70 .iJ ~ --., . Restoring Handel to His Proper Place Sculpture: the Form and Method Of the Many Arts, It is Probably Least Accepted and Least Understood in the United States By DAVID GUILLAUME Common Illusions Abou t Him Are Disappearing By MICHAEL COHEN TIS YEAR marks the two hun-' dredth anniversary' of the. death of George Frederick Handel. Ann Arbor musicians in keep- ing with musicians everywhere are honoring the great master, devot- ing much attentionato his works. In addition to the annual perform- ance of the "Messiah," an all Handel concert was presented by the Baroque Trio, and the Univer- sity Symphonic Band commemor- ated Handel's death at its an- nual spring concert. Visitors, notably the Societa Corelli and Renata Tebaldi also paid homage to Handel by includ- ing short selections in their res- pective programs. And at May Festival this afternoon the ora- torio, Solomon, will be performed.. All this is quite remarkable be- cause Handel, though acknowl- edged as a musical genius, custom- arily receives very little attention in the American concert hall. The English have devotedly performed lived and soon disappeared from many of Handel's oratorios for the the catalog. Westmninster has re- last two hundred years. but in leased "Israel in Egypt" and "Ju- America only the "Messiah" has das Maccabeus." Earlier Sherchen not sunk into oblivion, It seems somewhat of a shame to play one work to death and ig- nore more than thirty other ora- torios to Handel's credit, especially since many of them are of monu- mental stature, containing some of the finest music ever written. BICENTENNIAL celebra- tion will seemingly add impetus to the Handel. revival which has- been underway for some 35 years. In Germany during the 1920's, interest was renewed in Handelian opera which had hitherto been obscured by the operatic efforts of Gluck, Mozart, and Weber. Handelian opera seemed "stiff" and "conventional" by compari- son; arias and choral sections were connected with "long, dull recita- tives." To label earlier Baroque opera as dull and lacking in pro- fundity is perhaps somewhat justi- recorded "Messiah" for West- minster based on the Coopersmith rest ation edition. While the per- formance is subject to-Sherchen's eccentricities, it is probably the best Handelian choral effort avail- able to date. Angel also has a fine "Messiah" on the market under Sargent. In addition Angel has released "Solo- mon" with Lois Marshal (who in- cidentally will sing at the May Festival performance of "Solo- nion") and a more successful "Israel in Egypt" tlan Westmin- ster's. No less than five different re- cordings of the twelve concerti grossi comprising opus six are available. Also available are organ concerti, flute sonatas, some of the Italian cantatas, and many suites for harpsichord, ,not to mention- other works. HE AMERICAN people have a' strange and traditional dis- trust of their senses. The American ethic has found the Latin delight in the good things of this world intriguing and titivating, but not quite nice. To a degree this attitude towards the flesh and its comforts is changing. Americans are begin- ning to find that there is a dif- ference between sensuous and sensual, and that it is possible to revel in the pleasures of this world without being depraved libertines. As a society, we are even coming, to enjoy-the arts without having' feelings of uneasy duty underlaid with a vague sense that there is something morally dubious about the whole thing. While- we have catered to our grosser senses for some time-note the development of overstuffed furniture and the baroque opulence of automobile in- teriors, . or the orgies of eating, drinking, and smoking indulged in by Americans-we-have perversely maintained that visually we must starve ourselves, that emotionally we must repress ourselves. AMERICANS HAVE also had strong convictions concerning utility and function, have been leary and censorious of anything David Guillaume taught art education in the architecture college. He discussed the art- ist's role in society in a Daily Magazine article last fall. or anyone who did not do or make something. While leisure is a sought after entity, it is desired in order to- do something with it. Even today we justify leisure by filling it with "good" and "improving" activi- ties: we, find it difficult to savor things in, of, and for themselves. - However, as we become more aware of, and accepting of, our emotional and intellectual aspects, and realize the importance of these somewhat indefinable, difficult-to- measure components of our make up, we are also beginning to more freely and cheerfully appreciate the arts. OF THE many - arts, that of sculpture is probably the least accepted, least understood in America. Basically sculpture, as any other art form, is designed to be a de- light to some several of the senses -visual, tactile, emotional, intel- lectual, among others. (In speak- ing of the senses in this connota- tion one wants to include the end- less emotional senses such as sense of propriety, accomplishment, well-being and so on, not just the usual five). A sculpture, whether it be a low relief, almost two d'mensional, or free standing (or, recently, free hanging), is primarily concerned with appealing to the beholders' senses on any of several levels. The most obvious appeal for many people is the idea or story suggested or commented on. By "story" is not meant simply the gross telling of a tale, a literary notion translated (usually badly) into a three dimensional state- ment. The content or idea must include also the quality of its treatment by the artist in the terms of his materials. THE ARTIST is interested In making some statement or comment about the world, and in communicating this through his medium and craft. In order to do this he must have a .control and sensitivity for the materials and techniques of fab- rication he has chosen to objecti- fy his commentary; he must have an understanding of the subject he has chosen and of the values and perceptions of the audience to whom the expression is di- rected; and he must be able to synthesize these various elements. into a complete, aesthetic form. The beholder may not under-c stand completley, or .in the same< way, what the artist has said, any1 more than the student under-< stands the teacher, or one per-1 son understands another who comes from a different back- ground of values and ideologies. IN THE SAME way, a tree is viewed by a lumberman, a land- scape gardener, a poet, a painter, someone seeking shelter from sun or rain, very differently. Each has his particular needs and notions of how the tree can or cannot meet them. While the ar- tist may be making some com-1 Alexander Calde Michael Cohen is a reviewer for The Daily. music T I i.L / 4 obes ar dusters from - tip .rtt i f + 1 ' " / t ff{ " . ! ' I c ',, a ., . VA I SPR I NG R IELLS in LINGERIE will m ke MAY 10 a happy... MOTH ER'S DAY! Ar \ s 'oc L fied, but Handel in exploiting the 0NE of the biggest problems of form to an unprecedented degree both concerts and recordings gave it new mneaning and greater alike, however, is that of restora- depth. tion. The advent of the long playing The music of Handel has been record has stimulated much inter- unbelievably distorted since his est in Handel. Before 1948, most death. The oratorios in particular music lovers attended a rather have undergone drastic changes in "drugged" performance of the the size of the chorus and orches- "Messiah" annually, and spent the tra, in instrumentation, and in the rest of the year being consoled by number of cuts. their one, lone Handel recording Restoration is even more com- of the Sir Hamilton Hardy ar- plicated since Handel often left rangement of the Water Music. cadenzas to be improvised, marked many passages ad libitum, and (N E OF THE first groups to ap- left figured bass parts to be filled, pear on the long playing rec- in by the performer. In the "Han- ord scene was the so-called Han- del Gessellschaft" we find the ad- del Society which released two mission that the manuscripts may oratorios, "Judas Maccabeus" and not be identical with the instru- "Saul." mental parts of Handel's day. Undertaking these projects was , Nonetheless, efforts are being a step in the right direction. Un- made to perform Handelian works. fortunately,-however, a large num- Many of the newer recordings. ber of arias and recitatives were notably Archives, approach Baro- brutally slashed leaving only a que authenticity. hodgepodge of the more "listen- - As the revival takes hold and able" arias and choral sections. Handel is restored to his proper These recordings were soon dis- place, the common illusions of continued. "the boring church composer" and L'oiseou Lyre released "Sosarme" "the English Bach minus profun- and "Semele" but these were short dity" will disappear. mentary on man's inhumanity to man, one viewer may be more con- cerned with the design qualities, another may be contemptuous of the manipulation of the material, and another may be completely bemused with thoughts of the his- toric or monetary value of the work. Often, the beholder is looking for something which does not ex- ist in the work. Perhaps he is looking for a story (Little Girl saved by Noble Canine), while the sculpture is presenting some ideas on the relationships of shapes and textures in space. The viewer may be looking for a discussion of the human body and the sculptor may be inviting at- A Million Saturday Nights I te te Ce bei bl se no l irl igttn tttl 79 8 shift Walt fro half full s pettic from or Vol. V, No. 8 z gowns S .3.9 a wonderful gift for mom S.make her feel like a queen in lovely lingerie. MAGAZINE. Sunday, May 3, 1959 slips, slips or coats, . . . 3.98 RESTORATION OF HANDEL By Michael Cohen Page 2 GIVE 'EM WHAT THEY WANT By Al Phillips Page 3 A MILLION SATURDAY NIGHTS By Eli Zaretsky Page 6. THE UBIQUITOUS PAPERBACK By Fred Schoen Page 7 ARTISTIC SETTING FOR YOUNG ARTISTS By Daniel Wolter Page 8 GLENN GOULD= By Selma'Sawayc Page 9 NBA: SALEABILITY OR QUALITY = By W. G. Rogers Page 1I THE BEATS: NOTHING LEFT TO BELIEVE IN By Al Young Page 12 CHALLENGE OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC By Gordon Mumma - Page 13 FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT By Jan Rahm Page 14 SCULPTURE: FORM AND MATERIAL By David Guillaume Page 15 MAGAZINE EDITOR - David Tarr COVER-Glenn Gould, sculpture and Interlochen all are discussed in' articles yin this special issue of-The Daily Magazine. PHOTO CREDITS-Cover: National Music Camp; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Daily-'Ion'MacNiven. Page 2: Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art. Page.3: Daily-Michael-Rontal. Page 4: Daily- Dick Gaskill. Page 7: Daily-Allan Winder. Page -8: National Music Camp. Page 9; DailylanMacNiven. Page 13-Gordon Mumma. Page 14:.,Daily-Allan Winder. Page 15: Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Continued from Page 6) sheathed and slithering heroine, is she a graceless lass? Give her a clever arpeggio, then, just to make her persuasive. If music is to be used in this manner, as an enor- mous crutch, then the arm of a healthy body should be used as a crutch. THE REAL difficulty with a bad" movie is that we can- not see it whole. The pot pourri of cinema can only exist if it be- comes a unique integration with each of its aspects surrendered to the whole. The symbols of the screen, the variety of visual units, must be easily recognizable in their basic design: we cannot turn back a few reels to check what has hap- pened before. Finally it must be, an active art, if only because the eye is such a lively and nervous organ. But it is one art, a pat..- tern of purpose and rhythm, unit- ing as cinema. Consistently, though, we are, faced with the gulf between what, they can do and what they have. done. When we look to the cre-. ators and perpetuators , of this art the first thing we sense is a feel-' ing of dissatisfaction and oppres- sion. thnlike the'impulsive child of a progressive school 'the movies have never been allowed to choose their own way. Rather they have always been dictated by that sternest of fathers - commercial- ism. OTIER factors, of course, have been blamed for the state of the movies. Sam Goldwyn was accusing the censors when he admitted "we wind up with a lot of empty little fairy tales that do not have much relation to anything." And ever since 1916 when the courts pro- claimed that the movies were en- tertainment, not an organ of pub- lic opinion, the movies have been subject to sometimes-hampering censorship. Similarly the star system has been attacked from within the industry. The first star was -one Florence Lawrence. She was hired by pro- ducer Carl Laemmle at an exorbi- tant salary and immediately an- nounced to the newspapers as dead. The next day Laemmle charged his competitors with in- venting the story to deprive him. of his most valuable actress-and so the public had found a mem- orable heroine. But all this can be traced back to the cost of production. A novel; can be written for the price of paper but a movie must command a large audience. Most of the sores - that oppress iollywood are the result of one thing-the simple expensiveness. It is this that has led to- the self-disparagement of the industry, the restless dissatisfaction and often irresponsible attitude. It takes a good deal of cleverness to turn one's back on intelligence. in conveying emotion, if not rea- For the CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVER Complete selection of your favorite pieces, performed by the world's foremost artists. We stock many of Glenn Gould's recordings. lingerie dept. main floor This self-conscious shrug of the shoulders is not an act of stupid- ity, it is rather a specific feeling, a sense, and not a happy one. SIXTYYEARS, then, of cinema, and what has finally emerged? The moving pictures began as an inventor's playground of ingenious. celluloid snippets. The giant toy became a great instrument and occasionally would tell a story to people instead of re- citing a myth to children. The mechanical nature of the art be- came explicable and controlable. After the first few years no diree- tor asked for or needed technical innovations; these have all come as a result of commercial needs, never as part of the movie's es- sential growth.. Through' sixty -years a hundred fashions have been built and scrapped but a tradition has failed to emerge. The movies today, even the bad ones, are oddly effective son. Generally, this works, because an audience has been dulled to passive receptiveness. The audi- ence is relatively as young as the cinema itself. In an atmosphere of dark, anonymous warmth and re- laxed enjoyment, it is difficult to feel responsible. BUT A WORLD that takes itself seriously cannot ignore the .motion pictures. When they succeed, the im- mediate experience of the thing observed, the sensuous imagery and quickness are not easily erased from our minds. What is needed now is vitality and courage rather than new techniques and material. As always the movies are in a state of transition rather than tradition. A great art can at last solidly emerge, or the aimless path of the past can be perpetuated. To this we can only say, God Forbid. tmo-aanduvst. a- !. Ii panties . . . from 1.65 store hours: Mon. -Sat. 9:30 -to 5:30 Collins State and ALER T WEERIG PAINTINGS and DRAWINGS , music saors -DOWNTOWN- 205 . liberty NO 2-0675 Coming May 11-20: -=CAMPUS- 211 S. State NO 8-9013 CHARLES CULVER Liberty - 'FORSYTHE GALLERY 20i NICKELS ARCADE Over the Post Office for the Finest in Recorded usie