DEARBORN SECTION Y Sir.A6 4 ir :43at.t, DEARBORN SECTION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, EIGHT earborn enter 0 pen In a deetings Set Here [o Explain Opening Planned for Students Interested In Transferring to New, Campus Vice-President and Director of Dearborn Center William Stirton nounced yesterday that six meetings would be held on campus to >lain the Dearborn Center program to University students. Stirton said he was interested in explaining the program to all erested students, "but particularly to sophomores in the literary I engineering college and those sophomores planning. to enter miess administration school." Junior year programs in those areas will begin next September, explained. In the future the Center will expand its program to in- de seniors and graduate students in those areas. Offer Work Assignments 'The business administration and engineering programs will be perative and the liberal arts program will be a normal program. SThree sets of meetings will be r ; art *k held; in- each of these sets there will be afternoon and evening sessions. Stirton and Director of Admissions Clyde Vroman will speak at these meetings. Repre- sentatives from the a d v i s o r y groups in each of the three divi- sions will also speak. { 4"Standards for admission to the Dearborn Center will be the same $ as that for the Ann Arbor campus. Candidates will be awarded de- grees by the University of Michi- gan," Stirton explained. To Take Transfers He said that applications to transfer to the Dearborn Center would be treated as soon as pos- sible. He also said that students were welcome to come to his office for information. Stirton announced at the same WILLIAM STIRTON time that Wayne State University ... Center director students would be given the op- portunity to hear about the Cen- * ter. At 2 and 4 p.m. on May 12 I C ites in Rm. 3 of the Rackham Building in Detroit, Stirton and Vroman will explain the program to WSU tP "The student fees at Dearborn ew'ij A spects will total the same amount as in Ann Arbor, but for those in the " co-operative program, they will uefR 1fl1 be divided on a different basis. They will pay $85 per semester for ice-President and Director of 'the two semesters they are on, rborn Center William Stirton campus, and $45 dollars per se- mester for the other two semes- racterited the Center as '"one ters-" CAMPUS PANORAMA-The four buildings of the Dearborn Center will be clustered around a mall (foreground) when completed. The buildings (left to right) are student services, engineering laboratory, faculty offices and classroom buildings and are constructed of brick. They will be completed by September.' Regents Approve September Date Legislative Appropriations Sought For First-Year Operating Expenses The University has.planned to open the Dearborn Center in September although funds for its operation have not yet been approved by the State Legislature. Vice-President and Director of the Dearborn Center Wit- liana E. Stirton announced the decision to push for a' fall opening yesterday. The Regents approved such action at their March meeting. "It is not possible to wait for legislative action before we begin to hire faculty members and obtain students for the Center," Stirton said. Depends on Appropriation "The number of students admitted and the scale of operations will depend upon the size of the legislative ap- propriations," he emphasized.0 He said that the Universityoe w as requesting a s e p a r a t e C0a oirer dtf $550,000 appropriation for the pe atv Center and that the fundsPr used for its opening would not ro am s be taken from money used to operate the Ann Arbor campus. The University requested $550,- 000 to operate. the: Center for the The cooperative work-study pro- first year and an additional $85,- gram for engineering, and business 000 for a non-recurrent expense administration to be established at necessary ' to opening the four- the Dearborn Center has been building campus. Gov. G. Mennen termed "unique" by its director, e Williams cut this total request to William Stirton. - $550,000 in his budget as present- This program involves carefully ed. to the Legislature in January. established job internships in -The Center, originally made which the work assignments are , possible by a $6.5 million gift integrated with college course work from Ford Motor Co. and;the Ford for a total educational experience. - Motor Co. Fund, will now operate This will be the only program so under the University and will be integrated. r dependent upon state funds. The jobs will progress in diffi- Admissions Open culty as the student has more edu- Admissions to the Center were cational background. Many of the recently opened, Stirton said, and engineering jobs, for example, will a "students who will benefit from be in' research, Stirton said. - t h e u n i q u e cooperative work- Provides Contact education program to be offered He cited as one advantage of l at the Center" are being sought. this program contact with industry Meetings announcing the opening which will give the student prac- are being conducted to inform tical tests of his inclinations and d students' of the opportunities adaptability. Another. benefit is available at the Center, Stirton the stimulation it will provide for said. original investigation of problems The Center will open with three for the student. e programs available on the junior, Direct contact with labor-man- senior and graduate level: coop- agement problems will enhance the ' erative programs in engineering student's educational experience, and business administration and Stirton said. The opportunity to a literary college program similar earn partial or even total college to that on the Ann Arbor campus. expenses is another advantage of *. Plan Adult P rograms Foor Center Although the Dearborn Center is very much interested in devel- oping adult education and exten- sion courses, the first concern of the Center is developing an un- dergraduate frogram, William. Stirton, University vice-president and director of Dearborn Center, said. Stirton explained that, at pres- ent, the Center is concentrating on developing its program for juniors, and has not been too con- cerned with other aspects of the program. However, Stirton noted that there is great desire for adult education in the Dearborn area and he has already received many inquiries about it. "This is very encouraging," Stirton said. When we do develop an exten- sion program we will be careful not to duplicate the other pro- grams available in the Dearborn area, he said. Although the faculty for the Center has not yet been selected, Stirton recently drew up his fac- ulty pay scale. "It is similar to the pay scale of the Ann Arbor faculty," he noted., Stirton said that he expected to obtain his faculty through the contacts of University professors and through applications of oth- ers who are excited by the educa- tional: ideas of the Center. The Dearborn faculty will be separate from the Ann Arbor fac- ulty, Stirton explained, but ad- visory committees to assist in the selection have been set up. V pea ha Admission requirements to the Dearborn Center will follow thes selective standards of the Uni- versity, John T. Prentice, admis- sions counselor, commented re- cently. For admission to one of the three units of the junior-senior college, an applicant must have1 completed two years with approxi-I mately 60 hours of credit in the appropriate fields of study. While d e f i n i t e requirements haven't yet been announced, Pren- tice explained, prospective students can follow the course standards for freshmen and sophomores stated in the catalogs of the engineering and literary college and the busi- ness administration schools to fa cilitate their preliminary planning.a Choose Any SchoolI Students who plan to attend the' Center may complete the first two years of their college work at any accredited institution. Provisions will be made to admit outstate students, but the admissions of- fice feels that the bulk of the stu- dents will come from Dearborn and the surrounding area. Many of the students, Prentice added, will be older ones who have completed two years of work on another campus and wish to finish the requirements for a degree clos- er to home. Because of the com- muting nature of the student body, no plans present or future have been made for men's or women's residence halls. Considers Academics Admission to the Center will also hinge a great deal upon the aca- demic standing of the students UNIVERSITY STANDARDS: Center Admissions To Be Selective ture of individual capacity pre- cludes the use of a fixed grad standard, Prentice went on to say Subjects Count A second standard is what a student has taken during his firs two years of college. This is di- rectly related to the requirements an individual must meet in order to take courses in engineering business administration and in the arts and sciences. A third very important criteria is the student's most recent per- formance in school. Many times Prentice pointed out, an individua will get off to a bad start in col- lege but improve in succeeding se mesters. If a student were judge on his cumulative average, his firs' semester might pull him down be- low the required level. Setting a standard averag Would also hurt those individuals who did poorly in one field o study but improved when they transferred to a different area of concentration. A fourth consideration will -be the character of the institution that the individual has previously attended. This holds true not only on the high school level but also for the junior or regular type of college that a student attended fo: his first two years. Working with Stirton on pub- licizing the Center's openiing has been Director of Admissions Clydi Vroman. He has also been in charge of the admissions proced- ure for the Center and has been working to obtain "the students who will benefit most from thi type of program the Dearbori Center has to offer." G 4 : r' r k 1 !' l t . 3 s " . of the most thrilling educational projects on the horizon." The cooperative program which the Center will feature in engineer- ng and business administration 'will vitalize instruction," give direct business experience, give "industrial sophistication" in la-. bor-management relations, as 'well as providing generous remunera- tion. Stirton explained that the fac- ulty would carefully investigate job opportunities - "students would need prerequisites for certain types of jobs, just as you need them for certain math courses." Also a stu- dent-would be kept in one job long enough to learn that job, but once the educational value of that job is exhausted the student leaves the job. Stirton explained that classroom work would be carefully designed to integrate with the job training. The Center will be primarily a communter organization and no student housing will be provided, Stirton declared. The Director of the Center came to the University in 1956 as a vice- president. In October of 1958 Stir- bon assumed the additional duties of Director of the Center. Immediately before coming to the University, Stirton was ap- pointed, in 1951, assistant to the president of Wayne University (now Wayne State University) and, director of the division of com- munity relations. Later he was ap- pointed vice-president of Wayne for university services and develop- muent. During the Second World War, Stirton was in charge of the War Tro.ining Program in the Detroit Public Schools, which trained 337,- 300 men and women for war pro- luction jobs in the Detroit area. He is a member of the Gov- ernor's Commission on the St. Lawrence Waterway. Schedule Three sets of meetings *ill be held here on campus to in- troduce students to the oppor- tunities available at the Dear- born Center. Each set will ldave an after- noon meeting at 4 p.m. and an evening meeting at 7:30 p.m. The meetings will be identical, and students may attend any one of them. They will be held Thursday in Aud. A, Angell Hall, May 5 in Rm. 229 West Engineering Bldg. and May 6 in Rm. 131 of the business administration school. CLYDE VROMAN *.. admissions chief after two years of college. Be- sides considering an individual high school record, the entrance board will determine if a student's grades are "commendable." Because assigning a fixed grade- point average for all students would not take all factors into consideration, the admissions of- fice is flexible in applying require- ments and determining if a stu- dent has academically reached the commendable status. One of the criteria, Prentice mentioned, is "if an individual's record demonstrates that he has the capacity to carry out his de- sired program." The relative na- eT n ,r ,s e n n TO HOUSE MEETINGS: .- Fair Lane Historical Center of Campus City To Build New Coll"ee Dearborn, a primarily residen- tial community, is located "in the heart of the southeastern Michi- gan industrial complex" - and is thus centrally located for students and job internship positions, Di- rector of the Dearborn Center Wil- liam E. Stirton said. The community of 135,000 has' for many years supported a junior college, Henry Ford Community College, which'has grown to 5,000 students. The voters recently pass- ed a bond issue to move the cam- pus two miles west, adjacent to the University's center. Wants To. Share The new campus is being planned directly north of the Cen- ter, on 75 acres of land _donated by Ford Motor Co. The college is planning a campus to accom- modate 11,400 students, although Dearborn School Superintendent Stuart Openlander said the land will make the campus "a little cramped." He has proposed possible shar-, ing of certain facilities with the University, which has 210 acres. He suggested combined athletic facilities, library and auditorium as possible aids to the junior col- lege. Voters Approve The voters have approved $6 million of the proposed $8 million total cost of the campus. The two institutions will operate sepa- rately, but by sharing adjoining 1anA .'m r m.n'. + - *nr-van,' n.o this cooperative program. The University will also get cer- tain benefits from a program of this type, Stirton said. It will en- able faculty to observe the stu- dent's ability in handling outside work assignments and enable the University to place greater empha- sis on the fundamental problems, leaving much of the practical work to the employers. Lower Cost It will also lower the cost of in- struction by utilizing instructional facilities of the work assignment in industry. "It also gives splendid access to modern and complete in- dustrial equipment' in business and industry, where otherwise, such facilities might not be made avail- able to the University," Stirton de- clared. ."The cooperative, program" in- creases the scope of service of the University to the State of- Michi- gan by enriching- the contribution of the University to industrial strength," he noted. "And cer- tainly it increases the interrela- tionship between industry and edu- cation that is increasingly neces- sary in the days ahead." Considering Student- Plans For Dearborn "We are definitely concerned with student activities at the Dear- born Center," Vice-President and Director of Center William Stir- ton said recently. "We have been considering the prnnhlm nf student activities since A large part of the Ford gift to the University, in historical signifi- cance as well as monetary value, was Fair Lane, the home built by Henry Ford in 1915. The imposing limestone structure, done in the style of a baronial mansion, sometimes disappoints the first-time observer by its unim- posing size. Yet inside the brown limestone exterior are over 50 rooms which look out upon a setting which has preserved some of the natural wildness of the region, and added some man-arranged beauty spots besides. The exterior, magnificent and somber, sets the tone for the home's interior, one of subdued luxury. Walnut panelling and rooms of large, but not royal, proportions, silver doorknobs and an imposink hand- carved bannister are striking to the observer. Equipped with Conveniences The building is equipped with an abundance of conveniences, all of which will be utilized when the University uses the structure for seminars, meetings and a historic center of learning on an otherwise new campus. The building has 31,770 sq. ft. of space, \telephone connections, lavatory facilities and soundproofing which would combine to make ti ra .' mafii hip{ r-it T.ti n f'.tlef _hprP +Pr Willnem R S~ttnn r. .>. - 5[ ,,{{y,