TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1959 Advanced Placement Program Enriches, Accelerates Education of Bright Students THE MICHIGAN DAILY By FAITH WEINSTEIN The Advanced Placement Pro- gram "offers a way to accelerate and enrich education for the bright student, adding the incen- tive of possible , college credit," Prof. James W. Downer of the English department said recently. The national Advanced Place- ment Program, he explained, al- lows high schools to set up ad- vanced, courses in several depart- ments. The school arranges for a special class, and makes a syllabus statement, indicating its partici- pation to the college board. Exam Given At the end of the course, the student must qualify on a special examination, he continued, which is administered' by the College Entrance Examination Board, and corrected at Its testing service at Princeton, New Jersey. If the student passes the exam, he added, the results are made available to the college of his choice. The type of credit given is up to the individual college. Some will give actual credit-hours, while pthers will place the stu- dents in advanced classes. At the University, the Admis- sions department will give definite college credit to "the student who shows superior ability," Prof." Downer said. An increasing num- ber of students have received such credit in the past few years, he added. Role 'Articulation' Prof. Downer's role is primarily that of "articulation between the University and the high schools in the area." He conducts a summer seminar for teachers who plan to introduce advanced placement courses into their high school English programs. The seminar, he said, consists of about 14 high school teachers. In the course of the summer they attempt to "define the nature of advanced placement, its effects on the school, problems involved in selecting students, and setting up the special curricula required." Advanced placement "is in its infancy here in Michigan, and our main problem is how to get it started," Prof. Downer said. Some high school teachers freeze at the thought of teaching a course which may get college credit, he added. Program Not New "Advanced placement is by no means a sputnik-inspired pro- gram," he continued. The program long antedated the present hys- teria, he said. However, educational attitudes have changed considerably in the past few years, he explained. "When I was going to school, it would have been considered heresy to place some students in special advanced classes. It would have shown a lack of democracy." Well Accepted The program has been pretty well accepted in recent years, however, although Prof. Downer noted it has been a little slow in coming to the Middle West. Very few state high schools have started advanced placement courses, Prof. Downer continued. Ann Arbor High, Bentley High, and Trenton are the only schools in the area that have endorsed it. Some schools, he continued, have rejected the program on the grounds that it offers false in- centive to learning. These, schools would prefer to enrich their own programs. "Other schools have found that this is just the push they need," he said. Emotional Program The primary, problem in con- ducting the advanced placement courses, Prof. Downer said, is the "emotional maturity of the stu- dent." There is no question of the brightness of the students in- volved, "but they just have to live a little. They understand the read- ing as such, but how can they understand the problems of a Hamlet, or an Oedipus attach- ment. Must Be Careful "You must be very careful," he said. "Some students have bene- fitted greatly,- but for others it was too much, too soon. Some kids gave up for all the wrong reasons," he added. At best, the advanced courses are better than the average begin- ning $college English courses, he concluded. They fill an important role in stimulating the high school student who might otherwise be- come lazy in average high school courses. SGC Opens Petitioning For ]Boards Petitions for positions on Stu- dent Government Council's Ad- ministrative Wing and related boards are available this week In the Student Activities Bldg., Phil Zook, '60, administrative vice- president, said yesterday. Positions are open on the Early Registration Pass Comnmittee, the Human Relations Board and Cin- ema Guild Board. The Council also needs a Personnel Manager, a manager of the Student Book Exchange and an Office Manager. The SBX Manager and Office Manager posts are paid positions. All petitions are -due Friday and interviewing by the Interviewing and Nominating Committee will be held Saturday. TRADITION-New research goes on inside the walls while old lions keep constant vigil on the University Exhibits Museum. Stone Lions Guard Museum's Riches 1 it lovely ...0 light. ,and C( full-length and half slips. interpreted in a fine blend of dacron/cotton and nylon.,.. comfortable and wonderfully washable, for warm days ahead. * a terrific traveling companion too!- seam to seam panel for complete opaqueness. oD F f - \S lingerie department, main floor IF I Orgamzation Notices Congregational and Disciples Guild, coffee break, April 28, 4:30-6 p.m., Guild House. * a a Grad. Hist. Club, April 28, 8 p.m. Rackham, W. Conf. Rm. Speaker: Dr. M. Judson, "Political Ideas and Politi- cal Realities in the Age of Cromwell." * * * Grad. Student Coffee Hour, April 29, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackham, 2nd Floor, W. Lounge. All graduate students invited. * * " IHc, Debate: "Should SGC Be Abol- ished?" with Prof. P. Henle, Al Haber, Michael Bentwich, April 28, 8" p.m., S. Quad., Dining Rm. 1. Newman Club- Graduate Group, April 29, 8 p.m., Father Richard Cen- ter. Speaker; Prof. F. Grace, "Natural Law - Its Relation to Positive Law." IHC, poetry reading - E. G. Burrows, April 29, 7:30 p.m., w. Quad, Strauss Li- brary. Rifle Club, patches are available from James C. McLaughlin, 216 Mich., W. Q. SGC Public Relations Comm., meet- ing, April 28, 4 p.m., 1548 SAB. * * * Student Branch of I.R.E.- A.I.C.E annual banquet, April 28, 6:30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Dr. Joan D. Ryder. Phone NO 2-4786 for Michigan Daily Classified Ads (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of four articles discussing the research done in University museums.) By SHARON EDWARDS The mute stone lions in front of the University Museums Build- ing are a well known symbol of discretion and are generally hailed as one of the last remnants of that glorious life of the past-campus tradition. Everyone knows the lions. And not a few have even ventured through the doors they guard, and into the University Exhibit Mu- seum. Grade school And high school pupils from all over the state troop through its winding halls. Art students spread their ma- terials on the floor and sketch the preserved wildlife specimens. Zool- ogy students cluster around plas- tic models of protozoa and gaze at the intricacies of the parame- cium. All those who have ventured in- side are familiar with the barred corridors, those with the swinging gates and "no admittance" signs. And behind those gates lies one of the University's great research centers, practically unknown to the majority of the student body. Houses Four Museums The Museums Building houses not only the Exhibit Museum, but also the University Herbarium and Museums of Anthropology, Paleontology and Zoology. These four museums are devoted to research. They contain no pub- lic exhibits; although many.,of their large collections are open to scholars from this and other in- stitutions. The staff of all four are ac- tively engaged in both teaching and research; many graduate stu- dents also have their research pro- jects underway there. The first University Museum was built in 1880, later to be known as the Romance Languages Build- ing. It was raised last year from its site between Angell Hall and Alumni Memorial Hall and re- placed by a maze of cement walks and benches. In 1925, during the administra- tion of President Marion Burton, the state legislature. appropriated $900,00 for a new Museums Build- ing. The site for the museum had been donated to the University eight years earlier. The new build- ing was ready for occupancy in 1928, functionally planned and ad- mirably equipped. Though each of the four mu- seums was organized separately, and has had a separate history of! development to its present status, they have much in common. All are staffed by specialists who are responsible for the care, growth, arrangement and productive use of the collections. The collections and repositories are the subject of study by biologi- cal scientists of every possible field of specialization. Because the research collections are necessarily huge and detailed, it is neither practical nor desir- able to make them available to the general public. Material from them is occasionally exhibited in the less detailed, but clear and ac- curate displays of the Exhibit Mu- seum. MOM DESERVES "THE VERY BEST"... MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 44 Only the best will do ,. . .that's why you'll want to remember her with a Hallmark 17 Mother's Day Card that says just what you * want to say. And for her gift we have a com- plete selection of Hall.' mark Gift Wraps with lovely, feminine de- signs . . . matching © - ribbons and enclo- e sures, too. Select your ; cards and gift wraps at (9heifer IkNoterb Pat4 00 12 SOUTH STATE} Read Ind Use Michigan Daily Classifieds Research here is of immense variety, importance and interest. Both the work and the workers of the individual museums should be more widely known in the com- munity to which they belong. The various projects of the research workers will be dealt with individ- ually in the succeeding articles of the series. FLORENCE BRIDAL and BEAUTY SHOP Large selection of Spring Formals Wedding Gowns Cocktail Dresses 109 W. Liberty NO 2-5878 full hql slip . slip . . 5.98 3.98 Collin S state and liberty r _ i .. an Evening of Fun! the beauty of ... t We have a whole rainbow of gor- geous prints for you. Some in bril- liant bold colors or in lovely muted pastels, others in siren, black and white. All are exquisitely designed for superb figure flattery. Sizes from 5-15 Tall and Reg. 10-20 The Cottons from $14.95 Laces, chiffons and organzas from $25.00 To the gayest Spring Party, wear this cloud of'cotton voile in outsize plaid over twin print polished cotton at 17.95 ,.. Sizes 5-15. "'t. a 7; R T'+?t 1 iF J.' ? ' ' ' k -.i.i,. a.... tx? i _." . ..,aq :x "t: ' r " 'x ; ? Vyz3 -w .":: . INDIA MADRAS handwoven in traditional "bleeding" colo :k . a.w dress " f t " t " " s r " f " slacks (not shown) . .x " f " " w " s " " " " t skirt _ l+. . . . . . . bermudas . . . . . . . . $8.95 skirt . . . . . . . . " sr 1 In " I .' v Slier . .. Back. B a charming boa this slim print si 25.00. belts and cummerbunds . WWPO'O 17 I /' cf-4WT== I W. .. I LI ~