THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,I Education School Expects Student Teacher Increase I will not be placed for next semes- ter, "but he should have to wait until all the others are placed." The practice teaching program "has no money problem," Prof. Dixon maintained. "The University has always seen fit to increase the budget for student teaching as it is needed." Prof. Dixon said he thought the school could handle the increased enrollment in the program. "We are starting to work with Belle- ville now," he explained, "and next fall the Ann Arbor system is open- ing a new junior high school, which will give us from 40 to 60 more places." To Cut Down Cutting down the number of student teaching hours is "one solution," Prof. Dixon said, "but I don't think the profession would welcome this." Another solution; he said, now in use at Michigan State Univer- sity, has students teaching off campus for one semester, living in the community and doing noth- ing else but teach. "But I am try- ing to avoid this." Besides the fact that "I don't think it turns out better teachers," Prof. Dixon said, "my experience with this idea has been that students fight as hard as they can to get out of leaving campus. And I can't blame them." Points Out , But Prof. Dixon pointed out that "this isn't bad for everyone, so here we give them 'the option." Two years ago, he noted, the Uni- versity began allowing students to teach in their home community. Another problem, Prof. Dixon explained, is the need to balance student-teaching enrollment equally between the Spring and Fall semesters. "Most students prefer to do their teaching in the spring," he said, "but it has to be split fairly evenly." He said that so far it has not been necessary to assign them to a particular semester arbitrarily, "but we may have to do this eventually." Accountant Announces Candidacy Ian S. Reach has become the second candidate to announce his candidacy for the Ann Arbor Board of Education. Reach is manager of account- ing for a Wayne firm and its Ann Arbor branch office. He has been president of the Burns Park Par- enteacher Organization and is now on the PTO legislative com- mittee. In 1953-54 he was general chair- man of the Community Christmas Sing, and he has been president and national director of the Na- tional Association of Accountants. Incumbent trustee Richard J. Mann has announced he will seek re-election, and John M. Elm has taken out petitions but has not definitely decided to run. In the election, to be held June 8, three three-year terms on the school board will be filled. The board's president, Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer of the speech de- partment, and incumbent trustee Daniel H. Schurz have announced they will not run for re-election. An "Information Night for Can- didates" will be held at 8 p.m. Monday at the Ann Arbor Public Library, it was announced yester- day. James Crippen, chairman of the Citizens' School Committee, said, in announcing the affair, that anyone interested in running for the board is invited to come. School board members and school offi- cials will be present to answer questions, on subjects such as the time involved in serving on the board and the problems and op- portunities the board will face in the coming years. The committee's basic purpose is to encourage people to run for the school board. The committee does not support or circulate petitions for any candidate. Crippen said the committee will sponsor a "Meet the Candidates" night later on. He added that the committee will give information to prospective candidates by tele- phone. Those interested should contact Miss Elizabeth Slack sof 1647 Broadway. +r (Coptinued from Page 1) ably open with 12 to 14 full time faculty members in the division. In certain areas "one-and-one- third or one-and-one-half time" faculty members may be needed. To solve this situation, a faculty member from this campus may teach a course in Dearborn. He said qualified people living in the Dearborn area have also shown interest in part-time teaching at the Center. To Maintain Faculty The Center is aiming at main- taining its own autonomous fac- ulty, he noted. Vice-President and Director of the Center William Stirton told of the Center's genesis as "a co- operative effort between business and industry and education. He said at the inception of the idea of the Dearborn Center, "business and industry in the area was con- cerned about fulfilling their man- power requirements in the years to come." - They needed "quality personnel" and this cooperation with the Uni- versity offered a solution to the problem, he declared. Stirton 'stressed the Center's "unique job assignment - study program" in business administration and en- gineering, central to the Center. He stressed that the Center would provide a diploma from the University. Prof. Litzenberg said the faculty qualifications and salary scale and the course grad- ing standards would be the same as those at the University. Describes Admissions Director of Admissions Clyde Vroman described admissions to the Center as "a guidance mat- ter" and explained his office would provide trained counselors to as- sist students in making their deci- sion to attend the Center. He said the admissions work is now being handled in Ann Arbor, but that by early summer similar facilities would probably be operating in the Dearborn area. 'Raise Funds For Center A national committee to raise funds for a bi-lateral student cen- ter in northern Japan has been set up in Ann Arbor. The project, which calls for an American-style student center in Hokkaido, was first, planned in 1956. It is expected to cost $700,00 Committee officials report that half of this amount has already been pledged. The chairman of the committee is Ted P. Bankll of Ann Arbor. EXPLAIN CENTER-Clyde Vroman, director of admissions, William Stirton, Vice-President and director of the Dearborn Center and Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English department (left to right) explained the Dearborn Center to interested students yesterday. Two more dual sets of meetings explaining the Center will be held on campus Tuesday and Wednesday. Discuss Dearborn Center Program I I r 2:30-5:30 DIAGONAL 1' I I 11 . . publishing with pride Musgrave Katz THE THEORY OF PUBLIC FINANCE NATURAL GAS EN Allen White CONSERVING NATURAL RESOURCES THE EVOLUTION Krause, Hunt & Ramsdell Davis MINERALOGY FOREST FIRE: CO? Smith & Wiedenbeck Sadler - r- - -I /+l 4 - 41%-- - P- - T - - - -- - - - - - III I 1| I