THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APR laber Cites Import of Move To Repeal Loyalty Oath 4.. During the second weekend in April, representatives at the US- NSA's regional assembly in De- troit, including five from the Uni- versity, also adopted a resolution condemning the provision. Jo Hardee, '60, executive vice- president of SGC, recognized the action of the council and the re- gional assembly on the oaths. But she described the president's and vice-president's appeals as a "na- tional action." President Appeals Robert R. Kiley, president of USNSA, and Reginald H. Green, vice-president, issued their appeal for amendment or repeal of the provision to several United States Senators. These include Sen. Jo- seph Clark (Pa.), Lister Hill (Ala.) and John Kennedy (Mass.). Senators Kennedy and Clark are co-authors of a resolution to amend the provision. Sen. Hill is chairman of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, the Senate group considering revision proposals for education legislation. Kiley and Green recommended total repeal of the requirement for Federal grant applicants to file disclaimers stating that the ap- plicant "does not believe in, and is not a member of and does not support any organization that be- lieves in or teaches" the overthrow of the government. They also favored either repeal of the loyalty oath requirement or clarification of the oath's wording. Kiley, Green Condemn In condemnation of the require- ment, Kiley and Green, speaking for more than 1,000,000 students in USNSA member schools, said "it is non-operational in the sense that it will not prevent subversive persons from securing assistance." Second, they objected because "perfectly 'loyal students or fac- ulty members" might be prevented from participating under the act. They cited conscientious objection to oaths or "serious apprehensions as to the possible interpretations of the section" as motivating fac- tors The loyalty oath provision was, condemned on a third ground: Name Junior, Senior Editors Of iTechnic' Appointments to senior and junior editorships of the "Michigan Technic," a magazine featuring the graphic arts, were announced recently. Charles R. Hildebrandt, '59E, will head the staff as editor-in-chief. Associate editor will be Barry Peebles, '60E. John Mertus, '61E, will act as managing editor; Ron- ald Tesarik, '60E, as business man- ager and Grace Koepcke, '6Ed., as director of personnel and pub- lic relations. Appointed as junior editors were Kenneth Dec, '61E, production manager; Mary Ellen DuVall, '60E, illustrations editor; Bryan Whip- ple, '61E, copy editor and Darien Pinney, '61E, cover editor, Mervin Roberts, '62E, was named advertising manager; Louis Seniu- nas, '61E, circulation manager; Roger Barnes, '61E, articles editor and Max Legatski, '61E, features editor. BOURBON ST. "To institutions committed to aca- demic freedom, the section is a particularly flagrant example of federal control of education." Fourth, such requirements "tend to set a climate of opinion, to in- hibit discussion, and to cause un- necessary caution in the support of perfectly valid organizations and objectives."' Object to Implications Fifth, they objected to the "in- sulting and unjustified implica- tion" or requiring members of the "academic community" to sub- scribe to disclaimers or loyalty oaths. This is not required of re- cipients of other federal grants, Kiley and Green pointed out. In addition, they stressed that the provision "is likely to prove cumbersome and expensive" to ad- minister. While they "do not object to a clear affirmative statement of loyalty," they "doubt that such a statement would serve any useful purpose'' in screening applicants. Facet of Act The loan provision is one facet of the $400 million National De- fense Education Act, which was passed last September. The University applied for $125,- 000 in loan funds under the act. Approximately $35,000 was appro- priated in February. , On March 4, SGC sent a note to the University Regents and President Harlan Hatcher con- demning both "the letter and the spirit of the loyalty requirements." Give Awards. To Students The College of Pharmacy pre- sented awards to 23 students yes- terday. University scholarships offered by the College of Pharmacy and carrying a stipend of $250 were awarded to: Louis Fras, '61P, Thomas Goldman, '61P, Ronald Jones, '61P, Donna Klink, '62P, Jerry McLaughlin, '61P, Shirley Miekka, '59P, Frank Pignanelli, '40P, Mary Roach, '60P, Harding Ruggles, '62P, Charles Van Aken, ,OP, and Mary Walker, '62P. Miss Miekka also received the Borden Scholarship Award and the Lehn and Fink Prize. The Rho Chi prize was won by McLaughlin and Sharon Stelter, '62P. The Merck Awards were pre- sented to Katharine Lindfors, '59P, and Edward Osborne, '59P. Wil- lard Harrison, '59P, and Jerome Char, '60P, won the Rho Chi Scholarship Awards. Margaret Blatchley, '59P, was given the Central Pharmaceutical Journal Pharmacy Administration Prize; Thomas Lyon, '59P, won the Charles H. Stocking Award and Joanne Yagelo, '59P, was given the Women's Auxiliary of the Michi- gan Branch, American Pharma- ceutical Association Award. Dwight R. Tousignaut, '59P, re- ceived the Bristol Laboratories Award. The Lambda Kappa Sigma Award was won by George Fish- man, '59P, and the Julia E. Eman- uel Scholarship for Girls was pre- sented to Maureen M. Frank, '59P, and Elaine Green, '59P. Choose Wra To Head SBA The student body of the Law School selected Robert Wray, '60L, as president of the Student Bar Association in elections yesterday. Thomas R. Bierle, '60L, and Bill Barnard, '61L, were chosen for the posts of SBA vice-president and secretary-treasurer respectively. In other Law School elections, the class of 1960 selected Kent Whittaker for its president. The new Junior Class elected Harold Barron as president. Our Hero A youthful Ann Arbor resi- dent Jumped off his bike yester- day at the corner of North University and Ingalls Streets with tears in his eyes. A number of University males drove or walked blithely on. Seeing his plight, a University+ coed stopped. The little boy, it seemed, had gotten something in his eye and couldn't see, much less ride his bike. She hailed another woman on the street, who, fortunately, was a registered nurse. The boy and his books were whisked off to the hospital by the nurse. The coed rode a boy's bike for the rest of the day so it wouldn't be stolen. The boy's eye is fine now and he has his bike back .. . And they call 'em the weaker sex. Cook Talks On Macbeth By FAITH WEINSTEIN "I don't want to read Macbeth as a lyric poem. It is a drama, and I want to show the dramatic action in it," Prof. Albert Cook, exchange lecturer from Western Reserve' University said yesterday, Some critics look at Macbeth for its lyric quality and that alone, Prof. Cook pointed out in his lecture "Dramatic Action in Macbeth." After all, a play is something which is put on a stage." In Macbeth, he continued, the action pivots entirely around the central character. "There is no match for Macbeth in this play as Octavius is for Antony, or Iago for Othello," he added. The only comparable character in the play is Lady Macbeth, who is a "reverse image" of her husband. Created Evil Hero Shakespeare -created in Mac- beth, Prof. Cook continued, "a full scale, self-searching hero, who is, at the same time evil." The hero suffers all of the mental anguish of a good man turning bad, some- thing which is extremely hard to portray on the stage, he said. Macbeth and his wife are "people of exceptional spiritual sensitivity," he added, and Macbeth himself changes from a basically good man, hesitant to do evil, to a "kind of surrealistic steeling" of himself at the end. Shakespeare shows Macbeth's anguish through a series of sym- bols, such as blood, the witches, and time, in the abstract. Macbeth fears the witches and the "bloody babe" not so much out of fear itself, as because they are images of his own evil, Prof. Cook said. Supports Idea To support his idea that the lyric speeches have deep dramatic sig- nificance, Prof. Cook analyzed three speeches from this: the as- sassination speech, the invocation to the witches, and the speech on his wife's death, beginning "to- morrow and tomorrow and tomor- row ..." He pointed out that Macbeth's attitude towards life goes through three distinct stages in these speeches. At first, he said, Macbeth feels that all nature is disrupted, and stirred up. In the second speech nature has frozen in space from his point of view, and by the third, nature, and time no longer have any meaning for him. Prof. Cook is associate professor of English and Comparative Liter- ature, at Western Reserve Univer- sity. France's New Artistic Advisor Exhibits Interest in American Theatre Programs By JUDITH DONER The newly appointed artistic advisor to the French Minister of Culture charmed those who met him in his too-short three day visit to the University. "A fort-night ago, I was called to Paris and appointed to assist Andre Malraux," Michael St. Den- nis related. The twinkling, grey-haired Frenchman is in the United States to set up a drama division at the Julliard School in New York City to compare with the School's mu- sic and dance divisions. Cites New Departure "It is a very new departure to have a ministry dealing with cul- ture," St. Dennis remarked. "It should give a new activity to art in France, particularly in the theatre. He pointed out that the minis- try was created both because there is a general movement for cultural exchanges between East and West and because the cultural tradition of France, in itself, Is important to the country. "Theatre is supported in every European country, especially in European Russia," St, Dennis said. "Yet it is not doing well any- where in Europe." Value Maintenance Difficult Modern economic conditions have made it difficult to main- tain cultural values in most places, and France has not been an exception, he continued. "We are perhaps the oldest people as far as modern theatre goes, but the Germans are ahead of us now," St. Dennis acknowl- edged. "They have rebuilt maybe a hundred theatres since the war, every one of which is endowed. "Notice that in your own coun- try there is a lot of private sup- port coming in through founda- tions," he insisted. St. Dennis reported that the French government has made quite extensive plans to improve the French theatre, including the rejuvenation of.the Comedie Fran- caise. A new experimental theatre under the direction of Barrault has also been organized. To Support Centers Five theatre centers in the French provinces will receive gov- ernment support and a complete reorganization, of the opera and the opera comique is underway. Asked his view on contemporary French playwrights, St. Dennis pointed to the writings of Eugene Ionesco as "typical of a state of mind." "Most modern dramatists in France are really concerned with the very nature of man and with the reasons for his existence," he pointed out. "This is difficult to understand if one does not under- stand the state which Europe was in after the war." "To me, Ionesco is much more simple than he seems at first." Bill; Due VU Must Be Paid The University will withhold all academic credits, grades and tran- scripts of grades of students who have failed to pay accounts due to the University by the last day of classes. Student loans which have not been paid or renewed are subject to this regulation, but student loans not yet due are not. All unpaid accounts will be re- ported to the Cashier of the Uni- versity. -Daily-Robert Dennis FRENCH DIRECTOR - Michael St. Dennis, who formerly direct- ed the Old Vic Theatre School, visited the University this past weke. He was recently appointed artistic advisor to the French Minister of Culture. Reporting that there is no drama department of a practical kind in French universities, St. Dennis declared, that he is "very struck by the work that the uni- versities in the United States have done." He maintained that "without the universities, the American public would not see very much of live dramatics." Commenting that the directing and staging in educational theatre is quite professional, he submitted that the level of acting outside New York is not at all profes- sional. "But this ,is natural," he insist- ed ,"since the time and purpose of the educational system does not allow for professional' train- ing," He pointed to the off-Broadway theatre, calling it "very comfort- ing to see that young actors can try their hand so near Broadway." "I would like to see Julliard bridge the dangerous gap between Broadway, and the country at large," St. Dennis mused. St. Dennis directed the Old Vie Theatre School in London during the post-war years until it was disbanded in 1952. American theatre-goers will remember him as director of the "Oedipus" which Lawrence Olivier starred in both abroad and in New York. 4- 1 F Continuous Today and Sunday from 1 o'clock "il DIAL NO 8-6416 MISSION services Saturday Night l-M Building I STARTING TODAY r i Proudly We Present "'A UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE APPROPRIATE T O THE SCREENS OF THE WORLD ... 'Pather Panchali' is a picture of India of a sort we have not yet had-not even in Jean Renoir's 'The River' nor in Robert Flaherty's 'Elephant Boy.' This is a communication of human experience out of the heart and fiber of Bengal.. .It is the creation of. an artist." -Bosley Crowfher, N. Y. Times "A truly great, original picture." QR Archi. Winston, Pat Stunningly beautiful, a major work - of art." -rnt Directed "y Salypajira iesrentod by Edward Harrison Tonight at 7:00 and 9:00 Merimee's "CARMEN" (Bizet musical background) with VIVIANE ROMANCE JEAN MARAIS SHORT: The Count (Chaplin)Y Saturday 7:00 and 9:00 Sunday at 8:00 Schoedsack and Cooper's "KING KONG" with FAY WRAY BRUCE CABOT ,tit w I II