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May 03, 1959 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-03

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,Y 3,





Shapiro Criticizes SGC, Comments on

Union UCLA, 'U Reveal Policies
__ __ iFor Faculty Promotions
nvolved with freshman orienta- --

Relaxing in a chair, smoking a
cigarette and sipping a tall cool
glass of lemonade in his favorite
% hangout, the Michigan Union
Grill, Barry Shapiro, '59, reflected
on his past experiences at th'e
Shapiro, retiring president of,
the Union, /spoke mainly about
Student Government Council and
the Union,
He said SGC has wandered far
from its original conception, which
was to coordinate student activ-
ities and to legislate on matters
concerning students as a whole.
Shouldn't Delve
The president said the fact that
the campus elects these people
doesn't mean SGC can delve into
individual student organizations
and handle their affairs.
An example of this is the cur-
rent matter of the Inter-fraternity
Council's request to have a spe-
cial board handle recognition and
other matters that concern fra-
ternities only, Shapiro said. "IFC
is just as good as SGC and it is
more than capable to handle its
own affairs.
"Because of the present set-up,
most SGC members think they are
far superior to anyone else on
campus and consequently have
free rein over everything. How-
ever this is not true and SGC
should learn they have no right
to infringe on matters concerning
only housing groups."
Shapiro criticized Vice - Presi-
dent of Student Affairs James A.

"Dean Rea is fully aware of all
the campus organizations and he
realizes the existing areas of con-
As an example, he cited the
Union organization. Beside the
senior officers, president, execu-
tive and administrative vice-presi-
dent, the executive council and
staff, there is a Board of Directors
which oversees Union operation.
This board, consisting of faculty,
students, alumni, administrators
and a Regent, is headed by stu-
dents. The board is directly re-
sponsible to the Board of Regents,
so it is unhindered by SGC and
has the opportunity to branch out.
and do things for the campus.
SGC Rambles
Direction of the Union board is
clear whereas SGC rambles, since
SGC is composed of a student body
witr varied interests, he said.
Showing another example of
SGC meddling, Shapiro pointed
out the argument of deferred rush
in connection with the sororities.
"Let the sororities and Panhel-
lenic handle this affair, as it
primarily concerns them."
Commenting on the make-up of
SGC, Shapiro said he is very much
in favor of having ex-officios on
the Council since they add the
necessary prestige and stimulus
even though they often do not
have the time to devote to activ-
ities other than their own or-
ganizations and they are mainly
interested in their own groups.
"Areas where SGC should work
are driving and drinking regula-

tions and the
dent activities.
must infringe

scheduling of stu-
Also, if the Council
on other people's


Represented Union

areas, it should attempt to ex-
press student opinion and make
suggestions to the individual or-
ganizations b/ut not sit up for
hours on end to pass a nothing
resolution on women's rush."
At this,point, he smiled wistfully
and indicated he was so disgusted
thinking about SGC that he want-
ed to turn to his favorite pastime
for the past four years-the Union
He said the main trouble of the
Union is that students do not
realize all that the Union does for
them. He explained that since the
Union does things quietly and
without controversy, it is not al-
ways in the public eye and thus
goes somewhat unnoticed.
Has Capable Staff
"The Union has as capable a
staff as any and since it deals in
pleasures rather than pain with
pain being noticed (as it often
takes the form of controversy),
the Union is not in the headlines."
Things such as the Interna-
tional Week - including the
World's Fair-the Campus United
Nations, the newly-created Crea-
tive Arts Festival and the student
counselling service which will be-
gin next week are just some of
tre things the Union does for the
Puffing on his now partially
smoked cigarette, Shapiro traced
his life at the Union. He started in
his freshman year on the Univer-
sity Affairs Committee which was

-Daily-Len Brunette
DISAPPOINTMENT-Barry Shapiro, retiring president of the
Union, shows his disappointment with SGC having served as an
ex-officio for the past year. Sitting in the Union Grill smoking a
cigarette and drinking his favorite drink, lemonade, Shapiro said
SGC has gone astray regarding its sphere of duty to the campus.

In his sophomore year, he was
Union representative to SGC com-
mittees. Also at this time the
Union together with the League
began the full social orientation
program for incoming students.
Such things as forums explaining
University regulations, mixers and
lectures on taking notes for lec-
tures have been held during the
social orientation program.
As president, Shapiro said theI
senior officers took a strong lead
in building up MUSKET and
Spring Weekend. A new modern-
ized dining room was opened, the
idea of a Union bookstore was in-
vestigated and automatic pin set-
ters were put into the bowling
Gained in Knowledge
Finally, reflecting on his years
in general at the University as an
undergraduate, he said he defi-
nitely feels he gained a great deal
in student participation which he
couldn't have found in the class-
room. "We have great extracur-
t4 SislzaAZU uk. Il e salglAtgo~e a Il.1J
he said, and the slight loss of time
from studies is more than made up
in other ways through the time
spent on the extracurricular activ-
"I feel I have received a good
education in my field, science, and
I think I have accomplished
He mentioned one danger at
the University. "Do wo want to
become bigger and bigger or bet-
ter and better? I think it is im-
portant to maintain our standards
or else we shall find ourselves slip-
ping into the category of Michi-
gan State.
Educate Legislators
"We must educate the legisla-
tors in Lansing so they know the
purpose of the University, to pro-
vide a solid education for its stu-
As for the future, Shapiro will
enter the University's medical
school next fall but before that, he
said, turning to the charming
companion sitting next to him, "I
shall be married in August."
Then, gulping down the last
drop of lemonade and crushing
out his burning cigarette in the
ash tray, he rose from the table
and suavely sauntered out of the
MUG to do some shopping for his

tions: teaching, research, public
service and university service. A
professor must be outstanding in
three and competent in one of
these areas.
The University has a similar
system for evaluating promotions
and appointments. The Regents'
Bylaws state that there are threef
qualifications for promotions:
teaching, research and service.-
"By service is meant participation
in committee work and other ad-
ministrative tasks, counseling,
BuilIds NewV
Construction is scheduled to
start immediately on a three-unit,
$340,000 Phi Chi medical frater-
nity house, it was announced yes-
terday by the architect.
The house will be built on a
two-acre lot along Fuller Rd, al-
most across the street from the
Veteran's Hospital.
It will include a commons build-
ing and two apartment structures
containing 11 one- and two-
bedroom units each.
The apartments are for Phi Chi
married students and their fami-
lies and for single members of
the fraternity.
The commons building will con-
tain a living room, reading li-
brary, alumni and conference
rooms on the upper level. The
lower level will have a wives room,
a dining room for 120 persons, a
kitchen and cook's apartment.

clinical duties and special train-
ing programs," Burton D. Thuma,
associate dean of the literary col-
lege, said.
The concept of 'publish or per-
ish' has changed over the past 20
years, he added. "We are placing
more emphasis on teaching and
administrative service, r a t h e r
than pure research."
"One function of the Univer-
sity is the enlargement of knowl-
edge," Dean Thuma said. And
one essential producer of knowl-
edge is research.
The reputation of a university,
outside of the school itself, is
based on research and publication
by members of its faculty, he
noted. For this reason many col-
leges encourage their faculties to
increase output.

Lewis, saying Lewis's close rela-
tionship to SGC has caused him
to overlook other student organi-
He hoped that SGC would re-
align itself and do the job it was

set up to do rather than meddle
in areas where it is not concerned
and where it does not know the
existing situations.
On the other hand, he praised
Dear, of Men Walter B. Rea, saying



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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
ity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1959
VOL. LXIX. NO. 152
General Notices
Undergraduate Honors Convocation.
The annual Convocation recognizing
undergraduate honor students will be
held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 8, in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. Margaret Clapp, Pres-
ident of Wellesley College, will speak on
"The Honor Bound."

Honor students will be excused from
attending their 10 o'clocl classes. All
classes, with the exception of clinics
and graduate seminars, will be dis-
missed at 10:45 for the Convocation.
However, seniors may be excused from
clinics and seminars.
Academic costume will be worn by
faculty, members, who will robe back-
stage and proceed to their seats on the
stage. Honor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will
be reserved for them and for members
of their families, and will be held un-
til 10:45. Doors of the Auditorium will
open at 10:30. The public is invited.
Season tickets for the 1959 Drama
Season go on sale Mon., May 4, at 10
a.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Students are offered special- rate for
Mon., Tues., Fri. or Sat. evenings on
any three shows in the five week series.
Tickets for individual shows go on sale

They Simply Delight
Your Summer Budget!

Fri. morning. Box office hours are 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Opening Mon.
evening, May 11, with Charlton Heston
in "Macbeth," the season- presents a
new play each week for five weeks with
Broadway and Hollywood stars.
Teaching candidates registered with
Bureau of Appts. interested in chart-
ered flight and group tour of Europe,
contact Bureau for info. Flight leaves
Detroit July 5 and returns Aug. 13.
Round trip fare is $360. Group tour,
optional, includes travel in five coun-
tries, accommodations, meals, sight-
seeing, and educational contacts, costs
$326. 17 free days before return flight.
Applications must be in by May 10.
Bureau of Appts., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Mrs. Flynn.
Science Research Club: Rackham Am-
phitheater, 7:30 p.m., Tues., May 5.
"Optical Pumping" Peter A. Franken,
Physics. "Neurospora Ascospores - A
Model of Cellular Differentiation," Al-
fred S. Sussman - Botany.
Lecture in Journalism: Harry Golden,
editor of the "Carolina Israelite," Mon.,
May 4, 4 p.m., Main Lecture Hall, Rack-
ham. "Only in America."
Lecture, Dept. of Germanic Lan-
guages and Literatures. Prof. Kenneth
J. Northcott, of the Univ. of Sheffield
(England) "Another Look at Courtly
Love," in the Nat. Sci. Aud., Wed., May
6, at 4:15 p.m.
Scenes from Opera, Opera Class, Jo-
sef Blatt, director, Tues., May 5, and
Wed., May 6, at 8:30 p.m., Aud. A, An-
gell Hall.
Academic Notices
Instrumentation Engrg. Seminar, Ed-
ward O. Gilbert, Asst. Prof., Dept. of
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engrg.

Tues., May 5, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 1500 E.
Engrg. Bdlg. Topic: Symbolic Repre-
sentation and Analyses of Linear Peri-
odic Feedback Systems - Part II.
Doctoral Examination for Clarence
Lavett Smith, Jr., Zoology; thesis: "A
Revision of the American Groupers
(Epinephelus and Allied Genera)",
Tues., May 5, 2009 Museums Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Bailey.
Doctoral Examination for Velma Ber-
nice Pickett, Linguistics; thesis: "The
Grammatical Hierarchy of Isthmus Za-
potec," Mon., May 4, E. Council Rm.,
Rackham Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Chairman,
K. L. Pike.
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
May 3, 7 p.n., Memorial Christian
Church. Speaker: Rev. Edwards, "Look-
ing Deeply into Worship."
* * *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
Graduate Group, May 4, 8 p.m., Guild
House. Speaker: Neil Staebler.
* s *$
Graduate Outing Club, hiking, May
3, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rackham
(N. W. entrance).
*. * ,
Luth. Stud. Assoc., dinner at 6 p.m.,
May 3, Luth. Stud. Center, Forest and
Hill. Speaker at 7 p.m. Dr. K. Stendahl,
"The False Quest for Relevance."
* * a:
Mich. Christian Fellowship, May 3,
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Rev. P.
Clifford, "The Awful Dignity of the
Human Will."
* * *
Unitarian Stud. Group, meeting -
Election of oficers, May 3, 7 p.m., Uni-
tarian Church. Speaker: Warren Ed-
wards, "Zen Luddbism."

Placement Notices
Beginning Mon., May 4, the following
schools will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments to interview prospective
teachers for the 1959-1960 school year.
Mon., May 4:
Albion, Mich. - Gen. Sci.; Arith.;
SS/Reading; Ind. Arts/SS; Eng./Drama;
Instrumental; Vocal; Elementary.
Brighton, Mich. - Elem.; Band; JHS
Science; SS; HS Math.
Wyandotte, Mich. - Latin/Dramatics;
Libr.; Art; Vocal/Instr.; Girls PE; Men-
tally Handicapped; Early Elementary.
Tues., May 5:I
Carleton, Mich. - Chem./Physics; Bi-
ology; Eng.; Math; SS.
Farmington, Mich, -- Eng.; Ind. Arts/
Art or Math; Coach/SS/Eng.; Math/
Sci. or Mech. Dr.; Homemaking Arts
and Crafts; Math; Ungraded; Ortho-
pedic; Elem. PE; Vocal; Art Consultant;
Riverview, Mich. - Elem; Asst. Libr.;
Elem. Art; Spec. Ed. - Type A; JHS
Set.; Comm.; Latin; HS: Eng.; Hist./
Govt.; Girls PE.Swim; JHS Math; Instr.
Niles, Calif. - Elementary.
Wed., May 6:
Dearborn District No. 7, Mich. -
Elem.; JHS Math/Sci.; Art.
Grand Haven, Mich. - Speech/Dra-
matics; Eng./any minor; Sci./Math;
Elem. Art; Elem.
Fri., May 8:
Mt. Eden, California - Elementary;
Girls PE. (Also, Saturday, May 9).
Mon., May 11:
Garden City, Mich. (Nankin Mills
Sch.) - Elem.; Speech Corr.; Visiting
Tues., May 12:
Mt. Clemens, Mich. - Elem.; JHS:
SS/Lang. Arts: Girls FE; Set.; Vocal;
Gen. Arts.
Wayne County, Mich. - 6th grade.
Thurs., May 14:
Niles, Mich. - Elem.
For additional information and ap-
pointments, contact the Bureau of
Appts., 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.

Jlob Applicalion
and Passports
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
521 East Liberty



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