ama Season Announces Leading Performers McLilan wrote the Broadway comedy, "The Sin of Pat Mul-, doon." No additional casting has been announced for Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" in which Paul Hartman and Earle Hyman will star. The Drama Season is scheduled to open on May 11 with "Mac- beth," followed successively by "Howie," "Waiting for Godot," "Summer of the Seventeenth Doll" and "The Happiest Millionaire." Each production will run for six days. Season tickets for the plays will be available beginning May 4 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office; These include both regular and the special student tickets. Dorothy Kirsten, Metropolitan Opera soprano appearing in next weekend's May Festival, will be heard on "Panorama", 2 p.m., to- day, on WUOM-FM. The campus radio station will feature her in arias from Puc- cini's operas, "La Rondine" and "Madame Mutterfly." In honor of the 80th birthday of Sir Thomas Beecham, "Panor- ama's" moderator will read a pub- lished interview with the conduct- or, following it with his-recorded performance of Sibelius' "Sym- phony No. 7 in C Major." D'IAL N'O 8-6416 UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE APPROPRIATE TO THE SCREENS OF THE WORLD ... 'Pather Panchali' is a picture of India of a sort we have not yet had-not even in Jean Renoir's 'The River' nor in Robert Flaherty's 'Elephant Boy.' This is a communication of. human experience out of the heart anc fiber of Bengal. .It is the creation of. aari."-Bodley Crowthei, N. Y. Times' A truly great, original picture." -'Arch.. Winst, Paost "Stunningly beautiful, a major work of art." -in.. for a recital appearance on March 13. The series will then conclude on April 4 with a concert by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, con- ducted by Fritz Reiner. Announce Extra Series Scheduling a group of five con- certs, the 14th annual Extra Con- cert Series will extend from Oct. 25 to March 24. The Boston Symphony Orchestra will perform under the baton of Charles Munch in the opening pro- gram of the series; the second concert of the series, however, will be announced at a later date. On Jan. 15, the celebrated pian- ist from Poland, Witold Malcuzyrj- sky, , will make his Ann Arbor debut, followed by a performance by the Pittsburgh Symphony Or- chestra under William Steinberg on Feb. 29. Orchestra To Visit The Lamoureaux Orchestra, a. vising orchestra from Paris con- ducted by Igor -Markevitch, will conclude the series. The Chamber Music Festival, which -will be held Feb. 12 to 14, - will present for the first time, a series of nine quartets for piano, violin, viola and cello, presented in three concerts in Rackham Audi- torium., The featured players, in ensem- ble, known as the Festival Quartet, are Victor Babin, pianist; Szymon Goldberg, violinist; William Prim- rose, violist; and Nikolai Graudan, cellist. Endrich To Appear Soloist for the annual Messiah Concert, scheduled for Dec. 5 and 6 will be Saramae Endrich, so- prano; Gladys Kriese, contralto; Charles O'Neill,, tenor; and Yi- Kewi Sze, bass. The University Choral Union and Musical Society Orchestra, conducted by Lester McCoy, will also perform. Orders for season tickets for the Choral Union and Extra Concert Series will be accepted beginning May 4 at the offices of the Univer- sity Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. U' To Offer TV Programs On WXYZ-TV Two University programs will be seen tomorrow morning on WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, Detroit. At 9 a.m. on "Research: Ann Arbor," three current research projects-on atomic energy, apha- sia and new kinds of art-will be documented with the actual people involved along with films of their undertakings. On "Accent'' at 9:45 a.m., citi- zens of the United Arab Republic, Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia explore the culture of the 24 Mos- lem nations. ,The four will tell of present con- ditions and hopes for the future held by the more than 400 million Muslims living in an area three times as large as the United States. Organization Graduate Outing Club, hiking, April 26, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rackham (N. w. Entrance). * i Mich. Christian Fellowship, lecture: "Jewish Contribution in Christianity," April 26; 4 p.m., Lane Hall. ISA, the following members please pick up your ballots at the Interna- tional Center: Alihaydar Aftee, Orhan Bahioglu, Erdagan Bavan, Montez De- Oca, Ahrio Dorronsoro, Yilnag Egir- harrell, Kiren Eimo, Jean Eldridge, Melmet Engintusca, Napoleon Gutler- rez, P. Hageovavi, George Larvin, David McNair, Ernest Muller, Helmet Okivy- cec, N. Salmilch, Myrna Sanchez, Mil- ton Shalinik, Ethel Soloman, J. A. Susz, N. Tabandele, Helen Taylor, Hector vega, Renee Ynsfaan, Arthustepe Zeir- ghloglev. 'ACCOMPLISHMENT' Films To Depict Japanese Drama *ie English: FAT VEGETABLE : A}^ Englis:OI4A (ffA "RtCHARD "HARhISON.""7HE""C1TAEL:. V"~: :;'ii'r' By SUSAN FARRELL and Kyogen plays began in the been brought to a acme, were Two forms of medieval Japan- fifteenth century. After the inten- preserved that way to the present ese drama - Noh and Kyogen - sity of Noh, Kyogen brings a sense day, Prof. Yamagiwa said. will be shown on film at 7:30 p.m. of relief, Prof. Yamagiwa ex- Both films were produced in tomorrow in Aud. A, Angell Hall. plained. Excerpts from five Kyo- Japan by Seth P. Ulman, form- Noh is masked lyrical drama ac- gen plays will be shown. er assistant professor of dramatie companied by chanting and the Noh and Kyogen reached the art at the University of California. music of a flute and drums, Prof. peak of their perfection in the Ulman spent two years in Japan Joseph Yamagiwa, chairman of fifteenth century. They are Jap- studying Japanese drama on a the Far Eastern studies depart- anese art formsr which having Fulbright grant. ment, explained. The word Noh Noh and Kyogen are the best means accomplishment; it is not translated forms of Japanese so much tragic drama as it is Student Tours drama, but the ordinary person serious drama. Noh's Buddhistic might find the films slow going coloring is due to the role of spir- d D without previous explanation, its in the plot and their presence Slated D urn Prof. Yamagiwa said. $ljman give on the stage, he said. that introduction in his lecture The Noh play to be shown is AnnualeU'Day before the films. "Izutsu" (The Well-Curb). The film of the Noh play is in The characters which form the About 2,000 high school students both black-and-white and color; word Kyogen mean crazy words, will inspect the University cam- the Kyogen is entirely in color. Prof. Yamigiwa said. Kyogen plays Although the original sound and are eight to twelve minute comic pus and living facilities at the 7th music have been recorded, addi- -interludes performed between Noh annual University Day, May 9. tional narratalon in English is, plays and are usually' presented The Office of Admissions and provided. "We. understand that between any two Noh plays in a the Union Student Affairs Con- the films are technically quite full-fledged program, mittee are sponsoring their visit. good," Prof., Yamagiwa said. The habit of alternating, Noh Admissions Counselor Sidney Straight will greet the students at 8:30 a.m. in Hill Aud. Vice- President for Student Affairs Give James A. Lewis, will explain the Plan e h. program. Student guides will then con- duct tours of the campus and liv- Two student recitals,'under the ing facilities. Luncheons in resi- auspices of the music school are dence halls will follow, along with April,27-May upcoming on the University cal- an~ afternoon dance and mixer in endar. the Union. The first, to be held at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, April 25, in Aud. A, An- gell Hall will feature David Whit lDIAL well playing the French horn. NOW! Mary McLoskey, soprano, will sing T V at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Aud. A, Angell Hall. RICHARD HENRY ANT'ONY -WIDMARK- FONDA - QUINN PLAY DOROTHY DOLORES PAT PAR-MALONE - MICHAELS GOLF COURSE ()n U.S.-23 - South Of Packad Rd- BOURBON ST. ..;. MISSION u ra services Saturday Night I-M Building,2;. ARBOR -Cihen a dId Aay 1, 2,3 * Saturday 7:00 and 9:00 3 ~Sunday at 8:00 Schoedsack and Cooper's N/M "KING KONG" -Daily-Allan winder RACE-The Spring Weekend race, composed of tandem bicycles of three or more wheels, began at 3:15 p.m. yesterday. Two crews, each composed of two men and- two women, formed the relay teams which cycled around Palmer Field, ---- I t 4 '1 .4 "i /Ae ANN April 30, h FINAL CONCERT Sunday, May 3, 8:30 P.M. The Philadelphia Orchestra EUGENE ORMANDY, Conductor GIORGIO TOZZI, Basso Take a word-garbage, for example. With it, you can make the contents of an auto junk yard (carbage), Hollywood refuse (starbage), incinerator dust (charbage) or glass-factory rejects (jarbage). That's Thinklish-and it's that easy! We're paying $25 for the Thinklish words judged best-your check is itching to go! Send your words to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Symphony No. 39 in E-flat major "Se vuol ballare" from Marriage of Figaro "Moamina," from Mozart Mozart I