Sixty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
See Page 4
Advisers Charge
.Study Superficial
State Conditions Called 'Good';
Housing, Teaching Problems Cited
The University and other state colleges have been given a clean
bill in a state and national survey of discriminatory practices which
will be presented to President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Civil Rights
Commission in August.
But members of the committee which prepared the report last
night branded it superficial and sometimes "not very thorough."
The report noted that racial discrimination in Michigan was
lessening but that major problems continue in the areas of teaching
Ted Heusel
To Give Up
The man who has directed Ann
Arbor Civic Theatre productions
for the past five years has re-
signed his position.
"It's mostly a matter of having
nights to myself," Ted Heusel in-
sisted. '"Also, I wouldn't want to
Jeopardize my executive position
with my business concern."
Although John Rae, outgoing
president of the Civic Theatre, in-
dicated that nothing shas been de-
cided for the group concerning the
years beyond 1959-60, Heusel re-
ported that "they will probably
have several directors for next
Will Direct One
"I myself will direct at least one
production," he added.
"During my years with the
group, I have seen the theatre
come from nowhere to become the
only theatre of its kind in the
state to stand on its own two
feet," Heusel declared. The Civic
Theatre was presenting three
shows a year when Heusel took
over. It now presents five produc-
tions per year.
No Objection
The director attributed a good
deal of this growth to the force of
the University .in the Ann Arbor
community. "We have never had
any- objection to our admission
prices, which are high," he ex-
plained. "The University commu-
nity provides a predominant part
of our audience."
"He didn't want to announce
his resignation until the season
was over," Rae said.
Ike Explains'
War Effort
To Business
WASHINGTON (I')- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower told busi-
ness yesterday it holds a front
line position in the cold war.
Speaking to a cross-section of
American business leaders, Presi-
dent Eisenhower appealed for a
combined trade and aid effort. He
* said it is vital to keeping uncom-
mitted nations out of theSoviet
camp and to maintaining the eco-
nomic strength of the free world.
President Eisenhower stressed
these points in a talk to more than
4,000 businessmen and their guestst
at the opening of the 47th annual
meeting of the United StatesI
Chamber of Commerce.
The President, and Secretary
of Commerce Lewis L. Strauss in
a separate talk, bore down on the
importance of keeping this coun-7
try's economy strong so it can
withstand the Communist chal-
lenge around the globe.,
"As long as the Communists f
pursue their basic goal on broadr
and diverse fronts," President Ei-
senhower said, "We have no choicel
but to meet their challenge wher-
ever and however it is presented."
Positions Open
For Yearbooka
andhousing.It claimed a large re-
serve of Negro teachers are unable
to find jobs in state elementary
and secondary schools.
Michigan State University Pres-
ident John A. Hannah, chairman
of the national commission, called
the state's condition "pretty good"
after studying the preliminary re-
port by the state group headed by
Charles E. Wilson, former General
Motors president and Secretary of
The survey was called "not very
thorough," however, by the head
of- the sub-committee which
probed discrimination in colleges
and universities.
Questions Broadness
Monsignor Arthur F. Bukowski
told The Daily that it is "difficult
to determine" if the seven-month
survey covered a "broad enough
area." He explained that it was
handled by mimeographed ques-
tionnaires mailed to the deans of
various schools, rather than by
personal interviews.
University officials contacted last
night could not immediately recall
the details of the questionnaire.
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis explained it dealt
generally with admission records
and dormitory regulations. Appar-
ently no survey was taken of other
living units, including fraternities
and sororities.
Neither faculties nor private col-
leges were interviewed in the sur-
vey, Father Bukowski said.
Photos Removed
The lone discriminatory policy
cited-requiring University women
to attach photographs on housing
applications - was removed last
week by the Residence Hall Board
of Governors.
The situation in state ischool
districts was called worse by the,
"Big school districts officially
claim to ignore race to get quali-
fied teachers, but the small num-
ber of working Negro teachers in-
dicates that the personnel in
charge of implementing policy are
not as open-minded as school ad-
ministrators might believe - or
even want," the report said.
The number of Negro teachers
employed by most Michigan school
boards is low, compared to the
large number available, according
to the report. ,
Hannah said housing was per-
haps the most serious problem in
the state. Whites tend to move out
when a'Negro family moves into
an all-white neighborhood, the
survey showed.
Fund Vote
*To Be Held
LANSING (M) - The Senat
voted last night to reconsider to-
morrow a bill liquidating the $5
million Veterans Trust Fund tc
help ease Michigan's current casl
After killing a motion to table
the bill, the Senators, by voice
vote, decided to bring the measure
to the floor for reconsideration by
a vote of 24-7. The vote against
tabling was 18-14.
The move to revive the so-called
Beadle plan was started by Sen.
Haskell Nichols (R-Jackson) be-
fore crowded galleries. Sen. Nich-
ols said Michigan faced possible
flancial chaos if nothing was done.
He said money was needed for
public schools, relief recipients
and for prison and hospital sys-
tem staffs.
Prior to the voting. Sen. Harold
Ryan (D-Detroit) told the Sena-
tors the future of Michigan rested
in their hands. Sen. Ryan said
unless they acted favorably, an-
nouncements would begin coming
from state administrative officials
today on the timetable for de-
faulting on various state financial
Attempts to tap the Fund were
voted down by the Senate last
Over the weekend, the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee
called on the five Democrats who
opposed the measure to fall into
line and vote in favor of liquida-
Allies Gather
For Parley
PARIS () - Taking up his first
foreign assignment as United
States Secretary of State, Chris-
tian A. Herter arrives in Paris
today to help shore up weak points
in the Western front for Geneva
talks with the Soviet Union.
Herter will begin formal talks
with his French, British and West
German counterparts tomorrow in
the French foreign ministry, on
the Quai d'Orsay overlooking the
river Seine.
Diplomatic sources said those
talks, scheduled ot last three days,
will be under three general head-
Berlin, German reunification,
European security.
American and French sources
professed optimism for a solid
Western position before the East-
West foreign ministers talks open
in Geneva May 11.
A top French diplomat said:
"We have found the basis for a
general agremeent."
A highly informed American
source said: "I'd be surprised if
we didn't have it wrapped up
beautifully before Geneva."
Group Hits
Loyalty Oath
Seeks Congressional
Action on Loan Act
The University's Faculty Sen-
ate last night voted for the repeal
of the loyalty oath requirement of
the National Defense Education
Act and urged the United States
Congress to do so immediately.
In a prepared statement, the
Senate charged the requirement
of an oath to obtain a federal loan
for education to be inconsistent
with sound educational policy.
The faculty governing body said
the right to such a loan should
not be treated differently from
the right to use tax-supported or
tax-exempt educational facilities
generally. This should be true, it
contended, regardless of member-
ship even in the Communist Party.
No Justification
The Senate said that no justifi-
cation can be found for that sec-
tion of the oath requiring a state-
ment of non-belief in overthrow
of the United States government
by force.
The statement cited two dangers
in requiring a testimony of beliefs
unaccompanied by any overt act.
First. the definition itself of
such belief is difficult, the Senate
Needs Change
If one took the language liter-
ally, then most faculty members
would be unable to sign the oath
because, if the government should
be changed greatly, they would
believe in its forceful overthrow.
And secondly, the Senate said
it didn't feel beliefs without action
should be made a test for receipt
of a benefit any more than it is
for imposition of punishment.
The belief in the superiority of
democracy is communicated best
by a free exchange of ideas, the
Senate said.
Money Stolen
From Houses
Four University fraternities lost
a total of $268 to thieves early
Sunday morning.
Zeta Beta Tau reported a total
of $92 stolen, as well as a diamond
Sigma Alpha Mu lost $72, ac-
cording to police, and Alpha Tau
Omega $55.
Phi Kappa Tau losses were listed
at $49.
All the money was taken from
wallets in the houses, police said.
In several houses, members ex-
plained, belongings are left on the
floor below the sleeping quarters.
Doors were open or could easily
have been forced in each house,
according to police,
Shaochi Gains China P
By The Associated Press
Liu Shaochi moved up to the
presidency of Red China yester-
day, replacing Mao Tse-tung.
Chou En-lai was renamed pre-
The more important duties of
chairman of the Chinese Commu-
nist Party cause Mao to relinquish
the presidency. Choice of the 61-
Attack Met
Wth Forces
In Panama
PANAMA (P)-The government
claimed yesterday that it had un-
der observation an invasion force
of 79 Cubans and one Panamanian
who landed early Saturday on the
desolate San Blas Peninsula.
Three of the four Panamanians
with the original force of 86 had
been drowned or captured.
The United States government
said yesterday it is supplying Pan-
ama with small arms to help that
Central American republic repel
The government's announce-
ment came after the 21-member
Organization of American States
said it would meet today in emer-
gency session to consider Pana-
ma's appeal for help from a for-
eign invasion.
Exchange Gunfire
National guardsmen exchanged
gunfire with an advance patrol of
the invasion force along the beach
and may have killed one man,Na-'
tional Guard headquarters re-
ported later. The guardsmen suf-
fered no casualties.
Three of the invaders, two Cu-
bans and a Panamanian, already
had been captured and brought to
the capital. They were several
miles in advance of the main
party spotted at Santa Isabel on
the coast, and were rounded up
without resistance by a National
Guard corporal and a hastily or-
ganized posse.
Tells of Plot
The Panamanian prisoner, Guil-
lermo Gonzalez, told newsmen that
"so far as I know," the invasion
was plotted by Roberto Arias,
prominent -lawyer and diplomat
who broke with the government a;
year ago. He has taken asylum in
the Brazilian embassy. Gonzalez
said Arias had given him $4,000;
to take to Cuba to finance the
EA Cuban foreign ministry state-
ment issued in Havana said Cu-i
bans who took part in the inva-
sion did so in direct violation ofi
orders. It said stronger measures
were being taken to prevent the
formation of other revolutionary
.year-old Liu strengthened his po-
sition as Mao's heir-apparent.
The widow of the founder of
Republican China, Mine. Sun Yat-
Seniand veteran revolutionary
Tung Pi-wu were named vice-
chairmen, succeeding Marshal
Chu Teh who had held the job
alone before them.,
It had been expected that Chu,
an old friend of Mao and former
warlord governor of Ynnnan prov-
ince, would succeed him in the
presidency. Instead, Chu, the 72-
year-old marshall, got Liu's old
job as chairman of the important
standing committee of the Na-
tional People's Congress, the Red
Chinese Parliament.
Although Mao gave up the posi-
tion of president, he still remains
the undisputed boss of Red China
as chairman of the Communist
CentralrCommittee. He undoubt-
edly personally chose Liu for the
post in an apparent effort to
groom him for the leadership of
the party in which he already
holds the No. 2 position.
Choices Unopposed
Put before the People's Con-
gress yesterday, the party leader-
ship's choices were unopposed,
and the 1,157 member congress
went through the formality of
Included in the sixteen nomina-
tions for vice-chairman of the
congress standing committee were
the ,self-exiled Dalai Lama and
the puppet Panchen Lama, his
successor on the throne of Tibet.
Despite his statements that he
fled from Tibet voluntarily, the
Red Chinese still hope to get the
Dalai Lama to return and head a
collaborating government.
Liu, the new government head,
is widely known as a Communist
theorist and as an organizer. Born
of poor peasant parents, he now
holds three vital posts.
Made To Aid
Sheriff's Men
The sheriff's department an-
nounced yesterday restrictions on
use by newsmen of its complaint
book were aimed only at aiding
sheriff's officers.
Patrolmen arriving for shifts at
8 a.m., 4 p.m., and midnight must
be able to have the book at their
disposal to see late reports, ac-
cording to Sheriff George A.
Last Friday Peterson issued an
order barring reporters from see-
ing the complaint book until after
8:30 a.m., and posted a notice to
that effect on the cover of the
In addition, Daily reporters
were told the book could not be
used after 5 p.m. each day - nine
hours before The Daily goes to
In ordering the restrictions,
Petersen had declared the book.
departmental property, to which
reporters have no free access.
The incident a p p a r e n t l y
stemmed from an Ann Arbor News
story on suspension of two depu-
ties. Peterson claimed the story
should not ,have appeared, .and
denied he had suspended the men,
He did say, however, he had re-
lieved them of duty for a time.
Petersen had denied the story
was the cause of the clampdown.
"I have never denied the right
of a newsman to talk at any time
with my men, and I don't deny
that now," he said yesterday, ex-
plaining the restrictions.,
World News
Ap p r o vePo 11- o n a
'To Revise,
Meeting Set
On Exchange
A meeting for sophomores, up-
perclassmen and graduate stu-
dents interested in applying for
the University of Delhi exchange
program will be held at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 3-S of the Union,
Linda Brodey, '62, chairman, an-
nounced recently.
The purpose of the meeting will
be to inform the applicants of the
general aspects of the program.
Questions will be answered and
petitions will be distributed.
Criteria for selection of the ex-
change student will be knowledge
and understanding of general
American culture, academic rec-
ord, familiarity with international
affairs, willingness to cooperate
with and general interest in the
exchange program and ability to
adapt to unfamiliar conditions.
The exchange program, entirely
without cost to the student cho-
sen, will be financed by SGC con-
tingent upon financial aid from
other sources. The cost of the trip
is estimated at $2,000.
The student, who will live with
an Indian Civil Service family,
will speak to various campus or-
ganizations on his return.-e
Move Hoped To Meel
Criticism by AAUP
Causing 'U' Censure
The University's Faculty Senat
last night approved a proposec
revision of the Regents' By-la
covering dismissal, demotion o
terminal appointments, in line
with criticism of this procedure
by the American Association oJ
University Professors.
The proposal was referred to a
study committee, which was au
thorized to "consider and approve
minor changes before making a
final recommendation to the Re.
gents," according to the Senate re.
port. Any change in the By-law
are made by the Regents.'
Prof. Ferrell Heady of the politi-
cal science department, SenatE
secretary, said "we hope to act a
rapidly as possible." He said the
Senate hopes to place the recom-
mendation before the Regents "i
about two or three months."
Censured Last Year
The University was placed under
censure last year by the AAUP to?
its 1953 dismissal of Prof. Mark
Nickerson of the pharmacology
department and H. Chandler Davi
of the mathematics department
Lifting of the censure was au-
thorized by the AAUP national
convention'Friday, contingent up-
on a change in the conditions
which led the original action
Authorization was given to the
AAUP's "Committee A," the Com-
mittee on Academic Freedom and
Tenure. The group may lift the
censure at any time if they feel
the University has fulfilled the
The association originally ob-
jected, first, to changes in the By-
laws which permitted what they
called "abbreviated" procedure,
and also to what they considered
an improper combInation of 'that
and ordinary procedure.
To Meet Criticism
Prof. Heady called the proposal
an attempt "to meet the defi-
ciencies specified by the AAUP.
We think this authorization will
meet the AAUP conditions," he
said. "We hope this will remove
the censure."
Although declining to specify
what the changes would be, Prof.
Heady said they are "not drastic,
The basic system will be con--
Prof. Heady said both 'AAUP
criticisms and faculty comment
were taken into account in pro-
posing the revisions.
Judic Extends
Deadline Date
For Petitions
The deadline for obtaining and
returning petitions for Joint Ju-
diciary Council has been moved
forward to 2 p.m. Friday, Allan
Stillwagon, '59, announced yes-
Extra time was given because
Joint Judic petitioning requires at
least 25 hours of interviewing by
officers of Joint Judie and Stu-
dent Government Council, he said
Five new members will be cho-
sen. Petitions are available at
Dean of Men John Bingley's of-
fice in the Student Activities Bldg.
Sigma Nu Gets Assistance
From Friends on Campus
Sigma Nu, its fraternity house gutted by fire last week, has found
that it has many friends within the University.
Dennis A. Dahlman, '60, the current president of the chapter said
last night if Sigma Nu had accepted all the offers for help each man
would have at least two places to
stay. Since this isn't possible, most CONSIDERED BY
of the -men are living in apart-~
ments and eating at the Delta
Tau Delta fraternity.
sororities to wash clothes and: everr a c e
for places to stay, he added. Un-
fortunately, we couldn't take them-
up on their offers, he remarked.Aef
At first we tried to find another
house to live in, he noted, but were
unable to find anything suitable.
Since it would cost at least $200,.. r
000 to build another house, it was
finally decided after a meetnig to
remodel the old house.
Dahlman said since there was
an estimated $60,000 to $65,000
damage, it was lucky their in-
BY The Associated Press
GENEVA- The Soviet Union
proposed yesterday that the United
States, Russia and Britain agree
on a limited number of inspections
of suspicious disturbances to police
a nuclear test ban.
This' approach, apparently a
tactical move, was made at the
conference here ofthe three atomic
powers on a nuclear ban treaty.
LITTLE ROCK - Gov. Orval
E. Faubus' major legal weapon in
his fight against public school in-
tegration passed its test in the
Lease Policy May Be Changed
Arkansas Supreme Court yester-
By PHILIP SHERMAN day but the showdown was still
The University's Northwood Terrace lease-length policy may be to come.
relaxed, according to the University Board of Regents. In a 4-to-3 decision, the court
In a letter replying to a query from the Northwood Terrace Ten- upheld the law he sponsored and
ants Association signed by Eugene B. Power, the Board said the matter later used to close four Little Rock
was "under consideration." high schools last fall.
The Associatio'n is requesting a change in University policy which * * *
enforces September-through-August leases for all Northwood residents CAPE CANAVERAL-A possible
regardless of when they graduate. prototype of Bold Orion, the Air
In the past, apartments -have been subleased over the summer Force's highly secret "air launched
months so departing students do not have to pay rent when not in ballistic missile" program, was