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February 13, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-13

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"It's Not The Principle - It's The Money"

Sixty-Ninth Year

: )

'Cat Given Cornpetent
Sensitive Production

:)pnions Are Prep
b Will Preval"

rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

F'EBRUARY 13,. 1959



The National Gamble:
Inflation or Red Rockets


j r-


FENSE SECRETARY Neil l4cElroy has
;reed to take a major gamble with nation-
curity. Bending to President Dwight D.
hower's demands fot a balanced budget,
ex-Proctor & Gamble president has
ned his national defense account down
conservative $40.9 billion.
Elroy's submission represents a comprom-
etween the Western world's two great
ers - Communism and inflation. On the
front, deficit spending and heavy taxa-
would probably have to be called upon to
all the requests of the military. The Ad-
tration predicts widespread inflation
I probably result. Some economists be-
inflation and its effect on the American
)my presents an even greater long range
t to national security than kussia's fore-
g missile strength.
t Western allies close to Russia's opera-
intermediate range ballistic missiles are
g for more protection from the Red men-
Protection, some allies, say, 'comes best
ie form of stockpiled American intercon-.
tal ballistic missiles. A. pro-ICBM and
ly Democratic Congress is also demanding
funds to close the alleged United States-
La missile gap.
SSIAN ROCKET boasts have made a con-
derable dent in American morale. Missile
c; a new type of disease for Americans, is
;ing across the nation. A deluge of mis-
mation and blown-up Communist claims
resently affecting everyone from corn-
ers to Congressional leaders.
ese leaders seem the most susceptible to

missile panic and have promised to cure the
nation when the defense appropriation comes
up for a vote. If they succeed in boosting the
defense, allotment, it will probably also spell,
inflation and -economic chaos for the public
they hoped to protect.
But those most actively involved, the scien-
tist, doesn't bother to concern himself with
the missile race, gap or whatever form the
United States-Russia contest may be current-
ly taking. As a University scientist said here
recently after returning from 16 months at
the now-famous Cape Canaveral test site, "The
only race we should be engaged in is trying to
increase our technical and scientific level -on
a broad base." Today, panic and misinforma-
' tion have narrowed this broad base to one
small faction of scientific development -- mis-
McELROY HAS SAID the United States has
the necessary strength to deter any Red
aggression. This includes the "'small war" and
the threat of an all-out Russian missile bom-
bardment. SAC,,the Strategic Air Command,
has the power to strike in the heart of Russia
with air-to-surface missiles. The Navy's "Po-
laris" can also hit the Red stronghold. The
newly tested "Titan" and the "Atlas" will'prob-
ably be operational in the near future.
On the surface, McElroy's choice between
missiles or inflation seems a bad one. But after
serious study and comparison of Russian and
American nuclear strength conducted by the
Administration, it proves the right one.
McElroy has taken the best gamble.



tip, , .



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"CAT CN A Hot Tin Roof" is
Tennessee Williams' last big
Broadway hit. Although hardly a
great--or even very substantial-
piece of drama, it is an interest-
ing and beautifully crafted play,
one which is permeated with just,
that combination of sensitivity
and vulgarity which pleases the
amateur audience as well as the
amateur actor:
Or at least this particular com-
bination of qualities was the one
most evident at Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre last night. As the
fourth presentation of the Civic
Theatre season, "Cat" was neith-
er tragic nor deeply moving; it
successfully conveyed, neverthe-
less, the atmosphere of suffering
in the midst of sweaty common-
ness that seems to pervade so
many of the Williams plays, and
provided a vehicle for a great deal
of admirable acting
It is scarcely necessary to say
much about, the play itself. The
winner of a Pulitzer Prize, it has
toured the country widely in both
stage and screen versions in the
last few years, and its plot'has
been the subject of much confu-
sion and controversy. Therecent
popularity of the movie is per-
haps unfortunate, since acting
comparisons are bound to be
drawn; with the restoration of
the "original ending" to this ver-
sion, however, the Hollywood
change of emphasis is. quite ap-
parent, and the total effect of the
local play production is quite dif-
ferent and much more powerful,
than that of the film.
BRIEFLY, the plot of "Cat"
centers about the cracked rela-
tionship of Brick and Maggie Pol-
litt, who are caught for an in-
stant (or an eternity) in the plan-,
tation home of Brick's dying fath-
er, Big Daddy, and surrounded by
"mendacity" and greed. Although
the play constantly returns to a
theme of abnormalityand perver-'
sion, one is struck throughout by
the absolute normality and ordi-
nary ignobility of all the charac-
Working with tragic material,
Williams allows his characters to
surrender to a sort of environ-
mental determinism, which de-,
stroys the significance or import-
ance of any individual action; the
work, despite its t e c h n i c a l
smoothness, suffers. Pity and
recognition and resignation take
the place of more noble emotions
and one is relieved rather than
exalted when the curtain comes
down on Brick and Maggie.

Estelle Ginn as Maggie achieved
here perhaps the evening's most
sensitive characterization, and
was both fiery and convincing in
her interpretation of the "cat."
Tom Leith (Brick) .was well-
suited to his role, but until about
the last half of the second act,.
lacked the mere physical intensity
necessary to the part, allowing
lesser characters to overshadow
him. Barbara Sandberg, Mayme
Walker, and J. Henry Owens
played their character roles with
an imaginative - if slightly de-
rivative - vitality.
Williams' characters, stereo-
typed by both playwright and
popularity, demand little creative
originality from the actor. Per-
haps this is why "Cat," a really
competent production, seems to
lack the excitement that has typi-
fied far worse Civic Theatre en-
--Jean Willoughby
to the
EDIT"R ...

;roi r'er_ 4.

Legislators Battle Tax Problem.

Politics Scuttles Wayne's Merger

)UCATION BOWED to political myopia in
Lansing this week.
)f course, this is nothing novel, but the most
ent situation is worthy of special mention
ce it applies a blow to the spirits of those
erested in a merger of the University and
yne State.
'he case at Cand, is, or to be more correct,
, the proposal originally sponsored by Sen.
bchinson, calling for 'an appointive board
govern Wayne. House Democrats, with the
-of a few Republicans, neatly defeated the
'hus, the public election of the six-member
,rd will take place as scheduled in April.
ich, translated roughly, means that possi-
ties of joint operation of the two schools
the University Regents are dim, if not alto-
her invincible.
or any elected board will not be particularly
ited over the opportunity to eliminate their

jobs and by agreeing to a merger. On the other
hand, an, appointive board, in addition' to
having valuable experience in Regental deal-
ings, would probably be more inclined to ob-
jectively consider a merger. In fact, it is very
possible, even probable, that some of the mem-
bers of the present 11-member "interim" board
would be seated on an appointed body.
However, as the Lansing action so firmly
indicates, such will not be the case.
RATHER, THE important concern seems to be
be prevention of Republicans gaining seats
on the board. As a result, an objective study of
the intricacies of merger, which might well be
beneficial to education in the state, may not
be sidetracked.
As with the Republican "hold the line" policy
towards funds for state schools, the philosophy
seems to be one of education be damned, if it
conflicts with party interests.

Reds- Satellites


'HERE IS no reason to doubt that John
Foster Dulles will once again come out on
>, carried through his ordeal not only by his
imina, which is fabulous, but also by the
owledge that he is at this moment the indis-
nsable man.
There have been times in the past when
ings were at the end of a chapter, and he
uld with grace and dignity have made way
: a younger man. But not just now. This is a
riod when things are moving toward a climax,
ter which the world may be very different,
d he himself is at the climax of his career.
There is ne one else in the Western world
Lo has authority, comparable with his, to lead
e complex negotiations about Germany and
rope which in one way or another are now
.avoidable and imperative. If the West moves,
it must,' from a policy of standing pat to one
negotiation and compromise, his personal
idership will be the best guarantee that
xibility is not flabbiness and that a tough
nd is in charge. The Russians will make no
ngerous mistakes while he is there, and our
les will be must less apprehensive.
'HERE IS ONE QUESTION which, if we knew
the answer to it, would light up the whole
uation. Why is it that Moscow has opened up
rlin and the German question now rather
an, let us say, two years hence? The Russians
.ow quite well that German opinion is evolv-
g, and that Chancellor Adenauer's refusal to
gotiate on a realistic basis will not be held to
his successor. In two years, Dulles will be
t of office, and until very recently there was
difference between his position and Aden-
er's. In two years, moreover, there will be-if
e Russians believe what Sen. Stuart Syming-
n and others say--a marked shift in the bal-
ce of power.
Why theneare they in such a hurry now?
y own guess is that they regard the position
Eastern Germany and perhaps also in East-
:h~e AEtrhtn'an aton

ern Europe as precarious, and portentially ex-
plosive. They are deeply concerned, as every-
one knows, about West German rearmament
which will have been achieved in about two
years. Why are they so concerned about it when
they themselves have a very much bigger army,
and are also themselves a first class nuclear
power? When I asked some of the people I saw
in Moscow why they worried so much about
West German rearmament when they could
annihilate West Germany with their intermedi-
ate range nissiles, the stock answer was that
they feared an armed Germany backed by
the United States.
But I do not think that this is the whole
explanation of their fear, or rather I do not
think that it spells out the nature of their fear.
My guess is that they "have no illusions about
the discontent of the East Germans, and that
what they fear is that the East Germans, when
they see a strong West German army less than
two hours away, may be sorely tempted to start
an uprising in cahoots with officers of the West
German army. If that happened, the fat would
be in the fire and both the United States and
the USSR would be involved.
SOMETHING of this sort is, I feel sure, the
crux of the German problem today. There is
an ever present and growing danger of revolt in
Eastern Europe which would entail Soviet inter-
vention in the Hungarian manner, and would
unavoidably bring about a great war. The Rus-
sians are undoubtedly worried about this, and
truly responsible men in all the Western capi-
tlas are equally worried about it. Only those
who have more emotion than they have imagi-
nation and foresight take the view that an
East European uprising would be wonderful,
and just what the free world wants.
It is the impending danger in Eastern Europe
which makes it imperative to move toward Ger-
man negotiations. For the best and perhaps
the only way to avert the danger is to move
towards the beginnings of the reunification of
the two Germanys. We should make the Krem-
lin understand that we approach the coming

Daily Staff Writer
NOT WHAT the State's going to
spend, but how it's going to
pay for what it will spend, occu-
pies the center of the current
budget controversy in Lansing.
Almost no one concerned with
the state's tax problem - and at
this stage of the game, that in-
cludes almost everyone-is claim-
ing there ought to be much of an
increase in spending. And few can
see enough ways of cutting the
state budget and still maintaining
an adequate level of state services.
When Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams presented his budget to the
Legislature on Jan. 27, the recep-
tion was comparatively mild. Rep.
Arnell Engstrom, (R-Traverse
City, chairman of the House Ways
and Means Committee, had only
one major fault to find with the
budget. "The only place Gov. Wil-
liams lets out very much is in edu-
cation. The rest, of it is pretty
much in line, he said.
A CAPSULE rundown of the
Total size is $424 million, an in-
crease of about 45 million dollars
over spending for this fiscal year.
Eighty-seven per cent of the
increase or $38,700,000 was sug-
gested for all levels of state edu-
Approximately $20,500,000
would go to aid high schools. The
nine state schools and colleges
would receive a total of $18,000,-
An additional $5,700,000 was
slated for Wayne State so that
it could complete its changeover
as a state institution,
Pay raises for state employees
took an additional $8,600,000. The
pay raise had been ordered by the
State Civil Service Commission in
The governor recommended a
$4,000,000 increase in mental
health spending. This item in-
cluded $1,160,000 for training, re-
search, comunity clinics and "spe-
cial services vital to prevention
and early treatment."
"IF THIS BUDGET appears to
be large," Gov. Williams said, "let
us remember that we are paying
not only tomorrow's bills, but the
bills we have accumulated through
yesterday's neglect."
He also proposed $24,000,000 for
debt reduction - the first of
about five equal annual install-
A long-range, $146,000,000
building program and colleges and
other institutions was also sug-
gested. He urged creation of a
state building authority to handle
it through bond-issue financing.
To pay for both the increase
and the debt reduction Gov. Wil-
liams presented his detailed tax
plan to the Legislature six days
* * *
HE PROPOSED a ' graduated
personal income tax, similar to
that proposed by the Citizen's tax
study committee. Gov. Williams'
plan rejected, however, the citi-
zen's committee plan for exemp-
tion of machinery and equipment
from the personal property tax.
This would have deprived local

His version of the personal in-
come tax would be graduated from
two to six per cent and would pro-
vide $100,000,000 a year.
* * *
STRONG objections to Gov.
Williams' proposals have been
voiced, primarily from Republi-
The Republican party has taken
no official stand on the tax plan
issue, but many Republicans are
firmly against a graduated in-
come tax.
The plan gaining the most Re-
publican backing has been a one-
cent increase in the present three-
cent sales tax. The boost would
provide an estimated $100,000,000
in new revenues.-
It has been supported by a
number of prominent Republican
legislators, including Rep. Eng-
strom; Senate majority leader
Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) and
Speaker of the House Don R.
Pears (R-Manistee.)
UNLIKE the graduated income
tax, however, the sales tax in-
crease must be approved' by the
people. The Legislature will have
to act by about Feb, 18 to get a
constitutional question on the bal-
lot. A resolution to allow vote by
the people on the increase was
submitted Feb. 5 by Rep. James
F. Warner, (R-Ypsilanti), Rep:
George W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor)
has introduced a bill which would
give voters a choice between the
personal income tax and the sales
tax increase.
Gov. Williams and other Demo-

crats don't want a vote
people on the question.
* * *

of the

"LET'S FACE the problem,"
Rep. T. John Lesinski (D-Detroit)
said at one point during last
week's discussions, "the voters
wouldn't approve either kind of
tax if it was on the ballot."
As a compromise, Democrats
have been suggesting that they
would support a citizens vote ol.
a sales tax increase, if Republi-
cans would outline the kind of tax.
program they would favor if the
increase failed to win voter ap-
proval. Republicans favoring a
sales tax have been reluctant to
advance any other plan.
* * *
HOWEVER, a compromise plan
may be emerging. Sen. Lewis G.
Christman (R-Ann Arbor) is
drafting a flat rate income tax
with an exemption of $1,400 for
the taxpayer and $600 for each
dependent. He will suit his rate
to state needs, which he figures
should run about $100,000,000.
Sen. Christman says he believes
his views reflect the thinking of
many legislators who do not favor
a gradauted income tax for the
Although indications are cer-
tainly inconclusive, the Legisla-
ture may in fact be moving to-
ward a flat-rate income tax.
Reaching such a compromise
will not be easy. If such a com-
promise can be reached at all, it
will be only because the financial
crisis has deepened, to a point
where legislators realize they can't
"hold the line" on taxes any

Including Supplementals and Transfers
(In Millions of Dollars) 1959-60

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of a series of three articles dealing
with the composers featured in this
weekend's Chamber Music Festival
Daily Reviewer
seems to be completely over-
shadowed by his contemporaries,
Haydn and Mozart. In his own
time he. was admired somewhat
for his originality and charm but
by the time of his death, the Jour-
nal de Paris, noted only that "a
celebrated cellist" had passed
away. The music critics of the
nineteenth century denounced him
as shallow. In our own time even
though Boccherini is not the vogue,
he has received at least some at-
tention mainly through the efforts
of such groups as the Quintetto
Boccherini and the Societa Corelli.
Boccherini studied violincello
and composition at Rome. He
wrote music and performed con-
ceris in Northern Italy, France,
and Prussia, but spent most of his
adult life in Spain. His stay in
Spain isolated him from the larger
musical world which Haydn and
Mozart were taking by storm.
Boccherini therefore never accom-
paried "the march of improve-
ments." The idioms of his earlier
'works still persist in his late'
works. In these earlier works, how-
ever, Boccherini showed himself
to be an extremely vital figure in
musical development. He was a
pioneer in the composition of
stringed instruments in combina-
tion, and is usually particularly
associated with'the quintet form.
IN THE middle of the eighteenth
century a new style developed
which expressed multiform inven-
tive qualities, The varying forms
of expression became. an integral
part of a new, "free" treatment in
music. Sammartini, Stamitz, and
Pugnani had helped to develop
this style and ; their music had
experimental value for Boccherini
who fulfilled the possibilities of
the new style. Boccherini overcame
the barren framework and insig-
nificant detail which were present
in the works of these composers.
His lyricism and continuous
singing quality obliterated the
hard boundary lines which occur-
red when the thematic periods

J-Hop. . .
To the Editor:
"squeaked through one more
year" according to Ralph Langer's
erroneous editorial "J-Hop Shrinks
Through," of February 11, 1959.
Rather, members of the Central
Committee feel that J-Hop has
conformed to the wishes of the
students and the realities of the
times in switching the dance to
the League from the I-M Building.
Instead of building up a case for
this realistic, smaller-scale J-Hop,
Mr. Langer has attempted to tear
down such a venture while still
pushing the tradition aspect of the
weekend. What amuses me is the
manner in which he attempted to
do so.
I will agree with Mr. Langer in
assuming that most people do not
like overcrowded dances' nor 'do
they like to be the only ones in
attendance, but I disagree with
many of the reasons listed for the
decline of the dance over a period
of years. Mr. Langer asks the ques-
tion, "Why pay seven dollars for
tickets, plus more for formal wear,
floral adornment, transportation,
perhaps dinner, and other neces-
sary items (he fails' to mention
these), to go dancing with five or
six hundred strangers?"
Had Mr. Langer taken the
trouble of inquiring or interviewing
a member ,of the Central Com-
mittee he would have learned : 1.
That no one is required to be at-
tired in formal wear in order to
gain admittance to the J-Hop--in
fact, there were many men who
did not attend in formal attire this
year. 2. That J-Hop rule No. 3
concerning regulations for the Hop
and published annually by the
Central Committee specifically
states "No corsages shall be per-
mitted to be worn at the Hop
except by Hop Committee and/or
their dates." 3. That transporta-
tion costs as a reason for the de-
cline in attendance at J-Hop is
ridiculous inasmuch as transpor-
tation is usually desired for any
type of social 'event whether it be
the "affiliated or intimate dances"
or the "smaller independent
dances" which Mr. Langer dis-
cusses in his editorial, 4. No op
ever stipulated that in order to
attend a 'J-Hop a fellow had' to
incur the expense of taking his
date out to dinner before hand.
'Contrary to Mr. Langer's opin-
ions, the Central Committee felt
that'the League was more suitable
'for its purposes than the I-M
Building and were quite pleased
with the results, having every rea-
son to believe that the results will
be similar next year.
Perhaps rather than have a
freshman prom as Mr. Langer sar-
castically suggests, subscribers to
The Daily would be better served
by snore accurate reporting from
some of its staff members.
-Murray Feiwell, '60
J-Hop General Chairman

Includes $26.2
Transfer to
School Aid Fund

(increase 32.1%)
Includes $ 46.7
Transfer to
School Aid Fund
$ 66.6
(Decrease 13.8%)
$ 69.4
(Increase 6.1 %)



$ 77.3

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$ 65.4




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