4.<., - .. _ .. . t and no concerts are scheduled. Col- lege and staff who have a chance to take trips to Lake Michigan for beach parties, drive to Frank- fort to climb the Dunes, or if nothing more imaginative can be devised make the 14 mile trip to Traverse City. Many forms of recreation are found in camp, from sweaty bas- ketball games, to sailing and swim- ming, to bridge games in the college hangout, the "Minny" (Minnesota) Building. Many college students spend their time outside credit classes in non-credit musical activities: Fes- tival Choir, Honors Orchestra, im- promptu ensembles and for the first time in five years, opera. UJNTIL.five years ago the Uni- versity Division sponsored cred- it courses in opera. Each summer Glenn Gould.. By SELMA SAWVA Festival Choir and University Orchestra give a concert in the woods Artistic Setting for Young By DANIEL WOLTER IN 1928 members of The National High School Orchestra first took to the woods outside the insignifi- cant little town of Interlochen, Michigan, for a summer of con- centrated musical study and per- formance. This year 1,300 eight - week campers, 800 two-week (All-State) campers, and a faculty and staff of over 500 will participate in the 32nd Season of The National Mu- sic Camp. Because the Camp is affiliated with the University, and because the University Division of the Camp is one of the most active off-campus programs of the Uni- versity of MichiganhSummer Ses- sion, the position which the Divi- sion, and indirectly thehentire Music Camp, fills as an adjunct of the University may be examined through the interests of and bene- fits to individual students. Campers ranging in age from eight years to adulthood partici- pate in programs suitable to their interests and abilities. The Camp is divided into four divisions: Junior-grades three to six, Intermediate-grades seven to nine, High School and University. Each division functions independ- ently having its own schedule, though certain special programs and events include all campers. NEARLY all types of musical ac- tivity are offered: nine choral and opera groups, four bands and many wind ensembles, the nation's most comprehensive orchestral training school with eight orches- tras ranging from elementary to university level, individual instruc-. tion for beginners and young vir- tuosi, classes in all phases of mu- sic including conducting, theory, composition, and literature, and more specialized activities such as piano tuning, string - instrument repair, electronics and others. Yet music is not the only art represented at the camp. Speech, dance and art departments offer a wide variety of opportunities. The Speech department not only pro- Daniel Wolter has spent seven summers at Interlochn. Although a senior it English honors, he expresses "a strong interest in performing as well as listening" to music. vides a full schedule of dramatic events, but also offers courses in radio and television production. Behind all activities is a philos- ophy based on two words, concen- tration and competition. According to Founder and Pres- ident Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, the camp is designed for "young peo- ple with superior talent, energy and ambition who are capable of learning more quickly than aver- age students for whom our educa- tional system is, of necessity, de- signed." Most persons after a summer at camp, agree they ac- complish more than in a year or two under normal conditions. THE BIG problem for the camp staff (for six weeks, at least) is to insure no student goes com- pletely overboard in his engross- ment in arts activity. Some balance is achieved through the extensivesrecreational facilities available (no baseball though, because a promising mu- sician once suffered a broken fin- ger which cut short his career) and participation is mandatory. Regular social events corre- sponding to the normal events of more typical summer camps also help in maintaining some balance. The University Division has a somewhat different appeal for its members. Many college:, students, particularly music students, fol- low a normal schedule equivalent to the "heavy" schedule a high school student encounters at camp. Consequently, though they may work as hard or harder at Camp than on campus, a change of scenery and routing becomes a necessity. Interlochen offers this change. Prof. Allen P. Britton, Director of the University Division, says the attractien of the Camp is obvious. And for those who have seen the Camp this is true. SITUATED in a pine forest be- tween two lakes, Wahbekan- netta, and Wahbekaness (more prosaically known as Green and Duck Lakes), the surroundings have an appeal which even Ann Arbor in summertime cannot match. , Besides the physical surround- ings and climate, which is not all sunshine (Have you tried to keep a violin tuned during an outdoor rehearsal in a steady downpour?) the contact with many students with similar goals and ambitions offers stimulation impossible to find on the summer campus. While the camp itself forms a superb laboratory for music edu- cation students and in - service teachers, Prof. Britton says most students enroll in the Division be- cause they are interested primarily in performance; other benefits are peripheral. Opportunities for performance are far more extensive than in most other musical environments. In 1968, 320 programs were given during the eight week season. If one was interested, it was possible to hear a nine-year-old clarinet- ist's performance of Brahm's "Cradle Song," then later in the evening attend a performance of Brahm's "German Requiem," per- formed by the several hundred voice Festival Choir with Univer- sity Orchestra. MANY University campers also work part-time in food-serv- ice, stage crews and similar jobs. Artists Last summer 175 students were enrolled in the University Division, 41 from the University. As many more college students work full time at camp, most as counselors. The latter group usually are at- tracted to the camp because they have an interest in music or some other art, and the surroundings seem ideal for a combination of work and relaxation. While most enjoy their summer, and a fairly high proportion re- turn, the combination of job obli- gations and the incessant activity surrounding one sometimes frus- trates, and usually exhausts. Yet most find the experience healthy, unless too many trips to the Hoff- brau, the Interlochen equivalent of "the Old G.," interfere with 6:55 reveille. BOTH University campers and staff personnel enjoy periodic escapes from camp routine. Since Sunday is the biggest day for concerts; the week begins on Tuesday and ends on Saturday, so Monday is reservedfor relaxation, several short America operas and two major operas such as "Car- men," and "La Boheme," were per- formed. The program was discontinued because the University expanded its opera program on campus and it was felt the two programs were unnecessary duplication. Each summer the University Summer Session produces one opera, while Interlochen was reduced to a High School Gilbert and Sullivan Pro- duction as its lone operatic effort. With the formation of the American Opera Workshop this summer this deficiency will be remedied. The Workshop will pro- duce twenty-one American operas during the eight week season with all phases of Opera production be- ing emphasized. The University's relation to the Workshop can be compared to the relationship between music school and the Gilbert and Sullivan So- ciety on campus, according to Prof. Britton. Students participating in the Workshop can either be en- rolled full-time or may take a limited number of University cred- it courses through the University Division. THE UNIVERSITY association with the National Music Camp provides an expansion of offerings, not duplication. Only those courses necessary to any basic college pro- gram such as elementary music theory and Speech 31, are dupli- cated at Camp. Despite the budget cuts suffered by the University no reduction in the program is anticipated because it is completely supported by stu- dent fees. After all activities have been discussed, many which sound simi- lar to programs offered elsewhere, the essential differences between the Camp and other places can be traced to the philosophy of con- centration and competition. "Do more in less time," is an old camp motto. While the philosophy occasion- ally backfires - high school stu- dents begin to feel some pressure during the sixth and seventh weeks, incidents such as the en- tire trumpet section walking out of sectionalrehearsal "on strike" on "Black Friday," the day when all high school musicians compete in tryouts for rank (and solo parts) have marred the camp routine in the past-the results usually offer sufficient Justifica- tion. THE UNIVERSITY provides an- other service by sponsoring Al- State bands, orchestras, choir, dra- ma and piano sessions of two weeks length at the Camp. Many universities sponsor all- state groups which meet on their campuses, but the unique atmos- phere of the Camp provides the finest experience possible for Mich- igan students. A major problem remains-the cost has increasingly tended to concentrate students in the upper- middle and upper class income brackets, and although an exten- sive scholarship program has been maintained through income from seholarship lodges rented by visi- tors, the camp still excludes some' talent and admits a small group of monied mediocrities. This prob- lem will not be solvedsatisfactorily until a large endowment fund is established, and admission de- pends solely on talent and ambi- tion. 4 ONE OF THE most gifted-and still highly controversial-art- ists on the musical scene today is pianist Glenn Gould. Since making his American de- but in 1955, Gould has inspired, through public performances, de- bates between critics, both pro- fessional and amateur. The critical storms center around his "ec- centricities," which he has culti- vated to a point of perfection sel- dom seen nowadays, particularly 'in musical artists. His "odd habits" include such practices as continually wearing two pairs of gloves, no matter what the Weather, soaking his hands in warm-to-hot water just before each performance, and wav- ing his arms, beating time with composer his feet and humming (usually off-key) with the music he is playing. ONE SCHOOL of critics, at pres- ent much the smaller, insists that all of these physical pyrotech- nics detracts from the ultimate musical quality of the perform- ance, and the ultimate musical perfection of the artist himself. This is the view held by the more conservative critics and con- cert-goers, who will even frown on fine conductors like Leonard Bernstein for too much "exhibi- tionism." One critic, writing in Musical America after Gould's Carnegie Hall concert in Decem- ber, 1957, said: "Gould' played (the program) with an erratic freedom and su- perb showmanship that reminded me strongly of the conducting of Leopold Stokowski," and then grudgingly added, "although in Mr. Gould's case the effects are probably less calculated." In the early days of his post- debut career, most of Gould's critics were inclined to lean on the side of the writer cited above. Partly, perhaps, because they were not used to any contemporary art- ists who conducted themselves with such abandon on the nor- mally - dignified concert stage, members of the audience at Gould's recitals were taken aback + by his concert calisthenics and temporarily forgot to listen to the music produced by the performer in the fascination of watching him perform. THIS WAS a mistake, and was soon corrected by the more perceptive critics and listeners. The critic from the New Yorker Selma Sawaya, one of Gould's most avid fans, inter. viewed him when he was in Ann Arbor for the May Fes- tival last year., summed it up admirably in a re- view of a Gould performance in March, 1958. Of the aforemen- tioned eccentricities of perform- ance, he writes: "It would be easy to dismiss all this as deliberate exhibitionism, but after watching it with some amusement the other night, and listening to what emerged from the piano, I came to the conclu- sion that his manner is a perfectly sincere expression of his Gesamt- persoeniichkeit. He is obviously an original, whom one must accept on his own terms ... none of his physical flamboyance enters into what one hears." -Gould is original, in the sense of being rather unique: at 26, he is extremely young to be one of the top-ranking pianists-or any kind of musical artist, for that matter-in the United States; few other concert artists acknowledged to be among the "best" in theira fields can boast of being so young, or of having come as far in as short a time as Gould has. B OR~N IN Toronto, Ontario, ins tery of the art of the piano be- fore he had fully mastered the art of speech. From the age of three years, he has devoted himself to the study' of piano, almost to the exclusion1 of everything else. By the time he' was 10 years old, he was studying with Alberto Guerrero of ther Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto; his first (and only other) teacher had been his mother. For eight years, he continued to1 study with Guerrero, meanwhile1 making his formal Canadian debut' in a concert with the Torontoj Symphony Orchestra in 1947, at the age of 14. Since 1950, he has had no formal teacher of piano; he devotes his practice time to per- fecting his pianistic technique by himself. Since his formal American de- buts-in recital in Washington, D.C., January, 1955, and in con- cert with the -Detroit Symphony. Orchestra, March, 1956-his career has been an extremely busy and fruitful one, both in number of performances and in the more ab- stract realm of the artist's de- velopment. AT HIS Detroit debut,, Gould performed Beethoven's "Con- certo No. 4 in G major;" two years later he performed the same work at the May Festival here. It is safe to say that his Detroit performance did not approach the later one in terms of style, .or ma- turity displayed, or any criteria chosen. In those intervening two years, Glenn Gould came a long way. Of course, this is not to say that he began "growing" only when he finally made his American debut;' but he would probably be the last to deny that the number of con.- cert tours he made and the num- ber of recording sessions he "sweated through" did not sub- stantially help him along the road to musical maturity. He had made tours on all the important concert courses in Ca- nada after his Toronto debut, but it remained for his Detroit per- formances and his first recording, that of Bach's "Goldberg Varia- tions," to give him the push on the high road to international mu- "sical recognition. THE YEAR 1957 was a good in- ternational year for Gould; he went to Russia in May, gave four concerts in. Moscow and another four in Leningrad, playing to sold- out houses and receiving "near- hysterical" response in both. He also stopped at Berlin and Vien- na, where he was received as en- thusiastically. It was his repertoire, not his manner of performing, that caused consternation in the Soviet Union. In Ann Arbor last year, Gould said that his "most enjoyable two weeks were in the Soviet Union. "I played a great deal of Bach, which was a sort of novelty for them. Most of their artists have a very conservative repertoire-19th century conservative. The Western music I played caused a furore." LAST YEAR, Gould appeared at four major music festivals, two in America and two in Europe: the May Festival here and the Vancouver International Festival in British Columbia, and the Salz- the year he will devote to compos tion. "Before I'm 70, I'd like to ha' made some good recordings ar composed some chamber musi finished a couple of symphoni( and an opera," he remarked hop fully. OF HIS "eccentricities," Gou says little. His off-stage habi have drawn as much comment : his on-stage "peculiarities." A confirmed hypochondriac, 1 eats graham crackers and milk d luted with bottled spring water f lunch, swallows a wide variety pills at odd times during the da and bundles up against the weat] er with an overcoat over a jack over a sweater over a shirt, eve in May. The two pairs of gloves whit he also wears in all weather merely to protect his hands fro chill; and he goes even further 1 carefully removing the gloves ju before the performance and thi soaking his hands in a basin water, beginning with lukewar, and continuing until the water -comfortably hot. On stage, Gould is likely to e almost anything during a pe formance, from playing throun an entire concert with his le casuallycrossed, as he did in.D troit last winter, to stompii vigbrously with his foot in tir to the music, as he did in Ann A bor last spring. (Those who mis ed him last May Festival will ha the opportunity to see him perfor in Ann Arbor this fall as part the Choral Union series.) IN ADDITION to foot-stampir Gould will often beat time wi his free hand, wag his elbows ax his head - often he seems to hitting the keys with his nose chin-and then suddenly, when; finishes a passage, will drop r hands and let them dangle lif lessly at his side as though were completely exhausted. Again, he may sit, during a re passage, wagging his hands vigo ously to restore the circulation. the New Yorker aptly put it, "I gives the impression of a ms subduing the piano by jujitsu." Another of his minor habits, ritating to a few people, but pa ticularly to sound engineers, is 1 "crooning." Gould. will often b come so immersed in the mu. that he does not realize he is sin ing along with his playing-a he has ruined many a recordi session when a playback of ma ter tape indicates that Goul voice comes over louder than t piano's. There are times when he realF that he is making additional i sic. and he says in defense of I off-key singing: "The piano basically a percussive. instrume pianist burg Festival (where he appeared with the Concertgebouw Orches- tra) and the Berlin Festival. This year Gould has finished his third North American tour; he still complains that these cross- country jaunts do not leave him enough time for composition, which is his second love but which is rapidly replacing performing as the sole object of his affections. At the Stratford, Ontario, music festival in July, 1956, Gould dis- played his triple - threat talent. During a two-hour program, he appeared as piano soloist, return- ed to hear the first concert per- formance of his first string quar- tet, and then followed that by con- ducting Schoenberg's "Ode to Na- poleon Bonaparte." IS "DREAM" is composing; he hopes ultimately to give up concert tours and limit his per- forming year to only two months, during which time he will play almost exclusively for recording sessions. The other ten months of An intermediate division ensemble supervised by a U-M student shows laboratory advantages of the Camp to a prospective teacher. THE MICHIGAN [ .Y MAGAZ I I