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May 05, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-05

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXIX, No. 153


In Fraternities

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the third in a series of seven articles dis-
cussing fraternity discrimination. Statements made by fraternity men at
other campuses are taken from the Colorado Daily nd the Wisconsin Daily
Local members of fraternities with written discriminatory clauses
report no substantial concern over the question within their chapters.
At least one house-Alpha Tau Omega-is not in favor of drop-
ping its prohibitive membership clause.
? But all four-Acacia, ATO, Sigma Chi, and Sigma Nu--agree there
is a trend away from .discrimination.
Face Crises Elsewhere
All but Acacia face crises on other American campuses which may
have eventual complications for University chapters.
Acacia, with an unusual clause barring Roman Catholics, is not
under pressure at other schools, notably the University of Wisconsin,
where time limits for clause elimination have been imposed.
Acacia's constitution prohibits those who at time of initiation are
inherents of'"any organization which seeks to restrain its members
from affiliation with Masonic organizations.,
Bars Catholics
The Catholic Church can be construed as such an 'rganization,
Dan Arnold, '59E, local president, said.
r The fraternity has "no formal relationship" with the Masons,
Arnold explained, but is still Masonic in origin and ritual.
Acacia frequently bids Catholics, Arnold said, but "they often
depledge after checking with a priest." The local chapter includes
three men with Catholic backgrounds.
Meanwhile, critical situations at the universities of Wisconsin and
Colorado have involved ATO, Sigma Chi and Sigma Nu chapters.
Gary Swenson, president of the ATO chapter at Wisconsin, sees
hope for eventually eliminating the fraternity's clause which limits
membership to "white, Christian males."
Views 'Definitely' Changing
"Under the present conditions and situations, a really good show
at our August 1960 national convention might be enough" to gain a
time extension from tl'e Wisconsin faculty, which has authority in
the area.
He said that delegates to the national convention "definitely seem
to be changing their views, but we hope fast enough to help us." The

Re ferendurn
Dates Set
By Council
Students To Answer
Two Bowl Questions
Student Government Council
has set May 12 and 13 for holding
its student referendum on the
University's participation in post-
season football games.
Elections Director Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61, announced that stu-
dents will be asked to vote on two
1) Should, the University sup-
port continued Big Ten participa-
tion in the Rose Bowl Agreement?
2) Should the University sup-
port any post-season football par-
Tests Student Feeling
Both questions are included to
determine whether students are in
agreement with the Rose Bowl
setup, and if not whether they
desire any post-season football
games, Seasonwein said.
Since the questions of further
University Bowl participation are
to be decided by representatives
from the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics and the
faculty, the referendum will only
be an expression of student opin-
ion, Seasonwein cautioned.
The Board has already gone on
record as favoring continued par-
A special meeting of the Faculty
Senate has been scheduled for
May 18 to discuss the recently
submitted report on University
athletics, from a special Senate
Sees Discussion
Subcommittee head Prof. Wil.
bert McKeachie of .the psychology
department reported that he
didn'tknbw if there would be any
kind of faculty recommendation,
but that the Rose Bowl issue
would probably be discussed.
"What I suspect," Prof. Mc-
Keachie said, "is that students
and faculty will either be pretty
evenly divided on the issue or else
the faculty will go one way and
the students another."
However, if there were strong
sentiment, the faculty representa-
tive would probably take it into
strong consideration, he acknowl-
Seasonwein lauded it as "the
first referendum in the history of
SGC. This is the only university
as far as we know that has utilized
student opinion in this area," he
Issue Not Complex
"Most issues are just too com-
plex to be answered with a yes
or no vote," he continued. They
require a thorough knowledge of
not only the issue itself, but the
background of the issue. ,
"Here we simply have a question
of how the students feel about an
uncomplicated matter."


Fund Pr'oposal

Report Republicans Spur



Of 'ictors'
Louis Elbel, composer of "The:
Victors," died Saturday night atj
University Hospital at the agel
of 81.
His life was tributed Sunday
night at the May Festival when
Eugene Ormandy directed the
Philadelphia Orchestra in what
John' Philip Sousa termed the
finest college march ever written.
Elbel, a University student from
1896-99, composed. "The Victors"
in 1898, inspired by a University 1
victory over the University of Chi-
cago. He had completed both
words and music when he returned,
from his weekend there.
Each year, he returned to con-
duct the marching band in "The
Victors" on homecoming day, and
was here last Oct. 25 to see Michi-
gan defeat Minnesota in its only
Big Ten Conference victory of the
Born in South Bend, Ind. in
1877, he was known there as the.
"dean of musicians." A child piano
prodigy, he toured the country at
the age of 12 and, in 1900. studied
with Martin Krause in Leipzig,
Germany. Performing with the
Chicago Symphony and the Ge-
wandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig in
his early years, he later gave up
concert work to devote himself to
He is survived by his wife, Maud
Biggs Elbel, whom he married in
1920, and by two sons, Robert and
Fred Elbel of South Bend.
Hears Plans
Two alternative plans for com-
mittees to control fraternity and
sorority affairs were .-presented to'
the Student Government Plan
Clarification Committee yesterday.
David Kessel, Grad., also spokeI
against the plans for special
boards governing the affiliated
groups at the University.
The first plan, presented by
Iferbert P. Wagner, chairman of
the Board of Directors of the
University Interfraternity Alumni
Conference, includes a committee
on Fraternity Affairs to consider
recognition and other fraternity
Members of the proposed Board
would be three active fraternity
members, three alumni members

Raid Flops
An attempted panty raid'
fizzled early this morning --
almost ,pefore it started.
Following- a Triangle honor-
.ary initiation, a noisy, crowd
collected between South and
West Quadrangles and: milled
about blaring on'trumpets, and
hurling firecrackers, until after
one a.m., when staff members
succeeded in persuading most
to return to their rooms;
Meanwhile, police rushed
units to the Hill to meet the
raiders who never materialized.
About 12:50 somceone in
South Quadrangle shouted "to
the Hill," the only answer he
received was "put' your money
where your' mouth is."
At one a.m." a', dwindling
group of men started for East
Q u a d r .angle, but as they
reached the Law Quadrangle,
only a caisson and rolling
drums were lacking for a most'
elegant funeral procession.

.. city editor . . editorial director

Turner, Peters .Head Daily Saffs

Regents Acce t Funds
For Restricteld Grants
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the first In a series of three interpretive
articles dealing with gifts and grants to the University.)
Crapo C. Smith was a successful Detroit lawyer who one day
decided that he was sick of big-city living and returned to his alma
mater to take up residence in the Union.
He died in 1948. When his will was probated, the University was
notified that Smith had left a grant of $1,250,000 to the University,
comprising the University's second largest scholarship fund. This
amount was to be used to aid
"partly or wholly supporting I
worthy young white men and wo- INTEGRATION, HUA
The Regents were faced with

Thomas Turner, '60, was ap-
pointed managing editor of The
Daily last night by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.j
The Board appointed Ronald
Peters, '61E, Daily business man-
Named to other editorial staff
positions were Robert Junker, '60,
city editor; Philip Power, '60, edi-
torial director; Barton Huthwaite,
'60, features editor; Joan Kaatz,
'60, magazine editor; Charles Koz-
ol, '60, personnel director, and
Peter Dawson, '60, contributing
Other edit staff appointments
were James Bow, '60, associate
city editor; Susan Holtzer, '60, as-
sociate editorial director; and
Selma Sawaya, '60, associate per-
sonnel director.
Other senior business staff ap-
pointments are Theodore Cohn,

'60, advertising manager; Morley
Gwirtzman, '60, associate business
manager; Richard Champe,
'60BAd., finance manager; and
Marilyn Fisher, '60, accounts
Turner will replace Richard
Taub, '59, as Daily editor. The ap-
pointment will make Turner an
ex-officio member of Student
Government Council.
A resident of Santurce, Puerto
Rico, Turner is enrolled in the
English Honors program, a mem-
ber of Sphinx, junior men's hon-
orary, and Sigma Delta Chi, pro-
fessional journalism fraternity.
He is 19 years old.
Replaces Topol
Peters will take the post for-
mally held by Stephen Topol, '59.
He is a 20-year-old native of
Trenton, Mich., and a member of
Alpha Chi Sigma professional
fraternity, and Triangle, junior


v ws w.v va vvwa J.

the question of accepting or re-$
jecting the grant - it had no op-
portunity to change the grant's
conditions. They accepted. This
is standard Regental policy.
Some administrators, particu-
larly those in areas with no direct
contact with the scholarship pro-
gram, ask if it's "any less moral
to accept funds restricted to 'white'
or 'protestant' students than it is.
to accept the Barbour scholarship
(restricted to oriental girls) or the
various American Indian scholar-
But other administrators, es-
pecially those working in the stu-
dent scholarship area,. appear to'
have more thorough philosophy on'
accepting these funds. They ek-
plain that they are opposed to all
types of restrictions on scholarship:
funds-in addition to moral cnn-


den Outlines 'Personal Journalism'

"It could happen only in Amer-
ica" is the apt statement of a man
who believes first and foremost in
a brand of what he calls "person-
al journalism."
And Harry Golden, editor of the
Carolina Israelite and noted hu-

morist, employs this style of writ- tegration crisis in the South.
ing when a 15,000 to 25,000 word "I came to the South at the
paper (all his own work) comes right time" for the Negro story,
rolling off the presses each month, he said. It was described as a time
"I'm completely secure in the which "involves a changing social
knowledge that I won't be order."
scooped," Golden said of his Notes Real Stories
unique publication. Once again, there were news
Describes 'Personal' Form stories and editorials. But Golden
Speaking yesterday as a Uni- claimed that the real stories were
versity lecturer in journalism, left to a few marginals like him-
Golden described his form of So G
"personal journalism" with two So Golden wrote and talked. He
examples. When Israel invaded is perhaps best noted for his "Ver-
Gaza, his deadline date was three tical Negro Plan," which advo-
wesoff.r cated' putting out-of-order signs
weeks .on all drinking machines labeled
And despite news reports, maga- "white" in the South.
zine stories and editorials, Golden "For the first day or two the
was not scooped. He played the whites were hesitant," he wrote,
story as an analogy between . m ;a- mr,+ _ V - _ +

and death." He quoted statistics
showing that for every white wo-
man who dies in childbirth, there
are three colored women. The Ne-
gro infant death rate is six and
one-half times that of the white
race," he added.
The South's basic problem is
that -it is a single homogeneous
society, Golden claimed. But the
problem has gone past their pri-
vate lives into their public institu-
tions, he added.
New York Native
A native of the Lower East Side
of New York City, Golden recalled
that "everyone was Jewish and we
had our own culture."
Suddenly Italians began to
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