THE MICHIGAN DAILY Season Tickets Lure Students ist Administrators Comply With Award Conditions ter. 4 (Continued from Page 1) 0) Play y ANITA FELDMAN 1 Garner, noted pianist- er, will appear in a concert .m. May 15 in Hill Audi- in connection with the ity's traditional. G r e e k May 11-16. burgh-born, Garner has aying the piano profession- ice the age of seven, with es in theaters and supper- ,s well as on record, tele- and radio. tu make the restrictions as broadly as possible. Donations Unfamiliar to the Legislature which would require certain civil rights pro- cedures in public educational in- stitutions (the proposal has not as However, donations are fre- yet been introduced in the Legis- quently made through bequests with which the University is not familiar until the will is probated. Then the Regents must either ac- cept the money subject to the stated conditions or reject the fund -they have no power to amend the conditions of the gift. Recently a proposal was offeredI lature), Not Legal Even if such legislation were passed, it would not be legally bound on the University since con- trol of the internal affairs of the University is placed in the Board of Regents by the state constitu- tion. U I TWO GREAT HITS RETURN LONG GREY LINE-The open F'or i card fthE al ,ris, rnE the le' ie ar Gar o hi; list, lay, .'h. ely, the completely self- student season ticket combined 4t musician has been bring- ticket offers students a choice o is unique talents to the con- begin Friday. stage, and has won many ed awards all over the world, for hi playing and his corn- FRATERNITY PRESID ons. - instance, Garner has won rand Prix du Disque award D iscr n a the French Academy of Arts . is recorded performance on(ontinued from Page r) ium '"Jass Pour Tous." The d was made by the Presidet e French National Assembly clause will be out of'ATO's consti- luncheon of the Academy in tution by 1965 or 1965 at the lat- and later that same day, est, he thought.d er was honored M, the burial Colorado ATO President Wills e recording in a 'time cap-Ln greed that caceo eremonial, at The Comedie moving his fraternity's clause by - the 1962 deadline "don't look caise. good., ile he was abroad in 1957-58, . cal ATO President Bob Brown, pianist also received seven '6o, explained that concern over awards. the issue has been shown by only rner has evolved, his own sys- a few in his chapter. A majority of playing the piano by ear. of the local chapter is probably mposes on tape; his work is not in favor of dropping the transcribed by others. He clause,rheadded although there nore'than a hundred compo- is more :sentiment now for the xs to his credit, and is also change "than there was when I OCAP writer. -The best known was a freshman." .s own works are "Dreamy," Clauses Losing Support y," "Trio," "Other Voices," "Maybe the clause won't be Piano, Play," and "Gas- dropped within the next five years, ,. but Z think it will gradually lose support and be eliminated," Brown said. A motion to eliminate Sigma Chi's "ihite" membership clause V has a "definite'chance" for pass- age at this June's convention, a- Acording to Bob Pike, Wisconsin chapter head. DIAL NO 8-6416 PREMI ERE ENGAGEMENT 'FROM _ L. .,.,,-.+ .te.. <}; r.,ar..- 3) "-,vN. ' r. ",.' e *<. . ' " k .4d'fin