MEETING REVEALS 'U' WEAKNESS See Page 4 Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom :4I iIajj as PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXIX, No. 148 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIX I Panama Receives International Aid nAmn.erican States Approve Action To Halt Flow of Cubans to Country PANAMA (A)-Two bearded officers of the Cuban revolutionary- army sailed down the coast in a motor launch, yesterday to persuade a band of invaders from Cuba to lay down their arms. The officers represented only a small part of the response President Ernesto De La Guardia's government received to an international distress call. The government of this strategic Caribbean nation flanking the Panama Canal charges Panamanian revolutionaries are hiring soldiers in Cuba and have already sent some of them here on an invasion to Senate GOP Decides in Caucus PROF. J. D. SINGER on disarmament 1A Singer Asks, For Control Of WeaNons By KENNETH McELDOWNEY World government is the only way to total and enforceable dis- armament, Prof. J. David Singer, visiting professor of political sci- cence said last night. Speaking at a meeting of the Young Democrats, he said, na- tions must be concerned with national security under the pres- ent nation-state system.. The pur- suit of one nation's security tends to cause the insecurity of its op- ponent, he added. Thus, there must be some sort of substitute for the present sys- tem of national security, Prof. Singer said. One substitute would be not to, scrap weapons but to transfer them to a world control such as the United Nations. In or- der for any disarmament system to work each power involved must be able to turn to an effective in- ternational organ for protection, he commented. Should Have Protection If a state is the victim of a vio- lation of any armed reduction agreement, it should be able to expect some sort of protection from an international control or- gan, Prof. Singer added. Such a system is needed, he said, because no inspection sys- tem can be 100 per cent effective. Even atomic bomb tests can be detected, with any sort of depend- ability, only about 90 to 95 per cent of the time., In reference to the question of whether arms or tensions must be reduced first, he suggested, there can be no significant or 'perman- ent tension reduction as long as each state has the military capa- bility to destroy its opponent. Regular Meeting Held After Prof. Singer's talk a reg- ular business meeting with an- nual elections for next year's of- fices was held. Mary Ryan, '61N, was elected chairman and Mike Berliner, '60, was then elected to the office of vice-chairman. Mary Wheeler, '61, was elected secre- tary and Patty Cousense'61, was elected treasurer 'on the second ballot. In another election, Kenneth McEldowney, '61, and Ronald Piv- nick were elected to serve as members of the State Central Committee. stopple De La Guardia's govern- ment. Vote To Halt Invasion The organization of American states, meeting in Washington, voted to approve special action. The United States is supplying. Panama's 3,000-man National Guard with small arms under the United States mutual security pact, which takes in OAS mem- bers. Sen. George Shathers (D-Fla.) said in Washington that President De La Guardia had told him in a telephone conversation that the situation in Panama was "enor- mously serious." Expresses Opinion The President was said to have expressed the opinion, however, that his government, could hold out if the fighting is restricted to the mountains and jungles and, does not break the cities. The two Cuban officers, Capt. Armando Torres and Lt. Fernando Ruiz; arrived here before dawn and headed toward the rebels' last reported position near Nombre De Dios. That isolated coastal town lies' 50 miles from the capital and only 20 miles from Colon, the Carib- bean terminus of the Panama Canal. Torres and Ruiz went off alone on their dangerous mission to meet the invaders. They carried a Cuban flag and planned to take it ashore. They were authorized to offer to spare ithe invaders their lives in exchange for surrender. The Panamanian government said the invaders landed from Cuba in a "first wave" of about 80 men. Jose D. Bazan, De La Guardia's Minister of Government, told the National Assembly here Monday, however, that two of three more boatloads of fighters are being readied in Cuba,. boosting the number of Cubans attempting to invade the country to about 400. He said 82 Cubans and 4 Pana- manians landed on a deserted East coast beach Saturday and three of them drowned, including the Panamanian chief. . Indicating his information came from three captured invaders, Bazan said the main force occu- pied and sacked Nombre De Dios Monday. Tol Moneyless' Payday Seen By ,Williams Legislators To Get No Pay Tomorrow LANSING (A)-Gov. G. Mennen Williams said yesterday Michigan's cash crisis will produce its\ first Payless paydays tomorrow and Friday, with others to follow. The announcement came 90 minutes after majority Republican Senators bound themselves in caucus against providing any votes for a State Treasury Relief Plan and' proposed a substitute. "The action of the Senate Re- publicans caucus makes it clear that they are determined to have Payless paydays, and now they have their wish," the Governor said. Condition Deteriorates For three years the state's finan- cial condition has been deterior- ating-at a speeded pace in recent months. Gov. Williams repeatedly has said disaster was imminent. Some Republicans agreed, but many others pointed to State 'Treasury cash balances exceeding 160 million dollars and said it was a "scandal" and "dishonest" to talk about skipping payrolls. State Treasurer Sanford A. Brown said legal strings are tied to the cash. All of it and revenues in. sight for weeks either cannot be touched or are legally restricted to specified purposes, he said. Can't Issue Checks "The State cannot just continue to issue checks until the money runs out and the checks bounce," Gov. Williams said. He said it was now up to admin- istrative officials to "develop an orderly program for the suspen- sion of the state's essential obli- gations until such time' as the legislative branch provides the money to meet them." By an "accident of the calen- dar," he said, the first to feel the impact will be the lawmakers themselves. A payroll of $48,000 is due them for the 144 legislators and legislative staffs. On Friday, the Governor said, it will be necessary to hold, back $12,000 due Supreme Court jus- tices and $40000 for the State's share of salaries for circuit court judges. eject TO DETERMINE SUMMIT STRATEGY: Herter Flies to Ministers' Meeting PARIS (P)-Christian A. Herter flew into Paris yesterday to help tie up a Western package plan for solving the Berlin crisis and the problem of German reunification. The new United States Secretary of State and the Foreign Ministers of Britain, France and West Ger- many, opening consultations here today, are pretty much agreed on what to offer the Russians at the Budget Cuts Predicted ByJohnson WASHINGTON (-) - Senate Democratic leader Lyndon B. Johnson predicted yesterday that Congress will cut President Dwight D. Eisenhower's budget below the 77 billion dollars he asked-but perhaps won't balance the budget. The Texas Senator drew warm applause when he spoke to the 47th annual meeting of the United States Chamber of Commerce of paring down the spending total and said: "I believe in a balanced budget." Later, when questioned by re- porters, Sen. Johnson said he was not forecasting a balanced budget for the next fiscal year. To Appropriate Less He explained: "We may not raise all the money the President wants us to raise, but we'll appropriate less than he asked us to spend." President Eisenhower sent to Congress last January a budget to be balanced with an increase in the tax on highway fuels and higher postal rates. Neither of. these boosts has gotten anywhere in Congress so far. Johnson, speaking to the 2,000 businessmen, said America must dedicate itself to "the realization that our free enterprise system is locked in the struggle with an enemy not within our own country but without." Need Business Spirit He said the nation must borrow the "can do" spirit of business if it is to meet the Soviet economic threat, which he said already has shrunk United States exports. Without such action, Sen. John- son said, "we will be reduced to a second-class status and rapidly diminishing freedoms." In speaking of a balanced bud- get, Sen. Johnson said it involves more than just making savings. "It involves," he said, "bold and imaginative action to increase the wealth of America. It involves pru- dent steps to release the full ca- pacity of this country-and to convert resources now wasted into positive steps." conference table in Geneva next month. But deep differences remain about how to respond to Soviet proposals in that East-West For- eign Ministers Meeting, which starts May 11. Doesn't Comment Britain's Foreign Secretary Sel- wyn Lloyd is the champion of a flexible approach. He arrived late yesterday without comment for waiting reporters. A British aide explained: "There is nothing he can add to what he has said al- ready." The West German motto is still "no' concessions without counter- concessions." Foreign Minister Heinrich Von Brentano is armed with a new warning from Chan- cellor Konrad Adenauer to the Western powers to stand firm and. be, very cautious in dealing with the Russians at Geneva. Von Brentano had spent the past two days conferring with Adenauer at the 83-year-old Chancellor's vacation retreat on Lake Como, in North Italy. Von Brentano him- self says "we should not fall into the error of replacing hard real- ities with wishful dreams." Insists on Peace French Foreign Minister Mau- rice Couve De Murville insisted before his National Assembly to- day that the West should firmly maintain its present positions in tense Central Europe and work 'to Announce SGC Posts Appointments to Student Gov- ernment Council standing com- mittee chairmanships and other posts will be announced at the Council's meeting to beheld at 7:30 p.m. today in the Council Room at the Student Activities Bldg. The Committee on Clarification of the Council's Plan will meet to- day at 1 p.m, in SAB. Al Haber, '60, will present a motion calling for the formation of a Committee on Student Rights as a portion of a scheduled dis- cussion of academic freedom at the University. A discussion of the advisability of Michigan's participation as a member of the Rose Bowl pact, and the uses of atomic energy will be presented at the meeting. A motion to re-establish the Council's summer reading and dis- cussion program will be introduced by Roger Seasonwein, '61. The proposed committee on stu- dent rights would "serve as a board of grievance to which stu- dents may submit individual com- plaints" of violations of their rights of academic freedom, Haber said. for a way to live peacefully with the Soviet Union. "Months of hard negotiations await us,'' he said. De Murville told the Assenbly he does not believe the Geneva Conference will find a solution, but! he hopes that it will open the way to a summit meeting. Senate Votes To Override Ike's Veto WASHINGTON (p)-The Sen- ate, with Democrats in the saddle, voted yesterday to override Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's veto of a bill that would strip away Sec- retary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson's power over rural electri- fication loans. The 64-29 count - two votes more than the required two- thirds majority - was a stinging rebuff to Pres. Eisenhower. Only a few hours earlier, he had told Republican Congressional leaders he hoped his veto of Monday would be sustained. Fifty-eight Democrats and six Republicans, all but one from Midwest farm states, voted to override. Siding with Pres. Eisen- hower were 28 Republicans and a single Democrat-Sen. Frank J. Lausche of Ohio. Secretary Comments Asked for comment, the White House Press Secretary, James C. Hagerty, said: "There is another House, isn't there?" The House still must act, and a two-thirds vote there will be needed to pass the bill over Pres. Eisenhower's veto. There was no clear indication what the House will do. In more than six years in the White House, Pres. Eisenhower, never has seen any of his vetoes overturned. In all, he has re- jected 138 bills. Overrides Veto Last August, the Senate voted to override Pres. Eisenhower's veto of a bill involving wage rates at a New Hampshire navy yard. But the House sustained the veto by 53 votes. This time, Democratic leaders - with big majorities in both House and Senate - were making a concerted effort to slap down Pres. Eisenhower's veto. Republicans accused the Demo- crats of political motives and said their action was aimed at making Sec. Benson a whipping boy. Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.), a senior member of the Senate Agri- culture Committee, said a vote to override "will be interpreted by the country simply as malice to-, ward the secretary." Group .To Support Substfitute Solution Brown Says State To Skip Payment For Poor Relief Unless Action Soon LANSING WA - Majority Republican senators yesterday balked at passing the Veterans Trust Fund Bill. The surprise caucus action apparently meant the State's long threatened financial collapse wlil come tomorrow. The caucus decided to back a substitute solution to the State's cash emergency that could not possibly be enacted be- fore May 11. Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) Republicar majority leader said the new proopsal was the "final answer' of the caucus., State Treasurer Sanford A. Brown has said the State wil have to skip a four million dollar payment to counties fo poor relief on Thursday unless lawmakers agreed quickly to cashing Trust Fund securities. Colorado 'U Does Not Comment He would not comment imme-t r f diately on the new development. Brown also has said tomorrow's Veterans' Fund Bil World News Roundup, By The Associated Press PARIS-The Parliament-including the new Senate-of President de Gaulle's Fifth Republic met yesterday in the old familiar baiting arena and political graveyard of premiers. It plainly showed the taming influence worked by the new con- stitution that shears parliamentary powers and shores up the executive. * * * * LONDON-The amount of radioactive Strontium 90 measured in British rainfall has about doubled since last summer, Prime Minister Macmillan said yesterday. He{' Legislative payroll would have to be held up and also the regular May 7 payroll 'for the bulk of the State's 32,000 employes, including those at prisons, mental hospitals and state colleges. Gov. G. Mennen Williams called the Republican action "a rather amazing detour" but would say no more until he went over the de- tails. To Call Cabinet The Governor said he would probably call his cabinet into emergency session without delay. Sen. Beadle unfolded the new Republican plan. He said basical- ly it will call for an indirect in- crease in the state sales tax from three to four cents on the dollar, coupled with the Trust Fuid Plan the Republican majority decided to reject as a separate bill. Proceeds from the additional tax would be earmarked at the rate of four million dollars a month for replacing the body of Trust Fund securities. To Go to Fund After this was accomplished, Sen. Beadle said, the additional tax receipts would go into the State's general fund as an answer to the State's long range need for new revenues. Earlier in the session, Demo- crats in the Senate and in the House stood to a man against a different proposal for increasing the sales tax., ISA Ballots Due at Center International Students' Asso- ciation ballots are due at the In- ternational Center today, accord- ing to Robert Arnove, '59, ISA president. All ISA members who did not receive a ballot through the mail are asked to pick one up at the Center. Ballot counting will be done to- morrow and candidates will be announced during the Center's tea from 4:30 to 6 p.m. tomorrow. Each candidate is asked to have a representative at, the counting. Candidates are M. A. Hyder Shah, Grad., from Pakistan and George Haniotis, Grad., from Greece for president. Amilcar Go- mez, '61E, is running for vice- president with Shah and Barbara Ann Miller, '61, is a candidate for the same position on a ballot with Haniotis. Meetings Set For Dearborn The first of three sets of meet- ings to explain the Dearborn Cen- ter to prospective students will be held tomorrow. The meetings, which will be identical, will be held at 4 and 7:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. They will be directed primarily DeniesQuot By RUTHANN RECHT Prof. Edward Rozek at the Uni versity of Colorado said he wa misquoted in an assertion tha another professor had been firei last year for "anti-communism. "The sociology department had fired Prof. William Peterson and then reinstated him through th wishes of the University," Garet Ray, editor of the Colorado Dail: told The Daily yesterday. "But Prof. Peterson refused to rejoin the faculty," he remarked. Instead he accepted a position at the Uni versity of California in Berkely. "Unofficial sources revealed that Prof. Peterson was going to be fired for other reasons than "anti-Communism," Ray saic These reasons have not been re vealed, but we have heard tha other faculty members in the so ciology department disliked him, he remarked. Everything Confused "Everything is still mixed ur No one knows why it came up now. after a year's lapse," Ray pointed out. Rozek told the Colorado Daily that he was misquoted in new stories; that he had said the fac ulty member was not fired but dropped from his department and later reinstated. "I did not say h was fired by the University, no did I say "a more importantana respected university later hired him." "However, many other facult: members who were present at th discussion where Rozek allegedly made the statement said tha they heard Rozek make the state ment," Ray said. Asks Identification Robert Dunham, assistant di rector of the university news serv ice, asked at the meeting that Ro zek identify the faculty member Rozek declined to do so, the Col orado Daily noted. "The newspaper article was es sentially correct," Dunham said "I believe he did say the faculty member was fired." Prof. Howard Higman of the so ciology department also said the newspaper reports of Rozek' charge were accurate. Denies Charge Eugene Wilson, Dean of Facul ties, denied that a faculty mem- ber had been fired for anti-Com munism. President Quigg Newton concurred \vith Wilson's state ment, adding that he felt ther was some misunderstanding. "Ro- zek is one of our best men," he said. "Dean Wilson will return to the University from a trip later thi week," Ray said. "We hope he wil give us the truth at that time.' POSts Open Petitioning is now open for stated this was probably due to Soviet nuclear tests. * * * WASHINGTON-The chairmen of the Republican and Democratic National Committees joined yes- terday in calling on businessmen to plunge into politics and to urge their employes to wade in too. Sen. Thruston B. Morton, Re- publican chairman, told the an- nual meeting of the United States Chamber of Commerce: "you owe it to yourselves and the nation to at least get your feet wet." MONROVIA, Liberia - Former United States Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell has arrived in Liberia to serve as legal adviser to two Belgian diamond buyers arrested on charges of smuggling. * * * MOSCOW-Seven United States' veterans arrived in Moscow yes- terday for a Russian-American reunion of soldiers who met at the Elbe River in 1945 in the World War II drive that split Germany. HENLE, HABER, BENTWICH: Debate Worth, ofSG at South Quad By JUDITH DONER "Soap boxes are so little in the American tradition that we pack our soap in cardboard cartons," Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy department claimed to an audience assembled at South Quadrangle to debate the question "Should Student Government Council be abolished?" The philosophy professor was replying to members of the audience and more specifically to debater Michael Bentwich, Grad., who felt that the soap-box tradition of Hyde Park, England should replace student government on the University campus. Upholds SGC Bentwich, who began by declaring that he was not an anarchist and had purposely declined to wear his turtle-neck sweater to the Inter-house Council-sponsored debate, insisted that "if the campus were behind the issues at hand, all 24,000 students would stand on the diagonal and shout their opinions." Al Haber, '60, officially designated to uphold student government, held that "we should not be concerned with past activities of student government, but with its present and future potential in considering whether it shnul dnntinut n exigt. Magazine A special issue of The Michi- gan Daily Magazine this Sun- day will be devoted to literature and the arts.