?esidence (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of tour articles deaiinj with Judieial bodies on the campus.) By CHARLES KOZOLL Lack of full student responsibility often results in an increas amount of residence hall staff influence on the operation of judicia groups, Robert Ashton, '59, former Interhouse Council preside explained.- Particularly in the individual house* council, the effects of t staff is felt. In large part this is due to the manner in which judiciari derive their power. Houses, Ashton noted, are encouraged but not forced to mainta their own judiciary groups. Since 1953, when the Residence Ha Board of Governors sanctioned these systems, the trend in all but few has been to establish and operate these groups. House Function Defined Originally the plan was formulated by Assistant Dean of M John Bingley when he was Resident Director of East Quad. The id was and. is to refer cases to student ajudicating groups to devel student awareness of the difficulties involved in maintaining prop student discipline. House groups then deal primarily with individual problems as Staffs Infin g the area of quiet hours. Each unit decides upon the procedure it wishes to use in selecting the members of their judiciary council. Method here varies from direct appointment by the house council to general elec- edtion. eyd. "The main problem affecting the functioning of the house judic ry is that violations tend to be reported by staff members rather than nthe men in the house," Ashton said. Fear of repercussion from the hemen he has to live with Is the main reason for student apathy in this he area, Harold Scheub, Grad., resident advisor of Strauss house, main- estained. in Many also feel that this type of policeman activity is part of the l staff's duty as paid employes doubling sometimes as disciplinarians, al Ashton added. a Cites Staff Pressures As the only ones likely .to bring charges, it follows in certain cases that staff members may want their opinions reflected in the en judiciary decision. To achieve this, in rare cases staff may result to ea Ipressuring members of the council. op An example of this occurred in a judiciary case in which a resident ~er advisor told the members of the group that he wanted a certain individual punished more severely for violating quiet hours, among in other things. ence House Because the members of judic felt that the resident advisor had not considered all facets of the case, they disregarded the staff recom- mendation. Despite the fact that their feelings were clear to the resident advisor, he rebuked the judiciary after the hearing for not reaching an "effective conclusion." Staff, Judiciary Meet The main sphere of influence comes in another manner. The major difficulty stems from the tendency of staff and judiciary to meet formally or informally to discuss the common problem of disci- pline, Dan Belin, '59. former president of Strauss house, pointed out. Through this association the judiciaries feel "overly responsible" to "punish and rehabilitate" and it is through this association that judi- ciaries may tend to reflect staff opinions, he went on to say. "No judiciary may condone an infraction which is brought to its Sattention, in my opinion," Belin declared. "But its means of handling the infractions are varied. It is here where the trouble lies." Further influence comes in a similar line where judiciaries look to staff for guidance and as a result assume staff opinions on certain Smatters, Ashton mentioned. .~= i Advisors Affect Effectiveness SDiscipline policies set up by each house advisor tend to directly affect judiciary effectiveness, Joel Paris, '60. East Quad judiciary In dic iaries chairman commented. These policies, he went on, determine whether the staff handles a problem personally, refers it to the house judic or request that it be handled on the quad level. Residence halls do not require that violations be referred to student groups for settlement. In most cases the volume of cases heard will depend on staff confidence in ability of the house council. The factor of total staff effectiveness in handling problems them- selves also influence the number of cases referred to the judiciary. "The Huber House staff has gained the men's respect to the degree that they can handle discipline problems most effectively themselves,' one house resident commented. Similar Attitudes May Influence ofConceivably this respect could also be contingent on the similarity ofthe group's attitudes to those of the resident advisor and quad resident director. "Depending upon the serious nature of the case and the resident advisor's desire to see it heard on a higher level, the case may have its first hearing on the quad level,'" Boren Chertkov, '60, lHC president explained. In cases where the resident advisor feels the house grouP isn't capable, he may propose to have what he considers a more competent See STAFF, Page 2 SENATE'S ACTION CALLED GOOD See Page 4 it' 43a11 ~4I~ Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXIX, No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1959 FIVE CENTS' RAIN, WARMER SIX PAGES Dscrmnatin In Fraternities Bly THOMAS HAYDEN "The undergraduate fraternity man is just a transitory unit of the whole national fraternity. He equals a sm~.ll fraction; the alumni predominate." visitethee AneArbor campus recently ttend a districtr convention. Many say the tie he represents - that of the local chapter to the national fraternity-is invaluable. But others call it inhibiting. Increases Complexities Regardless, the relationship is pertinent to any study of religious and racial discrimination in fraternities. And it adds considerably Republican Legislator' Claim H Steel Men Want Early C' ~ CRITICIZES EFFECTIVENESS: 'By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Summer 'U' To Opert By NAN MARKEL Despite the University's hazy flnancial outlook, Vice-President and dean of faculties Marvin L-. Niehuss predicted yesterday that the summer session will be held as planned. Niehuss noted that the adminis- tration has several times in previ- ous years thought of dropping the summer session to save money, but that the move would not be "worthwhile." . The summer program is close to self-supporting, he explained;. Last year it cost roughly $1 million, with an income of approximately $6 or $7 hundred thousand. He added it would disrupt plans of students and also of faculty, members who depend upon the extra session for income. Anticipates Enrollment Increase However, associate director of the summier session Prof. N. Edd Miller, Jr., of the speech depart- ment, anticipates an enrollment increase of six or seven hundred over last summer's 1,000, Coupled with ,"essentially the same" number of course offerings and faculty members, the increase will mean larger classe&.'"he sum- mer session' was "cut-bad]- inan- cdally" last year along witb the rest of the University, Prof. Miller said, and at present, plans are 'tos the complexities of the situa- Particularly at Eastern schools, fraternities have been split - either voluntarily or by force - from the nationals, thus making the local chapter autonomous and free to set up its own constitu- tion and by-laws. Fraternity men at the Urniver- sity generally cherish their bond with the national, for several rea- sons. Several Tangible Benefits Not only does a local share a common ritual and heritage with the national, but a number of tangible benefits can be derived from linkage with the national. National financing makes schol- arships, loans and grants available to indivdual members. Moreover, rushing is theoretically better for a house with a national reputa- tion. Travel opportunities are en- hanced by national affiliation. Fraternity mexn may travel from chapter to chapter at practically no expense. Numerous job oppor- tunities also spring from national ''Often Swallow Beliefs' National affiliation is so valued, in fact, that men will "often swal- low their .beliefs at a convention in order to preserve the national fraternity," a local Greek claims. In other words, a chapter might suppress its feelings about dis- crimination rather than open a rift among the delegates. thenundergraduates delegates hold the voting power. For constitu- tional changes a two-thirds or three-fourth majority vote is usu- ally required. In the case of Phi Delta Theta, majority votes at two GILBER(T- BURSLEY -.-. GOP City Chairman Gilbert Bursley, past ward co- ordinator, was named to succeed Norman Randall, as Ann Arbor Republican City Chairman last night at the Republican Honors Banquet. Bursley, the assistant directoi' of the University's Development Council, pledged himself, his fel-- low officers and the committee to carrying on the work of the 1959 organization in the coming year. "We must provide very capable and top-flight candidates and must have clear, sensible positions on public issues," he declared. The duties of the GOP ch air- man are to arrange all Republican affairs for te city oAnArr itself and in its" relation to the state. Named as vice-chairmen were Mrs. Russell Dobson, Mrs. Fred- erick Coller and Mrs. William Coughlin. Secretary and treasurer of the Republican committee will be Mrs. Kenneth Magee and Her- bert Ellis. Mrs. James Nichols and Mrs. C. N. Trabandt will be headquar- ters co-chairmen. William Car- man, chairman of public relations and publicity, will be assisted by John Ragland.- Assistant Dean of Women Eliz- abeth Davenport will continue chairmanship of the education committee, which .familiarizes voters with the candidates. eL~tl~itllLHinsdale House Council of East Quadrangle voted toresign fromn By The Associated Press The vote was prompted by the Steel negotiations opened yes- presentation of a petition signed terday on a hopeful note with both by 70 per cent of the house mem- sides asserting they wanted to bers advocating withdrawal from reach an early, amicable contract IHC. The petition criticized IHC agreement without government in- for failing to effectively fulfill its tervention. purpose in coordinating the .ac- President Dwight D. Eisenhower tivities of the houses and the hinted the governnient may step various quadrangles. in if the bargaining points tQa It denied that IHC had ade- new inflationary surge of wages quately represented its members and prices, to the faculty and administrators The President, at his Washing- Service Project Lack ton news conference, urged both Also criticized was the notable sides to exercise good sense and ilack of service projects beneficial statesmanship in the talks. Other- to Hinsdale House as a whole. wise, he said, the American people IHC President Boren Chertkov, could not stand Idly by and let '60, said that it is unfortunate that themselves get hurt. Hinsdale, as a member of the He cautioned the steel industry Presidium, couldn't offer construc- and its workers that "the United tive criticism. He added that "con- States cannot stand still and do structive criticism" will always nothing" if they push wages and aid an organization. prices upward in an inflationary Chertkov declared that he did spiral. not think that any of the other Essentially, President Eisenhower houses would follow Hinsdale's ex- ~was taking no new stand in urging ample. both management and the union William Anderson, '61, president to display good sense, wisdom and of Hinsdale, commented that "tat statesmanship or risk government the present time I know of at least controls on profits, prices and pay, one other house that is carrying "So, therefore," he said, "I on an extensive probe into the would again insist that the whole functions and values of IHC. Still 17[5 million of us ought, to make others are voicing their dissatis- clear that we are concerned about faction with the Council." this matter." 1 "owever, at the present, I don't know whether they will go as far as Hinsdale," he added. The HinsdaeNounciy Dsuggested that a letter of resignation be sent to the Board of Governors, IHC, Chertkov and to officials in the Student Activities Building advising them that Hinsdale will no longer pay dues to IHC-. Upon learning of the Hinsdale action, the president of Huber House, Edward Berne, '61, insisted that Hinsdale would have better presented a constructive proposal IThe second set of meetings ex- plaining the Dearborn Center to interested sophomores' was held yesterday at the epgineering col- lege. Prof. Axel Marin, chairman of the college's permanent commit- tee on the Center, reported the details of the Dearborn engineer- ing program. He indicated, that the basic program was similar to the Uni- versity's, but that'the ,Center will operate on the quarter system so that courses are dlivided into se- . Inmesters on a different basis. SGC Sets Me tn in Qud The program operates out of copnsecutive conventions are ne- funds allotted for the fiscal year cessary. 195-6. Lketh ret.ofthe Uni- However, many chapters of a versity, Miller said, "we don't know ntoa r oae r h ot; what to expect in the way of ap- and "heatedly oppose" changes in propriations." FudPsaeSee GREEK, Page 2 While Niehuss could not be defi- - ~ .. nite about funds for the summer, O . I6 ~JW4 he Indicated he expects the Vet- OiIL, %t( erans' Trust Fund will provide money for the first payment due to the University's summer session AMMAN, Jordan - Samir Ri] in July. ,hind King Hussein's often shaky As it is planned, the sessioii will yesterday pleading ill health. open June 22, featuring a series of The action may foreshadow lectures on "Modern Man Looks 'the United Arab Republic. Forward." Historian Max Lerner The. King apparently felt h: will discuss the future of Americansrngnuh ocepthrsg civilization, and Lloyd Berkner, stogeog oacp h ei "father" of the International Geo- physical Year, will speak on "The RICHMOND, Va. - A Federa Impact of Science on Society and tant state of Virginia further a Culture." yesterday. A panel will consider "The City' In a reversal of a District Cou In Transition." Panelists include County a seven-year grace period Thomas Creighton, editor of an Court ordered the rural Southside architectural magazine, Prof. John fled Negroes to white schools in S Kohl, of the engineering college, , * and Charles Blessing who is De- troit planning director. WASHINGTON - Atomic Ener To Present Ciardi McCone said yesterday a scientific The future of poetry and music further reassurance to the people s Roundup fai, the pro-Western strongman be- throne, resigned as Prime Minister restoration of closer relations with Ls own hold on the country was :nation, which came as a surprise. 1 Appeals Court pushed the reluc- long the school integration, road rt decision allowing Prince Edward ,the United States Fourth Circuit County to prepare to admit quali- eptember. gy Commission Chairman John A. advisory committee soon 'will give of the world about the very small To onsider Apointments Student Government Council will hold its weekly meeting at for an SGC-sponsored bicycle auc 7:30 p.m. today in dining roomn tion and Haber will explain hi two - oSotQuadrageto e- progress in compiling information abl ore sude ngts to enh for a report on nuclear testing proemes Joudee '60 vexec- The Council will also conside utive vicepsiden sai yeser- appointments for representative day, ic-rslln ad etr to the National Students Associa- The Council will consider the tion Congress, the Student-Busi appointments to Joint Judiciary ness Relations Committee, th Council made by the SGC execu- Human Relations Board and ~ tive board and the present Joint Student Book Exchange Manager Judic. Those nominated are Ron- ald Greenberg, '61, Carolyn Os- b,'60d, Mal Skh a '6 an To Pree bo 6&d, MicarskhaPre.nd Janet Weaver, '60. The Council cannot amend the list, but may send it back to the appointing board for reconsidera- tion, Allan Stillwagon, '59, judic , cairmnan, explained. Al Haber's '60, resolutions on .. academic freedom at the Univer- sity, tabled last week, also will be .discussed at the meeting. The resolutions include a request fork a policy statement from the Uni- versity and the establishment of a special board to study academic freedom. A joint recommendation to es- tablish a permanent committee to study fraternity rushing proce- dures will be submitted to the The final set of. meetings will be ;held at 4 and '7:30 p.m. in Rm. 131 of the business administration scoo scThey will be directed primarily toward sophomores in the literary and engineering colleges and - oward those about to enter the -business administration slhool. s Vice-President and Director of IDearborn Center William Stirton,. . Director of Admisslons.Clyde Vro- r man and two members of the s business administration school's -permganent faculty committee on - Ithe Dearborn Center will speak. eThese two men are Prof. R. Lee a Brummet, chairman, and Prof. .EgrH. Gaiflt. on how to improve the or tion instead of dropping ou. "n answer to this, Ander Hinsdale council has car an extensive investigation: functions of IHC and its i Hinsdale House. This in tion included inviting to ou cil meeting Robert Ashto Robert Garb while they w officers of IHC." As a result of these in tions a eot wsto ha' preeed aet the last IHC ium rmeeting,d he contin is only slightly overeto However, I was denied the: The next House Council was attended by many n of the mHc executive boa derson said. Several point report and Hmnsdale's Int IHC were discussed. By RALPH LANGE A tape recorder valued and a recording of Monday abortive panty raid were cated from a student's r the West Quadrangle staff day. The tape contained nois rioting and profane phr Wenley House Resident Russel C. Gregory, Grad., w~ attempting to dispel th makers. ,The student, Anthony 62, discovered the eq missing yesterday morni was uncertaxin as to when taken. Gregory, who yelled at during the disturbance t that -- thing out of the w told his assistant resident to take the equipment. Gregory said last ni ordered the confiscation, Elshout had removed his and was dangling the r from the window. Elshout the microphone was' taped screen and the screen v removed from the wind that he was 'not creating turbance with the. recorde Although unable at first termine th'e location of hi ment. Elshout, after que several people, asked his a resident advisor and dis~ that the recorder and ta "locked up" in the ARA's The University has the enter a student's room time. 'There is, however, a' ar'rangement whereby staf! enter except in cases of gency'. 'Say Actions Of overnor g~aniza- ' il a i g son said wieeks, Sneekens Demnands into the State Make Known valestg Details on Finances [r coun- rn, and By JAMES SEDER ere still A political turmoil which has been simmering beneath the sur.' vestiga- face for nearly two weeks and' ebee began to boil over on the floor of Preid the Senate last Wednesday erupted Lid Iyeterday uedwhich The Rpublicans claim the cash p ages. crisis is a hoax, perpetrated by the floor." Governor rneetigFor the past several weeks. the mtng Republicans in the Legislature, rdbeAn particularly inI the Senate, have rd ofn-h been charging with increasing in- srest in tensity that the state financial' eres incrisis is a fraud. On the floor of the Senate last Wednesday Sen. John P. Smeekens (R-Coldwater) .announced that he es was "convinced" that the Gover- nor was misleading both the Leg- islature and the people of Michi- ean Smeekens Speaks. Sen. Smeekens' speech carme ojilly R a few minutes after the Governor .'and his principal administrators at $200 spent over an hour briefing report-' night's ers on the details of the crisis- confis- and the administrative board's oom by plans for handling this crisis. yester- Sen. Smeekens charged that his efforts to obtain certain specific e of the details of the state's -financial ases by condition had been repeatedly re- Advisor buffed by the administration. As "ho was a result, he continued, he would e noise vote negative on any tax or cash bill to appear before the Senate Elshout, until he received the desired~ in- uipment I ormation. - rg and The actual eruption came late it was Monday when State Treasurer Sanford Brown told reporters that Elsbout the state was not legally bound to o "Get tpay $35.5 million in primary 'indow " school interest payments May 15. advisor IPreviously, the administrative board had maintained that it was gh h required by law to do this. because IBeadle Comments screens Hearing this, Senate Majority :ecorder Leader Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) claims commented: Ito the "This settles it. If it is true the vas not school payment can be delayed ow and then there is no excuse for payless a dis- paydays. The cash crisis is ho- r. kum." to de- Sen. Beadle then rejected a two- sequip- part proposal by the Governor stioning that the Veterans Trust Fund bill ssistant be passed and then the Governor covered and Sen. Beadle sit down together pe were and talk out the tax problem until closet. Ithey reach some conclusion. They right to fwould meet "24 hours a day, if at any necessary," Paul W. Weber, Gov. wrorking Williams' press secretary said. do not Weber explained that Attorney emer- General Paul Adams says that law covering the primary school inter- est payments is extremely "con- fused," and that Adams is still ~ ~ not sure of the legal implications.