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May 08, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-08

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom




See Page 4




In Fraternities
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the sixth in a series of seven articles
discussing discrimination in fraternities.)
"Why persecute the fraternities with written restrictive clauses;
every house on campus can practice discrimination in a number of
ways - and most do."
Such. is the positive answer one local fraternity man gives to a
central question in the problem of religious and racial discrimination:
To what extent do formal changes in clauses produce modifica-
tions in fraternity practices?
Breaks Down Discrimination
The elimination of written discriminatory clauses is merely a
first step in breaking down discrimination, says sociologist Alfred
McClung Lee. It clears away the formal obstruction, but does not
lead very far towards an end to discrimination.
One fraternity president estimates that 75 per cent of the fra-
ternities at the University secure membership restriction through
various secret rituals or unwritten but strictly enforced tradition.
Certain facts are clear. No University chapter has ever had
Negro-white inte'gration. Jewish-Gentile integration occurs occa-
sionally. Even less commonly, an oriental will pledge a Caucasian'
Have Caucasian Membership

Legis A FC I
To Consider E
Fund rieas. Iih a


Sea t S ae


T .x


e I kl-

xs s

TOR'S NOTE: This is the third
eries of four articles dealing
Idicial bodies on the campus.)



.C s P rc R, r txafi

Thirty-three fraternities have almost solid white Christian mem-
bership. Seven are largely Jewish. Two are entirely composed of
Beyond' statistics, the problem of unwritten discrimination is
vague, because it hinges largely on secret fraternity practices.
Fraternities have been charged with practicing unwritten dis-
crimination by several methods.
Include Restrictions
The first is by including certain restrictive elements in the secret
ritual, which every member must go through to become an active
''member. For instance, many Gen-
1 e tile houses require a man to kneel
bSbefore an altar or a Bible.
Various fraternity articles and
documents can contain written
discriminatory membership poli-
cies. Only the constitution of the
fraternity has to be filed with the

'-' v s' """"' Since the Interfraternity Coun-
Of $36,788,270 cil is a legislative and not a ju-
dicial body, it cannot enforce
By NAN MARKEL what many consider "minor"
Tuesday marked this season's problem-violations of the Univer-
debut of institutions of higher sity drinking rules..
learning before the state legisla- Regulations peculiar to the IFC
ture. are handled by the executive com-
As the Senate Appropriations mittee which acts as the judicial
Committee heard a delegation body of that organization. In this
from Western Michigan Univer- capacity, it has jurisdiction overj
sity, the University was reminded matters of fraternity conduct re-
that it, too, will soon face legisla- ferred to it by the Dean of Men's
tors who are more ready than office.
ever this year to pinch pennies.
The University's request for f "
funds may be considered within resi i M
the next two weeks, Sen. Elmer
Porter (R-Blissfield), chairman of
the appropriations committee, in-lisc s e
dicated yesterday. However, it willdf i l n c m b o t
definitely not come before the
committee next week, he said. Constitution
Asks $37 Million
For the fiscal year 1959-60, the By DAVID BLOOMGARDEN
University has asked a total oper-
ating budget of $36,788,270. West- The Inter-House bouncll's Pre-
ern Michigan requested $6,351,648. sidium meeting ended suddenly
Salaiesand wage hededlast night amidst constitutional
Salaries and wages headed and dissolution motions.
Western Michigan's priority list,a sm
with a general seven per cent pay The evening began with a com-
raise and funds to add 106 faculty bined Assembly-IHC banquet in
members to its staff specifically South Quad. Before the end of the
requested. evening, one member introduced a
Keeping faculty members is be- motion-later defeated-to change
Keein fauly mmbrs syer a presidium quorum from two-
coming more difficult eachyea thirds of the presidents to one-
the school's vice president, L. Dale halfdplus one
Faunce, told The Daily. Particu- one
larly crucial to Western Michi- Earlier, Hinsdale House Presi-
gan's faculty problem is its present dent William Anderson, '61E, read
242 to one teacher-student ratio. a letter from his house council
Expects increase tendering the resignation of his
house from IHC. Anderson also
A jump from 6,875 students en- said that he would not attend any
rolled last fall to 8,500 next fall more Presidium meetings,.

Thomas D. White, Air Force chief
of staff, yesterday flatly disagreed
with Navy and Army heads who
have contended the United States
may be building too many weapons
systems for deterring Soviet 'ag-
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.)
told Gen. White that Admiral Ar
leigh Burke, Chief of Naval Oper-
ations, and Gel. Maxwell D. Tay-
or, Army Chief of Staff, have
made such statements publicly.
"I categorically disagree with
Admiral Burke and Gen. Taylor
on this subject," Gen. White told
Sen. Symington at a Senate Ap-
propriations Subcommittee hear-
Gen. White said this country
faces several possible attack situa-
tions: an all-out surprise; a warn-
ing of possibly 15 minutes; or a
notice of several hours or days.
'7 Each 'would require a different
type of reaction, Gen. White said,
adding that any further discussion
should be behind closed doors.
Druids Tap
New Members
From the Stonehenge circle,
Aided by the witches' cauldron,
.Aystic plans were brewed in
Many twigs were examined;
Many rocks were overturned,
Subjected to heat from blazing
Observed by men of knowledge
and magic.
Those decayed were burned and,
Finally from the murky grove,
From thedCave where Fingal 7
The Order of the Mighty Oak
Causing the earth to shake and
Causing nations and peoples to
All to bend the twig 'and sapling
And to capture the sturdy
aywends: /
Battering, Boarding, Buttonball-l
Tree Bochen{
Ball-Belting, Bunting-Black Jack
I' Bradshaw
Check Cashing, Coin Counting,
Chestnut Cohn
Dangling-Down Dogwood Dozauert
Fast Moving, Firm-Blocking, Fruit
Tree Fillichio C
Fleet-Footed Fir Fulton 1
Grabbing-Go-Get-Um, Gum TreeE
Jot-Jolting,Juniper Johnson
Krudely Krowing, King Nut Katzr
Krafty-Kreator, Kumquat Koflatzz
Quickly Kopying, Koffee Tree t
Limber-Lingo Locust Lapides
Liberal Leading, Laurel Levine
Mashee Mangling, Muscles, Mango

Dean of Men's office.
At national conventions, frater-
nities can inscribe a discrimina-
tory policy into their minutes. Or
a clause can be dropped and a1
"gentleman's agreement can re-
strict membership." When his fra-
ternity dropped its constitutional
clause, "nobody took it seriously,"
reports one local fraternity man.
Can Replace Provisions
Again, a fraternity can change
its constitutional membership
statement and still practice dis-
crimination. Several fraternities
have replaced their restrictive
clauses with ones limiting mem-
bership to those who "are socially
acceptable to all members of the
fraternity." Some observers argue
that this eliminates minority
groups, which are not considered
"socially acceptable" ~ by every
member of the fraternity..
Other fraternities demand that
every proposed new member be
etitions Due
Petitioning for the University of
Delhi Scholarship closes today.
All petitions must be returned by
5 p.m. to the Student Activities
Building, according to Linda Bro-
dey, '62, chairman.

Cases that this committee deals
with generally fall into two areas
-rushing and pledging. An en-
forcement group is formed during
rush to deal with rule infractions.
A large part of the time they,
operate on the "referral system,"
Paul Becker, '60E, IFC executive
vice-president pointed out. Ex-
plaining this statement, he said
that cases will usually come to his
attention from the Dean of Men's
In some instances tle "rumor
I system" prevails. Here one house
will call the IFC and report an-
other house has been violating
certain regulations..
Most of the time, he added, the
"violation" is only a question of
the fraternity not understanding
a certain rushing regulation.
Aims at Constructive Plans
In dealing with the pledge
periods, the executive committee
attempts to aim the fraternities in
the direction of constructive rath-
er than individually destructive
programs. The group watches for
instances of physical maltreat-
ment or those actions which un-
r e a s o n a bly infringe upon a
pledge's study time.
Today, Becker emphasized, cases
of physical maltreatment are al-
most non-existent. He did, how-
ever, mention that fraternities
still conduct "sweat-sessions" in-
volving strenuous exercise as part
of pledging.
Don't Constitute Problem
While there are cases where
fraternities and individuals have
violated rules concerned with both
areas, the number hasn't been
sufficient to constitute what the
IFC considers a major problem,
Becker pointed out.
The question of fraternities vio-
lating the University; regulations
on, drinking is one which con-
stantly plagues the system. Sev-
eral years ago, a member of the
Dean of Men's staff pointed out,
there was a move to make the UFC
handle its drinking cases,
Certain factors entered to pre-
vent this operation. Besides the
fact that the group is considered a
legislative and not a judicial body,
the body felt that too much in-
ternal friction would result from
judicial decisions.
The University's 36th annual
honors 'convocation will be held
at 11 a.m. today at Hill Audi-
All classes meeting at this
time have been called off in
order for students to attend the
Margaret Clapp, president of
Wellesley College, will give the
main address, "The Honor
Bound" and the Men's Glee
Club will perform "Voices of
Michigan," a new composition.

While some members of differ-
ent houses can be regarded as
"heavy drinkers," others are quite
temperate. Allowing one to judge
the other would result in the dis-
unity and antagonism that the
system cannot afford.
Under the present method of
operations according to Assistant
Dean of Men John Bingley, fra-
ternity violations, individually and
as groups, are handled by Joint
Judiciary Council. In considering
whether a case is to be dealt with
as a group violation, certain fac-
tors are judged.
See IFC, Page 2
Union Says
Strike Block
i1ates Law
NEW YORK () - The Steel-
workers Union yesterday charged
that the steel industry's plans for
blocking a possible' July 1 strike
are illegal.
It asked the government to in-
vestigate for antitrust and labor
law violations.
Arthur J. Goldberg, Union Gen-
eral Counsel, made public letters
to the Justice Department and
National Labor Relations Board
asking them to study industry
plans for a lockout or profit-pool-
ing arrangement.
Calls Plans Illegal
Goldberg said these would be
illegal, but R. Heath Larry, a
chief industry negotiator and legal
adviser, said " Iam sure there is
no violation of anything."
R. Conrad Cooper, chief nego-
tiator for United States Steel Cor-
poration and the entire industry,
disclosed Tuesday that among
eventualities being considered by
the industry is how to deal with a
possible union divide-and-conquer
strategy of striking only one or
more steel firms while letting
others operate.
This would presume failure to
negotiate new agreements before
the June 30 expiration of present,
Dominated by Newsmen
Although talks started only
Tuesday, methods of- dealing with
a possible July 1 strike have
dominate industry-union sessions
with newsmen. Both sides insist,
however, they are working hard to
reach a peace pact ahead of the
Goldberg said he wanted to
stress the union has made no
strike plans. He said industry dis-
closures of what it might do about
a partial strike, if one is called by
the union, prompted his appeals
for governmental probes.
Actually the union traditionally
has shut down the entire industry
whenever there was a ajr strye

is estimated for the school.
The heavy teaching loads un-
dermine the morale of the present
staff and drive away many super-
ior teachers, he said.
A $3,155,278 increase for "neces-
-sary promotion and merit in-}
creases, including retirement bene-
fits and change in social security
rates" also tops the University's
budget. It would provide an addi-
tion to wages and salaries of nine
per cent of the present total pay-
Stressing the importance of thisr
increase, he noted it does not even
include staff requirements for nor-
mal growth and competent in-

Follow Party Line
With Narrow Vote
Williams Schedules Joint Session
To Discuss State Cash Emergenc)
LANSING (R)-The Senate-approved sales tax bill went down
' defeat in the House last night by a vote of 52-to-48.
. The vote climaxed a lively two-hour debate at a special nig
- session.
Technically, the bill would have raised the state use tax, but
practice it proposed a penny increase in the three-cent sales tax,
A Democratic floor leader-Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit)-sa
tonight's action will clear the air for working out a bi-partisan t
program next week.
Use Tax Bills
However, Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo) had said he
ready to introduce other use tax bills, thus restarting the impasse th
has tied the Legislature in knots-

Squelch Rumor
Squelching the rumor of another
succession of an East Quadrangle
house, IHC President Boren Chert-
kov, '60, reported to the Presidium
that Greene House had decided
not to withdraw from IHC at the
present time.
The meeting was interrupted
briefly following a motion by Kel-
sey House President Gordon Rus-
coe, '59. He moved "to dissolve the
Presidium until such time as exec-
utive board' has considered seri-
ously the complaints of Hinsdale
.. and has reorganized with defi-
nite plans in mind." But before the
body could vote on his motion, the
president of Taylor House walked
out in order to stop debate and
vote on Ruscoe's motion. His de-
parture reduced the number of
presidents present below the re-
quired quorum. Later the motion
was tabled.
Extend Phone Hours
However, a member, absent at
the start of the meeting, joined
the group and the Presidium
passed motions recommending the
extension of telephone hours to 11
p.m. and new Kidston Scholarship
awards for residence hall men.

for days.
Senate'Republicans have insisted
they will not release thle Veterans
Trust Fund until the Legislature
approves the use tax imeasure. The
$50 million Trust Fund is regarded
as the only source of quick cash
to solve the state's money emer-
The vote generally followed
party lines with Republicans vot-
ing for the bill and Democrats
'against it. Two Republicans,
George W. Sallade of Ann Arbor
and Louis Cramton of Lapeer,
sided with the Democrats.
Sponsors Graduated Tax
Sallade is the sponsor of a grad-
uated income tax bill which gen-
erally follows the line of Governor
G. Mennen Williams' income tax
Immediately after the vote, Gov.
Williams scheduled a special joint
session of the House and Senate
for 10:30 a.m. this morning to dis-
cuss Michigan's cash emergency.
He said he believed defeat of the
use tax bill would open the way
for a settlement that will free state
payrolls and end the cash crisis.
Work Out Agreeable Proposal
"Then maybe we can sit down
next Monday and work out a mu-
tually agreeable tax program,"
Rep. Kowalski said.
"I've heard those words before,"
responded Rep. Allison Green (R-
Kingston), GOP floor chief. "I
wish I could believe that you're
The bill, which would in effect
add a penny to the three cent sales
tax, is the chief weapon in the
Republican drive to fend off a
graduated income tax proposed by
Gov. Williams.
Miehigam ua
Names New
Indian Braves
Listen to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warriors bold -
In the early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam, one of friendly Great
Came they forth to take their
Then to the mighty oak of
Dashed the screaming, yelling
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the might oak tree
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they are around the glowing
Heard the words of mighty

.. Geneva bound

Queens College Ne
Increase Faculty S
Both Queens College newspapers have
a revised publication with a paid student
ulty supervision.
The Faculty Council passed the motio
Brul, editor of the Hunter Arrow, told Th
proposed by its adjunct, the Fac-'
ulty Committee, a month ago. f
"We did everything we could to LEA
prevent its passage since we felt
it would limit freedom of the
press," Du Brul noted. "We, the
editors of the four other municipal ,
colleges, wrote telegrams to Mayor
Robert Wagner, college president,
Harold Stokes, Gustav Rosenberg,
chairman of the Board of Higher
Education, and to the Faculty
Council itself, in order to try to
stop the motion."
To Be Appointed by Editors
"However," he noted, "because
of our large protest, the faculty f
will not appoint the editor as f
originally was proposed." Instead
he will be selected by the former
editors of the paper.
Since all the editors' efforts to
defeat the motion failed, they plan
no other action this semester. But,
next semester they plan to picket
the publications building. "In this
way, the faculty Council will real-
ize that we greatly disapprove of
the action," he noted.
Crown Editor Comments
Laura Ettinger, former editor

been dissolved in favor of
editor and increased fac-1
n last Thursday, Paul Du
he Daily yesterday. It was

Hterter Asks
For Useful
of State Christian A. Herter called
on the Soviets last night for-"busi-
nesslike negotiiations and not a
propaganda exercise" at the Big
Four foreign ministers meeting
in Geneva Monday.
In a report carried to the people
by radio and television, Herter
pledged the West will stand firm
in upholding Allied rights and re-,
sponsibilities in Berlin.
He also promised the West would
seek meaningful agreements "hon-
estly and in good faith to seek
some advance, even if small, to-
ward a just peace."
Outlines Views
Herter, speaking out two weeks
after he was named to succeed
John Foster Dulles as secretary,
outlined his views on theeve of
his departure for the Geneva par-
He said President Dwight D.
Eisenhower hopes that the Geneva
foreign ministers meeting will de-
velop in such a way as to lead
later to a summit conference.
"'This means that_ the foreign
ministers meeting must give some
promise that a summit meeting
would have a reasonable prospect
of advancing the cause of peace,"
Herter said.
Focus on Meeting
"The eyes of the world are bound
to be focused on a meeting of the
heads of government. It would be
unfair to all people to risk shat-
tering their hopes and expecta-
tions by engaging in summit talks
under conditions likely to produce
Herter said that if the Soviets
refused to negotiate seriously at
the Geneva meeting "the world
will see that it is the Soviet Union
alone which is blocking the free
choice of the German people and
the chance- for true peace."
Herter said the United States;
Britain and France are firmly
united on proposals which they be-


New Planner Studies City Problems
Ann Arbor's new city planning director is busy getting to know
his new town and staff.
Robert M. Leary, 29 years old, assumed his duties Monday re-
placing Ray. C. Eastman who resigned last September. Eastman left
- , .Ann Arbor without a full-time planning director causing several of the
city's projects to be delayed, the new planner said.
Leary, who finds Ann Arbor a "charming and delightful city,"
is now making a study of the city and its problems. At the present
time, he does not know what steps he will take concerning Urban
Renewal projects and the other city programs facing hiin and his new
j (I staff.
-v..Worked in New York
I Leary has previously worked as staff assistant to the chief of the
planning division of the Port of New York Authority. His responsi-
I bilities there were similar to the duties that his present job entails, he
His New York work involved programming and supervising a staff
of 55 persons working on certain aspects of the rapid transit system,
a second deck m'oiect for the George Washington Bridge and the

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