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May 03, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-03

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kY 3, 1959



for YOU by


A beautiful job of figuring, this
nylon tricot slip with a lined bodice
and wonderfully deep hemflounce
of box pledts. As another note of
freshness-all the lovely lines are etched
with garlands of shadow embroidery.
in white. Sizes 32 to 40.
Ann Arbor's Most Fashionable Address

*'* j
4: a'+":

Maize Te(
Everyone will be Maize-A-Me
this week.
Moreover, Maize-A-Me has ap-
peared regularly on campus for
four weeks now, disguised in vari-
ous forms, said Marcia Welch, '62,
copublicity chairman for the Maize
A Left-Bank sketch will be given
on the Diag on Monday, when
members, dressed all in black ex-
cept for maize French berets, will
sing pep songs. The Maize-A-Me
flower cart, a special attraction,
will feature free Maize blooms for
On Wednesday, the engineering
arch will officially become the Arc
de Triomphe, through which Maize
team will stage a bike parade.
Later, on the Diagonal, there will
be a general pep rally with songs
and cheers.
Faces Adorn Pole
"Friendly feminine faces will
adorn a barber pole motive in the
Undergrad Library all week," Miss
Welch added.
Good humor and friendship are
the attributes of all the publicity
themes, and to bear this out, local
ice cream men will offer a special
creation, the Maize Humorette, be-
ginning , this week. Also, the
"friendly feminine faces" will re-
appear on bookmarks which the
team will give out at the foot of
the hill, the Arc de Triomphe and
the Diag on Friday.
"We've got the dance, we've got
the show, we've got the team, we've
got the glow," the members chor-
used, and said that their floor
show far surpassed the Folies Ber-
gere. They've further publicized it

im To Portray Paris

EXECUTIVE OFFICERS-Chosen by petition and majority vote
of the Club, these officers manage the Glee Club's internal affairs,
Top row (left to right): Dave Ruhala, Tom Gething and Richard
Mason. Bottom row: Dwight Davis, president; Richard Bowman,
business manager, and Jerry Madden,
Glee Club To Perform
Centennial Concert


The Michigan Men's Glee Club,
celebrating its centennial year,
will perform in its 100th annual
Spring Concert at 8:30 p.m. Sat-
urday in Hill Auditorium.
The Club will sing "Laudes
Atque Carmina," its traditional
opening hymn, "Invocation of Or-
pheus," "Eileen," "Luck Be a
Lady," "Is My Team Ploughing,"
Michigan songs and other songs.
The Glee Club is different from
most other college glee clubs in
that it is completely student-
operated. It is associated directly
with no school in the University,
and it has been organized, admin-
istered, and maintained by its own
members since its founding in
And as part of its centennial
year, the Club plans a 35-daY
European tour this summer which
will include performance at an


international music festival in
Llangollen, Wales.
The last European tour which
the Glee Club made was in 1955,
during which time they spent four
weeks giving concerts in six differ-
ent countries.
Tickets for the Spring Concert
are free, and will be available
from 9 am. to 5 p.m. tomorrow
through Friday at the Adminis-
tration Building box office, and
on Saturday at Hill Auditorium.
Ticktes will be valid only until
8:30 p.m. on the night of the con-
At that time, the doors will be
opened to the public so that they
may fill any untaken seats.
Garner Concert
Tickets Available
The Erroll Garner concert, a
high point of Greek Week, will
take place 'at 8 p.m., Friday, May
the week preceding the concert at
the Hill Auditorium box office.
Block orders for tickets will be
accepted until May 6 at the
League Undergraduate Office,
Michael Sklar, '60, general chair-
man of Greek Week, said.
Ticket orders and general sales
tickets, can be picked up during
the week preceding the concert at
the Hill Auditorium box office.
- - - - - - -

+ Use Daily C sifieds +

ommoommaw I

are invited to come. .And, on Mon- l'-' a
G ives A w ard day, the f oorshow con-tee is the winner next Sunday.
going to Romulus, Mich., to give a
preview of the show to a women's . .
To Ormandy cu. nettes
Tickets, now being sold on the
Eugene Ormandy, conductor of Diag (or on the fishbowl, depend- F Star
the Philadelphia Symphony Or- gpurchased tremwayhemcbe F
chestr, became an honorarypucae from any member of
the Maize team or at the dance, to
member of Chi chapter of Pi Kap- be held at 9 p.m. Saturday. The The annual May F e s t i
pa Lambda, yesterday. floorshow will be presented at 9:30 luncheon, sponsored by the Alp
Dean Earl V. Moore of the mu- p.m. chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota,
sic school, presided at the cere- In the Frosh Weekend tradition, national fraternity for professio
mony, which took place in the al women musicians, was hi
Henderson Room in the League. Friday with a special initiati
He presented Ormandy with the Union To Sponsor The high point of the lunche
official key of the professional was the initiation of Ilona Koi
music fraternity, while Clyde Car- Ann ua Do.brink, soprano, as an honora
penter, also of the music school1 ) a member of the fraternity.
and president of Chi chapter of Miss Kombrink, a dramatic e
the fraternity, read a citation to Next Saturday, many high prano, will appear today in t
Ormandy. school students will come. to the May Festival performance of t
Pi Kappa Lambda is dedicated University as the Michigan Union oratorio "Solomon," by Hand
to a dual purpose, that of further- sponsors its annual 'U' Day. celebrating the 200th anniversa
ing music in education, and edu- Students from many of the of the composer's death.
cation in music, in colleges and high schols in Michigan and some Every woman participating pi
universities as well as other insti- from out-state will hear speeches fessionally in the May Festiv
tutions of higher learning which about the University and will be either as soloist or as member
offer programs in musical instruc- given conducted tours 'of the cam- the Philadelphia Orchestra, is
tion. pus, member of Sigma Alpha Iota.

OPEN DAILY 9:30-5:30


" " M




Come one ... come all.... see ourexciting summer fashion showing


50s new
er dc

The coquettish charm of a co-ed.
Square necked and sleeveless for
classes now and summer later. Drip-
dry cotton in mint, beige, apricot.
Sizes 30-38. 3.00
Sail through exams in Macshore's
nautical overblouse. Seamen braid
accent the hipline and bateau col-
far. White with red or black. Drip-
dry cotton, sizes 30-38. 3.00

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