The White Man's Burden Sixty-NinthYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vihen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. *'ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. AY, MAY 6, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH DONER Faculty Senate Action On Loyalty Oaths Justified VIP, Cf. ILA M +r0 4 { bi f ยข ?^ l Jr ACTIONS TAKEN by representatives of the University student body and the faculty for the repeal of the loyalty oath provision of the 1958 National Defense Education Act have been well justified. And perhaps the strongest stand urging its repeal was taken by the Faculty Senate in its recent recognition of the definitive difficulties of the provision. In part, the oath calls for swearing that one "does not believe in, and is not a member of and does not support any organization that believes in or teaches" the overthrow of the government. The Senate claimedl that most faculty mem- bers would then be unable to sign the oath if the government were changed greatly, because they would support its forceful overthrow. Second, the Senate questioned the interpre- tation of a "belief in" such an organization without action. They held that this "belief" should no more be the test for receipt of loans and fellowships from the government than for the imposition of punishment. The Faculty Senate-was not alone in its ar- gument, although it perhaps was more percep- tive than other organizations in attacking the provision on the grounds of weaknesses in Recently, the President and Vice-President of the United States National Student Asso- elation objected on similar grounds. Aside from conscientious objection to oaths, there might be "perfedtly loyal students or faculty mem. bers" who would hive "serious apprehensions RECOMMENDATION: State Legislature Needs Psychiatry r By NAN MARKEL Daily Staff Writer as to the possible interpretations of the sec- tion," they said. Also, such oaths have been attacked for be- ing more than subtle inferences about faculties, academic freedom and higher education at large. Student Government Council called them an "infringement on academic freedom" because. they "exercise a restraint on free inquiry." USNSA tagged oaths "a particularly flagrant example of federal control of education." More important, they recognized the "insult- ing and unjustified implication" of requiring members of the "academic community" to swear loyalty when such action is not required of recipients of other federal grants. The third grounds are more idealistic, and were deaft with by both the Senate and the USNSA. Both intimated that the requirement of the loyalty oath meant more than acknowl- edging the weakness of our democracy, but also recognizing the threat of Communism. The Senate said that the belief in the super- lority of democracy is best communicated by free exchange of ideas and thus the oath, in stJiling this belief, weakens this superiority. USNSA claimed democracy was impeded be- cause such requirements "tend to set a cli- mate of opinion, to inhibit discussion, and to cause unnecessary caution in the support of perfectly valid organizations and objectives." "Democracy is something you can measure," Harry Golden told an audience of University students and faculty Monday. Loyalty oaths make a poor yardstick. -NORMA SUE WOLFE rWhat. NONE OF THESE are great works of art. They are really no more than frank representa- tions of moral or social problems. September Morn is nothing more than an artist's impres- sion of beauty. And the boys who went to "Time of Desire" for a racy evening were not satisfied. Why should these works have been banned? Their supposed obscenity can only be attributed to a curious inversion of American taste which has been shaped to accept the unacceptable when sugar-coated, and to reject the truth when firmly stated. It is ironic to realize that only through re- jection were they made important. -FAITH WEINSTEIN THEY OUGHT to see a good psychiatrist. And as a matter of fact, since last week, several psychiatrists have been looking at them. The state legislators' behavior, these anonymous psychiatrists say, is abnormal. Three Detroit psychiatrists and two psychologists, whose analysis has been passed on in a Detroit newspaper, suggest that the legislators are psychotic. Conflict between the Republican lawmakers on one side and Gov. G. Mennen Williams and his Democrats on the other side has intensified to the point where the antagonists see only their hatred. Both are continually frustrated by the opposite party's tactics, and the reaction in both camps is merely the overwhelming desire to hit back. Nothing is important to the legislators except the conflict; the psychiatrists note. The welfare of the state, duty to constituents, all is forgotten in intense blinding hatred. A new leader may result from the conflict, they say, and he won't necessarily be a good one. One analyst explained, "In groups, the be- havior of the group falls to the level of the leader who will deviate most from normal-the level of the one with the greatest hostility." Deadlock could be resolved with the emergence of this new leader. If psychosis in the legislature continues to disease what one psychiatrist called its "provincial and in some respects naive" members, the new political leader is in the making. MEANWHILE, IN IONIA, Michigan, the hospital for the criminally insane is suffering from a severe overload. With no pay a reality, its supervisors have set a ceiling on number of patients to be admitted- despite the numbers that are every day committed to the place from courts of law and prisons. The hospital is operating with two psychiatrists and- three physi- cians, which its staff says should be at least doubled to provide adequate rehabilitation. Further, 1,483 patients are crowded into facilities de- signed to handle 1,223. Officials say they hope the already tense situa- tion does not become explosive. COULD BE THAT the people in Lansing are not looking out for their own better interests. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: debater Clarifies Statements on SGC I I s - . 'y CAPITAL COMMENTARY: New ove P aganda Drive 3 By WILLIAM S. WHITE Desire fo WASHINGTON -- The ill-con- [HEY WERE LINED up beyond the exit at. the Cinema Guild Saturday night. Crowds f. stag males had come to see "Time of Desire," rimarily because it had been banned in Ann rbor shortly before. The ones who had come to see obscenity were isappointed. The film was delicate and well- andled. It sold because it had been banned, s art has always been easily sold when banned y the local authorities. Banning helped sell September Morn, a pic- ure of a nude woman which was skyrocketed to iccess by a clever press-agent wh6 managed to rouse the Bostoncensors. It helped sell Lady hatterly's Lover. TODAY AND TOMORROW: ySuccess and Failure By WALTER LIPPMANN ceased actions 0 fSoviet-bloc spokesmen here are making it plain that Moscow has loosed a major propaganda offensive to dis- credit the Big Four foreign mini- sters' conference before it meets. There are three easily identified preliminary targets. The first tar- get is the whole traditional process of Western diplomacyiron Cur- tain diplomats are saying in effect, that the world has no further real use of foreign. ministers. They are arguing first that all present East- West issues, like the Berlin crisis, cannot be settled by negotiations among foreign ministers but only at summit meetings of heads of state. And they are going on to suggest even that all subsequent issues of consequence also must have a single place of settlement, the summit. The second target of interna- tional communism's campaign is all "military thinking"-including, for the moment at least, even So- viet military thinking: The line is that all military men are quite out of date because scientific and intellectual advances have outrun them. The third target is a single per- son, our new Secretary of State, Christian_ A. Herter. Soviet-bloc officials are pointing to him as one foreign minister who, perhaps more even than all the others "lacks political power." The fact, of course, is that this is extraor- dinarily untrue. Mr. Herter's base of domestic political support is ac- tually the greatest of any Secre- tary since Cordell Hull in the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. (Perhaps, parenthetically, this is exactly why Soviet-block spokesmen are urging the exact reverse.) S * * THIS PSYCHOLOGICAL cam- paign is being directed not pri- marily at the public but rather, toward Washington officialdom, the press and opinion-influencers in general. Soviet-bloc diplomats are making themselves extensively "available" in off-the-record gath- erings to which they are speak- ing with unusual care and preci- sion and, under obvious prior in- structions. Toward the people generally, meanwhile, international commu- nism is turning an increasingly "reasonable" face. No doubt this is because international commu- nism wishes to keep the people's trusts in what is clearly the only 'N COMMENTING on the approaches to Geneva and to the summit there is a tempta- on. to which all of us are subject. It is to apply oo soon and too often the test of success or ailure. The-negotiations which have now begun. ill last for, a long time. They could last for a eneration. In the course of that long time here will be many changes which cannot now e foreseen clearly. For what is being begun now y the statesmen of the older generation will robably not be concluded until there is a new eneration. There* is no present prospect, that the nego- ations will "succeed," if by that is meant that hey will produce a final settlement of the Ger- tan problem. On the other hand, there is no rospect, it seems to me, that they will "fail," by that is meant that there will be no more egotiations and that this will be followed by >me sort of mobilization for war. We must d ourselves of the rubber stamp notions of iccess and failure. The German problem is at resent insoluble. No theoretical solutionof it ould be worth a great war to either side, and oth sides know that the question could not be ttled by a war. The world has to live with he German question, producing as best it can nd from time to time a modus vivendi with- it any serious expectation of a settlement. 'HE GERMAN question lies in the fact that the German Reich, as- founded by Bismark 1 1871, has been partitioned as a result of the efeat of Hitler. Berlin, which was the capital the old 'German Reich, has itself been par- tioned. The partition of Germany is the con- quence of the second World War, and it uld become the cause of the third World War. . We ask ourselves, could the partition of ermiany have been avoided? No one knows the aswer. For this is just about the "iffiest" * ~:14rw ,~#AtDal Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB. Editor CHAEL KRAFT JOHN WEIGHER itorial Director City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor LLE CANTOR.............-...... Personnel Director AN WILLOUGHBY ..... Associate Editorial Director AN JONES....... Sports Editor ATA JORGENSON ..... Associate City Editor ,IZABETH'ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director question in world affairs. What we can say is that the Red Army coming irom, the East, the Allied army coming from the West. met in the middle of Germany. They would not have met if Hitler had not attacked Russia and brought her into the war. They would not have met if the Allies, including the United States, had been strong enough to occupy the whole of Germany before the Russians got there. The fact is, however, that they did get there and that the West got there and that was how Hitler's Reich was conquered. WAS PARTITION the necessary and the in- evitable result? Here again all is "iffiness." Was it from the beginning the Soviet intention to dismember Germany? Or would the Soviet Union once upon a time have settled for a neu- tralized and lightly armed united Germany, hoping, of course, that the German Commu- nists would infiltrate the German socialists, and eventually rule the whole of Germany? On the other hand, were the Western Allies wise in thinking that this risk was so great that, in- stead of working -for an evacuation by the Red Army, they insisted upon the rearmament of Western Germany in alliance with their own forces? Questions such as these are no longer real questions. Europe has out-lived them and what we are now facing is the historic fact that there are Two Germanys and two Berlins. the German crisis of today is the crisis of the adjustment of the great powers to the parti- tion of Germany. The adjustment will be a very complicated experience. For the partition of Germany is as great an historic event as was the unification of Germany under Bismark. The adjustment to- this historic fact involves on both sides of the Iron Curtain some kind of recognition of most unpalatable facts. On the Western side it in- volves a recognition that there are two German states. On the Russian side it involves a recog- nition that there are two Berlins, and that West Berlin must remain a part of the Western com- munity. The acceptance of these unpalatable facts, and their recognition in legal instruments which are enforcible, will be the core of the coming negotiations. The object of the nego- tiations will be a modus vivendi which, while it recognizes that there is in fact a partition of Germany, keeps alive the right and the hope of an eventual reunion. (c) 1959 New York Herald Tribune Inc. kind of East-West solutions the Soviet bloc now really intends to accept-that is, solutions at the summit. Not often, however, if ever, have Soviet spokesmen in semi-private talks shown so brutal a candor as, they are showing now. They are giving notice to Secretary Herter, and other Western leaders now in Paris to prepare for the foreign ministers' conference, that if the conference reaches any success it will be a complete accident, if not a miracle. This is not the least of the rea- sons why all concerned at Paris, are making such earnest efforts to heal all Allied divisions on the proper approach to the Russians. * .* OF THE present three-headed Soviet-bloc approach. itself, the most arresting point is the way its spokesmen are dealing with the "military thinkers." For a long time, it will be recalled, the very highest Soviet figures, including Nikita Khrushchev himself, spoke boldly of Soviet missiles as offering the most undebatable reasons why the West must come to terms. Now, the Soviet story is the reverse. Now, the story goes like this: The "real danger" to mankind does not lie in "any" weaponry. Rather, it lies only in the failure of political leaders to keep up with scientific advances. Thus, we must beware the "military thinkers." For these are trying to hold good policy, meaning "peace" policy, down to their own outmoded no- tions. So, in summary, these are the Soviet-bloc intentions: 1. To takehworld diplomacy for good out of the relatively calm and professional atmosphere of foreign ministerial negotiation and to put it all in the hands of a succession of summit metings. Summit meet- ings, any and all of them, will be more subject to the world's emo- tional pressures if only because any free leader will find it hard to say no to popular hopes under the white, constant light of total pub- licity. 2. To make the West no longer willing to listen to what are, after all, its ultimate experts in the science of survival, the military men. (Copyright 1959, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) To the Editor: IN THE DEBATE, "Should SGC Be Abolished?", I did not advo- cate replacing this body with a Hyde Park, as The Daily reported. I was also careful not to mention England in connection with this recreation-garden. I did advocate abolishing SGC altogether, believ- ing that no vacuum would be formed thereupon. This campus is full of laws and institutions; dis- solving SGC would amount to a healthy appendix operation. This. is a position to be taken by re- sponsible students on campus, and not by a "foreign anarchist" - as I was painted. As stated by a Council member participating in the debate, SGC "upholds the rules . . ." set by the Regents. This body governs only, because the administration gave it permission to 'uphold' some Uni- versity laws, and not because it has a democratic voting body be- hind it. On this campus, members of "Judic", maintain the drinking regulations (which they them- selves might not believe in); SGC enforces other superimposed Uni- versity laws, yet undefined. Deep psychological m o t i ve s drive students to run for offices- ego-boosting, excess energy Students thus motivated have pro- duced debates, SBX, plays and balls. We should thank these con- structive officers. . However, if people run for "glorified police- man" offices, as members of Judic .or SGC, let-the University's regu- lators thank them. As a student, I do not feel democratically rep- resented by a body trying to force laws imposed from outside - by the Regents - upon me. Further, if SGC did not uphold any rule, the campus would not suffer. We are in the process of looking for the territory where the Council could govern or control, whereas the campus is still quite disciplined. It could be my "for- eign anarchism" which drives me to state that the process of first electing officers and then forming their offices, is slightly illogical. -Michael Bentwich, Grad. Radicals . . . To the Editor: GOD FORBID that there should be "radicals" on campus and since the All-Miglty seems to have been negligent in his duties, it has been proposed that the adminis- tration assume them. To facilitate this, we recommend the following steps to be taken in removing this threat to our "present excellant reputation as an educational in- stitution": 1) All student organizations should be banned; an early curfew set and a prohibition be placed:on all gatherings in excess of four persons. 2) The student body ought'to be restricted to those who come from a true conservative background, (i.e., parents who voted for Al Landon). 3) All courses encouraging origi- nal thinking should be dropped and curriculum be limited to.sci- ence and the reading of Time magazine. 4) Foreign and out of state stu- dents ought to be excluded as they may spread subversive ideas about the broader nature of a univer- sity. 5)- The Bissel brothers must be exiled to East Lansing and/or be hung in effigy on the Diag. 6) And all students should be compelled to read "Masters of Deceit" by J. Edgar Hoover and a forthcoming article by Mr. Ohlson Jr. entitled, "Freedom of Speech in a Democracy Should this arogram fail to ap- neal to the administration, we sug- gest that Mr. Onison be sent back to grade school to learn the ele- mentary workings of the ;demo- cratic process which he apparently hae never learned. -Arthur Rosenbaum, '60 -Martin Hoffert, '60E Definition . . To the Editor: MR. OHLSON'S recent definition of the term "radical" is in itself quite a radical departure from anything heard in some time. If one accepts his statement that anyone who takes part in pressure group activities is per se a radical, then it is inescapable that we must consider the Natiohal Association of Manufacturers, 'the National Chamber of Commerce (and the Junior Chamber), the American Medical Association, America's In- dependent Light and Power Com- panes, the old America First, and a countless listof comparable or- ganizations as the most radical of all. -John Woodruff, '60 Passover . . To the, Editor: BEHOLD ! Passover has come to campus. It is nice to see that the Quadrangles are so observant of religious holidays. For example, every Friday, like clockwork, we eat fish, like it or not. During the lenten season as little meat as pos- sible and necessary to, keep body and soul together are dished out. Now, in the.important season of Passover, the Quadrangles have again thoughtfully provided- for the religious observance of their residents. For what to our wonder- ing eyes should appear but a min- iature tray and some real, honest- to-goodness matzoh as we went through the dinner line, How lovely! Perhaps to make sandwiches with the pork chops that were Y. I. } , NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV .. . launches drive INTERPRETING THE NEWS:. Labor's Repercussions By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst NEGOTIATIONS between labor and management in the Amer- ican steel industry have a direct bearing on the nation's interna- tional relations. Here's how it works: Labor contends that it must have higher wages and other bene- fits. Management claims these can be paid only through higher prices. The government claims that ris- ing steel prices would inevitably be the beginning of another round of wage-price increases across the nation contributing to inflation. This would aggravate other problems. One of these problems is that high American prices have caused a sluggishness in world markets for American exports. At the same time the United States ever the years has been gradually opening its doors to more products from other coun- tries. There is a desire to strength- en America's allies for the cold war. * * * NOW TTWRF IS nn imhhgannc States are therefore afraid that the United States, to prevent any- thing like a crisis from developing, might cut import quotas and take other steps to balance her trade figures. These possibilities have been a. major topic of discussion abroad this week. Both the spirit and the ability needed to meet common front obligations will be affected by the outcome. * * * * THE STEEL negotiations come just a few days after economic experts meeting under the aus- pices of Columbia University raised questions as to whether inflation in an expanding economy is as attributable to the wage-price spiral as to more fundamental factors. Some have begun to ask if the spiral itself is,not inherent in an economy with consumer demand for increases in plant capacity to be paid for out of prices. Some also are asking whether one cause may be a heavy world investment in wasteful products- war materials which must be soon replaced as obsolescent without Senimore Says...