship bequest, $1,250,-
000. This scholarship is restricted to "worthy
young white men and women."
Legally, the University was left with a clear-
cut option. It had to accept or reject the be-
quest as it stood. There was no way of modify-
ing its terms.
The University accepted. Essentially, the ad-
ministration's justification for this action is
this: When the University is put into the posi-
tion of either having to accept or reject a dis-
criminatory scholarship, it accepts because a
restricted scholarship helps at least some seg-
ment of the student body, and restricted funds
relieve other monies for more general use to
other groups of needy students.
This is a sensible, practical approach, cer-
tainly not crass expediency. It is a sincere at-
tempt by the administration to come up with
the "best" solution. And their decision .is based
on the premise that as many people as possible
should be able to attend the University. This is
certainly a worthy goal.
Only the most doctrinaire liberal can con-
fidently sing out, "No, you're wrong. This issue
envolves the basic principle' of Equal Rights,'
which cannot be compromised. The University
must refuse such scholarships."
to apply the principles and traditions of
18th-century liberalism to the mid-twentieth
century. Many people have attempted to define
modern liberalism in terms of liberalism's his-
torical context. And they base their studies on
the intellectual history of the movement.
Harold Taylor, retiring president of Sarah
Lawrence College, was the most recent speaker
on this campus to attempt to define liberalism
in this manner. He presented a brilliant history
of the intellectual basis of the movement. But
when he attempted to deal with liberalism in
modern times, his ideas lacked relevance and
Attempts to define liberalism in this context

necessarily must fail, because it explains only
doctrinaire liberalism, not the dominant or
significant liberalism today.
Modern liberalism is not primarily concerned
with the "Equality of Man," but rather with
one aspect of traditional liberalism: "the dig-
nity of man."
However, twentieth century liberalism can
best be explained in sociological terms. In David
Riesman's terms, it is primarily a rebellion of
the inner - directed man to an increasingly
other-directed society. The liberal is an in-
dividual who, because he is striving to preserve
his own individuality, acutely feels that the in-
dividuality of others must be preserved.
THE MODERN LIBERAL is interested in man
as an individual. He fights for civil rights
not primarily out of burning political convic-
tion, but in defense of the dignity and indi-
viduality of-the oppressed man.
He does not become feverish over questions
of "justice." But he is calmly concerned with
the problems of the individual.
In many respects, this puts the modern
liberal at a disadvantage in dealing with cur-
rent problems in the civil rights area. He is
somewhat allied with the doctrinaire liberal in
that he feels a need to put pressure on society
and its political and administrative officials to
become more liberal. However, he strongly dis-
agrees with the doctrinaire techniques, means,
and to some extent objectives.
Although he must also create pressure for
liberalization, when asked for a specific -pro-
gram of his own, he has none.
He only seeks to gradually push society.
toward a more liberal outlook. All he asks is
that -officials utilize all practicable methods of
bringing about this liberalization.
The modern liberal's chief function is to
articulate the problems of men as individuals
and to seek a sympathetic audience for these
problems. His program is vague: for example,
he will not and cannot judge whether the Uni-
versity should or should not accept restricted
scholarships; this is not his function. His func-
tion is to make the campus aware of this
problem-and similar problems facing indi-

Interrupted Meeting Wortie

meetings. Kelsey House refused to
protest the ineffectiveness of the
council's actions.
The Council has been on cam-
pus for six years; it is unfortunate
that in that time it has not estab-
lished itself more firmly than it
has. The reason for this may lie in
:six years of the famed "student
apathy" that has shown its head
The fault is that no one seems
to give a damn about the Council.
The cause probably rests in the
inexperience and immaturity of
many men in residence hall gov-
ernments. Fraternity presidents
are generally seniors; house presi-
dents are usually sophomores; and
a senior president is very rare in-
deed-in fact seniors in the resi-
dence halls at all are pretty scarce.
The IHC Presidium, then. is not
composed of men having a back-
ground in campus affairs.
AND THE FACT that the Presi-
dium has been neglecting its duties
can be seen in this year's record.
Only two proposals came before
the group since September that
did not originate in the Executive
Board. One concerned student eli-
gibility in inter-mural sports and
the other established the Inter-
House Council bicycle race.
This has set the tone of the
Presidium: trivia in the face of
serious problems. The residence
halls are failing in their functions
and programs, and the presidents
won't worry themselves seeking a
solution. When they come (if at
all), to meetings, they ignore the
educational programs in the quad
rangles. The overwhelming ma-
jority don't care about student
government. They ran- for office
for personal glory alone.
Of course there are exceptions,
but even those who are interested
in improving the residence halls
are often ineffective. As Robert
Ashton, former IHC president
pointed out, you can't explain to a
sophomore why major changes
cannot be made in one semester.
He said it in relation to changing
IHC;'it can work equally well if
you apply it to changing the qu.d-
rangles themselves. In general,
sophomores do not know enough
about student government to do,
an effective job.
But there must be sophomore
house presidents - there aren't
enough upperclassmen living in
the residence halls.
* * *
lies in a plan to keep the men in
the residence halls. For the under-
lying weakness in IiIC, quadrangle
and house governments is the
rapid turnover in such communi-
ties. Keep students, and -upper-
classmen will be around to be
elected. Men planning to remain
in the quadrangles are more will-
ing to support their student gov-
Hinsdale House's juvenile action
does nothing to improve IHC. If
the house presidents are so dis-
satisfied with the Council, why
don't they do something about it?
They are IHC.

Daily Staff Writer
FOR AN SGC meeting that was
interrupted by exploding fire-
crackers and a Michigamua kid-
napping, a surprising amount of
worthwhile topics were discussed.
Probably the most far-reaching
of the discussions centered around
proposals entered by Al Haber, '60,
concerning academic freedom. It
is very refreshing to see proposals
such as these come up for discus-
sion. The general student concep-
tion of SGC seems to be one of a
council that deals mostly in super-
ficial matters and is of little real
value to the student.
These proposals refute this idea,
for they touch on one of the fun-
damental problems at the Univer-
sity - the basic relationship be-
tween the University and the stu-
Several of these proposals recog-
nize that the student should no
longer be treated as a child, but
as an adult with definite rights.
One such instance is a student
finding himself involved in sus-.
pension or disciplinary proceed-
ings. Haber's proposal would
assure him the right of an appeal,
openhearings and the guarantee
of hearing all evidence against

ing the maturity of college stu-
dents was one to require the con-
sent of the student before his
parents could be contacted. It
should be realized that the ma-
jority of the students that come to
the University are capable of mak-.
ing their own decisions. There
should be no need to report every-
thing to a student's parents.
One case, as Haber pointed out,
concerns the sending of final
grades to the parents. Haber feels
they should be sent instead to any
address the student may decide on.
In another motion, Haber
brought up a subject that has be-
come even more important since
the recognition of the Democratic
Socialists on campus. There is
strong public" feeling, he said,
against many types of political
organizations. The mere fact of
belonging to a club that has the
name "Socialism'' in its title could
be detrimental to a person getting
a job once he graduates, he added.
Many students would like to join
such an organization, if for no
other reason than merely to find
out some of the beliefs of social-
ism. But they are afraid to do so.
For these reasons he suggested
that the University no longer re-
quire student organizations to sub-
mit membership lists. This is fun-
damental to any sort of freedom.

Another motion brought up at
the meeting by Roger Seasonwein,
'61, also deserves further thought.
He suggested that a program be
set up which would allow alumni
to come back to the University and
take part in some sort of program
to acquaint them with the changes
the University is going through.
The program would also better the
relations between the alumni and
the University.
* *
THIS IS A FIELD that has been
vastly overlooked. Withathe pos-
sible exception of football games
and Father's Day there seems to
be little real effort being made to
maintain the interest of University
students once they have gradu-
ated. Under Seasonwein's proposal
the alumni would have special
meetings with faculty, students
and administration to discuss the
problems and future of the Uni-
These motions are the sort that
should come uip before 'a group
such as SGC. The Council owes it
to the University as a, whole to
come up with plans that will have
lasting meaning and benefit to the
students as well as to the rest of
the University community.
Perhaps if more proposals such
as these dealing with academic
freedom are brought up, students
will come to realize the service
that SGC can do for them.

pay its dues earlier this year to
FOR THE THIRD consecutive
week, discriminating viewers at
the State Theatre who appreciate
the finer things in death can wit-
nes the finest in gruesome gang-
land gunnings, the St. Valentine's
Day Massacre.
The movie in which it occurs is
also authentic - rise and demise
of Alphonse Capone, entitled, ap-
propriately enough, "Al Capone."
A documentary of sorts with
narration that soundssas ifwit
came from the pen of J. Edgar
Hoover, it stars Rod "Don't call
me 'Scarface' " Steiger.
* * *
portions are similar to those of
the Brooklyn-bred, C h i c a g 0-
terrorizing hoodlum. Appropriate
mannerisins, tan Panama and
charcoal charoot cinch the startl-
ing resemblance.
It's doubtful, however, if the
real Alphonse ever was the strange
amalgamation that Steiger por-
trays. At unpredictable times we
have the Capone that our imagi-
nations have fancied, the slap
stick style of the late Lou Costello
and "Oklahoma's!"JudFry, a
holdover Steiger character.
But the picture of a child-like
man who still is subject to temper
tantrums and whose desire to con-
trol his immediate world (Chi-
cago) triggered off a ruthlessness
the world has seldom a known
comes through magnificently.
S* * *
IF TIERE IS an aspect that
prevents the film from attaining
the brutal realism to which it
strives, it lies in the dialogue.
There are just too many laughs,
no matter how unintentional they
may seem, to depict honestly the
situation that existed under Ca-
pone's bloody reign.
About the only novel situation
is the playing of a romantic aria
from the opera "Marta," during
half of the movie's 14 (count 'em,
14) murders. At least the aria
seems appropriate for St. Valen-
tine's Day.
-Fred Katz
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which Thei
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MAY, 8, 1959
General Notices
Undergraduate Honors Convocation.
The annual Convocation recogniing
undergraduate honor students will be
held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 8, in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. Margaret Clapp, Presi-
dent of Wellesley College, will speak on
"The Honor Bound."
Honor students will be excused from
attending their 10 o'clock classes. All
classes, with the exception of clinics
and graduate seminars, will be dis-
missed at 10:45 for the Convocation.
However, seniors may be excused from
clinics and semniarsi
Academic costume will be worn by
faculty members, who will robe back.
stage and proceed to their seats on the
stage. Honor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will
be reserved for them and for members
of their families, and will be held un-

til 10:45. Doors of the Auditorium will
open at 10:30. The public is invited.
(Continued on Page 5)




Objeetivity and Woman's Judic

WHEN SENSITIVITY replaces objectivity,
rationality is almost always lost.
With all due respect to the Dean of Women,
this reporter submits that Deborah Bacon, be-
cause of her intimate relationship with wo-
men's student government and judicial sys-
tems, hasn't objectively viewed and/or evalu-
ated the article on Women's Judiciary printed
in the May 7 edition of The Daily.
This allegation is made with certain facts
in mind.
In one respect, it is unfair to look at the ar-.
ticle and assume that the reporter viewed the
University's residence halls as "f e s t.e r i n g
jungles of juvenile delinquency." The assump-
tion that the majority *of the women in resi-
dence halls violate or contemplate violating
University regulations is.equally fallacious.
THE POINT to be made is that the residence
halls are faced with a great problem in ad-
ministering and enforcing the rules. Whether
the Dean of Women cares to recognize it or
not, independent women do not feel the same
group responsibility as the affiliates.
Perhaps the residents of small houses feel
a greater affection toward their group because
of its size. They aren't, however, judged col-
lectively as are women in sororities.
In a second respect women are "forced to
live in University housing" if they choose to
come to this institution. The idea of being
"thrown together" does much to elimin'ate the
sense of togetherness which can be achieved.
IT IS GRATIFYING to learn that Miss Bacon
and the house directors have so much con-

fidence in house government and that they are
willing to publicly state this fact. But it is un-
fortunate that the administration is unwilling
to acknowledge the flaws that exist in student
While women's student government at the
University is strong and is to be commended
for that strength, its idiosyncracies and quirks
must be recognized in order to be corrected.
From conversations and interviews with .the
"average co-ed" it is apparent that ignorance,
lack of respect or a combination of those two
is the basis for one of the shortcomings in
Women's Judic.
From conversations with hpuse directors, this
reporter has learned that the administration is
aware that rules are being broken. As degrad-
ing as it sounds to the character and morals
of University women, liquor is consumed in
and out of the residence halls and in some
(though not a large number of instances
ground floor windows are opened after closing
According to the Dean of Women ten per
cent of the women commit 90 per cent of
the violations. This may be, but an additional
group, because of their individual opinions of
judicial systems interfere with the possible ef-
fectiveAress of Judic.
It is this group of women which must be
considered objectively. Rising emotionally to
protest against an article which presented the
"seamy side" of the situation in an effort to
help will not constructively solve any problems.



Alrran S 'I"' or Tward Rleforat



Factors in Asian Neutralism

(EDITOR'S NOTE - This is the
first in a series of articles dealing
with the activities of Algerian stu-
dents, in connection with an emer-
gency fund drive by Student
Governiment Council for African
students. The drive will be held
from May I0-16.)
IN 1830, WHEN the French con-
quest of Algeria took place, an
educational system on the tradi-
tional pattern was to be found,
with centers of higher education,
grouped about the leading'mosques
in a number of the principal cities
of Algeria.
French colonial poicyin Algeria
was directed towards dismantling
this system and replacing the tra-
ditional culture with one imported
from France. Many of the leading
mosques, which served as religious,
cultural and educational centers,
were transformed into cathedrals.
The Islamic educational system
had been financed largely through
income from various properties
owned in common by the com-
munity, the habous. In 1851 these
were confiscated by the French
government, cutting off the edu-
cational system from its revenue.
This was followed by a de facto
nationalization of the Moslem re-
ligion, with the state controlling
the administration of the mosques.
And another keystone of French
policy was suppression of Arabic
as a medium of instruction.
ANOTHER ASPECT of the edu-
cational picture is seen in the
numbers of Algerian students 'at
the various levels of instruction

It was in this context that the
Algerian student movement saw
its birth. Algerian students were
first organized as part of a North
African organization, the Asso-
ciation des Etudiants Musulmans
Nord - Africains (AEMNA). The
first section was created at Algiers
in 1912, and beginning in 1927 it
spread to Paris and other French
university centers. AEMNA served
as both aecrucible for forming
leadership and a focal point for the
evolution of a program of cultural
and political reform.
The student movement remained
on a North Africa-wide scale until
the early '50s when the political
evolution in the three North Afri-
can countries developed particular
aspects and student organizations
on a national scale were estab-
lished, beginning with the Union
Generale des Etudiants de Tunisie
in 1953,
1955 at a constitutional congress
in Paris, the result of the growing
conviction among Algerian stu-
dents that progress in eliminating
the injustice which they saw in
their stuation could only be made
through the foundation of a
strong, representative National
Union. Its doors were opened to all
students of Algerian nationality
and it eschewed affiliation with
any political, religious, or govern-
ment movement.
UGEMA defined as its objectives
the democratizaton of education,
suppression of illiteracy, and de-

March 1956, attended by 63 dele-
gates representing over 5,000 stu-
dents. This congress marked the
end of the organizational phase
and saw UGEMA as a strong, well-
organized National Union repre-
senting the entirety of the Al-
gerian student community.
From April 1956 UGEMA and
its members were subjected to in-
creasingly onerous police measures.
Algerian students at Algiers faced
a growing hostility from the
French student body, who main-
tained a campaign of provocation
and intimidation against the Al-
gerian students and also against
professors suspected of sympathy
or even neutrality towards them.

This led to the calling of a general
strike of courses and examinations
in Algiers, extended to all of
France in May 1956. This strike
continued until October 1957 and
was observed by nearly all Al-
gerian students.
In 1956 UGEMA was also look-
ing outwards and developing its
relations with other National Un-
ions, as well as participating in
programs of international coopera-
tion. UGEMA was first present at
the International Student Con-
ference in Ceylon in September
1956-an event of great signifi-
cance in providing the first occa-
sion when UGEMA received world-
wide recognition as representative
National Union of Students.


Associated Press News Analyst
THE SOVIET UNION, by the propaganda she
directs at Japan and other countries, is say-
ing almost every day that she considers India,
Burma, Indonesia and other neutralists to be
on her side in the cold war.
The neutralists may not like this association
of ideas.,
The factors which have produced neutralism
in Asia are highly complex and not to be ex-
plained in a few words. Important among them,
however, are three things.
One is antagonism toward Western countries

because of their former colonial conduct, while
fear of Russian imperialism is vague..
Protestations that polonialism is a dead issue
are ignored.
desire to stay out of international conflicts
so their entire effort can be devoted to the eco-
nomic development they so badly need.
And in the cases of India and especially Bur-
ma, actual fear of Red China is a very real
The reason for that, of course, is that Chinese
Communist troops are on Burma's borders and
in some case on soil which Burma claims. China
has always claimed parts of what is now Burma,

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