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May 07, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-07

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Sir I!36U

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


Possible Conflict
Stopped by Panel
Women's Group Serves To Shore
Gap Between Dean, Judiciary Body
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of four articles dealing
with judicial bodies on the campus.)
While a conflict of interests could result from the power structure
of the Women's League and the Dean of Women, the presence of
Women's Panhel halts this tendency.
The group serves to shore the gap between Women's Judiciary
Council and the Dean, according to Susan Price, '59, former member
of the panel. The group, further carries out the idea of effectively
counseling a woman who violates a regulation rather than mechani-

Dean Bacon
On Article
The following statement was
sent to The Daily by the Dean of
Women after reading the first
clraft of the article on the women's
ji)diciary system.
rI am pleased although scarcely
surprised to find The "Daily show,
ing an interest in. the structur
4 "and function of student judiciaries
"There is no need to labor the
point of the Women's League, dat.
ing from 1890; Women's Judiciary
1917;. organized PanHellenic
around 1923; Assembly,.1936: these
organizations are obviously stable
strong, flexible, proud of their past
* growing.
Envy Self-Government
"The duration, vitality, fiexi-
Y bility and growth of a democratic
government bears: considerable re-
lationship to the character, ac-
tivity and desires of its constituent
people. Repeatedly in Big 10 and
v national student conventions, the
interlocking agencies of women's
self-government at Michigan is
the frank envy of others.
"I know I speak for the Deans
and for the Directors of both
Women's Residence Halls and so-
rorities in saying that this article
r on Women's Judiciary describing
the life and times of Michigan's
6,000 undergraduate women pre:
sents an over-all impression barely
recognizable to us.
"Each of the Directors wou
wish publicly to re-affirm her
pride and confidence in her house
and in, probably, about 95% of
the girls who live there year aftez
Agree on Accidents
Michigan's House Directors an
Judiciaies agree with the auto
mobile insurance companies: abou
10% of the people manage to-av
more than 90% of the accidents.
"Particularly would we all wis
to state not only our respect fo:
but also our reliance upon the
intelligent, steady and construe
tive counseling put forth each yea:
by the members and chairmen o
our House Judiciary Councils an
of the Women's Judiciary.
"I thoroughly disagree with wha
The Daily says, here; but I wil
defend-although scarcely to m5
death-its right to say it."
-Deborah Bacon
Seeks Voice
Foi' Students
Daily Editor Richard Taub, '59
yesterday told the Student Gov-
ernment Council's Plan Clarifi
cation 'Committee that student
should have a more formal say i
maters such as curriculumii, ad
missions and counseling.
"It is nice to learn how to be
petty administrators while or.
SGC, but what does this have t
do with the basic purposes of the
University," he asked.
Commenting on one of the area;
t h a t T a u b mentioned, Prof
Charles Lehmann of the education.
lshool, chairman of the com
mittee, said that what a profes
sor is to teach has become almost
immune from criticism. Since ii
is almost impossible for even othe:
professors to suggest what should
r' be taught bj their colleagues, i
is hard to see how they would ac-
cept any decisions made by stu
dents, Prof. Lehmann added.
In switching to another aspec
of the SGC problem, Taub said
student government must be re

tcally punishing her. The same
idea is emphasized throughout all
units of the judiciary system.
House groups attempting to carry
out this function are often ham-
pered by students' lack of respect
and/or understanding of Univer-
sity regulations. This is particu-
larly true in the residencehalls.
1Deal with Minor Problems
All of the local .judiciaries deal
s with what are termed by Sarah
f Drasin, '5', former Women's Ju-
t diciary Chairman, "minor disci-
s plinary problems." They are main-
ly .late- minutes and violations of
V quiet hours. /
These groups derive their power
e from the League, whose constitu-
tion points out that "each resi-
e dence hall, or combination of resi-
dence, shall have a House Judici-
ary Council, such combinations as
approved by Women's Judiciary
e Council."
Individual houses and sororities
may differ in the method of choos-
ing judic members and the manner
of dealing with problems, but all
- share the commoi concept of seek-
c ing to eliminate the causes of diffi-
- culties through personal counsel-
- ing techniques.
d Easier in Sororities
Discipline matters are easier to
s deal with, in sororities because the
S group is smaller and more closely
united than in the-residence halls,
Terre Finkler, '6sd, president of
, Zeta Tau Alpha pointed out.
- "Women in a sorority are also
working to maintain the reputa-
9tion of their house," she continued.
s This stimulates them to avoid em-
barrassing discipline problems and
impress the members with the
importance of following University
d regulations.
Many sororities have what are
e termed "standards chairmen" to
deal with violations that go beyond
the "minor" stage. Because of the
close nature of the sorority, Bar-
bara Shinnik, ~'60, president of
Collegiate Sorosis explained, the
d house president or a group of "in-
terested sisters" can often help a
e girl solve a problem.
See WOMEN'S, Page 2
e Talks Ikeynote
r Conference
Two lectures will highlight the
t 29th annual Conference on Teach-
1 er Education today at the Union.
Y At 10' a.m. in the third floor
conference room, the topic of dis-
cussion will' be "Changing Con-
cepts in Teaching Method."
"Recent Developments in Sci-
ence and Implications for Educa-
tion" will be discussed at 12:15
p.m. in Anderson Rooms C and D:-

Student Government Council
last night discussed eight motions
on the general topic of academic
freedom, presented by Al Haber,
Most of the more than an hour
discussion was centered on his
first motion concerning University
actions following the American
Association of University Profes-
sors' censure. The censure was
based o nthe University's failure
to "observe the generally recog-
nized principles of academic free-r
dom and tenure," and also tor
inform the public of them.
After amendments had been
added to the motion, introduced
by Roger Seasonwein, '61, he de-
cided tot withdraw his motion.'
Concern Many Issues
Haber's other proposals con-
cerned a variety of issues. One
concerned easing the present re-
quirement for the submission of
membership lists of organizations
to the Office of Student Affairs.;
;Haber said he considered his
proposal calling for the publica-
tion of.,a booklet on academic
Michigamua braves on the
warpath caused Student Gov-
ernment Council to adjourn its
meeting in the South Quad-
rangle dining room.
Restless residents, who mo-
bilized in front of and in the
east lobby of the Quadrangle,
armed with water bombs wait-
ed for the Tribe to appear. The
meeting was moved to the Stu-
dent Activities Building be-
cause ,of the disturbance.
freedom and student right the
most important.
The other seven proposals were
discussed without coming to a
Stresses Need
The need for the establishing of
a committee of members of SGC
to represent the Council in con-
tacts with the Joint Judiciary
Council was stressed by David
Kessel, Grad., later in the meet-
The final motion as passed by
the Council called for the com-
mittee to be composed of the SGC
executive vice-president and two
others, one of which could be a
member of the Interviewing and
Nominating Committee.
The Council also passed two
other motions introduced by Sea-
sonwein. One recommended the
Student Relations Board consider
the feasibility of setting up pro-
grams to allow alumni to return
to the campus to meet with mem-
bers of the University. Seasonwein
said that through the special
classes and other scheduled acti-
vities, better relations could be
His other motion directed the.
Summer Reading and Discussion
Committee to look into the possi-
bility of broadening its program to
include incoming freshmen.




Steel Groups
To Consider
NEW YORK (P)-The steel in-
dustry disclosed yesterday it is
considering a mutual aid pact to
share profits if only some steel
firms are closed down by a July 1
R. Conrad Cooper, chief spokes-
man, for United States Steel Corp.
and the entire industry in current
wage talks with the Steelworkers
Union, said the industry is work-
ing on such a plan, even though
hoping never to have to use it.
The possibility 'of a partial
rather than industry-wide union
strike-if, there is no new agree-
ment when presentncontracts run
out June 30-was raised today by
Iron Age, industry trade publica-
Suggests Tactics
Saying it would take a miracle
to avert a July 1 walkout, Iron
Age suggested the union may try
divide-and-conquer tactics by
striking some companies to apply
greater pressure on them while
the rest of the industry was al-
lowed to keep producing.
But Cooper said the steelworkers
always have operated on a no-
contract no-work policy--shutting
down all companies at once -
whenever there has been a strike.
Both he and David J. McDonald,
Steelworkers president, empha-
sized neither side was thinking in
terms of a strike, either industry-
wide or partial, but concentrating
on reaching a peace pact ahead
of the deadline.
"We're, not a- strike-happy
union," McDonald said. Otherwise
thought he steered clear of dis-
closing strategy should the union
eventually decide to a walkout.
The union never has liked to have
some of its members bear the
brunt of a strike while others en-
joyed continued earnings.
Watched Plan
Cooper said the steel industry
has watched the operation of a
strike-aid plan adopted last fall
by the nation's six major airlines
when faced with a rash of strike.
Cooper said the steel industry
also has heard that railroads, fac-
ing new labor 'contract negotia-
tions next fall, are considering
such a plan, too.
In a joint news conference with
McDonald, he went on to say:
"Naturally, we try to keep
abreast of developments in our
field. Frankly, we have had some
people looking into this area. But
we have reached no conclusions.
We don't take this too seriously."
Cooper then said the industry
was rather relying on the union
tradition of complete strikes' and,
anyway "all our hopes, our efforts
are being directed to developing
proper agreements through nego-
-tiations and not through pressure."

(EDITOR'S NOTES: Following is
the fifth in a series of seven articles
discussing discrimination in frater-
A pair of conflicting legal prin-
ciples deepens the complexities of
religious and racial discrimination
in fraternities.
One side holds that a fraternity
is a "voluntary association" hav-
ing certain rights.to select its- own
membership. Opposed to this rule
is the legal right of a state univer-
sity to define the policies that
World News
Roundup -
By The Associated Press
TOKYO - Japan gave the cold
shoulder today to a Soviet demand
for neutrality, the latest move in
the Communist campaign to win
Asia's biggest industrial power
away from the West,
Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi
and Foreign Minister Aiichiro
Fujiyama told a conference of pre-'
fecture governors that Japan's
security pact with the United
States must be revised and reaf-
firmed to safeguard the nation.
* . .*
William P. Rogers was pictured to-
day as flatly opposed to repeal
now of the constitutional ban on
a President serving more than two
He will present this view to the
Senate Judiciary Committee, which
is considering a move to scrap the
22nd amendment.
* * *
TOKYO - Red China shut the
door today to any negotiations
with India or the United Nations
on the future of Tibet.
Peiping ruled out the possibility
that the Himalayan kingdom
might be turned into a Chinese
or Indian protectorate, a joint-
Chinese - Indian protectorate, "or
a so-called buffer state between
China and India."

nation in Fraternities

govern fraternal groups on their
Both have been .justified in the
courts. But neither is acceptable+
to all concerned.
Only one recent case bears di-
rectly on the problem. In 1953 the
State University of New York at-r
tempted to eliminate racial and
religious discrimination from fra-
ternity admissions practices on its
27 campuses.
The school's trustees resolved
that 'no social organization, in
policy ors practice, shall operate
under any rule which bars stu-
dents on accouit of race, color,+
religion, creed, national origin or
other artificial criteria."
One fraternity, Sigma Tau
Gamma, challenged the ruling
and called for a court test.
Upheld Trustees
The federal court upheld the
trustees, declaring in part, ". . . It
is clear that the constitutionality:
of the action taken here cannot
be questioned. A state may adopt
such measures, including the out-
lawing of certain social organiza-
tions, as it deems necessary to its
duty or supervision and control of
its educational institutions ..
The United States Supreme
Court sustained the decision on
Nov. 8, 1954.
Since that time, the issue has
not been tested in court. However,
friction at the universities of Wis-
consin and Colorado may result
in court action soon.
Not First Instance
The New York case did not
mark the first instance that the
problem had come up.
As early as 1952, Prof. Harold
W. Horowitz, of the University of
Southern California law school,
argued that fraternities at a state
university could not discriminate'
because of race or religion. "If an
organization decided to discrim-
mate on those grounds it would
be free to do so, but it would.have
to do so as an organization not
officially recognized by the state
university." he declared.
"The unconstitutionality of the
recognition by state universities
or fraternities which discriminate
on the basis of race, religion, creed

or color, seems clear. Recognition
of this conclusion will be a furt-
er step toward achieving truly
democratic education in state uni-
Defend Argument
At the University, administra-
tors have defended the fraterni-
ties' "voluntary association" argu-
ment. Frequently cited 'is the fol-
lowing section of American Juris-
"Clubs and societies, whether
religious, literary or social, have
the right t make their own rules
upon the subject of the admission
or expulsion of members, and
these rules may be considered as
articles of -agreement to which all
who become members are parties.
Accordingly, an association has
the right. to prescribe the :rules
and regulations defining the quali-
fications of members, and may
impose such terms andconditions
upon membership, not contrary to
law, as it may choose .."
Others, however, call legality
simply a surface issue. "Once the
clauses are removed, everything
would become legal," one local
fraternity man said.
His pronouncement brings up
another, and more sensitive, dif-
ficulty. Does the elimination of a
clause eliminate the practice of
IIIC Heads
Give Views
-Acting Inter-House Council
President Boren Chertkov, 60, and
his predecessor, Robert Ashton,
'59, disagreed on validity of criti-
cism drawn up by the Hinsdale
House Council of East Quadrangle.
Hinsdale House will present a
petition criticizing the efiective-
ness of IHC at tonight's meeting
of the Council's Presidium. Wil-
liam Anderson, '61, president of
Hinsdale House, said a major
"gripe" of his house concerned the
lack of closeness between IHC and
his group.
Chertkov agreed with the criti-
cism of this year's IHC. Moreover,
he plans to suggest a revision .of
the Council's constitution in .the
area of student representation
which would bring the resident
and IHC closer.
But Ashton considered Hins-
dale's action "without basis and
with little perspective of the resi-
dence hall community." Instead of
giving constructive criticism or
trying to get- something accon-
plished, they spend time making
noise," he commented.
Ashton also noted it's hard to
explain to a sophomore house
president why major changes can't
come about in one semester. Such
things as this (the Hinsdale peti-
tion)sare inevitable in the present
system, especially in residence
halls where you have a rapid turn-
over intstudent population.
The Hinsdale petition also criti-
cized IHC for its lack of service
projects beneficial to Hinsdale
House as a unit.I
Adds Braves
To VU'Tribe
When from out the paleface
From behind the staring moonface
Came the slow an4 solemn
five booms
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over woods and meadows,
Lights the campfires of the

Then the Michigamua warriors
In rheir feathers and their
Soon with gather 'round the
oak tree:
'Round the oak tree called the



I Pay
In Deadlock
Checks Already Set
For Paynent Today
if 'Legislature Acts
LANSING (R) - Nearly 26,000
state workers faced a payless pay-
day today as Democratic Governor
G. Mennen Williams and Republi-
can legislators remained dead-
locked over ways of solving Mich-
igan's financial crisis.
Williams said 26,944 checks for
state employees-including work-
ers at state teacher colleges, pris-
ons and mental hospitals - are
ready for distribution.
He said if the legislature comes
up> with the money, the checks
would-be distributed within a mat-
ter of hours.
Iras Money

To Raise AV
'Slightly' Stt
Rent on the University's N
be raised "slightly" to provide
business manager Leonard A.1
Although the administrat
amount, apartment rent will g
raise is the result of a change i:
before the termination of the le
Under the former policy, b
ing from Sept. 1 to Aug. 31.


Exhibit Diving Boards, Wid Tunnels
Engineers' Weekend opens today, with exhibits running the gamut
from photoelasticity demonstrations to cement diving boards, from
wind tunnels to scales that weigh correctly to the thousandth of a
"The Engineering Council has made extensive plans to stimulate
the student interest in engineering," he continued, "with the purpose
in mind being to properly orient the students to their. prospective
, Include Student Displays ' -
The 38 exhibits open for inspection between 1 and 5 p.m. today:+'
in East and West Engineering Bldgs. include student contributions and-
industrial displays.
Described by Hildebrandt as interesting parts of the aeronautical
exhibit are a low speed wind tunnel and a model of the famous Exos;
A jet engine will run outside East Engineering Bldg., while an
unstable oscillatory motor will hum in harmony inside.
To Show Movies_::
Other exhibits include movies on high altitude research being -:
carried on by the University's aeronautical department and computers

artrnent Rent
arting Next Fall.
Northwood and Terrace apartments will
e for summer vacancies, residence halls
Schaadt said yesterday.
ion has not decided definitely on the
go up beginning in September. The rent
n lease policy calling for a 60-day notice
tenants signed year-long leases extend-
If they left the University before the
-4the termination, they had to find
their own sublettors with the ad-
ministration's assistance.
Protest Action
The revised policy also includes
a year-long lease that can be
broken if thestudent graduates
or leaves the University.
The association's steering com-
mittee decided at its meeting yes-
terday to continue its protest
against the new policy.
Joyce Conklin, secretary, said
the group protests the administra-
tion's action becau'se it will in-
crease the financial burden to all
students, instead of reducing it
as was originally intended.
"The administration also in-
dicated they don't want any com-
munication with us," she said.
r The only notification given to the
Association was in a "very last
' < minute and very informal way"
by a telephone call to one of the
members on the day the announce-
ment of the change was sent to
the newspapers, Mrs. Conklin ex-
Delegates Responsibility
The principal complaint of the
Association is that the obligationsj

Ironicall , the state treasury
had over 11,- million dollars on
hand but Gov. Williams said obli-
gations for welfare, school aid and
debt service obligations must take
The state's deficit is zooming
toward an estimated 110 million
dollars on June 30.
The governor and Republican
legislative leaders, deadlocked over
a solution to the cash crisis, agreed
that what Gov. Williams called a
"disaster" was needless. They
blamed each other.
Michigan's first small scale pay-
less payday hit lawmakers, judges
and legislative staff members late
last week when about $100,000 in
wages and salaries were held up.
Bill Calendared
While the state sank deeper
into a financial quagmire, a House-
approved bill providing for an
immediate 4, million dollar state
treasury transfusion lay on the
Senate calendar.
Gov. Williams has insisted on
its prompt passage and a solution
On Floor
The use tax bill was reported
out of committee in the House
this afternoon, Rep. Rollo G.
Conlin (R-Tipton), chairman
of the House Ways and Means
Committee, told the Daily last
He indicated he doesnot ex-
pect it to pass the House. It
passed through the Committee,
he said, "because the individu-
als on' the Committee felt it
should not be killed before it
got to the floor of the HIouse."
The opinion given yesterday
by Attorney General Paul
Adams that the bill was uncon-
stitutional "merely substanti-
ated my own opinion," Conlin
said. He added that it is "in-
adequate, tomeet our problem"
on other grounds as well.
of- the state's long rIn revenue
problem separately and later on.
GOP Senators, strongly oppos-
ing the governor's proposal for a
graduated personal income tax,
have fought for an increase in the
state sales tax.
The sales tax bill would add 108
million dollars a year to 1959-60
state revenues, about 79 millions
of it for general spending and the
remainder to. restore a Veterans
Trust Fund that- would be liqui-
dated now to provide cash to meet
the emergency.
Sen. Frank D. Beadle of St.
Clair, Republican majority leader,
called the Republican program a
Council Makes
Api ens
Student Government Council
appointed five students to Joint
Judiciary Council at their meeting
last night.
"rhngA mlptlre v.~Rona ld

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